Villains Template

Chapter 586: Wallfacer Yue Si, I am your wallbreaker

"We need someone to become Yue Si!"

Wallbreaker A thought of something, and said to the rest of the people: "A person must be completely transformed into Yue Si!"

The other three put down their work and looked at Wallbreaker A, only to see Wallbreaker A continue to say: "Although we know what Yue Si has done and said, there are many missing parts, we can only Seeing part of his true intentions, that would lead us in the wrong place, away from his true strategic plan."

"However, what we need to deal with is not Yue Si's plan, but himself, just like before we just needed to kill Yue Si."

"We don't need to know what Yue Si does, we just need to understand what Yue Si is thinking - my plan is to simulate everything about Yue Si, growth, education, family, restore his character, simulate his way of thinking , Although I can't say 100%, I can infer Yue Si's intention to do something, and then review his entire plan."

The other three Wallbreakers briefly discussed and agreed with Wallbreaker A's proposal.

"We need to collect everything about Yue Si, all the conversations, all the actions, all the habits and actions that even he himself has not noticed, from the first traces he left in this world, including the first traces he left in this world. A composition, to a graduation thesis, or even a record of browsing indescribable websites, including which videos you have watched, and which type of heterosexual you like, or even homosexuality, etc., whether it is useful or not, collect them all and submit them Sophon completes the thinking model, and then implants it into someone's brain through the thinking transmission device, so that his thinking becomes Yue Si!"

Wallbreaker B asked, "Is the most critical part of this plan, the thought transmission technology, feasible now?"

Wallbreaker C tapped on the computer and said: "The technology is quite mature. Under the suggestion of Yue Si, Wallfacer Bill Hines and his Nobel Prize winner Yamasugi Keiko have been working together. Carrying out research on related projects, under the premise of achieving technology sharing, Yue Si provides support for a large number of equipment, including a supercomputer that counts 7.3 billion times per second. Their research has achieved quite good results - Yue Si is in progress A related experiment - writing knowledge directly into human memory."

"What a lunatic!" said Wallbreaker D.

Wallbreaker C said: "No, Yue Si is not a lunatic, he is a very scary person. If his plan is successful, it will turn humans into another race and change the pattern of education - just like he is in planetary defense. It was said at the Wallfacer Project Conference held by the Council that human beings are inferior to the Lord in the inheritance of knowledge, so they can only find another way to catch up with this method."

"Unable to raise the upper limit of technology, raise the lower limit of human civilization itself as much as possible...?" Wallbreaker B murmured.

Wallbreaker A said: "Yue Si is a lunatic, but the only one who can defeat the lunatic is another lunatic. Our plan is also crazy. It is against ethics and morality to give one person to another. Yes, but only in this way can we defeat Yue Si."

The plan of the four wallbreakers was approved by Tomoko. Soon, all the information about Yue Si that could be collected was compiled and handed over to Tomoko for processing—in fact, the work of collecting and summarizing was also done by Tomoko To complete the work of the four Wallfacers, it is only to review the information collected by Sophon.

Everything about Yue Si was collected by Sophon without any privacy, and the same happened to the other three Wallfacers, who were truly invisible.

"Heh, let's take a look." Wallbreaker C greeted others with a photocopy of the test paper. With the passage of time and poor storage, a considerable part of the test paper was contaminated, and many handwritings became blurred. , but you can still see the answers to several questions.

"This is a subjective question, giving a solution to the food problem... Do you know how Yue Si wrote it?"

When the other three Wallbreakers heard his words, they looked at Wallbreaker C in unison.

Wallbreaker C looked at the poorly written answer on the test paper, and after adding literary embellishments, he said: "Yue Si wrote that he killed all the American emperors and occupied the land that originally belonged to the aborigines. , all used to grow food, in this way, the food problem will be completely solved - increasing income and reducing expenditure, eliminating nearly 300 million people with the highest share of food in the world, and opening up food sources..."

"Oh, the children of that time period basically wrote about improving the varieties of food crops, but he showed a radical nature at a young age."

As soon as the photocopied test paper was put out, Wallbreaker C asked the other three: "Is there any one of you about Yue Si's fetish, I really want to know."

Wallbreaker B said expressionlessly: "Female, tall but not slender, with plump body, bulging forward and backward, with lines, the kind that is best to exercise is just right, with vest lines, short black hair, with facial features There is a certain sense of mixed blood, and the facial features are exquisite."

The reference version of the specific image has Tifa with short hair and the same style as the heroine Matilda in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold".

Soon, the mental model of Yue Si will be handled by Tomoko. It can be said that the current ETO understands himself better than Yue Si, and some things that have become habitual, Yue Si will subconsciously ignore, but, in ETO's Among the matters needing attention.

After completing the first step, the rest is to find a carrier that carries Yue Si's thinking, a living person.

No one except Tomoko knows how many ETOs there are. Those who meet the requirements are quickly known. The person who received the information from Tomoko was very excited. He immediately set off and went to a designated place. At the same time, with the help of The three-body technology delivered by Sophon, the thought transmission device that can be officially put into use, was also quickly produced and shipped there.

Looking at the candidate's information, Wallbreaker BCD is very satisfied. The other party's height, weight, age, and education are very similar to Yue Si's, but Wallbreaker A rejected the candidate's qualifications and said to Tomoko: " Lord, what I need is a person who is the same as Yue Si, with the same language and race, so that I can better integrate with Yue Si's thinking... This guy is from HK, although he claims to have the same language and the same race, but the education and values ​​he received since he was a child are different. Cultivation is fundamentally different from Yue Si."

"Although they claim to belong to the same culture, for various reasons that cannot be clearly written, their thoughts are similar but opposite."

Wallbreaker A's proposal was accepted by Tomoko, and another candidate came here from a long distance. After clarifying the danger of this operation, he still sat on the mind transmission device without any hesitation, and the automatic device He put a helmet on his head with a hose attached.

The transmission of personality memory is a very large amount of work. Four Wallbreakers are waiting beside them. Suddenly, Wallbreaker C rubbed his chin and suddenly said: "You still remember Yue Si's first speech as a Wallfacer. ?"

"Assuming that a civilization has enough ability to compile quantum information and project it into a person's brain, can it be regarded as reshaping this person from the personality level?" The information can be said to be thoroughly familiar, of course, I remember that Wallbreaker D immediately recited Yue Si's words.

Knowing something, the four suddenly looked in horror at the person who was constantly receiving data from Yue Si's mental model.

Wallbreaker C said: "Several, I seem to have thought of a very terrifying fact... How about you?"

The other three wallbreakers nodded in unison. Obviously, they also analyzed one thing.

A few months later, in a dimly lit room, a man with an Asian face suddenly dropped the pen in his hand and watched him write and draw on the white wall. He laughed excitedly, coughing with laughter, as if Like coughing out your lungs.

"Yue Si, as expected of you! Hahaha, as expected of me!"

"I really found your idea from my thinking, hahaha, I finally found it!"

Hearing his laughter, someone rushed into the room immediately.

On the wall, there are various words and graffiti of unknown meaning, as well as equations that don't make sense at all, but the Asian face, with red eyes, pointed to his graffiti and said to the person who came: "I found the truth of Yue Si. I'm so terrifying, I'm just a lunatic - no, a lunatic at all!"

This crazy Asian is the one who accepted Yue Si's thinking model. The conflict of personality turned him into a lunatic, but he was a very useful lunatic. Through his reasoning and analysis of the existing information, ETO "predicted" Many actions of Yue Si have been carried out, but they have not been triggered, just waiting for the right time to give a fatal blow.

And now, is that opportunity.

Yue Si completed the experiment of the memory transmission device. The object of the experiment is the space force that has received human reinforcement. The space elevator built by the "Jianmu Project" has been officially put into use a few years ago, and batches of space forces have already The combination of entering space for life experience and strengthening people and power armor space suits really complements each other. The space assembly part of the "Cyclops Project" is also completed by them.

In terms of the experimental results, it was very successful. The body and the brain were strengthened together, which greatly improved the endurance of the space force. The active brain cells also quickly digested the knowledge uploaded to the brain. It only needs to be practiced and combined with the actual situation. Get up and turn that knowledge into experience.

After finishing the project, Yue Si did not continue to work, but chose to go to a seaside resort to enjoy a fifteen-day vacation.

"I thought you would do another job." Old Xu still had that dull expression, looking at Yue Si, who was dressed in flip-flops, beach pants, and a floral shirt.

Over the years, he has been in charge of Yue Si's security work. Except for the first few times when Yue Si entered space, he did not follow him, and he almost never left within a certain range of Yue Si. Regarding the performance of Yue Si's workaholic, he was Look in the eyes.

Yue Si took a sip of coconut juice, lay down on the beach chair and said comfortably: "People need entertainment and vacations, combining work and rest, one piece at a time, the way of civil and martial arts - I have worked for human beings for so many years, but I can't let me Enjoy and enjoy."

Lao Xu didn't speak, but listened intently to the voice from the communicator. Seeing his appearance, Yue Si immediately sat up and asked, "Did something happen?"

Lao Xu said: "The officer in charge of the outer security said that there was a person who wanted to see you. She said that she was your wall breaker."

Yue Si raised his eyebrows and said, "When did I have a wall breaker, ETO's public website clearly stated that there is only one way to break my wall, and that is to kill me!"

When speaking, Yue Si gestured with his right index finger on his neck.

Lao Xu went on to say: "The man told the peripheral security personnel that because the ETO's many assassinations against you all ended in failure, they changed their strategy and formed a team of wallbreakers to study your wallface plan."

Yue Si shrugged: "I made it clear from the very beginning, I don't have any plans to face the wall, and what I want to do is announced clearly and clearly, but they think I'm doing it in private. What a small move."

"But who knows if that was part of my plan... It's possible they would think so."

Yue Si said that he didn't care about this, and then said to Lao Xu: "Arrange a meeting room or something for me, this is the first time I have enjoyed the treatment other than the ETO assassination operation, so I must be more formal, don't wait for us. guest."

"I'll go back to my room first, and I'll wear something more formal on formal occasions, at least not in the beachy casual style now."

Yue Si put on a suit and led Old Xu into a small meeting room, which was temporarily used as a conference room.

When he saw his own Yue Si was surprised, because she was a very beautiful woman, and her appearance and appearance matched the image of the lover in his dreams that he gave to perfect his personality.

Yue Si also smelled a faint fragrance, which was the smell of the perfume sprayed on the other party's body—that was also the smell that Yue Si liked in the fake information given by him.

However, the surrounding security personnel are staring at each other, and if the other party has any rash actions, they will be controlled for the first time - they can really do it, and two of them are strengthening people, regardless of physical fitness or The reaction power is far more than that of ordinary people.

Yue Si sat across the table opposite the person who came: "I was surprised when I heard that I have a Wallfacer and the other party came directly to the door. I don't know if you are brave or..."

"The word bravery, I also give it to you, Wallfacer Yue Si, I am your wallbreaker." The other party spoke, his voice soft and waxy, far from her image - what Yue Si thought it would be Queen's voice.

"As far as we know, when the other three Wallfacers learned about the existence of our Wallbreaker, they were haunted by nightmares all day long. They knew my arrival and had the courage to face them. An appraisal of courage."

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