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Chapter 657: Secret information about Madara Uchiha

"That, Brother Yue, can I call some more people?" Yuna thought of something and explained to Yue Si embarrassedly, "Actually, there are many people just like us."

The Second Ninja World War had a very serious impact on Konoha. Although on paper, Konoha was a victorious country and won reparations and ceded land, but as a high-end fighting force, the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama War Death, years of fighting have claimed too many ninja lives, causing a surge in the number of orphans in Konoha Village, and severely disrupting production.

After these war orphans get the qualifications to study at the ninja school, they can inherit the inheritance of their parents. However, in the end, how much will actually be in their hands? Naruto Uzumaki is the son of the fourth generation of Hokage. Look at what kind of life he has lived since he was a child, even ordering a bowl of Yile Ramen is a good life.

Not to mention Sasuke Uchiha, the four generations of Naruto Naruto Feng Minato are just civilian ninjas, with no power or power in the family, leaving little legacy for Naruto Uchiha, and after Uchiha Itachi exterminates his family, he only leaves behind his "stupid Oudou" Bean" is a living mouth, and it stands to reason that as the legal heir, Sasuke Uchiha should inherit the Uchiha family patriarch and all the family heritage.

However, Uchiha Sasuke is not someone who is 'financially free'. When it comes to the official second creation fan "Boren Biography", after marriage, Sakura needs to work alone to earn money to pay off the mortgage, and there is no trace of the legacy of the big Uchiha family that day. shadow.

Even without considering the conspiracy theory, Konoha Village still has a high "inheritance tax", and those estates will be levied a large amount of "management fees" before they go to those orphans.

And in this world, the least valuable thing is money. Money is the most useless thing. Only by exchanging it into goods and currency can it generate value and have value only when it circulates.

Although Konoha obtained a lot of indemnity and land through the Second Ninja World War, there are only so many materials that can be purchased, and the inflow of a large amount of funds will only cause one result, that is, soaring prices.

And it takes time to turn land into wealth.

The result of the Second Ninja World War was not good. The countries that won did not gain substantial benefits, and the countries that lost lost a lot. New contradictions and crises were brewing, and hatred and the motive for launching the war were also hidden. It grows, and when the right time comes, a new ninja war will break out predictably, at least not now.

Not long after the war ended, the prices of Konoha and even the entire ninja world remained high, but Konoha’s alimony for the orphans was fixed and not tied to the price, which could have allowed the orphans to The slightly richer alimony has become stretched, and life is basically tight. Now that there are more expenses for ninja tools, I can only save a little in terms of food.

Yuna is a kind person. After seeing other orphans who had the same experience as him, he thought of them again.

"Of course you can." Yue Si said: "The second Hokage book said that Konoha was not built by anyone, but the strength of all of us gathered together to become Konoha. The strength of the two of us is not enough. Yes, there are more people involved and we can get more than the two of us on our own."

"That's it, it's great." Yuna smiled happily, being able to help others and gain a sense of recognition from it was a very happy thing for her.

He ate the ramen in a hurry, and then drank the noodle soup in one breath while holding the bowl. Yue Si took out a portion of the ramen money from his wallet and put it on the counter, then got up and left: "Tomorrow at eight in the morning. It's right at the place where we met when we were in school, you eat slowly, chew slowly, it's better for your stomach, and tell the people you're bringing with you to bring your own bowls and chopsticks, and to bring something out."

After speaking, Yue Si waved his hand and left, wandering aimlessly, and wandering back to his home.

When he was eating at the ramen stall, he felt the prying eyes, a prying eyes that came from nowhere, which made Yue Si feel a palpitations, forcing him to show a hypocritical side, showing rudeness bona fide.

Fortunately, the gaze didn't stay on him for a long time and left. Yue Si left while walking on the street, and Yue Si was relieved when he returned home.

"It seems that I must play my current role." Taking off his coat and lying on the bed, Yue Si, who was still bandaged all over his body, put his hands behind his head and began to figure out what to do next.

In the world of Naruto, there is an omnipotent chakra, and many incredible things can be pushed to chakra and ninjutsu. Before your own strength increases to a certain level, you must be careful as an orphan of Konoha Village, a future Ninja life.

Early the next morning, Yue Si found a rope, put on his own iron pot, packed a pair of tableware and kitchen knives, and left his home with them on his back, to the place where he often met Yuna when he was in school.

Yuna waited there early. Like Yue Si, she was carrying iron pots and kitchen utensils. Beside her, there were several children waiting there. Judging from their shabby clothes, they were also orphans. They didn't come empty-handed. In addition to the tableware and chopsticks that Yue Si mentioned, they also held various things, which should be ingredients and the like.

"Listen to Yuna, you can take us to find some food." A child asked Yue Si.

The words seemed rude, but when they came out of her mouth and matched with her tone, there was a feeling of trust in Yue Si, thinking that Yue Si would definitely be able to do what he promised.

"It depends on luck. If we are lucky, we can reserve some ingredients. If we are unlucky, we can only solve the two meals at noon and in the evening." Yue Si did not brag, but said modestly: "I also I just saw some knowledge of survival in the wild in the books left by the second-generation Hokage-sama. That is the experience summed up when the second-generation Hokage-sama has not yet become a Hokage. It is necessary knowledge in long-term battles. Under such circumstances, how to obtain food by relying on resources in the wild.”

When ninjas go out to perform tasks, they will carry a certain amount of ration pills as supplies. This kind of thing tastes very bad, but it can replace the daily food to fill the stomach and restore physical strength to a certain extent.

However, in the face of those long-term tasks, especially when the front line is very long, and when fighting on the road, the ninja's supplies are definitely lacking, and they can only feed on the enemy and plunder civilians.

That's how Nagato's parents died, and the Konoha ninja went to his house to loot food, causing his parents to resist, and then Nagato became an orphan.

If you master the method of obtaining food from the wild, it will undoubtedly improve the probability of survival. However, this kind of course is not taught in ninja schools, and even there is no such awareness at all, and even most ninjas do not have such awareness.

A group of children went to the woods outside Muye Village, identified the direction, found the location of the creek, cleared an open space, found stones to build a stove, and found dead wood and branches as firewood.

Yue Si taught the children to distinguish between wild vegetables and weeds, as well as medicinal herbs, and taught them to distinguish which mushrooms were edible. He also instructed that when collecting mushrooms, only the ones they knew were picked, and the rest were not allowed to be touched.

This knowledge of distinguishing plants is really what Yue Si sees from the books in the library of the ninja school, and it is only the medical ninja.

In the early days, people's application of chakra and ninjutsu was not as diverse as today's, and it was still in a very superficial stage. In terms of medicine, many of them were carried out through medicinal herbs, and the identification and collection of medicinal herbs were also organized into books. .

Poison or something is also in the scope of ninja skills. Poisonous mushrooms are also a source of toxins.

In order to understand the vegetation of the ninja world, Yue Si read a lot of related books, these are additional gains.

These should be things that should be taught in the common sense class, but with Yue Si's understanding of the ninja school curriculum during this period, he trained the students with their original weapons, only teaching them how to fight, but not how to teach them how to fight. To survive, and very few students choose to become a medical ninja, and take the initiative to study related courses.

As Yue Si said, more people are more powerful, plus this is equivalent to playing and being responsible for their own stomachs, this group of children really collected a lot of things.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the location of the country of fire is suitable for the climate, and the precipitation and sunshine are at a suitable level.

However, Yue Si conducted a second screening of the things they collected, selected the weeds mixed in the herbs, the herbs mixed in the wild vegetables, etc., and taught them a second time, teaching them how to identify two similar appearances. plant.

"And this, this is a poisonous mushroom. If you put it in the pot, all of us will go to the hospital!" Yue Si said to the children very seriously with a poisonous mushroom.

"Can I make something to eat? I only ate half of the meal last night, and I was empty stomach in the morning." A child said with a hungry stomach growling and clutching his stomach.

Yue Si asked the children to take out the things they brought, which were rice, salted plums, dried radishes, etc. Cooking and other things took time to learn, someone needed to teach them, and certain materials were needed for them. waste.

But the orphanage will not let them touch the dangerous kitchen, nor let them waste precious ingredients. Cooking rice with salted plums is already something they can come up with.

Compared with rice, the price of vegetables and meat is relatively expensive, and you can eat it.

The rice was collected, and a pot of rice was cooked. After the mushrooms and wild vegetables were processed by Yue Si, the seasoning was added, and the messy things brought by the children were added to make a messy stew.

A certain Yue Si had a "Character Card: Tang Niu", and he shared his cooking experience. This pot of simmering that Yue Si made looked like a foolish dark dish, and it looked bad when it came out of the pot. , unexpectedly delicious, let those children eat non-stop.

After the meal, a child suggested to find some mushrooms and wild vegetables.

However, Yue Si retorted: "This time we are looking for food and spread out with our foothold as the center. The things within this range have been sorted out by us. If you look for it again, it may be someone else. It took a lot of effort to find the place, but the reward is definitely not as big as the beginning."

"After we're full, let's take this time to practice ninjutsu."

In order to get water easily and prevent the occurrence of forest fires, the place where they were located was close to the stream. Yue Si picked up a relatively flat stone from the ground and threw it out by throwing a shuriken to draw water. drift.

"Let's hit the water!"

The children of Naruto World are generally precocious, and the contrast between Yue Si's maturity in the field of survival and the sudden "floating water" makes some people have a black line on their heads.

The former is very useful to them at this stage, and as for the latter, water drifting is completely children's play-although no matter how they look at it now, they are in line with the judgment of children.

"Don't underestimate this water float, the acquaintance of the **** of ninja, the first Hokage Senju Hashimama, and Madara Uchiha started from the water float, and the official cooperation between the two of them led to the creation of Konoha Village. Birth." Yue Si began to endorse his proposal: "A person who throws a good shuriken must also be a good player, but Madara Uchiha couldn't play very well at first~www.wuxiamtl. com~ It was Senju Hashima-sama who taught him hand-in-hand."

The names of Qianshou Zhuma and Uchiha Madara are very loud in Konoha Village and in the entire ninja world. In the famous scenic spot in the Land of Fire, 'The Valley of the End', there are statues of the two of them, and the ninja The school curriculum also has a history class, and they know it for granted.

"Really?" a child said in a surprised tone.

Yue Si replied in a positive tone: "Of course it is true. It was written in the book of the second generation Hokage. At that time, Madara Uchiha's shuriken skills were very poor. Yes, but Senju-sama-sama's skill in throwing shuriken is not as good as second-generation Hokage-sama. When they are hitting more water than anyone else, second-generation Hokage-sama can float the stone all the way to the other side of the river. ."

After he finished speaking, Yue Si gave a narrow smile and then said: "And the second generation Hokage-sama wrote that Uchiha Madara was a very sensitive guy at that time, the kind who couldn't urinate when someone stood behind him, Uchiha Madara is not good at throwing stones, and it's the matter of Senju Hasuma-sama standing next to him."

Speaking of Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, Yue Si's words were much more convincing. Those children stood up one by two, picked the right stones, and started practicing "Shuriken".

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