Villains Template

Chapter 476: frenzied

"Tony, we are arms dealers, as long as we can make money, what does other people's lives have to do with us; on the contrary, the more they die, the more likely we will earn - although you shut down the weapons research and development department, but Your new toy is a more powerful weapon."

"Their deaths should all be on your head—that's ironic, isn't it? Tony, a pacifist brings more deaths."

As if to prove what he said, Obadeh raised his left arm and fired a rocket at a bus. Because of the suddenness of the incident, all the people on the bus had not gotten off the bus, and even the people who got off the bus would not get off. Didn't run far.

Amid the sound of explosions and flames caused by the rockets, the bus was blown away, and the people on the bus were immediately killed. Many people who escaped were implicated in it. Their internal organs were shattered by the shock wave, and they were killed by scattered glass fragments and shrapnel. The unfortunate one was even hit by the wreckage of the bus that was lifted off and then landed.

"Obadai!" Tony Stark's voice began to change, he had never been so angry as today.

It was impossible for the U.S. imperial military to not notice that the incident was so big, but because of the asymmetry of information, and the monitoring facilities were all destroyed in the battle between the two armors, the military did not know how to make such a big move. What is it, because Stark Industries is near, it is unrealistic to send fighter jets, and the army can only be assembled at the fastest speed to move here.

SHIELD is different here. Coulson, who came to the scene to know what was going on, called Nick Fury and briefly reported the situation.

"Sir, that's the way it is. If the support doesn't arrive as soon as possible, the range of casualties will further expand."

Nick Fury has a headache. Because of Tony Stark, he is particularly concerned about Coulson's operation. Through the ubiquitous cameras and the surveillance network formed by military satellites, he has seen the steel war. The power of clothing.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s weapons and equipment are more than a star and a half ahead of the times, but no matter how good the weapons are, people must use them. After all, the weak flesh and blood of the earthlings can't handle the machines - and the steel battle suits have improved the users' various abilities and the destructive power of weapons. No matter how strong it is, it is difficult to solve a weapon with high mobility, flying, and armor that is stronger than a tank. Moreover, the distance between the SHIELD headquarters and Stark Industries is not short, and it is too late to send support.

"Jarvis, search, is there anything nearby that can help us deal with Obadiah." Tony Stark blasted the car that Obadiah smashed with a rapid-fire palm, then swam away quickly, trying to Go around to Obadeh's blind spot and attack the transmission device exposed in the armor gap of the opponent during the movement: "I allow you to conduct data intrusion."

Tony Stark was really in a hurry. He was so focused on the battle that he didn't have time to distract himself and come up with any tactics. He was really helpless against Obadai. He couldn't move, and he couldn't move.

Not only a large number of innocent people were involved in the battle between the two and lost their lives, but Obadeh also intentionally or unintentionally shifted the battlefield to a crowded place, making Stark have to fight with him, and the war turned into a war of attrition. .

A moment later Jarvis said: "Sir, Hammer Industries has a shipment of new weapons for tonight, led by Justin Hammer himself. I hacked into Hammer Industries' administrative information system, and according to their shipping schedule and The destination is simulated, and there is a high probability of passing through here.”

"Justin Hammer?"

This name appeared in Tony Stark's ears again, but he couldn't allow him to think about it. He set up a car to block the missiles fired by Obadiah, and Tony Stark supported the chassis of the car to block Obadiah Vulcan. The gun fired and said, "Jarvis, what's causing your core computing data to fail? You actually think Hammer Industries' stuff can handle this big guy."

Jarvis said, "Sir, do you need me to show you a video of the Hammer Industries experiment?"

The chassis of the car was torn into two sections by the Vulcan, and Tony Stark, under the impact of the metal projectile, smashed half of the chassis into Obadeh, but at most the Iron Overlord staggered.

"No, please don't." Tony Stark categorically vetoed. The decisive battle between him and Obadiah is in full swing. At this time, there can be no mistakes at all. Playing the video on the monitor will block him first. Just a little distraction could lead to a few shells.

"Jarvis, give me a call to Justin Hammer."

"Okay, sir."

Hammer Industries' fleet is not large, there are less than ten vehicles in total: five bulletproof modified vehicles as escorts, surrounded by the commercial car that Justin Hammer was in and two large trucks, But the cargo transported on the truck is very valuable, and it is the mechanical exoskeleton armor developed for the Hulk.

Justin Hammer was discussing the next step with Charles Wu Yuesi, and then his cell phone rang suddenly, and after getting the look of Charles Wu Yuesi, Hammer answered the phone: "I'm Justin Han Mo, who are you?"

"I'm Tony Stark." Tony Stark's voice came from the other end of the phone, mixed with gunshots, explosions, and the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground.

Justin Hammer, who knew what was going on and even had his own fire behind him, pretended to be confused and asked curiously, "Oh, Tony, I didn't expect you to call me one day, it's really rare!"

"What's the situation on your side? There are gunshots and explosions. Are you making a movie?"

Tony Stark, who was just kicked off by a rocket from Obadeh, just got up and said, "Hammer, I'm in a special situation here, I know you're dealing with someone with a batch of weapons tonight, but listen. I said, I need those things, and you come to Stark Industries' energy R&D center right should be on your way."

"Tony, I don't know where you got this news." It was rare that Tony Stark took the initiative to ask himself once, and Justin Hammer was so excited that he changed his sitting position several times. From this, he could see the restlessness in his heart, saying : "My convoy did pass through the Stark Industrial Center as originally planned, but news reports said that there were two robots, one big and one small, fighting there, the traffic was completely blocked, and we were preparing to switch to another route."

Tony Stark said anxiously: "Listen, Hammer, that's not a robot, it's a steel suit, similar to your exoskeleton combat armor but with more advanced technology, and I'm the two robots. The small and medium one... If you really have weapons that can deal with the steel suits, please rush over immediately, many people have already died, and the scope of the impact cannot continue to expand, and more people cannot die."

Now that Tony Stark is talking about this, Justin Hammer stopped the ink and said, "OK, I'll be there soon."

After getting a clear answer from Justin Hammer, Tony Stark immediately hung up the phone and devoted himself to the fight. During the nonsense with Justin Hammer, he suffered a lot of shells and bullets. It's time Fight back.

On Justin Hammer's side, he issued an order to the entire convoy through the internal communication network: "Pull over."

"The automatic installation device inside the No. 1 transport vehicle is activated, and the driver is in place."

"I personally drive the things transported in the No. 2 transport vehicle."

The battle between the two steel suits has been going on for a long time, and Tony Stark's steel suits are not designed for large-scale combat, not only the weapons and ammunition carried by the steel suits such as miniature armor-piercing bullets, heavy missiles, The miniature missiles have long since been used up.

Unfortunately, the effect was minimal. The powerful firepower scratched the outer paint of the Iron Overlord armor at most, revealing the golden color of the gold-titanium alloy. Instead, the road was affected, the asphalt road was melted by high temperature, and the concrete bottom layer was blown out one by one. The pits can only be used as scrap iron recycling cars one after another, many of which are still burning.

Tony Stark wanted to take the time to save people between attacks, such as opening the car door for someone trapped in the car due to the deformation of the car body, but under the heavy bombardment of Iron Overlord, he had no time to distract himself and do other things. Yes, and once he had that tendency, Obadiah would fire on those he was about to save, killing those who had a chance of surviving.

After going back and forth, Tony Stark restrained this idea and concentrated on dealing with Obadiah.

But now that the ammunition is exhausted, he can only use the palm cannon and the cluster cannon on his chest to attack, which consumes a lot of energy. Under continuous bombardment, although he can blast the Iron Overlord, these attacks are really weak. The armor-thick shell of the Iron Overlord main battle tank is dented, which can't hurt the bones at all.

Tony Stark now has a feeling of helplessness towards Iron Overlord, just like our soldiers faced light tanks with chicken feet during the Anti-Japanese War.

Due to the lack of resources, submachine guns are not even distributed in order to save bullets. The things of the chicken are generally made very thin, but even so, our soldiers who lack anti-material weapons can't deal with it at all, because the weapons in their hands are only Hanyang. The built and captured 38th cover, and even the old sleeves with polished rifling, the bullets could not penetrate the enemy's armor at all, and they could only blow up the tanks with cluster grenades at the cost of great human sacrifice.

Some soldiers wanted to capture a single tank and jumped on the top of the tank desperately. Unfortunately, bayonets and broadswords could not open the access cover at all.

"Tony, you're too kind." The Iron Overlord's armored broadcast device turned Obadeh's voice into a gruff voice, but it added a heavy feeling: "Kindness is a beautiful character, but not at this time, This is war!"

Tony Stark wouldn't be as miserable as it is now if it weren't for the innocent people running away on two legs because of traffic jams, this dude has tried his best to prevent their fight from spreading to others, but there are still a lot of people dying .

On the steel suit monitor, there is a three-dimensional image of the steel suit composed of blue lines, which can help Tony Stark to grasp the situation of the steel suit more accurately, but now most of the blue lines are replaced by red, which means that Part of the structure of the battle suit has been damaged in battle. Although it does not affect normal use, its function has been significantly reduced.

"Jarvis, when will Justin Hammer's support come." Tony Stark has always been very concerned about Justin Hammer's things, but now he can only count on him. Guys like to surprise themselves.

"Sir, Mr. Hammer is approaching, 3493 meters away, 2725 meters away..."

The sound of the engine from far to near attracted the attention of Tony Stark and Obadi Is it a car?"

"Yes sir, a product of Hammer Industrial Applied Technologies' Urban Tank Program," Jarvis said.

A high-speed armored vehicle swiftly avoided all the escaping pedestrians, and the heavy body was particularly light under the action of powerful power, turning left and right like a butterfly through flowers; Become a wild boar on a rampage, smashing through the debris that is blocking its way.

"Is he here to make a fool of himself?"

According to Tony Stark's calculations, if this tank-style car does not have a short-distance deceleration method, then at its current speed, it will definitely fly to nowhere, or it will stop when it hits.

Then I saw that the car was still in the It launched two ropes with hook claws from its tail. The powerful kinetic energy brought by the self-weight and acceleration of the giant ripped it out at once, making the iron tyrant like a grotesque plough, tearing apart the rough road paved with concrete and asphalt stones, and ploughing the ground. Make a deep trench.

While fighting the enemy, it slowed down for itself. After the car landed, it slid a short distance from one end and then stopped steadily, and then took the initiative to break the rope made of new nanomaterials.

"Hey Tony, how is my car?" Justin Hammer's voice sounded on the car's external radio: "This is my new product, the city tank."

"Justin Hammer?" Tony Stark was quite surprised. In his impression, Justin Hammer would not put himself in such a dangerous place, but he didn't expect to come in person this time.

"It's me — oh Tony, it looks like you've improved my design and made yourself an amazing toy." Justin Hammer in the driver's seat is wearing a shock-resistant decompression suit, a racer's helmet-style tactical helmet will His brain and cervical vertebrae are protected to prevent damage to his body caused by the pressure generated by the acceleration. After all, only the gravity of a vehicle jumping can easily break an ordinary person's spine.

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