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Chapter 664: Serrated Sword

For Yue Si, a ninja student who likes to read books, those ninjas who were looking for books just glanced at them, and then focused on reading the book.

They didn't know that the task they received was related to Yue Si, and their level did not allow them to know. They were just looking for a specific book, and they didn't care about things that had nothing to do with the task.

And those ninjas are reading books, they need to distinguish the content of the books, and they have no time to pay attention to everyone who enters the library to read books.

Moreover, Sakumo Konoha, Hatake and Sakumo were in front of him, and the act of abandoning the mission for his companions led to public condemnation, and the act of committing suicide in the end kept alerting them all the time. Mission first, and everything else was bullshit.

"Second Hokage's legacy" or something, this group of people will definitely not be able to find it, because you can't find something that doesn't exist at all.

However, Yue Si is ready to add some impetus to the work of the group of ninjas.

After browsing the books in my hand, it was basically the closing time of the library. Those ninjas who had nothing to gain left one after another. In order to prevent others from seeing something, they left in batches.

Yue Si returned the books in his hand to the bookshelf according to the number, then walked over to the librarian and asked, "Teacher, why can't I find the book I often read? Did someone borrow it?"

The ninja in charge of the library asked, "Which book?"

Yue Si often reads books, this ninja understands. After all, a person who completely wraps himself is still relatively conspicuous, but he does not know what books Yue Si reads, because Yue Si only reads books. Look in the library, never take it out, there is no record of Yue Si's borrowing on the registration form.

Then Yue Si carefully described the look of the book he made up, and let the ninja in charge of managing the book listen to them, and they were in a position where the conversation could not be heard by others under Yue Si's deliberately lowered voice. arrived.

It's common sense to keep quiet in the library.

Although during this time period, there was actually no one in the library.

"It doesn't sound like a book, but more like a personal note." The ninja in charge of managing the book carefully took down Yue Si's description and gave his own judgment: "When you say this, I seem to be Impressed."

Human memory is a very unreliable thing. Through language induction and behavioral cues, as well as the inertia of thinking and memory, it is easy for people to have false memories. For example, now, the book that does not exist vaguely Appears in the memory of the ninja who manages books.

After giving the wrong suggestion, Yue Si patted his **** and left. He still needs to practice, and he doesn't have so much time to spend in the library - the books in the library only record some relatively elementary things, Yue Si He felt that he had already finished reading the things he could use, and the knowledge he wanted to go further was beyond the reach of him at the current stage.

so be it!

Back at his home, Yue Si started his practice today.

He took off his coat and untied the bandages on his body. In the mirror, Yue Si was an unrecognizable person. From his face to his feet, he was covered with scars and burns from electric shocks. Although the wounds had healed and scabbed. , but it also made his body surface like tree bark, the kind that can pierce a layer of skin to the touch.

This makes him look very scary, the kind that can be a character in a horror movie.

However, there is a strong vitality in Yue Si's body. Although he is only six or seven years old, his small body is like some kind of terrifying beast.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he converged his consciousness and immersed himself in the spiritual world. Yue Si circulated his inner qi, and Yue Si's heart began to beat violently, which was able to make the blood rush through the blood vessels at a faster speed, making his body turn into a moving body. The boiler in operation has a huge force bound in its body.

The filling of qi and blood made Yue Si's body slightly swell, and the heartbeat of nearly 300 times per minute made Yue Si's blood wash his blood vessels like a flood, making a sound like waves.

At this moment, Yue Si's body and mind are in harmony with the pulse of the world. He can hear the sound of wind, the sound of building materials deforming under temperature changes, the sound of blood flowing, and the sound of the heart. Beating like a drum.

Even if he didn't see or listen, everything that existed in nature was reflected in his consciousness, as if he had evolved organs beyond sound, light, and shape.

Traces of natural energy are drawn into the body with the operation of his infuriating qi, and along with the operation of infuriating qi, they continue to flow along the eight extraordinary meridians, except that the world has measured 361 Chakra acupoints. , Yue Si found or created four more acupoints on his body, reaching three hundred and sixty-five, the number of Zhou Tian.

After all, the five meridians and seven chakras that run by Chakra and the eight extraordinary meridians that run the ultimate infuriating meridian are two sets of systems. Although a considerable part of the acupuncture points measured by the Chakra meridians overlap with the previous ones, the other part has different degrees of change. offset.

And one of the most special acupoints is not on Yue Si's body, but a fixed place outside the junction between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, somewhere in the void, invisible and untouchable, but Yue Si can feel it. its existence.

At this time, Yue Si has a certain degree of awareness of natural energy. There are two ways to control natural energy with a human body. The first one is like Naruto's practice in Miaomu Mountain, let himself Be very still, turning yourself into a stone, a dead thing, not competing with natural energies.

The other is to turn oneself into a part of nature, let natural energy flow in the body, and integrate the small world of the human body with the outer natural world, which is the so-called "unity of man and nature".

Opening his eyes, Yue Si's practice came to an end.

Looking in the mirror again, although the scars on the body are still there, the color has obviously faded and has become a lot more hidden.

The violent but stable heart that was like a running engine also calmed down, and the heart rate dropped rapidly to less than thirty beats per minute, but every heartbeat was strong and powerful.

Yue Si looked at himself in the mirror. Although he was still in the stage of growth and development, the lines of his muscles were already revealed, but he didn't look bulky, especially those eyes, which showed domineering, high fighting spirit, and murderous aura.

And with the dormancy of true qi, those things gradually disappeared from Yue Si's eyes, making him ordinary and devoid of everyone else.

Rehearsing a few boxing techniques at will, Yue Si felt that his whole body was one and the same, his whole body was as transparent as glass, and every inch of his body was dormant with extraordinary power, even if he did not use chakra or infuriating, but only with the strength of his body, Yue Si Has been able to compete with the general Chunin.

As for Shangnin, Yue Si only practiced for a few days.

As for Genin, because there is a ten-thousand-year-old Gentleman Matt Dai, once the eight doors are opened, no one loves him.

However, as long as Yue Si is given time to complete the deduction of the ultimate infuriating energy, let him complete the accumulation of the ultimate infuriating qi, and then move towards [current push], he will not be in vain - the ultimate infuriating qi is, after all, the improvement of the Chakra system. Come, although there are differences in form, but in essence, it can also be counted in Chakra's power system, it is just a springboard.

Just like the goal he set at the beginning, only by mastering his own power system can he truly become a strong person in this world, otherwise he will always succumb to the immortals of the Six Paths, and his two children Indra and Asura. Under the reincarnation of Chakra.

The closer you are to the Six Path Immortals, the stronger you are. In the Ninja world, this is an unbreakable truth.

The next day in class, Moonlight Blaze's expression was a little strange. When the get out of class was over, he hurriedly took out an envelope and handed it to Yue Si: "Please, classmate Guan, this is my gift!"

The stickman cheats that Yue Si drew for him yesterday. After Moonlight Blast went home, he took it and practiced it to confirm that it was true. It was a skill that could be used on the battlefield. skills.

However, neither Moonlight Gale nor his family could tell what kind of ninja gear was used for that skill. It was possible to throw a kunai by throwing a shuriken, but it was not as good as a kunai. No-nonsense technique.

Therefore, Moonlight Blast got a sum of money in exchange for "the second generation of Hokage's legacy" from Yue Si, a fool who carried a treasure without knowing it.

Although he didn't know whether it was polite or not, Yue Si directly opened the envelope, glanced at the cash inside, and took it with great satisfaction: "I'm very satisfied with the money you gave. When do you plan to start the course."

At this time, Yueguang Gale rubbed his hands embarrassedly and said, "Which one, can I bring another person to follow along?"

"Of course you can." Yue Si said indifferently, "As long as you give the money."

After he finished speaking, Moonlight Blast immediately handed out another envelope. Yue Si pinched it and knew that it was about the same thickness as the previous envelope. Holding Qian Yuesi, he looked at Moonlight Blast and asked, "Don't you like it? What a girl, get ready to build a relationship with her by learning from me!"

The average life expectancy of Naruto World is relatively low, especially ninjas, whose average life expectancy is around 20 years old, which leads to children who are very precocious, and understand "love" and "love" at the age of seven or eight. Therefore, seeing the moonlight blast is simply neat Taking out another envelope, Yue Si thought about it.

Moonlight Blast didn't show shyness at this time, but said proudly: "She is called Yuyue Xiyan, and she is the girl I like!"

After putting away the two envelopes, Yue Si patted his chest and said, "I am a person who recognizes money but not people. Give me the money, and I will teach you what I remember."

"Oh, so when will it start?" Yueguang Galefeng asked after coughing twice.

"Tomorrow, you go to prepare a wooden sword, the length is the length of your arm..." Yue Si said some key data about the so-called ninja tool, and brought out Qianshou Tobirama: "Although I don't know the second Hokage-sama. Why is it marked like this, but the data of that kind of ninja tool is indeed the case."

With a wave of his hand, Yue Si asked Moonlight Blast to prepare things first, while he went straight to Konoha's market, bought a set of the simplest woodworking equipment, and returned home. Since he has money, he has to spend it.

Use the ultimate infuriating to quickly air-dry the wooden stake brought back over the weekend. Yue Si processed it with a tool. In addition to the materials reserved for the boomerang, Yue Si processed the wooden stake into a The shape of a short-handled wooden paddle.

What Yue Si called "the ninja tools left by the second generation of Hokage" is actually the exclusive weapon of the Aztec jaguar warriors in Central America, the Marquawit, a special cold weapon, a serrated sword.

The main body is a flat wooden stick like an oar, and grooves are carved on both sides of the wooden stick, and the obsidian blade is fixed in the groove, which becomes a cold weapon with great lethality.

The serrated blade is not very useful against armored targets. Except for the Space Marines of the Blood Ravens Chapter, no one would think of taking it to fight armored units. However, for the flesh and blood, even if it is just a Gently rubbing, even if it is just a chainsaw for cutting floor tiles, can tear off a piece of flesh with saw teeth without applying external force.

That was a **** lesson.

As for the Naruto world, the popularity of armor is very low. Except for a very small number of people, ninjas are crispy skins with high attack and low defense. They can only exchange advantages for agility. You can see this, except that the warriors of the Iron Country all wear armor, the ninjas are only wearing ninja vests whose symbolic meaning is greater than their protective Even if Yue Si is just holding a kunai The broken tip and the blade removed from the scrapped shuriken are inlaid on the "oar" to make a beggar-in-the-beggar version of Maquawit, swung out to chop people, and ordinary ninjas will be hit Not good either.

As for the "swordsmanship" used in conjunction with Marquawit, it has its origins. It is the swordsmanship that Yue Si learned from the Astartes. Power weapons are expensive weapons that cannot be distributed to every Space Marine. , the chainsaw sword has become their choice. In their long fighting career, they have learned and summed up a lot of skills of using the chainsaw sword.

It just so happened that the deity Yuesi had a chainsaw sword that he had converted into his hand, and he learned several sets of combat skills from the Astartes on how to use the chainsaw sword more efficiently, but unfortunately it has not come in handy. However, in Yue Si, it played an unexpected role.

Waving the half-finished Marquawit, Yue Si simplified the complexities and practiced the skills he had mastered one by one, absorbing the moves that the human body could use, and re-editing them into a set of systematic techniques.

"I, grow up quickly, only after mastering the power and getting more resources can I realize my idea - after so many years in the ninja world, the way of fighting is still the same as Kunai and shuriken. , it's time for innovation!"

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