Villains Template

Chapter 477: kill

Even if the original inspiration was obtained from the other party by illegal means, according to Tony Stark's character, killing him would not admit it, so he said: "Hey, Hammer, this is me The original work of , belongs to the high-tech prosthesis, and has nothing to do with your exoskeleton combat armor..."

"Justin Hammer!" Just as the two doomed rivals were reminiscing about the past, an untimely voice sounded, and Obadi got up from the ground in anger, ready to solve these two obstacles. own people.

Obviously everything today was made under your help, but now you are standing on the opposite side of me, you traitor!

From the moment Obadi opened fire on passers-by, he had fallen into a state of madness, unable to think normally, and his mind was full of killing Tony Stark and other people in his way.

The robotic arm of the Iron Overlord's armor supported the ground, and the hydraulic device worked to pull the multi-ton body out of the ground. Fortunately, Tony Stark's technology was excellent, and the shock absorption device in the suit effectively mitigated the impact. , which made Obadeh just passed out in a coma in the collision just now, and there was nothing serious at all.

"Hammer, I hope your armored vehicle is equipped with a weapon system, or you can leave quickly!" Tony Stark raised his hands, aiming both palms at Obadeh, and the palm gun was ready to charge.

"None of you want to leave!" Obadiah's left arm was aimed at the armored vehicle, and the right arm's Vulcan was aimed at Tony Stark.

Justin Hammer smiled sarcastically, pressed a button on the console of the armored vehicle, the armor on the rear of the armored vehicle was opened, and a figure wearing an exoskeleton combat armor was ejected. It is similar to the anti-Hulk armor, but the design is much simpler, and it also uses digital camouflage paint.

The hydraulic shock absorption system offsets the impact force when landing, and the personnel inside the exoskeleton combat armor can't feel the impact force at all, just like jumping from a height of half a meter. Of course, they have not forgotten their responsibilities. After staying in shape, he did not say a word, put on a posture, and prepared to fight.

Compared with the Tiebawang armor, which is armed to the teeth, the whole body is full of heavy firepower, but the exoskeleton armor looks very different, with a large shield covering most of the torso in one hand, and a double-headed sledgehammer in the other hand. , There is also a cable coiled down on the hammer head, wrapped around the hammer handle, and the other end is linked to the exoskeleton armor.

The sudden change surprised Obadeh. The miniature missiles hidden on the shoulders were automatically loaded onto the launcher with the opening of the outer armor. The targeting system locked the exoskeleton combat armor that was close at hand, and fired it. .

Inside the exoskeleton armor, the built-in radar system captured the flight path of the miniature missile. With a shot of the shield in the left hand, the miniature missile was shot from the side, and it was shot to the side, blasting a big pit on the side of the road.

The next moment, the shield fell to the ground with a clang, and the exoskeleton armor had disappeared in place, showing agility that was seriously inconsistent with his body shape and went around behind Tiebawang, holding the handle of the hammer in both hands, and smashing it heavily towards Tiebawang.

A section of the hammer head of the double-headed hammer ejects a repulsive beam, that is, a rocket booster is installed on the hammer of a cold weapon, and the generated reaction force instantly accelerates the double-headed hammer to several times the speed of sound, like a Like a cannonball, it hit the Iron Overlord's leg ferociously, dismantling its leg joints.

Taking this as a turning point, the situation in which the Iron Overlord prevailed was reversed. Even though the Iron Overlord armor was upgraded by the scientists of Stark Industries, it was far inferior to the mechanical exoskeleton in terms of reaction speed and armor flexibility. The hammer hits one after another, and the Iron Overlord's armor suffers one after another until it is completely damaged.

As if hammering iron, the mechanical exoskeleton armor held the hammer handle in both hands to raise the hammer high, and then smashed it down towards Obadeh. The repulsive particle beam from the vector jet port multiplied the power of the hammer several times, even the air Under the influence of this hammer, visible distortions were produced. Thanks to the performance of the steel suit, Obadeh still held on for a few seconds, but then he was severely pressed to the ground and fell into the ground. in the soil.

Like being smashed with a hammer by a mythical giant, a huge prototype pit appeared on the ground with Obadai as the center, and the soil at the bottom was squeezed out under heavy pressure, destroying the previous battle. Asphalt gravel and cement layer cover.

As the main target, Obadeh is not only as simple as being pressed into the ground. The outer shell of the Iron Overlord's armor is still intact, at most, it is deformed. The internal parts are damaged because they exceed the bearing limit of the shock absorption system. If I want to pull it back to study, I get only a pile of tatters except for a shell.

As for Obadeh, not to mention, after all, he is still a mortal body. If it weren't for the tightness of the Iron Overlord's armor, it would have flowed out.

A hammer fell, and the mechanical exoskeleton armor raised the hammer again, and it seemed that another hammer was needed.

"Don't kill him!"

Tony Stark hurriedly called upon seeing this.

Although Obadiah is wrong in every possible way, he is always his own relative and should be punished by the law instead of dying on the spot, at least give him a chance to repent.

The mechanical exoskeleton armor stopped immediately, picked up the shield, and returned to the armored vehicle.

In the absence of a flying module, the speed of the mechanical exoskeleton cannot be faster than the vehicle. This armored vehicle is a carrier vehicle developed for exoskeleton armor.

On the other side, Tony Stark ran to the Iron Overlord's armor, which could no longer be seen in its original shape, and began to violently lift its helmet and breastplate, pulling Obadiah out of it.

Originally, he could open it normally, but under the strong blow of the mechanical exoskeleton armor, those structures have been deformed and damaged, and cannot be opened by normal means. Brute force cracking is a helpless method.

But Tony Stark overestimated the physical fitness of Obadiah or the Earthlings. After he lifted the armor, what he saw was a horrific corpse.

In this regard, Tony Stark did not have any dissatisfaction with Justin Hammer, because Justin Hammer and his secret weapon were called by him personally. Emperor Jianwen's kind of "don't hurt my uncle" The devastation all around, the corpses of innocent passers-by, the cries that can be heard everywhere, the burning cars, these factors make Tony Stark unable to anger others because of his own death.

Even not long ago, Tony Stark had murderous intent on Obadiah. It can be said that his current end is the inevitable result of attacking innocent lives.

Inside the armored car, Justin Hammer smiled when he saw Obadi's death. Obadi's death is good for him.

Only the dead can keep secrets, and the filth of him and Obadeh vanished with his own death, and nothing was known except the authorization of the arc reactor that stayed on paper,

Getting out of the armored car, Justin Hammer walked over to Tony Stark, looked at his sad face under the open mask, and asked, "Is this invisible guy someone you know?"

Before Tony Stark could answer, there was a rumbling sound of a helicopter from overhead. It was not a police or military helicopter, but a helicopter from a news newspaper.

They have come a long time ago, watching from a distance around the battlefield, relying on the camera to film the scene from a distance, and a female reporter will explain it. No matter how good the news report is, you have to consider your own life. Bullets were bombarding everywhere, and all the heavy firepower was enough to deal with military armored units, not to mention civilian helicopters.

Now that the incident is over, it is time to grab the news, who is willing to fall behind.

The next day, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Trident Building.

The king of secret agents, Nick Fury, is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with his back to the door. He is staring into the distance with one eye. His dark skin makes it impossible to read his face. The world is changing too fast, even for those who have glimpsed the countless secrets of events. He also feels that he is a little behind the times recently, and the world is getting rid of his control.

As a typical inheritor of "American imperial thinking", Nick Fury always maintains the idea of ​​'there are always bad people who want to harm me'. Although he is an idealized pacifist, he does not reject the use of nuclear bombs. Weapons of Mass Destruction - The maintenance of peace requires absolute force.

The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and the people who could come to Nick Fury at this time were basically his confidants, basically just a few people. And everyone's habit of knocking on the door is different. Depending on the strength and frequency, Nick Fury can tell who it is, and without looking back, he said, "Come in, Coulson."

The person who came in was indeed Coulson. His suit and shoes were unchanged, and he put a stack of paper reports on his desk. This is the mission report of his current mission, and then said to the tall Nick Fury. : "I have placed the doctor named Yinsen. According to his account, during his captivity, the organization called the Ten Commandments Gang coerced Tony Stark to make Jericho missiles for them, and then Tony Stark made Jericho missiles for them. I used those things to piece together a set of wearable combat armor; and after returning to the United States, Tony Stark upgraded it in the underground studio of his villa."

"Is it a steel suit?" Nick Fury walked to his desk, pulled out the chair and sat down - standing for a long time, his knees were a little sore: "There is no need to count on Playboy, Yinsen who participated in the construction Could you help us build a suit of steel like that?"

After the battle last night, the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team that was urgently dispatched came to an end, blocked all forces, recovered Obadeh's body and the Iron Overlord armor, and then summoned scientists from electrical engineering and mechanical engineering overnight. , tried to restore the steel battle suit by relying on the pile of junk, but the scientists shook their heads at this, saying that they could not restore the scrap car that was crushed into a pile of waste in the recycling station into a supercar.

Therefore, Nick Fury is going to open the gap from Yinsen, and S.H.I.E.L.D. must master the technology of steel suits.

"I mentioned it to him, but he declined the request," Coulson said. "And since Silverson didn't major in electrical engineering, I don't think it's possible for him to remember the exact steps."

Coulson's report just picked out key parts and said some details. The details are in this mission report, not only the text but also the graphics and photos. It was written overnight after he simply dealt with the wound.

Then Nick Fury found a key word in it - Justin Hammer, and in Coulson's report, Justin Hammer's information occupies a lot of space.

As the second largest arms company in the U.S., the leader of Hammer Industries, Justin Hammer, has gradually become famous half a year ago. With his single-handed promotion, Hammer Industries has moved from a pure arms company to other fields. Half of the civilian electronic products are marked with the logo of the Hammer industry; it has become a non-profit research organization for virus antibodies, and is bound for Africa to free the black uncles living in dire straits from the disease - although according to S.H.I.E.L.D. The investigation is just a human body research under this name, although it has actually done some things.

The mechanical exoskeleton was first tested by Hammer Industries, but the consistent understanding of Hammer Industries made people from all walks of life give up hope for their project. Instead, Tony Stark learned from their Inspired by technology, he made his own steel suit.

But judging from the performance last Hanmer Industries' exoskeleton armor is inferior to steel suits in some aspects - for example, it does not have flight function, but in many aspects its combat effectiveness is far superior to Iron suit.

Several scientists who studied mechanical circuits saw the battle video and saw the flexibility of the exoskeleton armor. They were so excited that they trembled. worth it.

The entire report is three centimeters thick without the plastic cover, but Nick Fury just read a few pages and put it down, causing Coulson, who stayed up late and worked overtime to write so much, a bit of a toothache.

"Colson, you had contact with Justin Hammer..." Nick Fury looked at Coulson and said, "What kind of person do you think he is?"

God, I've only met Justin Hammer once, and I haven't spoken to him as much as his secretary, I don't know what kind of person he is!

Although he thought so, facing his immediate boss, Coulson could only answer obediently, and analyzed according to the brief contact and the information he had mastered: "A person who can hide his true face - at least the current Justin Hammer. He's just two people from before."

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