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Chapter 636: Magical Inspiration

If the sound waves and flames bring the symbiote physical fear, then the existence of Yue Si is its psychological fear. Under the influence of this fear, the symbiote will never betray.

That is the painful memory engraved into the gene, like an instinctive existence, it is unavoidable.

Seeing this, Nick Fury did not persuade Yue Si any more. He is a paranoid scientist like Yue Si who has seen so many black gravy eggs. These people have a common characteristic, that is, confidence in their own works. Completely, even to the level of blind self-confidence, denying the possibility that his experiment will fail, whoever mentions this to him and who is anxious, and then fails of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not know how many such incidents have come forward to deal with Yes, it can be said to be familiar with the road.

However, those who are mainly in the field of science have little access to things. They rely on the parts they bought from the garbage heaps, and the chemical raw materials they don't know where. Even if the experiment fails, the damage that can be caused is very small. , the situation is easy to control.

But like Iron Man Tony Stark and Ultron, scientists with stronger abilities and more resources can mobilize, once their experiments fail, the damage and impact will be huge.

In "Iron Man 1", Obadiah Stan relies on the iron suit that Tony Stark knocked out in the cave with a hammer and a hammer, and the improved Ark reactor, which was improved into his Iron Overlord armor.

In Iron Man 3, a formula that Tony Stark hand-written to botanist Maya Hansen led to the emergence of the Extremis virus.

Although Yue Si does not have the support of external resources, it can be seen from the biomass computer that he is still a dangerous person.

After Nick Fury left, Yue Si came to the magic side again and expressed his desire to learn magic knowledge. Yue Si showed due curiosity about the unknown existence of magic.

Of course, what is said in words is that if you want to study the complete tachyon cross-universe exploration needle, only by combining magic and technology can you understand the complete design, and even learn from the existing feasible ideas to reconstruct the tachyon A project to explore needles across the universe.

At the beginning, Yue Si planned to be rejected, but unexpectedly, the Supreme Mage version of Tony Stark agreed with Yue Si's suggestion, and he immediately agreed to the idea of ​​learning magic.

"How can you tell that we didn't design the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle from scratch? A new design that has been separated from the design diagram given by Nick Fury and adhered to the same concept?"

Supreme Mage Tony Stark pointedly said: "I have also dealt with Nick Fury in my world, although I know that the one that appears in front of us is not the one I know, but with him. Get along, and everything should be left behind.”

Then Tony Stark took out a helmet with magical runes on it. It was obviously a magic tool, but it was made by the method of technological creation. It seems that it should be the equipment made by the Supreme Mage himself.

"This is one of my new inventions. It is a prop for the new apprentices. It can help them understand what magic is and let them have their own magic power in the fastest way. This work was originally a master of the ancient one. Responsible, the first level of entry for newcomers is very important, and they must be escorted. Generally, the supreme mage or other senior mage is in charge. Later, the ancient master handed over the responsibility of the supreme mage to me, and this work is also I did it."

The Supreme Mage Tony Stark held the helmet in one hand and chanted the spell with the other hand, so that the helmet began to deform, becoming the style of the peaked hat of a Western magician, and then said to Yue Si: "The ancient one is the magician I am in magic. The mentor on the road, he is the most powerful mage in the world, his profound knowledge makes me admire and is the person I most respect."

"But some of his ideas can't keep up with the times, such as leading newcomers to entry. It is now the 21st century, and it is an era of pursuing efficiency. The traditional teaching method of master and apprentice is outdated, so I use I used some of my ingenuity to make some props to improve teaching efficiency, and this magic helmet is one of them."

While debugging the helmet, the Supreme Mage Tony Stark told Yue Si about his philosophy: "When I was studying, I saw some oriental books in the library of Kama Taj, one of them was called Confucius 's educators have put forward the concept of 'individualized teaching', and I am greatly inspired by this magic helmet, which can choose the most suitable learning path for each person according to his characteristics."

"The Sorting Hat?" Yue Si suddenly said as he watched the original metal helmet show the softness of the fabric under the constant manipulation of Supreme Mage Tony Stark, and listened to his explanation.

Because it really has the visual sense of the Sorting Hat in "Harry Potter".

The Sorting Hat is an important prop used in the sorting ceremony of the freshmen of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry every year. It is a magic prop with its own thoughts and wisdom. Identify the talents that students have, so that students can be assigned to the colleges that are suitable for them.

"The Sorting Hat, what is that?" Supreme Mage Tony Stark put the magic helmet on Yue Si's head: "Adjust your breathing, concentrate on something, pay attention to your emotional ups and downs, this is your step The first step into the magic gate."

After Yue Si adjusted his posture, the Supreme Mage Tony Stark began to chant the spell and officially activated the magic helmet.

At this time, Yue Si found that the Supreme Mage Tony Stark did not lie to him. The function of this magic helmet was really as he said. Constrained by reality, you can really get in touch with the true face of the universe, understand the path of magic better, and walk farther and more smoothly.

In the process, Yue Si's consciousness was sheltered by a force, so that he would not be noticed by the dangerous existences hidden behind the dimension, and like a string tied to a kite, so that he would not be in the universe. Losing yourself in your true colors can find your way back to the "reality" you are in.

This is the first lesson of Kama Taj. Why Kama Taj can become the existence of the magic side of the earth? In addition to the power of the ancient master, it has a complete and comprehensive teaching method, which can be used in batches. To train qualified mages.

Just like the first lesson of this introductory lesson, it is an "opportunity" that countless free-range mages can only hope for.

But these are not what Yue Si needs. This kind of opportunity is useless to him at all, and abandoning it is like a piece of sand. However, it reminded him of something that he could do. .

Yue Si's consciousness seems to be moving forward in chaos, and those dimensional worlds seem to be full of starlight, exuding their own light, but that is not what Yue Si needs. He relies on feeling to retrieve the starlight in the sky. , find the one you need.

And those dimensional worlds touched by his consciousness reacted differently to him as an uninvited visitor, or angered, or hated, or eroded Yue Si's consciousness, or spread thoughts to Yue Si. To meet the contract requirements.

Finally, he locked in the world he needed, saw the surging energy surging in it, heard the chorus of countless people, and carefully distinguished that the chorus was not a beautiful song, it was a painful mourning, a curse, a Falling into a desperate and powerless curse, a humble begging for mercy, a laughter after a breakdown of reason... an emotional catharsis.

Yue Si immersed his consciousness into the starlight and sank into that world.

It was a scene that could not be described in words. Everything in it exuded a disturbing atmosphere. Everything was vague and abstract, switching between reality and illusion. Countless powerful energies flowed in it. These pure energies are mixed with consciousness, and are manipulated by some powerful consciousness through this connection.

And in this, only one thing is real, that is a creation that combines magic and technology and knowledge of a unique power system. It is constantly running, maintaining this world and the rest of the dimensional world. contact, and at the same time, the work of conversion is constantly being carried out.

Trade abstract things such as emotions, health, memory, soul, etc. to those dimensional worlds, and then obtain energy from those dimensional worlds and store them in this space - the masters behind those dimensional worlds will not be kind to trade the energy over , each energy is mixed with their consciousness, so that those who contact and use these energies are gradually distorted by their consciousness and become their believers.

"Find the right place!" Seeing this, Yue Si finally breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that his attempt was finally correct.

The place he came to is the inside of the pyramid—the world where the body is located, the pyramid that uses human beings as resources to trade with dimensional demons and dimensional worlds in exchange for magic power, and the pocket universe created by storing magic power inside.

Because of the extremely high concentration of magic power, magic powers with the characteristics of different dimensional worlds converge in a pocket universe, conflict with each other, and shape the rules of this pocket universe according to different characteristics, forming such a strange scene.

"Undecided, quantum mechanics; unexplainable, parallel time and space!" Yue Si said to himself: "When the plot gets stuck, magic, a power that no one can explain, can come in handy. - like now."

Although there are countless parallel universes in this world, it can only be regarded as the earth with countless parallel worlds. The other dimensional worlds are multi-dimensional and unique, such as Dormammu's dark dimension and Cytorak's crimson universe. and many more.

And the method that Yue Si takes is to use the multiple and unique characteristics of those dimensions to enter the world where the body is located.

These magic powers stored in the pocket universe cannot be directly used by psionicists, because it is a very dangerous thing, and the devils are very likely to use magic power to spy on the hearts of psionicists and master the secrets hidden in their hearts, And the damage that a runaway psyker can cause is unimaginable, such as a chain reaction that breaks a certain balance...

Therefore, when a psionicist extracts the magic power in the pocket universe, he needs to pass a layer of filtering device to crush the consciousness in the magic power. If he rushes into the real dimension through this procedure, he will be wiped out to nothing. left.

However, this equipment was originally designed by Yue Si, and he knew every detail of this equipment and even the entire pyramid, which gave Yue Si room to operate.

A psyker stands at the top of a tall building, and the equipment worn on his face allows him to better see what is happening on the ground and notice everything that is happening.

He is responsible for channeling that surging emotion towards the huge pyramid, making it a bargaining chip for magic power with the Dimensional Demon God.

Suddenly, his body froze, a dazzling light shot out from his eyes, and a consciousness suddenly occupied his body. The energy contained in that consciousness was extremely huge, and it was he who lost the restraint of consciousness and vented out. Light from both eyes.

But Yue Si's "self-taking" and "possession" did not go well. After all, what he came to this world was just a consciousness rather than a complete soul. The soul of a psionicist is powerful and well-trained. The qualified ones were all used as firewood for the Star Torch. Coupled with the advantage of the home game, they were at a stalemate with Yue Si.

This abnormality aroused the alertness of the rest of the psionicists. The remaining group of Astral Army soldiers approached quickly. Those soldiers equipped with power armor were patrolling the city in flying chariots. After receiving the abnormality of the psionicists, they turned to Flying here, after approaching, the anti-gravity device of the power armor was activated, and the battle formation was unfolded.

The equipped "Reality Anchor" specially designed to restrain psionicists and magicians is turned The laser gun in his hand is aimed at the abnormal psionicist, and the heavy bombs of the flying chariot can pour firepower at any time. Others have flamethrowers ready.

If the situation is not right and the psionicist cannot be recovered, they will kill the psionicist as soon as possible and burn his body completely to prevent something bad from happening.

"You don't need to deal with the matter here." A Yue Si suddenly appeared beside the psionicist and raised his hand to stop the actions of the Astral Army soldiers: "I will take over with full authority."

The Astral Army soldiers lowered their muzzles, gave Yue Si a military salute, then turned and left to continue their patrol mission.

This Yue Si stretched out his hand to empty a bit in front of the psionicist who was in the state of "Battle between Heaven and Man", controlled his situation, and then asked, "Why did you go so far to find this world?"

With the help of this Yue Si, the psionicist controlled by the consciousness said: "Nick Fury's tachyon cross-cosmos exploration needle plan, do we understand?"

"Certainly, we know more about the application of tachyons than Nick Fury."

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