Villains Template

Chapter 559: famous doctor Xu Xian

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Famous mountains and rivers have their own spiritual energy, and the practice sects will take the initiative to occupy those places, such as the Five Mountains, Wudang Mountain, Emei Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain, and Zhengyi Longhu Mountain, which are all dojos of Buddhism and Taoism.

Even those monsters with some kind of doorway will occupy the mountain as kings and gather some small monsters.

For example, there is a centipede on the Phoenix Mountain in Lin'an City. It holds a pair of golden cymbals, wears red and blue, and wears a magic crown. It is obviously a centipede, but it dresses like a rooster.

Then the King of Golden Cymbals and his son, a centipede spirit that could transform into a human body, were caught by Yue Si together, took out the inner elixir, beat it back to its original shape, and soaked it in a wine jar.

The sudden increase of vitality in Lin'an City attracted a lot of monsters. Some of them devoted themselves to the Dao, just taking advantage of the geographical advantage to cultivate with peace of mind, while others were not the same.

Fortunately, there is a statue of Godzilla Buddha worshiped by Li Gongfu and Xu Jiaorong day and night. The immeasurable power of the Buddha made those demons and ghosts feel fear. Knowing the principle of accepting it as soon as it is good, although I felt the oppression brought by the Godzilla Buddha, I kept testing the bottom line of this Buddha, and then the methods gradually became cruel.

In this era, the transportation and communication are inconvenient, which provides an invisible cover for the actions of the monsters. People are aware of what is happening around them, but they cannot know what happened.

However, in these days, Li Gongfu always complained: "Why do the recent murders happen one after another, something is strange, it would be great if the Taoist priest and Xu Xian were there, they are cultivators, they will definitely be able to help busy."

"I'm coming back soon, Xu Xian is coming back soon." Xu Jiaorong said with a big belly, "Xu Xian's medical skills are so good, the doctors in Qiantang County say that he is not as good as him, so Xu Xian directly took the silver taels from the medicine to open a pharmacy in Suzhou. I went, although I didn’t have a family, it was considered a career, but my sister, who is pregnant, also sent a letter to someone, and he will definitely come back.”

"Madam, you've only been pregnant for six months, and it will take some time to give birth. Xu Xian won't come back so soon." Li Gongfu looked at his wife and said with a smile: "But Xu Xian is back, and he can rely on his supernatural powers. Spells help - the priest was invited a year and a half ago, and he hasn't seen any movement for so long."

In a motorcade, Xu Xian held a flat wooden board in his left hand, the board was lined with paper, and a brush in his right hand, and wrote a sentence on the paper in teeny small script, which was his perception and experience of practicing medicine during this period of time. To sum up, in the future, it will become a medical book bound into a book, and others will learn to increase medical knowledge and knowledge.

Although it was a bumpy carriage, Xu Xian's hand was still very stable, the handwriting and strokes did not fluctuate, and there was no ink stain on the paper, as if it was completely unaffected.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If you look closely, you will find that Xu Xian's body is not touching the car at all. The whole person is suspended, but only a little bit. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all. Remaining relatively still, it looked like he was sitting in a carriage.

"Doctor Xu, are you visiting relatives or friends this time?"

The driver turned around and looked at Xu Xian, who was devoted to writing a book and asked, "Your business at Baohetang is very good. If you don't do good business, are you here to get married?"

Xu Xian wrote the last word and said to the driver with a smile: "Just kidding, Xu Xian is visiting relatives and returning home. Xu Xian was raised by his sister in Qiantang County since he was a child. , I am fortunate to have a famous teacher who accepted me as an apprentice, taught me the skills, opened my eyes, learned medical skills, and became the Xu Xian today."

"Not long ago, my sister sent a letter saying that she was pregnant, and she wanted me, the younger brother, to meet and see the condition of the fetus. It is the first time Xu Xian has been away from her sister for such a long time, and her sister has always treated me as a child. The children look at it, Xu Xian has been away from home for a year, and my sister also misses Xu Xian, and this time it is also to see me."

"No wonder, no one in Suzhou City doesn't know the name of your genius doctor Xu. He can even cure the poison of Hedinghong. As soon as you take action, you will know the situation of the fetus in your womb." The driver of the car smiled at Xu Xian. Speaking of.

Adding a new baby is a happy event, but it is also a dangerous thing. For women, this year’s production is almost like a walk before the gates of hell, even after a thousand years. Otherwise, how would Xiangzi’s wife Hu Niu die? of.

Xu Xian is a famous doctor, and his sister wrote a letter to ask him to come back, also taking this into consideration.

"Don't talk nonsense about this. The poison of Hedinghong has no cure. It's just that the poisoning of the two patients is still shallow. After inducing vomiting with salt water, milk and egg white are given to reduce the signs of poisoning." He heard the car. Xu Xian hurriedly explained the situation when he boasted that he could cure the poison of the red top of the crane, and he could not open the mouth: "I once learned a medical proverb, saying that you should not talk about toxicity without the measurement, it is a medicine that is three percent poisonous, but as long as With good measure, some poisons can also be used as medicine to cure illness and save people, just like eating, a bowl of rice can make people full, but what about one pot of rice? What about ten pots of rice?"

"You don't need ten pots of rice, just one pot of rice can kill a person," said the handlebar style.

"That's the truth. Poison poisoning people must reach a certain amount. If it is lower than that amount, although it will damage people, it is not necessarily fatal." Xu Xian said to the handlebar style: "The two patients were sent to me. When I was in Baohetang, the poisoning was not deep, I vomited all the poison in my stomach, and the poison in my body was much less, and it no longer had a fatal effect on people."

The cause of the matter is still derived from peer competition.

After being refined by Yue Si, the stumps of the scorpion essence became good medicinal materials, and they sold for a good price. The pharmacy is named Baohetang - this is what Yue Si said, go out more often.

Relying on his superb medical skills and the free clinic for half a month, Xu Xian has made a name for himself. People who were originally despised because of his youth no longer dare to underestimate this seemingly weak and weak but with an air of eccentricity. 's doctor.

People who say cross talk are looking forward to their dead counterparts, and the same is true for those who open a pharmacy. Xu Xian's business is booming, and the rest of the people's business is also poor.

If the doctors in Suzhou were fighting alone, the local doctors formed an organization called the Three Emperor Patriarchs Association. They rejected Xu Xian, an outsider, and tried their best to push Xu Xian away.

However, Xu Xian has a small amount of money, and the two have cultivation. The people of the Patriarchate itch with hatred.

However, in private, the Three Sovereign Patriarchs Association is also constantly collecting the prescriptions prescribed by Xu Xian, to judge Xu Xian's medical skills according to the prescriptions, and some doctors who have studied medicine have even gained a lot from them.

In the end, a doctor named Zhang Dean in the Three Emperor Patriarchs Association came up with a poisonous plan, that is to make trouble, make trouble.

The implementation is to stuff patients with incurable diseases, preferably those who are about to die in one breath, to Xu Xian's Baohetang for treatment. Unless Xu Xian has magical means, he invites Taishang Laojun to put the elixir in the furnace, otherwise. That kind of patient can't be saved.

At this time, I will encourage the patient's family to go to Baohetang to make trouble, and then drag Xu Xian to the yamen to sue, saying that Xu Xian's medical skills are not good at murdering people. , their goal has been achieved.

Baohetang newly opened, Xu Xian spent a lot of money, and the free clinic in the early stage was also a pen investment. After such a toss, Xu Xian's reputation was stinky, and the initial investment could not be recovered, so he could only leave Suzhou City in despair.

This plan has not been approved by the entire Three Emperor Patriarchs Association. This trick is too sinister. Today they can use this trick to eliminate dissidents, and one day they will become "dissidents" in the eyes of others.

However, the other doctors of the Three Emperor Patriarchs Association did not object. The plan was finally implemented by Zhang Dean himself who proposed the idea, and they also benefited in the end, no matter what.

If it really follows the plan, even if Xu Xian can break the game, it will take a lot of effort. However, Zhang Dean is the kind of person who is not qualified to be a bad guy. original plan.

Just like writing web articles, you have an inspiration, and then expand the inspiration to an accurate point, and then start to write outlines and outlines around that point, but when you really start typing on the keyboard, you will find that the plot and your most The idea to start is far off.

If you really look for it carefully, a person with an incurable disease can still be found, but Zhang Dean didn't have the patience, so he went down with a red belly and poisoned two beggars begging on the side of the road.

Zhang De'an definitely wouldn't do the poisoning himself. He paid to hire a bad gambler who had lost all his fortune to come forward, and that person took the money. In addition to poisoning people, he also had to send people to Xu Xian's Baohetang.

But for something like a gambler, if you get money, you don't want to gamble on two hands, so you don't follow Zhang De'an's instructions to send the two beggars to the pharmacy when the poison strikes. The beggar was sent to Baohetang.

After more than a year of cultivation, Xu Xian has accumulated a lot of mana, and his magical powers manifested themselves. At a glance, he knew that the two beggars had been poisoned. While asking someone to report to the official, he rescued the two beggars.

The human life lawsuit is not small, and Xu Xian's reputation is here, so naturally there are arresters who come to inquire about the situation. The yamen in the yamen found a red crane top in the beggar's vomit, and those arresters took it seriously. It doesn't take much. After a complicated investigation process, after asking some people, the rotten gambler was pulled out of the casino.

Bring it back to the yamen to play a few boards, and all the bad gambling dogs are recruited one by one.

When Zhang Dean was brought to the court, he first suffered twenty big slaps, and then he wept bitterly and explained the cause and effect. Xu Xian did not know what happened to Zhang Dean, but he should have deserved it.

But what Xu Xian didn't know was that at the Yamen side, the entire Zhang Dean and the Three Emperor Patriarchs would die. Because of the unspoken advice sent from above, Xu Xian had to be taken care of, and he couldn't let him know.

The prefect knows what the current imperial court is like. For the sake of his position and life, he will definitely do it one by one. If someone dares to frame Xu Xian, he must be severely punished.

Zhang De'an didn't know that Xu Xian was covered by a great god, and he thought that his plan had gone wrong. After calculating in the prison, he should not be in a hurry at the beginning. beggar.

Then, he should not find that rotten gambler, he should find a stranger who doesn't know anyone, give him a little money, and let him leave quickly after he has done that, and leave this Suzhou city, so that he will not know where the ghost is. I felt it.

It's better to have a few more tricks and let outsiders find outsiders to do this. Once the people are scattered, it will be more difficult to find yourself here.

But now that Zhang Dean regretted it was useless, not only him, but also the Three Emperor Patriarchs Association was swindled, and he could no longer stop Xu Xian from becoming bigger and stronger.

And after this incident, Xu Xian's reputation has become stronger and stronger. This doctor can save the person who has eaten the red crane top red, and he is not looking for anyone.

Then Xu Xian received a letter from her sister, so she temporarily closed Baohetang, talked with the businessmen who came and went, and found a convoy to Qiantang County. Relying on her own face and money, she got the opportunity to travel together and took advantage of the opportunity to pull goods. carriage.

After chatting with the handlebar style for a while, the ink of Xu Xian's previous writing was also dry, and he took off the piece of paper from the wooden board, put it into the box he carried with him, and put it away carefully.

The handlebar style was about to talk to Xu Xian again, but the team suddenly stopped to stop him, and then came the sound of crying from the front, and then people ran back desperately~www.wuxiamtl. com~ The handlebar style was about to stop those fleeing and ask for clarity, but Xu Xian said to him, "There are monsters, hurry up and run for your life!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Xian took out two things wrapped in kits from the box, jumped out of the carriage, and walked quickly towards the front against the direction of the fleeing person.

In Xu Xian's eyes, not far ahead, there were several demonic auras that shot up into the sky—not as strong as covering the sky, but the demonic energy was mixed with ferocious suffocating energy and blood-light energy. This demon not only killed but also ate people.

Although he didn't smell it, Xu Xian seemed to smell the stench of the monster from a distance, which was disgusting.

The location where they are now is very close to Qiantang County. Xu Xian can't let the monsters continue to wreak havoc, but Xu Xian has no confidence in himself - since the time he beat the scorpion spirit, he has never fought with anyone, and he is not sure about his own strength. I know, I'm a little nervous.

"Doctor Xu!"

The handlebar style called Xu Xian, but Xu Xian was walking fast, and when his voice fell, he was nowhere to be seen, so he had to give up the carriage and ran back with the flow of people.

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