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Chapter 658: Glory to Hokage 2

Looking at the children who were having a good time, Yue Si said to Yunai who was silently brushing the pot: "There is actually another advantage to saving money, and you can use what you can find easily. Small stones replace the shuriken, and you won't hurt yourself by making mistakes."

Shuriken and Kunai, after all, are sharp weapons. When you first learned to throw shuriken and Kunai, you would inevitably not hurt yourself. The role of the teacher is here. Recover for a while.

"It's just that, after all, hitting the water float is a water float, and cannot replace the practice of shuriken throwing. Although the small stones thrown by masters are more powerful than the shuriken thrown by ordinary people, we are not strong, the battlefield 40% of the ninjas died not from ninjutsu, but from shuriken..."

Yuna, who was washing pots and dishes with her sleeves rolled up, looked back at Yue Si and said with a smile, "Second Hokage-sama is really a great person."

Yue Si stood up from the ground, patted his butt, and said, "Yuna, watch the fire, don't let it go out, I'm going to prepare something to experiment with the new ninja equipment designed by the second-generation Hokage-sama."

"Okay." Yuna nodded, pointed to the washed dishes and said, "Do you need me to clean up these things?"

Because Yue Si had a bandage on his hand, Yuna took the initiative to take over the task of washing the dishes.

"Well, no need, if we are lucky, we can find another meal of ingredients." Yue Si waved his hand and said.

Grabbing a handful of stones from the ground, Yue Si turned his head and walked into the forest, and began to randomly throw the stones in his hands in different directions, watching the arcs it made in the air, watching it finally landed or smashed to something.

"Has he found us?" On a tree branch not far away, a ninja leaned on the trunk and stood firmly, looking at Yue Si's slightly strange behavior, not far from him There are two other ninjas on the tree.

They all wore the green vests of the Konoha Ninja, and the forehead guards tied to their foreheads were also the logo of the Konoha Ninja.

As the woods close to the village, how could there be no ninjas to patrol to prevent the enemy from attacking the village with the cover of the forest. Every day, a group of ninja squads patrol the forest and arrange and check the set traps.

The Second Ninja World War has just passed, and people's thinking has not yet come out of the influence of the war. The outside of Konoha Village can be described as layers of fortification.

How could no one notice the fact that a group of children left the village and went into the woods, especially when they were making fire for cooking, and the smoke from the cooking could be seen from far away. The patrolling ninjas must be watching them, preventing them from playing big games. , and set the forest on fire.

Moreover, if these ninjas hadn't secretly shot, those children would have touched the traps in the forest long ago.

It's just that when the children are feasting, these ninjas can only eat food pills to satisfy their hunger.

"No, he didn't discover us. Even the ninjas are not his. It's impossible for him to discover us. He is practicing shuriken." As the captain, Joinin made his own judgment: "And what he told other children. In the same way, he also practiced shuriken by hitting the water, but his technique of throwing shuriken was very bad, which was not proportional to his knowledge, and he didn't even dare to show his true skills in front of the group of children. You can only practice secretly by yourself.”

"In the mission report, write down their affairs?" a Chunin asked.

After returning from the mission to the village, they all need to write a mission report. Except for him, this three-person team is all Jōnin, and he is responsible for the clerical work as a matter of course.

As the captain, Joinin said: "Write it down, and also, write down the book about the second Hokage-sama mentioned by this child, and the treasure left by the second-generation Hokage should let it be Make a real difference - although in the end it won't be us."


It's just a group of ordinary orphans, how can they get too much attention, and their whereabouts can appear in the mission report, it is already considered that these ninjas have done their due diligence, and the bigger reason is that it involves the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama's posthumous work .

Although the third Naruto Sarutobi Hidden can freely use the five chakra attributes and is proficient in all of Konoha's ninjutsu, it is still not enough to see in front of the second Naruto, although the first Naruto Senju is known as the **** of ninjas , But it is unmatched in the development of ninjutsu, and many forbidden techniques were developed by the second generation of Hokage.

The Book of Seals, which Konoha used to record and seal forbidden techniques, most of the content was contributed by the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, such as the technique of multiple shadows, the technique of reincarnation, and the technique of flying thunder gods. "The Book of Seals" is almost a collection of thousands of Tobirama's personal works.

Therefore, Yue Si took all the things that he mastered and made him look different from other children to the second Hokage Qianshou Tobirama, in the case that no one used the reincarnation of the dirt to reincarnate the second Hokage for verification. Next, we can only believe what Yue Si said.

Because, if this kind of thing is the second generation Hokage, it can be done completely. This is the impression he has left on everyone.

All glory goes to the second Hokage.

On the other hand, Yue Si noticed that the ninjas who were spying on him in the dark, as the ninja Yun Ninja sent Konoha to go undercover, except that his appearance was different from those "black mixed blood" in Yunyin Village, he was a black man. People with yellow skin also have enough ability.

Even if he hides his strength and suffers from injuries, it is not difficult to find those ninjas who didn't deliberately hide. Those ninjas patrolling Konoha were too careless, thinking that they would face a group of poor orphans who were not ninja school students. It's time to relax.

But it is precisely because of this that Yue Si did not show his "immature" side, but spoke and did things in the tone of an "adult", which made him look like a normal child. In "Detective Conan", the young man died... No, the members of the young detective team complained about Edogawa Conan.

Because Edogawa Conan was actually a high school student who shrank after taking medicine. Essentially, he was a teenager. When talking to adults, he deliberately used what he thought was a primary school student's tone.

However, Conan's behavior has attracted unanimous complaints from the juvenile detective team, thinking that Conan's way of speaking is very disgusting.

Therefore, pretending to be naive will make people very conspicuous, pretending to be very mature, but using the tone of imitating adults to say things that adults think are very naive, but more like a child.

As for Yue Si throwing stones at random, it was not a practice of shuriken as the Junin guessed, but to measure the air density and resistance of the world, as well as physical quantities such as moment, angular momentum, and moment of inertia.

When he conducted the [Current Push] experiment before, he almost overturned because of the 130 trillion human cells in this world, so this time he had to be more careful.

"Character Card: Bullseye Edelman Alloy Enhanced Edition (from: Marvel Comics

"Description: Assassin, marksman, mercenary, former colleague of Deadpool."

"Explanation 2: Possessing physical strength and agility, stamina, speed, and reflexes that surpass ordinary people, you are born with the ability to throw any ordinary object as a lethal weapon with unmistakable accuracy and lethality. Proficient in various The use of a variety of weapons, including a variety of cold, heat, throwing weapons, and advanced alien technology."

"Remarks: Bullseye has been reinforced with Edman alloys for the skull, spine, thoracic vertebrae, and hand bones. It is basically indestructible. There is no fear of being pierced by Polnareff's sword or broken by Baine."

"Remark 2: Bullseye does not have the self-healing ability of Wolverine Logan, and his body modification has an impact on him. In addition, he is a mentally sensitive person and is very prone to mental diseases, including but not limited to mental classification. , self-cognition disorder, delusional disorder, secondary disease, etc.”

"Note 3: If your surname is Uchiha, it's fine, just because of this mental illness, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has not escaped."

Relying on the acuity brought by "Character Card: Bullseye", Yue Si measured the physical quantities of the world by throwing stones constantly, and constantly revised his cognition of the world. After all, in the nature of this world, there are With the natural energy, the keen intuition brought by the bullseye is comparable to the precise detection instrument.

Selecting a tree, Yue Si took out Kunai, chopped and stabbed a few times, cut one of its branches, cut off part of the bark close to the trunk, and then destroyed its structure as much as possible. After a large enough gap, finally took the stone and broke the branch.

Using the same method to remove the miscellaneous branches on the trunk that was thicker than his thighs, he picked the thicker part and took it with him. Yue Si carried the trunk on his back and returned to the bank of the small river where a group of children had a picnic.

"Brother Yue, wet wood cannot be used as firewood." Yunai reminded him thinking that Yue Si had lost his firewood.

Yue Si put the branch on his shoulder to the side and said, "This is not some firewood, it is the material I found, used to make something, it was mentioned in the book by the second generation Hokage, and the one he envisioned. A new ninja tool."

After pulling the second-generation Hokage as a target, Yue Si added a handful of dead leaves to the most basic fire, and added some twigs and wood. After the fire became slightly larger, he roasted those twigs on the fire until After a certain amount of time, Yues took them down and bent them to a certain extent, making them "V" and "banana".

His practice has existed since ancient times, that is, "Zao" in "Tao thinks a wheel", roasts wood or bamboo with fire, softens them and bends them according to human will, and uses them to make furniture and other objects; of course, Yue Si has a better method, which is to use high temperature cooking, but the current conditions are limited.

The kunai, which came in handy before, played a role again. It turned into a utility knife in Yue Si's hand, and began to cut the wooden branches, peeled off the skin, and carved it into a certain shape, and then a non-standard boomerang appeared. in his hands.

Yue Si knew something about boomerangs. In his previous life, he learned to fold with cardboard while watching a video. At that time, he didn't have the money to buy special cardboard, so he used answer sheets to fold it.

After weighing the handmade wooden boomerang, Yue Si threw it out using the throwing technique provided by Bullseye. The handmade wooden boomerang swirled and drew a strange arc in the air, landing somewhere unknown.

This is definitely not the result that Yue Si wants to see. According to the characteristics of the boomerang, it will follow the principles of aerodynamics and rigid body dynamics and fly back to his hand without several targets.

But the boomerang just thrown by him, after flying for a certain distance, the flight trajectory of the boomerang is completely irregular, it starts to do Brownian motion, and finally falls to the ground.

"The material is wet wood, it is not dried in the shade, and the weight is unbalanced due to moisture. The cutting tool is just a kunai, it is not as easy to use as a utility knife, and the details are relatively rough." Yue Si concluded himself. The reason for the failure, and then went to pick up the boomerang that he worked so hard to make.

After learning from the experience and lessons, Yue Si used kunai to process a branch, cut it into rough outlines, and found a relatively flat large stone for grinding.

This time, the boomerang was much better than before, but still less than satisfactory.

Although Yuna, who had been watching, didn't understand what Yue Si was doing, she could see something at this time: "Brother Yue, are you making a new ninja tool? After this ninja tool flew out, it didn't look like Kunai. Straight as a shuriken, but..."

It's not long since the ninja school Even the math class is very simple, and I haven't had time to go deep. Although Yuna studied hard, but without the teacher's guidance, she didn't Know how to describe "arc".

Yue Si said: "It's an arc. The flight path of this ninja tool is an arc, which is different from the straight line of Kuai and Shuriken. It is an arc. In this case, facing Shuriken and Kuai When faced with this kind of ninja gear, an untrained ninja will definitely try to avoid the shuriken and kunai, and then be hit by this kind of arc-flying ninja gear."

Hearing this, Yuna's eyes lit up, she also wanted to participate in the polishing of this new ninja tool, but she didn't know anything, so she didn't dare to rashly attack, and coupled with her personality problems, she didn't dare to take it lightly Ask Yue Si for advice.

However, when processing the fourth boomerang, the tip of the kunai in Yue Si's hand was directly broken, and the iron tool was interrupted in the process of competing with the wood.

"Forget it, let's go here today." Yue Si put away the broken Kuwu, threw the unfinished boomerang directly to the ground, and gave the three boomerangs to Yuna: "Take it and play. "

The Konoha ninjas who were patrolling have left, and he doesn't have to pretend.

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