Villains Template

Chapter 560: subdue the demon

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Xu Xian rushed forward, opened the bag, and took out the two things.

One was the revolver that Yue Si had given him before. Xu Xian had already been filled with mana in the bullet nest. After opening the insurance, it was pinned to the belt, so that it could be pulled out easily.

The other is the hilt of a sword. It has only the hilt and no blade. It looks like a strange creation. The hilt is held upside down by Xu Xian and is hidden inside the arm.

After more than a year of practice, Xu Xian has mastered several magical powers. Because Yue Si taught him swordsmanship, he focused on practicing lightsaber magical powers, but his mind was not enough to be like Yue Si. The long sword could only be a coincidence, cut off the sword that Li Gongfu had bought for him before, leaving only the hilt with him, even if he only held the hilt, he gave himself the concept of holding a sword. , you can use the lightsaber naturally.

Affected by the demonic energy, the horses, cows, and mules pulling the cart fell to their knees one after another, not moving, not running around, causing even more chaos, such as collisions and stampedes, which made the road quite spacious.

Walking quickly to the front of the convoy, Xu Xian suddenly smelled a stench, a strange and disgusting smell that was mixed with the smell of corruption and blood.

The source of the strange smell is a few monsters, monsters with hideous faces. They show a state of half-human and half-demon, sitting on the ground, or leaning on the carriage that was overturned to the ground, blocking the intersection, and laying at their feet a few human corpses. , and some seriously wounded, who were lying on the ground and wailing, being piled up indiscriminately with the corpses.

And these monsters feed on human beings, just like eating snacks, grab them, tear open the outer packaging of the cloth, and then start to eat, but according to the original body, the eating style of the monsters is different.

Covered in black hair, the wild boar essence with arched long-nosed fangs protruding from the corners of his mouth stuffed the whole person into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it together with the bones, and the juice splashed out from the corners of his mouth, eating like a humming.

The crow spirit with a crow head pecks, first pecks the belly to eat the internal organs, then pecks the head, and sticks out its tongue to lick the brain flower.

The leopard sperm with black spots on its body ate it carefully, eating it very cleanly, licking it with its barbed tongue, leaving only slightly yellow bones.

Among the three monsters, the boar spirit is the strongest and the most demonic, followed by the crow spirit, and the leopard spirit the weakest.

But even the weakest leopards can't be resisted by human power, so they can only flee in a hurry. Lucky and fast runners can escape to heaven; slow runners, unlucky ones, and those who are at the front of the team will be ruined. For the food in the monster's mouth.

While chewing the meat, Leopard Jing said: "Big brother, everything in this world is good, but you need to spend money to do everything, and there is a great **** above it, we must live like humans, and we must not expose ourselves as monsters. , can't use spells, even eating human flesh needs to run so far, run outside the dojo of that great god, outside of his shelter."

"So, didn't I bring you here." The boar essence chewed loudly and said, "We can eat people and have a good time, and we have vehicles and goods, which are taken to the city and sold, no? Once you have money, you can be free and unrestrained in the city, and you can get money quickly for this frivolous business.”

"Big brother is still smart!" The Raven Spirit complimented.

"Hahaha!" The boar spirit opened its stinky mouth and laughed loudly, and said, "These humans hunt the wild beasts in the mountains and feed on our own kind. Now we should eat them. Sentences learned from people - this is called the cycle of heaven, and retribution is not good!"

Seeing these three-headed monsters feed on people, Xu Xian had a murderous look on his face. It was not far from Suzhou to Qiantang, and he spent a lot of time with the people in the convoy. The people in the convoy had a headache. , or a cold or a bruise, they would look to him for a look, and they became familiar with each other. Among the living people who were piled up with the corpses, those who were seriously injured and stared at Xu Xian asked for help after seeing Xu Xian.

"Such a tender scholar, the meat is fresh and tender, it must be very fragrant to eat, and the fragrance is in the bones." The wild boar essence threw the half of the leg left in his hand to the side, and stretched out his bloody, sticky hand to talk to Yue s caught.

"You said that people hunt wild beasts in the mountains for food, and those of you who have become elites feed on people. This is the cycle of heaven, and retribution is unhappy, right?" Xu Xian raised his head and looked at the eyes of the boar spirit, ignoring the other party's message. The fishy smell, he said in a righteous voice, his anger made him tremble.

"Yes!" The boar spirit stopped when he grabbed Xu Xian's hand, and suddenly laughed loudly, bringing a gust of wind: "When people die when they are afraid, their meat will become sour, you little scholar is very courageous, Thin skin and tender meat, and also took the initiative to send it in front of me, I really want me to swallow you in one bite!"

When speaking, the saliva of the boar essence kept flowing from the corners of his mouth, falling towards the ground.

"Since you said that you eat these people, it is the cycle of heaven, then I will kill you and avenge them, and you don't have to complain, because this is also the cycle of heaven." Xu Xian scolded: "You bastard. Shit-eating boar!"

Hearing this, the boar spirit became furious, stretched out a big hand, and called out to Xu Xian.

Originally, the boar essence was going to be kept by Xu Xian to chew and swallow slowly, but it was provoked that it did not intend to do that. The first thing it wanted to do was to vent its anger, and it was also edible to make Xu Xian into meat sauce.

Xu Xian pressed his elbow and blocked the slap of the boar spirit with the tip of his elbow. His body shook, and then he stood firm, without even causing damage to the ground. The three-headed monster was stunned when he saw that the small body of a scholar actually blocked it. The boar essence hit with anger.

The indestructible body and immortal body of King Kong handed down by the Great Sun Godzilla Buddha himself, even if Xu Xian does not use his magic power to cast spells, he is not weak with the strength of his arms.

But there are no spells and weapons, and if you want to go to hand-to-hand combat, that is a fool.

After Xu Xian blocked the blow of the boar spirit, the other hand quickly pulled out the hilt of the sword, pulled out the lightsaber, picked it up, drew a semi-circle, and removed one of the forefoot of the wild boar spirit, which was attached to the shoulder. , the high temperature of the lightsaber carbonized the wound of the boar essence, and there was no scene of blood splattering like in the movie.

The boar spirit pulled its throat and let out a scream like a pig, and stretched out his hand to cover the fractured shoulder. The severe pain made it lose its fighting strength. Xu Xian did not kill it immediately, but pulled out the revolver attached to his belt and aimed at it. The Raven Spirit's head fired six shots with the Western Cowboy's quick-fire technique. The six rays of the Sun's True Fire hit one point, instantly vaporizing the Raven Spirit's head, and landed on the ground behind it unabated, burning the soil into magma. .

Xu Xian took the empty revolver back to his waist with one hand, and lightly tapped his toes on the ground, and the whole person jumped high, turned his body, and the lightsaber in his hand came out and slid across the neck of the boar spirit.

The wild boar essence, which had been screaming in pain, suddenly lost its voice. The next moment, its pig head broke away from its body and rolled toward the ground. Its headless body also lost its support and fell heavily toward the ground.

Without their lives, the boar essence and the crow essence gradually showed their original shape, but they were just huge boars and crows.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leopard essence turned into its original shape and ran away. Although it was the weakest among the three monsters, its ability to escape on land was the strongest.

Xu Xian put away his lightsaber, closed his eyes, mobilized his spiritual sense to search around, and locked on the leopard spirit who was constantly running towards the distance. Then the mana turned and gathered a real fire of the sun in his body. There was a golden light in the field, and under the golden light, the blood vessels and bones of his face were all visible, and then he opened his mouth and spit out the real sun fire, and the real sun fire turned into a red light when it touched the air.

The red light was coming, and it instantly hit the leopard spirit that was escaping, evaporating its entire lower body, and disappeared together with the spirit of the leopard spirit.

This time, Xu Xian was able to kill this monster with at least hundreds of years of cultivation. This is worthy of praise.

However, this also hollowed out most of Xu Xian's mana. He coughed twice, exhaled the burning air in his body, and then quickly walked to the side of those who had not died, pulled them out of the corpse pile, and put them on the side. On the ground, be rescued.

Thanks to the anatomy class that Yue Si gave him in his early years, Xu Xian has a good understanding of the structure of the human body. With the help of spiritual sense, as well as mana, he can help those who can save lives. If it was normal, Xu Xian could still treat it carefully, but now there are many injured people here, so he can only try his best to save their lives.

The broken bones are in the right position, and the clothes are torn into cloth strips and fixed with wooden boards removed from the carriage and oxcart; the burns are burned with a lightsaber to heal the blood vessels and reduce blood loss...

For those with severely damaged brains and severely injured five internal organs, Xu Xian can only do nothing, and he deeply regrets it.

After a long time, someone dared to touch it back. The goods transported by the convoy were all his wealth, and he was counting on this trip to earn it back. Who knew that he had encountered a monster robbery, and had to temporarily leave all the goods and flee for his life.

But after running for a while, the man stopped again and left the goods. He didn't have to think about the end. He had to starve to death. Confused, he ran back.

He quietly touched the convoy, and the man found the vehicle where his cargo was. The bull that pulled the cart was still kneeling on the ground. Although the two monsters were dead, the demonic aura had not dissipated, and the livestock that were pulling the cart were still affected.

"You, come here, I need your help here!"

Xu Xian sensed the existence of that person, and used the technique of sound transmission to call him to the front of the convoy.

Hearing Xu Xian's voice, the man was suddenly startled. He thought it was a monster calling his name, but when he walked to the front, he realized that Xu Xian was treating patients and saving people. The pungent smell of blood, the man was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Don't be afraid, I have already solved the monster thing, but there are some things that need to be done by you!" While saving people, Xu Xian said to the person: "Please call the original team back - well, the distance here is Qiantang County is only about ten miles away. You have to go to Qiantang County and go to the yamen to report the case. They say that there are monsters harming people, but they have been solved. come over."

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Xian added: "I must invite Li Gongfu, the head of the police, to come over, and it is said that Xu Xian invited it!"

The man was so frightened that Xu Xian said so much, but he didn't remember much, but he still remembered a few key words, dragging his weak legs and running towards Qiantang County.

After an unknown amount of time, there was the sound of horses' hooves, and a group of people in public uniforms arrived here on horseback, and the person in the red head-catching uniform at the head was Li Gongfu.

Thanks to the reduction in the number of officials in the court, the finances have become a little better. The Qiantang County Yamen, which could only raise a few mules and horses, can also afford to raise many horses. When performing official duties, Li Gongfu and the others no longer have to walk on two legs. .

Although Li Gongfu did not know, this was a special consideration for Qiantang County.

Li Gongfu, who was not very skilled at riding, got off his horse and ran to Xu Xian's side. Seeing that Xu Xian's clothes were stained red with blood, he hurriedly patted him all over, trying to find out where he was injured.

"Brother-in-law, this blood is not mine, it was glued from them when saving people." Xu Xian hurriedly said to Li Gongfu, "Let's deal with these people first!"

"Fortunately, you're all right. Your sister has been waiting for you to come back. If you let her know that you're injured, you'll definitely have to move your fetus." Li Gongfu breathed a sigh of relief, and then was shocked again: "Wow, it's scary. Yes!"

It was only then that Li Gongfu noticed that there were so many people lying on the ground, most of them had traces of being and the bodies of the two huge monsters on the ground, and he was taken aback. - He is concerned and messed up.

After all, I have raised Xu Xian for so many years, and I have long regarded him as a family member. I heard that the person who ran to report the case mentioned Xu Xian, and after asking the county master for instructions, he came with a group of brothers on horseback.

Xu Xian didn't care about the rest of the matter. He brought back the people in the fleeing convoy, identified the corpses, checked the supplies, and took care of the wounded. He did everything he could. Done.

He changed the clothes with blood on his body, set it on fire, found clean water to wash himself easily, took out the changed clothes from the box and put them on, carried his luggage, and went ahead with Li Gongfu and returned to Qiantang county seat.

Before returning to Li Gongfu's house, Xu Xian made a detour to the monument that recorded his deeds of subduing the scorpion spirit. Seeing the article written by the former county magistrate, Xu Xian couldn't help sighing.

Although it's only been a year and a half, I feel that things are different, and all kinds of things in the past seem to be vivid in my mind.

After adjusting his mood, Xu Xian showed a smile and officially stepped into the door of Li Mansion: "Sister, Xu Xian is back to see you!"

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