Villains Template

Chapter 635: Creation's betrayal

"So, Mr. Norman Osborn, how do you feel when you know that the other person is a bad person? Are you surprised, are you surprised?" Yue Si said with a smile, looking at Norman Osborn, who was wearing casual clothes. : "As a friend and accomplice of Norman Osborn, what kind of person I am, you can judge it, so how will you choose?"

"You know my true face, the evil true face that hides and hides under the positive characters of superheroes. What are you going to do with me, do you report my existence to others as a superhero?"

Norman Osborn came with a bottle of wine when he approached Yues - just as Yues had judged before, the building used as an accommodation was really built according to the standard of a villa.

As an Iron Man, money is definitely not lacking, the standard of living is very high, and the bar is full of good wine. Nick Fury even took out a part of his own collection to entertain the "Iron Man". Man Osborn brought one of these bottles.

After hearing what Yue Si said, Norman Osborn was silent for a while, with a serious expression, as if he was thinking about how to deal with what Yue Si said, then he showed a smile of 'as expected' and poured a glass of wine for Yue Si, Then pushed it to him from the table: "Hello, bad guy."

"Hello, bad guy." Yue Si picked up the glass and gestured to Norman Osborn, but he just held the glass in his hand and didn't drink: "My understanding of Norman Osborn is indeed correct, He's not going to be a good person if he uses an identity other than Norman Osborn."

The two bad guys clink and cooperate without saying anything, cooperation based on the premise of some kind of interest.

Surrounded by so many superheroes, in a time when superheroes have the upper hand, not so good they need to disguise themselves as superheroes and reap the benefits of what's going on - the value of tachyon probes across the universe , Everyone realized that, like Yue Si, the Norman Osborn in front of him also wanted to master the complete tachyon cross-cosmos exploration needle.

Norman Osborn tasted the glass of wine and said: "What do you think of the tachyon probe across the universe, I have to admit that my thinking really can't keep up with the rest of the Iron Man, their My knowledge and ideas are far beyond mine, and I can only barely understand their ideas. In the early years, I could have worked hard, but for a long time, my energy was used to run the company, Distracted by intrigue, I don’t have much time for scientific research, and my thinking has regressed a lot.”

"Oh, are you regretting that you lost your original heart in science?" Yue Si said in the tone of an old friend: "The Norman Osborn I know made a lot of achievements in the scientific community in the early years. famous, and then founded the Osborne Group, and poured his own efforts into developing it, and after meeting me, he stepped into the field of superheroes and became a superhero steel patriot. In daily small talk, That's how he sighs all the time - do you too?"

"No, I'll never regret my choices," Norman Osborn said calmly and grimly: "If I hadn't made those choices and walked down the path I'm today, then my Osborne There is nothing left in the group, and nothing is left after being divided and swallowed up."

Then, neither Norman Osborn nor Yue Si talked about their respective matters, but discussed the technical issues of the tachyon probe across the universe, just like two scientists who are obsessed with scientific research. , as if the two people who exchanged sin and evil before were not them.

Norman Osborn briefly described the technology he mastered about the tachyon probe across the universe to Yue Si, so that Yue Si had a preliminary understanding of the project he was about to take over.

And Yue Si compared what Norman Osborn told him to what he had seen before, and found that Norman Osborn's understanding of that thing was not superficial, and he had a certain in-depth understanding. But it is far worse than the other "Iron Mans". They are African-American, Latino, female, and transgender, and they are born with an aura of invincibility.

After finishing the meeting with Norman Osborn, Yue Si met Nick Fury, and the black gravy asked the notorious Iron Man and Tony Stark's version of the Supreme Mage about the progress of the project. After getting the results, his eyebrows stretched. , and then found Yue Si with a blueprint of a tachyon cross-cosmos exploration needle.

The level of technology in this world is very high, even if it is just a tablet, it can store the design of the entire tachyon cross-cosmos exploration needle, but only the technology part, the magic knowledge involved cannot be stored through electronic equipment. —Or the magician who helped Nick Fury complete the device, he wasn't high enough to store magical knowledge electronically.

And this design drawing is used in a miniaturized single-person equipment, not the design of the large equipment next door, but the principles of the two are similar. Nick Fury handed this drawing to Yue Si, meaning to let Yue Si do it. Clear the principle, fortunately to help in large-scale experiments.

"This incomplete drawing gives me a headache. I can't understand the complete state of its running time." Yue Si looked at the design drawing on the tablet, frowned and said to Nick Fury: "Just Just like when I was studying medicine, I took a human organ alone for me to study, and put that organ in the framework of the human body to study and research, which are completely different concepts.”

"The power of magic is inaccessible to ordinary people." Nick Fury looked at Yue Si and said, "You are not the first person to make such a request, but Dr. Strange said that the power of magic It's not a gift, it's a curse, people without qualifications should not touch magic easily, it will lead to misfortune."

"Then, you or another Nick Fury is from another world, and you should have a sample of the tachyon cross-cosmos exploration needle that can be successfully applied... Can you take it out for research." Yue Si further asked: " Having ready-made samples for disassembly and analysis is much more convenient and quicker than simply relying on a drawing for research.”

Nick Fury said: "It's not that no one has made the same suggestion as you, but the tachyon cross-cosmos exploration needle is carried by another me, and there are many places where it can come in handy..."

"Can S.H.I.E.L.D. help to get some materials?" Seeing that his proposal was rejected, Yue Si said: "I have some equipment that needs to be made, and I need some cherished materials to build, and I can't get it with my own strength. of."

"What material?" Nick Fury asked. In front of a superhero from another world like Yue Si, he had to show the power of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Zhenjin." Yue Si said, "I have learned about this material on the Internet during this period of time, and its physical properties have inspired me to design a piece of equipment—I can use the design of this piece of equipment. Or other technology in exchange. Although I want to use money, Black Company did not come to this world with me, and can only use the technology in my head.”

For Yue Si's request, Nick Fury did not comment, but said: "How much do you need."

Gu Yan

Vibranium is a special product of Wakanda. Although the mine reserves are huge, the Wakanda people have always strictly controlled the outflow of vibranium, which has caused its international price to remain high, and only a small part of it is circulated to the outside world every year.

For this precious metal, S.H.I.E.L.D. of course has reserves, but the amount is not large. If Yue Si lion opens his mouth and puts forward an excessive number, he will of course refuse it.

The reason why he agreed to it was that Yue Si had shown his value in the previous period of time. Nick Fury didn't see the design of the equipment, so he couldn't judge what it was, but Yue Si did not know what it was. In his hands, he has something very valuable to him.

That is, the technology of the implantable armor prepared for the former lizard warrior Peter Parker can give an ordinary person the power of Spider-Man. This is the value of Yue Si, which means that "Spider-Man" can be mass produced. ".

But Nick Fury will not show interest in this technology now, but let Yue Si take the initiative to trade this technology, thereby ignoring the true value of "Spider-Man Enhancement Technology".

Yue Si said a number that was not excessive, and then explained: "I need vibrating gold, I just want to use its physical properties to create an auxiliary equipment, and its value is only a small part of this device."

"I will propose a deal to Wakanda through the relationship between superheroes and hope they will agree, but it will take time, you need to wait for a while." Nick Fury looked like he was thinking, not directly I agreed, but said ambiguous words, without saying 100%: "Wakanda agrees to this transaction, it is still unknown, I can't guarantee that you will really be able to get Zhenjin. ."

Because of the common resistance against Thanos, some superheroes have a good relationship with Wakanda. Through their face, plus some exchange of interests, it is not a problem to obtain a batch of vibranium, but Nick Fury exaggerated it. The difficulty of the game lays the foundation for the subsequent increase.

"I want to ask, what is that?" Nick Fury said after saying something, pointing to a strange thing in Yues's room.

It is a deformed creation, like a jagged rock, the black gelatinous substance is its main body, a certain metal structure is its skeleton, and there are countless electronic components mixed in it. in constant operation.

"Oh, that's my multi-function auxiliary equipment. When I'm fighting, it's my steel suit. When I'm not in a hurry, it's a supercomputer." Yue Si said: "Some of the research I conducted , the calculation part is done by it, and after coming to this world, the intelligence collection of this world is also collected and screened by it.”

After he finished speaking, Yue Si took the tablet that Nick Fury gave him and asked the black marinated egg: "If this tablet is damaged, will it have any effect? ​​There is no hidden data stored in it."

Nick Fury said: "No."

"Nothing is good, no good." Yue Si repeated twice, got up and walked to the biomass computer formed by the symbiote, and shoved the tablet computer into it.

Then Nick Fury saw the black glue that was in contact with the tablet come to life, wrapping the tablet entirely. On the display screen that was not completely covered, a large amount of data and drawings flashed quickly, obviously is reading data from the tablet.

After the reading is completed, the tablet computer is disassembled into parts by a black line and filled into the biomass computer to enhance its data processing capability.

"Evolution, evolution." Nick Fury frowned when he saw the performance of the symbiote computer: "It's alive, right? Not only physically alive, but also has self-awareness, a person with The artificial intelligence of the body."

"Yes." Yue Si looked at the symbiote computer and said, "This is my most successful invention! Biomass computer, cyber-transformation of living organisms so that they can coexist and coexist with electronic technology, can rely on It can be enhanced by absorbing external electronic and mechanical equipment, and it can also assemble external parts to make something.”

"My world has reached the point of extinction. The reason is that superheroes want to better protect this Protect our human race, protect our civilization, human beings are too weak."

Seeing this situation, Nick Fury solemnly warned Yue Si: "However, the creature they created to protect our world betrayed them and chose to destroy human beings instead, and that creature is an artificial intelligence. ."

"Ultron, right?" Yue Si looked at Nick Fury and said, "I know it. When understanding the world, the Ultron crisis is the most important. From the birth of Iron Man, Aspen The arrival of the prince of the Garter, the formation of the Avengers, the invasion of the Chitauris, I know all about it."

"Don't you worry that your creatures will betray you?" Nick Fury no longer secretive, pointed out: "You have given your biomass computer the ability to evolve, given it thinking, you are not afraid Will it have self-awareness one day and betray you?"

"Of course not, I have confidence in myself, it will not betray me." Yue Si patted the symbiote computer and said confidently.

But the symbiote computer sensed a threat. In the process of evolving the symbiote from the beginning to the current state, what kind of experiments did Yue Si carry out on it? It remembers every detail. It is absolutely Don't want to repeat the experience a second time.

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