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Chapter 585: Towards a 3-body galaxy

In space, in the original orbit of the earth, a huge man-made celestial body stayed here.

Its main body is a huge pot-shaped concentrator. If you zoom in and look at it, you will find that the concave surface of this pot-shaped condenser is composed of countless small pot-shaped condensers, which are neatly arranged and densely packed, like a Only huge compound eyes.

This is also the origin of the name of this artificial celestial body "Cyclops System". At the same time, it is also a huge "eye" created by human civilization so far, a terrible one-eyed that can emit light of destruction.

Before the Cyclops system, there was an unmanned aerial vehicle parked, which is also the largest aircraft ever built by humans.

The hull is a long fusiform structure, which is sealed as a whole without a single gap. There are two pairs of swept-back wing sails at the tail, which are symmetrically distributed on both sides of the tail of the hull. The sail adopts a rigid sail structure with hollow bony support bones , the size of the sail when it is opened is larger than the size of the hull itself.

Its mission is to cross a voyage of 4.5 light-years to reach the Trisolaran galaxy and be captured by the gravitational force of the stars, just like a speck of dust entering the nasal cavity, making the stars of the Trisolaran galaxy sneeze, and the ejected solar material will be completely The star that destroyed the Trisolaran.

In the space station in low-Earth orbit, Jiang Xingchen and his wife Lin Yun stood side by side. The magnetic boots allowed them to stand on the ground of the space station. Through the porthole, they looked at the direction of the Cyclops system, although from this distance, They can't see the Cyclops system at all. Although it is huge, it exceeds the combination of all human-made objects launched into space before, but it is far from the position of the earth a day ago.

At this point, Yue Si lied to the public. The average linear velocity of the earth is 29.8 kilometers per second. The position of the earth one day ago is nearly 2.57 million kilometers away from the position of the earth now. (Evaluation, radians are not considered), you must know that the length of the equator is only 40,760 kilometers, which is far enough. If it is the orbital position 21 days ago, the distance is beyond the current human beings. There are too many uncontrollable variables in the range that can be reached by the technical level of the company. The reason why Yue Si said that is just to appease people's hearts.

Even now that aliens are about to invade, the most powerful weapon that most people can imagine is nothing but mushroom eggs.

Whether it is the shock wave generated by the heat instantly released when the mushroom egg explodes, or the subsequent continuous radiation hazards, people are afraid. Therefore, Yue Si must exaggerate its value to make people feel at ease.

Thirteen years have passed since the Wallfacer project was launched, and the Wallfacer's image in people's hearts has become more and more unpredictable. Some people even worship those four people and regard them as saviors.

However, contrary to the facts, Yue Si, who is most valued by the Planetary Defense Council and most hostile to the Trisolarans and the ETO, is less important in the eyes of the public because everything he does is more important than the other three. It's too common, until now it's a big move.

"My daughter hasn't seen us for a long time." Jiang Xingchen said to Lin Yun: "She really wants to know what kind of work we do, and like classmates, I want to go to the place where my parents work to see, when I write an essay. , She rarely writes about us in her writing, and most of the time she writes about her grandfather, a serious and kind old man."

Jiang Xingchen could see his wife's nervousness. The firing button of the truly terrifying weapon that humans now possess is now there. Among the nearly 100 people in the entire space station, only his wife has the authority to press that button to start the human race against three. The first shot of the body's counterattack was a heavy responsibility. Although the person who made the decision was not on the space station, Lin Yun was just an executor.

But even so, Lin Yun was still under a lot of pressure.

"It's time to go back and have a look." Lin Yun heard the words and said to his husband, Jiang Xingchen, who was also a comrade-in-arms: "I don't want her to be like me and have to be separated from my mother because of the war."

The topic opened, and Lin Yun and Jiang Xingchen started chatting slowly, but the two had nothing to do with the topic. Question: "Ding Yi once said to me that the soul bound by gravity cannot feel the universe, and I take this sentence very seriously. While on the ground, although we have carried out the conception of future space operations, but the real After understanding the universe, even our solar system, I feel that the original vision is narrow, and the future battlefield will be measured in light years as the distance unit, and the ratio with the speed of light as the speed unit."

"Just the distance between the earth and the moon can be stuffed into other planets in the solar system. Humans are too small."

The conversation between the husband and wife continued aimlessly until the communicator's voice sounded from the personal communicator they were wearing: "The final vote has come out."

Lin Yun immediately set off and walked towards the control center cabin. Here, in addition to the correspondent, several people were waiting.

Lin Yun's communicator was switched to single-line communication by the communicator, and Yue Si was on the other end. There was not so much nonsense. Yue Si just said four numbers, which were the launch password.

Before launching the controller, Lin Yun verified her identity, turned it on, entered the digital password, and officially entered the ignition process. After taking a few deep breaths, she pressed the launch button, and then said to Yue Si on the communication channel: " has entered the launch process."

The space station sends the launch command in the form of electromagnetic waves. The Cyclops system that receives the signal starts to enter the ignition process. It does not mean that it can be started by pressing the button. It is such a huge creation, the launch command is only to enter the ignition process, and the next work will be completed automatically according to the predetermined program.

In the Cyclops system, behind each pot-shaped concentrator is a nuclear reaction device. Its core is removed from the mushroom egg. In fact, it is still a mushroom egg, but the rest of the devices will explode the mushroom egg. The released energy is concentrated and released in one direction.

Each nuclear reaction device entered the ignition process. When the countdown was five seconds, the back of the Cyclops system opened multiple jets, and a large amount of plasma was jetted out, giving the entire system a reaction force.

The five-second countdown is over, and each nuclear device is activated. Within a few microseconds, the nuclear fuel is burnt out, a large amount of energy is released, and it is bound into a bundle by the pot-shaped concentrator, towards the center of the Cyclops' "line of sight" They converged and finally gathered into a beam, which shone on the sails at the tail of the aircraft.

Relying on the plasma propulsion device on the back, the Cyclops system remained stable, and there was no imbalance caused by the energy beam, which caused damage to this crucial launch.

The energy generated by countless nuclear reactors instantly turned the black sails of the aircraft into red, and driven by the energy beam, it flew towards the destination. In a few microseconds, it was accelerated to 2% of the speed of light. Ten, and then reached 30% of the speed of light—this is also the highest speed that the aircraft can achieve. During the next journey, it will continue to move forward under the action of inertia without a strong source of propulsion, and it will continue to move forward because of the inertia. Influences such as interstellar dust and stellar gravity will slow down slowly, and according to calculations, it will be captured by a star in the Trisolaran galaxy in about two hundred years.

At the same time, Yue Si, who was broadcasting globally on Earth, glanced at his watch and announced it.

"Humans are extraordinarily gifted when it comes to destroying something."

After the live broadcast, in the force field created by the Sophon shielding device, Yue Si said to Manuel Red Diaz: "Thank you and Frederick Taylor for your help, if it weren't for your permission, this The plan is to get so many mushroom eggs together, and this time, the stock of mushroom eggs on the earth will be removed a lot."

It is precisely because of the support of the other two Wallfacers that Yue Si was able to gather the mushroom eggs needed to launch the aircraft. It can be said that this matter was facilitated by the three Wallfacers.

While speaking, Yue Si took a tablet from Lao Xu's hand and clicked on a simulated video.

"You're crazy." After watching the video, Manuel Rey Diaz instantly understood Yue Si's intentions, but, as a Wallfacer, he didn't say what Yue Si asked him to watch.

Afterwards, the space station captured the data from the launch of the vehicle, and the scientists looked at the series of readings with joy on their faces: "It's better than the value we estimated and calculated, and the launch was successful!"

Another scientist can be said to be dancing: "Especially the speed of the aircraft, the peak has reached 30% of the speed of light, that is 30% of the speed of light!"

You must know that the maximum speed of the Trisolaran spacecraft is only ten percent of the speed of light, and it cannot maintain this state for a long time, which leads to a distance of 4.5 light-years, and they take four hundred years to carry out.

Although the launch of the aircraft uses tricky means, the aircraft itself is unmanned and does not require facilities such as life support systems, which reduces a lot of self-weight, and does not need to consider whether the body of the crew can withstand it, etc. The combination of factors has led to the current results, but this is at least the first step from scratch, and human beings have really touched the edge of the speed of light.

In a huge and empty room, there is a huge net.

This net is woven from four threads, each thread is divided into fixed nodes with different colors, each node is hung with a thin thread or a piece of paper or a photo, and it is made of four threads. Annotated in different languages, and where the four lines are intertwined, the hanging thing is a whole piece of plastic-sealed A4 paper and several photos. This net continues to extend toward the other end of the room. Although there are many nodes, it is It's empty, nothing hangs underneath.

In the beginning, the four lines did not have any intertwining places at all, they were almost completely parallel four lines, and the place where these four lines intersected for the first time, the A4 paper hanging below marked the event it represented— In the third year of the Age of Crisis, the Planetary Defense Council launched the Wallface Project.

From this, we can come up with the names of these four lines, namely Frederick Taylor, Manuel Rey Diaz, Bill Hines, and Yuesi, which is the studio of the Wallbreaker .

Here, four people are doing their work separately. Some of them are browsing data, some are watching data, some are watching videos, and these data, data and videos are all around a Human - Yue Si!

After countless assassination operations, ETO finally realized that the simple assassination operation was ineffective for Yue Si. In desperation, he could only turn to break the wall of Yue Si's wall-face plan. Compared with the other three wall-facers One-on-one, Yue Si directly formed a team.

Because Sophon's monitoring of Yue Si is lacking, many times, it is impossible to observe Yue Si, and many things cannot be obtained directly, but can only be obtained from other sources.

So, at the suggestion of a senior member, such an intelligence network was laid out. The lives of the four Wallfacers are these four lines. Their lives are marked one by one according to time, and hanging below The pieces of paper and photos are what they experienced at that node, but it is just a directory index, and the relevant information is stored in a larger database. As time goes by, the relevant information will be filled near the end. on the node.

And the lines meet when the Wallfacers interact with each other, for example, when the Wallfacer project is announced.

Although Yue Si cannot be directly observed by Sophon in many cases, images, photos, audio recordings and other means can directly record Yue Si, so they spent a lot of money to gather information about Yue Si. Most of the information that can be found is arranged here, with the other Wallfacer's actions and his interactions backtracking to fill in the missing pieces.

And in the process, try to simulate Yue Si's thinking as much as possible, and figure out what Yue Si is thinking.

"His life is missing a lot!" Wallbreaker A put down the information in his hand, walked to the line representing Yue Si, and groped for the two blank sections above—that was after Sophon came to Earth and locked human technology. , During the period between the time when the Eden organized the nuclear power plant, during this period, Yue Si's information was missing, as if he did not exist during this time. At the same time, during this period, Yue Si was listed as a must by the Trisolarans. people.

Then, between the time the incident was resolved and the implementation of the Wall-Facing plan, Yue Si disappeared for a while.

Looking for the source, Wallbreaker A browsed Yue Si's university, teenagers, and children, and had a general understanding of Yue Si's growing environment and family education, and a light flashed in his eyes: "You can try this method! "

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