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Chapter 471: Stark returns

A few days later, in the press conference hall of Stark Industries, the first thing Tony Stark did after returning to the United States was not to go to the hospital to check his body, but to hold a press conference, which made reporter friends very Happy.

The name Tony Stark represents traffic and big news. His disappearance has been on the headlines of news reports for many days in a row, but it represents the ups and downs of the stock market, but it represents the evaporation of billions of dollars out of thin air. .

And at this press conference, whatever Tony Stark says will cause turmoil in the stock market.

But Tony Stark, who had escaped his long kidnapping, didn't look so good, with a dislocated arm hanging from his neck, bruises still visible on his face, and some small wounds still covered with Band-Aids. And as the face of a big company, Tony Stark's behavior can only be described as rambunctious. Instead of standing behind the speech table, he sat on the ground leaning against the speech table and greeted a group of reporters to sit on the floor.

Tony Stark's behavior is not an exaggeration in the eyes of this group of reporters. As the CEO of tens of billions of assets, coupled with a famous genius, a playboy, and the experience of being kidnapped, his behavior is true. is normal.

Before big bald Obadiah Stan's opening remarks, Tony Stark interrupted his speech and said in a "come here" tone: "I watched the soldiers with my own eyes. Killed in front of my eyes, by the weapons I made to protect them..."

Tony Stark sent a lot of emotions based on his own experience in recent months, then got up and stood behind the podium, looked at the reporters sitting on the ground with a serious face, and solemnly announced: "I hereby announce the closure. All Stark Industries weapons divisions! Effective immediately!"

Like a handful of salt in a hot pan, Tony Stark's decision aroused discussion from almost everyone present. The reporters got up and moved all the microphones, recorders, MPhones with the recording and voice conversion functions turned on. Reach out, just like in a funny video, directly shove the microphone into Tony Stark's face or mouth.

Obadiah Stein, who assists Tony Stark Management, hurried to the stage and pulled the microphone to make remedial speeches, but it didn't help. Reporters like the best news with a selling point. Tony Stark Gram's decision is to their taste, as for the others, let's go!

During the period of Tony Stark's disappearance, Obadiah Stan did not know how many press conferences he held in order to restore the stock price's slump, and the reporters did not know how many times he had listened to hundreds of non-nutritive clichés. At first, I thought I could throw out some explosive remarks and unknown secrets, but who knew that it turned out to be a speech of several thousand words, and it seemed that I said a lot. I thought about it carefully and said nothing.

The reporters have long lost interest and patience with Obadiah Stan's speech, not to mention that he is just a substitute. The master Tony Stark is here, who will listen to you, a person with almost no reputation.

The people who are most concerned about the return of Tony Stark are those who have interests in Stark Industries, that is, those who hold shares in Stark Industries, they have been following the TV news and hearing Tony Stark Immediately after the news was announced, he reacted violently.

Some time ago, because of Tony Stark's disappearance, the stock price of Stark Industries plummeted, which has made many people bankrupt. Finally, the **** was found and the stock price of Stark Industries rebounded. He directly The most profitable weapons sector in Stark Industries has been cut off. It is foreseeable that the stock price, which has finally been on an upward trend, will usher in another wave of decline, which means that another large sum of money has evaporated out of thin air. Who can stand it.

And after hearing Tony Stark announce the news, it was Justin Hammer who acted most furiously.

Although Hammer Industries hangs the title of General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Defense, in fact, Stark Industries is the largest weapons supplier of the U.S. Empire, because Stark Industries monopolizes the sales of almost all high-end products. Hammer Industries previously Only eat low-end.

And Tony Stark's decision made after he lost his head is undoubtedly giving away a large piece of the cake. It is not clear who suffers the loss, but now that Hammer Industries is involved in high-end products, the benefits It's definitely him Justin Hammer and his Hammer Industries.

On the TV, the live broadcast continued, Tony Stark left the venue surrounded by Secretary Potts and bodyguard Happy, followed by a bald middle-aged man - this is what saved Tony Stark's life Silver Forest.

Those reporters still wanted to dig some first-hand information, but they couldn't afford to provoke a capitalist like Tony Stark. If he couldn't make trouble, he bought his own news agency and fired himself. Make a path and let a few people walk smoothly to the car parked outside the venue.

Then, before Tony Stark got into the car, a decent-looking female reporter passed the arm of the bodyguard to stop the reporters from approaching, handed out the business card with her private phone number written on it, and pointed at Tony Stark. K shouted, "Tony, do you remember me? This is my phone,"

But Tony Stark didn't pick it up, put on his sunglasses and left a sentence without looking back: "Whoareyou?"

The live broadcast ends here, but people with a heart have thought of a lot of things in this not too long time, for example, how did Tony Stark escape, what is the origin of that unknown man, How to get Tony Stark's trust to ride in the same car with him.

In an unknown place, a conspiracy is woven, and it is snared towards Tony Stark and the people around him, but it is all hidden under the water, and no one knows what it is until the net is closed. who, in what way.

Still, if anyone is outraged by Tony Stark's decision, it's not Obama Stan, it's Nick Fury.

I sent agents hard to find the whereabouts of Tony Stark. After finding it, it was such a hot news when I came back. Do you know if you just say a word, let me... No, let SHIELD lose how much money on the books .

That's my secret base... No, that's SHIELD's operational funding, various benefits for the agents, and money to replace instant coffee with high-end freshly ground coffee.

Are you worthy of the agents you sent out? Although they have field subsidies when they go out to work, they use the account of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the bulk of the work is still the US military.

It was basically people sitting at the base, listening to the daily news, eating ice cream and drinking Coke, and finally one day Tony Stark was found, and then they sent a message to Nick Fury and it was over.

"Colson, there is a task for you." Nick Fury said to Coulson solemnly: "You are the person I trust most now, and this task belongs to you."

Coulson is not a novice in the workplace either. He won't be full of enthusiasm just because of a few simple words from the boss, nor will he work deadly because of the few cakes he drew.

He just said flatly: "Sir, what do you need me to do."

"Staring at Tony Stark, ask him clearly what happened to him during the time he disappeared, and how he escaped. I need to figure out who is the mastermind behind the scenes. ." Nick Fury said solemnly.

Although the shrinking of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assets was affected by Tony Stark's words and deeds, it was the person who caused Tony Stark to disappear halfway.

So, that person must be found out, not for the revenge of money, but for one or two, this time he/she/they did not succeed in attacking Tony Stark, and it is not guaranteed that they will not have a second time.

Sending Coulson there was actually meant to protect Tony Stark and prevent the other party from doing any more tricks. With Coulson, an elite agent present, some minor problems were not a problem.

Of course, there is only a thousand days to be a thief. There is no reason to prevent a thousand days of thieves. What can Coulson get from Tony Stark this time, find out the mastermind behind the scenes, find him out and destroy him, then Couldn't be better.

"By the way, Tony Stark must be strictly guarded. It's best not to even go out of the villa's gate. The man named Yin Sen, if possible, bring it to S.H.I.E.L.D. for investigation."

Tony Stark has been having a really bad time lately and feels like the whole world is going against him.

Because of his decision, the stock price of Stark Industries, which is an arms group, has dropped by at least 40%, and it is still falling. The mercenary old men on the board of directors have therefore excluded themselves from the board of directors.

And when he and Yinsen returned to their villa, a person who claimed to be the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau was waiting at his house—God knows how they knew the door code of his house.

The man with the bald head and the bald head in a suit and leather shoes looked honest and honest, but after communicating, Tony Stark found that the guy named Phil Coulson, who was smiling on the surface, was actually full of bad water.

Because Tony Stark's status as a super-rich and inventor is basically a powerful deterrent weapon, and the capitalists of the US imperialists are inextricably linked with major dignitaries, who knows what will happen to him. No matter who is drawn, this president will step down because of this, so the US imperial government cannot coerce Tony Stark by force.

In "Iron Man 2", the U.S. military wanted to get the technology of the iron suit, but in the end it could only open a hearing in an attempt to control Tony Stark with public opinion.

As for S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention, Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, is also one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. With a high position in S.H.I.E.L.D., even if someone wants to attack him, it is expected that the action plan will not be approved at all.

"Mr. Stark, I would like to know the details of your kidnapping and the escape of that gentleman named Gin Sen." Coulson said this, but it was not that simple. I have to say that Coulson's temperament is deceptive, and he deceived Yinsen's newcomer in a few words, and then the two did not know what agreement they reached, and Yinsen followed Phil Coulson back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Because of personality problems, Tony Stark actually has very few friends, and Ginsen's deadly friendship is even more rare, so Tony Stark also tried to argue (by force), But after being knocked down by Coulson three times and five times by two, I don't mention it anymore.

While improving the design of his already formed steel battle suit based on the practice in the cave, Tony Stark pondered some questions, such as: who first disclosed his whereabouts to the members of the Ten Commandments Gang, and what happened in the Ten Commandments Gang's lair? Those weapons hit the "Stark Industries" logo.

Their own weapons are very advanced. According to the military's urination, at most they will use the unpopular products of Hammer Industries to subsidize them. The high-end weapons of their own will not flow out, and most people will not have access to large quantities. of this level of weapons - so the top of the military?

Just when Tony Stark fell into his own doubts, someone rang the doorbell and pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Jarvis, take over the image of the gate." Tony Stark was researching to improve and manufacture his own Mark II battle suit, and gave the order without raising his head.

The smart housekeeper Jarvis activated the virtual screen, and the image of a young man in a black plaid suit and glasses with a gift was Tony Stark was surprised to see this man , said, "Oh my God! Justin Hammer, how did this guy get here."

Jarvis immediately mobilized the authorization information, and after comparing, said: "Sir, according to the surveillance video, Mr. Hammer went to the Stark Industrial Center before and visited Mr. Obadiah Stein, the location here should be Austrian Mr Badea told Mr Hammer."

"Should I refuse Mr. Hammer's visit?" said Jarvis, the smart housekeeper.

"No, let him in, I'll go see him." Tony Stark put the soldering iron in his hand on the soldering iron stand, and put on a coat to cover the Ark reactor in front of his chest - this thing is his main product , the important magic weapon for Stark Industry to turn over, can't be revealed now, although even if it is revealed, ordinary people can't imitate it - from the basement to the first floor.

The two arrived in the living room almost at the same time. Justin Hammer smiled brightly when he saw Tony Stark, put down the gift and strode forward, and opened his hands towards Tony Stark.

"Hey! Tony, long time no see!" Although the two were unfamiliar, at most to the point of acquaintance, Justin Hammer acted like a die-hard friend, coming up to give a warm hug: "You can go offline I'm happy to be back."

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