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Chapter 663: I have good health here

In addition to the physical improvement, Yue Si's senses in all aspects have also been enhanced, even to the level of "supernatural power".

For example, [Eagle]'s vision, [Bat]'s hearing, [Spider]'s shock sensing, [Snake]'s thermal energy sensing, etc. These are not the ninja's 'blood successor limit', but the ability of human beings themselves.

With the improvement of vitality, the healing speed of the burns on Yue Si's body will be greatly accelerated. In about two weeks, he will be able to fully recover, which does not require bandages to protect the burned skin.

Although it sounds similar to what he expected of himself at the beginning, the wound was healed before, but this time, the bandage can be removed directly. Except for the difference in the color of the skin, there is no trace of injury at all.

Now Yue Si, on the skin under the bandage, has large scars, and the bandage's cover just prevents them from showing.

It takes two weeks for the wound to heal and the scar to fade away. Even with the physique of a Naruto world, it will take at least six months. The increase in vitality brought about by the cultivation of Ultimate True Qi makes this process a great deal. accelerate.

After cleaning up, Yue Si went to school. On the way, he bought two strings of three-color **** for breakfast with the copper plate he extorted from Uchiha Obito yesterday.

On the way to school, I suddenly saw two trails of smoke and dust, one big and one small wearing green tights with watermelon heads without any scruples, running wildly on the streets of Konoha, while they were running, they were still shouting. With words such as "hot blood", "youth" and "hard work", and shouting and shouting, I was moved to tears, with tears trailing behind me.

For this situation, Yue Si and the villagers in the wood industry are not surprised. That is the father and son of Matt Dai and Mai Tekai. These two father and son have no talent in ninjutsu, so they put all their energy into taijutsu. Training, running around Konoha Village every day is their warm-up. In addition, there are various exercises. If you can't do it, you can change another training to give yourself a "snack", as if you don't push your body to the limit. It is the same as never giving up, and their emotional threshold is very low, and they are very easily moved by themselves.

Therefore, they have become an alternative landscape in Konoha Village.

In the class, Yue Si was also dual-minded, listening to the teacher on the podium, about the secrets of chakra refining and control, to compare and confirm with what he learned in Yunyin Village, while holding a pencil , write and draw on paper.

That was when Yue Si was yesterday. According to his body sense and countless experiments, he measured the deflection force of the earth, atmospheric pressure, etc. Although there are books of related types in the school library, such as the throwing of shuriken and kunai, For the cognition and research of parabola, there is basically no research in aerodynamics, rigid body dynamics and so on.

After all, there is the almighty Chakra, and everything that does not conform to physics can be explained in the past.

As for obviously having a lot of free time, Yue Si decided to summarize and check this kind of thing in class, because this time is the most inspirational.

Just like a writer of online articles on the street, at work, various plots come and go in his brain, from the general plot to the motives, clothes, and speech of the characters.

However, when I got home from get off work and sat in front of the computer and turned on the writer's assistant to type accurately, I didn't want to code a single word.

While Yue Si was writing quickly, Yue Si's writing was a combination of letters, numbers and various symbols, which he couldn't understand at all.

Then Moonlight Blast suddenly respected Yue Si. Although he couldn't understand it, he could understand that Yue Si was not writing random things. Moonlight Blast had due respect for those whose abilities exceeded him.

Tear off a piece of paper, and Yue Si wrote on it, "What, are you interested?"

If you don't pass a small note in class, you don't have a class.

Moonlight Blast took the small note and glanced at it, then picked up a pen and wrote "I'm interested, but I don't understand"

"It's not this, it's something else, it's good health." Yue Si replied.

"What good health - it should not be 'Kang' but 'Look'." Moonlight Gale replied.

"Don't pay attention to those details, it is the new ninja tool left by the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and the Konoha-style swordsmanship matching the new ninja tool."


Seeing Yue Si's reply, Moonlight Blaze's eyes widened. Checking the order, he exclaimed, his face turned pale, and he coughed again and again. Instead, he suppressed the exclamation he was about to blurt out.

There was a sudden coughing sound in the originally quiet classroom, which suddenly broke the tranquility brought about by only the teacher preaching in the classroom. .

It's a well-known fact that Moonlight Blast is not in good health, but this time the cough is more serious.

The turmoil caused by the cough quickly dissipated, and the moonlight blast returned to "What was left by the second-generation Hokage-sama!?"

"Yes, I saw in the school library, the second-generation Hokage-sama left behind, which contains many of the second-generation adults' ideas, although I did not fully remember, especially the part of ninjutsu, now look at it. I didn’t know it and didn’t write it down, but I also carefully wrote down the ninja tools and how to use them.”

"Now, I can teach them to you, and I can teach you all the martial arts and ninja tools left by the second-generation adults."

Yue Si wrote a long paragraph, and there was no space left on a piece of paper. When Moonlight Blast replied, he still tore a page and wrote it.


"It's true, but you know me. I do things, but I need something in return. You give me money, and I'll teach you." Yue Si showed his true intentions at this time, everything was for money.

Moonlight Blast knows about his deskmate named 'Guan Shanyue', just like the speech "My ideal is to become a rich man" in the first class of the school, Yue Si's pursuit of money is Putting it there dignifiedly, exchanging the inheritance of the second-generation Hokage for money or something, if Yue Si has it, he can make it completely.

As for why Yue Si found Moonlight Blast, he had carefully analyzed it.

Moonlight Blaze is not a civilian ninja, and there is a family behind it, but it is not a big family such as Hyuga and Uchiha, nor is it inferior to the Autumn Road, Nara, Yamanaka family such as Konoha pillars, but a lot stronger than civilian ninjas , barely enough for the clan of the family.

There is no such thing as shackles, white eyes, etc., and there are no such secret art heirlooms as shadow imitation, heart-turning, and multiplication.

For example, Konoha-style swordsmanship, Dance of the Three Suns and Moons, as well as the lure that can eliminate breath and enter a state of invisibility.

Even so, Yue Si's family is richer than Yue Si, who was born in an orphanage. If he took out some things to exchange with him and exchanged knowledge for money, there is a high probability that Yue Si would agree - if what Yue Si took out was true It can be passed down as a kind of 'art', even if he doesn't agree, the family will let him agree.

After all, what Yue Si lacks the most at this stage is money. He needs money for food, clothing and housing. Besides food, his biggest expense is the bandages on his body, and Yue Si also wants to get a set of carpenter's tools. Use, it is impossible to rely on suffering alone.

Moreover, Yue Si also wanted to break the current and future structure of Konoha.

Without a family background and without a good teacher, it is impossible to get ahead in Konoha, and the same is true for the entire ninja world.

Just like the position of Hokage, it goes without saying that the first Hokage Senju Hashimae, the second Hokage Tobirama is the younger brother of the first generation, the third Hokage Sarutobi is the apprentice of the Senju Tobirama, and the fourth Hokage Wave Feng Minato is the Sannin One of the apprentices of Jiraiya, and Sanren is the disciple of the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi, not to mention the five generations of Naruto Tsunade, the granddaughter of the first generation of Naruto, and also the apprentice of the third generation of Naruto; the sixth generation of Naruto Hatake Kakashi is the apprentice of the Fourth Hokage Naruto Wind Minato.

Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, the Naruto Naruto, is even more famous. The protagonist who does his part is named after Naruto. Carat, his father is the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato, his master is Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, and his wife is a member of the Konoha family, the Hinata clan.

Even the official doujinshi "Boren Biography" features the Uzumaki Naruto's son, Uzumaki Boren.

Bloodlines, inheritance, and connections are also common in the ninja world, so don't be poisoned by the articles in "Reader" and "Yi Lin".

Yue Si is going to teach some things to Konoha's small family to enhance their power and make them stronger.

After having power, these small families should seek "status". In the later period of Naruto, the rise of Shirin, the combat power soared, the Shangnin became a combat unit, and before Hatake Kakashi became a chakra measurement unit, the Shangnin had A certain decision-making power is to be able to vote in Konoha's major meetings.

Of course, these must be inseparable from the top management of Konoha, including the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden, as well as Hokage advisors Mito Menyan and Koharu, as well as Shimura Danzo, who is in the dark and is in charge of Konoha Anbu and others. cooperation.

Although they are the apprentices of the second Hokage Qianshou Tobirama, the group of people led by the third Hokage have not learned any wisdom of the second Hokage at all. Their political skills are very naive, and they are probably nothing more than "those who obey me prosper and rebel against me." For those who can threaten their existence, they will be suppressed and eliminated.

The victims of the Uchiha clan should speak here.

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama's wisdom is very strong, which is not only reflected in his ninjutsu development, but also in his various measures.

The first is the establishment of the ninja school, which forced the people in the village to send their children to the ninja school. If you want to become a ninja in the village, you must graduate from the ninja school to qualify.

At the same time, this is also the benevolent side of the second Hokage, because from the war era, he understands the value of life and the importance of education for the next generation, so that children can learn in school, be cared for and protected, and will not Was sent to the battlefield early to die as cannon fodder.

The initiative of Senju Tobirama also gave civilian ninjas an opportunity to educate and grow. History and other courses in the curriculum can also ensure that the "will of fire" is instilled and passed on to the next generation, indirectly affecting the values ​​of the next generation.

Also, even for the Uchiha clan with blood feuds, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama did not suppress blindly, but handed over the police force of Konoha Village to them, giving them extremely high power and During the period, "to win a group, suppress a group", cultivate a student Uchiha mirror who implements the "will of fire", and let the "will of fire" pass on in the Uchiha clan.

But after the three generations of Hokage came to power, the ninja school was allowed to graduate early, and there appeared a "genius" like Hatake Kakashi who graduated from the ninja school at the age of five. He also began to suppress, completely forcing the rebellious Uchiha clan to turn against them, and then cut grass and roots, cut off his arm, and let Konoha's strength continue to decline.

In this process, it is an opportunity for those small clans to grow. As a ninja in Yunyin Village, Yue Si will definitely take this opportunity to do things. Of course, at this stage, he can only contact his classmates.

Yue Si is not in a hurry, he is not even ten years old now, and there is time to wait.

"How do you verify that what you're proposing is true and really valuable."

Moonlight Blast is not a guy who has the impulse to consume. As for the goods, he must carefully screen them before making a choice.

Yue Si no longer communicated with Moonlight Blaze through a small note, but took a pencil and began to scribble and draw on a piece of paper, and finally handed a page full of stick figures to Moonlight Blaze.

"This is how to use the ninja tool, you can take it and practice If you think it is suitable, you can bring the money to me, and I can teach it to you in private."

"If you still feel uneasy, I will teach you a lesson for free, and you can see the effect."

In addition to the stickman cheats, Yue Si also gave more attractive bargaining chips, like the free period of online articles, and the VIP exclusive TV series of video sites will give you a five-minute free trial.

After school, Yue Si did not leave the school immediately, but turned to the school library and continued to arm his brain with knowledge.

What surprised him was that in the library where few people came to visit on weekdays, a lot of people came at this time, and they were all adults. According to Yue Si's judgment, they were at least Chunin.

Although these chunin are reading books, they look more like they are looking for something, as if they are looking for a specific book.

"It seems that what I have been promoting is used for cover. The so-called second-generation Hokage's posthumous work has been noticed by high-level officials. These people are here to find it, and I don't know if it is the third-generation Hokage or Danzo."

With a sneer in his heart, Yue Si picked out a book about the customs of the ninja world and read it on his own.

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