Villains Template

Chapter 470: scheming people always think too much

"Pretty business-minded."

Nick Fury said something indifferently. This sentence is sincere. Charles Wu's parents are asking others to pay the rent for them.

"However, the two houses in the name of Charles Wu's parents were all sold at a low price some time ago, and even the small supermarket they rented was transferred to pay for the lawyer's fees, but as a result, Charles Wu Wu's money is wasted." Coulson said: "The owner of this house said that the rent prepaid by Charles Wu's parents was about to expire, and he was going to chase Charles Wu, who was wasted because of his parents. Out of his house, that's when Charles Wu suddenly came up with a large sum of money to pay the rent, and he himself became a senior executive at Hammer Industries."

"It is the project of mechanical exoskeleton armor that we have paid attention to before. Recently, Hammer Industries has contacted General Ross about the mechanical exoskeleton armor."

The information probed by the Hydra agent was also submitted, so compared to what Coulson dictated, the written record of Charles Wu was more detailed, including the search for mysterious power.

"Send someone to contact this Charles Wu."

As for the origin of the Hydra that suddenly appeared, Nick Fury had no clue, and did not even think about the inside of the SHIELD, because the development of the Hydra for decades has formed a strict internal SHIELD. The network of SHIELD has thoroughly studied the various rules and regulations of S.H.I.E.L.D. As long as they do not engage in major actions such as the 'Insight Plan', other actions can be made reasonable under the cover of multiple parties. There is no abnormality in each link of the SHIELD regulations.

Therefore, from the existing information, whether it is Coulson or Nick Fury, there is actually nothing wrong with it. At present, opening the gap from Charles Wu is the safest way, and it is almost impossible is the only way.

It's not just Nick Fury, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is having a headache, but also the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander Pierce.

As an ace agent, Alexander Pierce's ability is also sufficient. He even sneaked into the position of the director of SHIELD as a high-level Hydra, which is equivalent to going undercover and becoming the boss of the gang. Taking this opportunity, lurking The Hydra forces in S.H.I.E.L.D. expanded rapidly.

And his Hydra is also the most powerful branch among the many Hydra branches.

Of course, the power of the other Hydra branches is not weak. If a leader as strong and powerful as the Red Skull is formed, and these connections are combined, Hydra will be a terrifying existence, but now, People are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead. The development of the times has made many Hydra branches have a good time with the resources they have mastered. They have lost their enterprising spirit and become more like other organizations with the name of Hydra. , even if the Red Skull reappears, it will be very difficult to unify these people.

But today, all branches of Hydra have sent high-level leaders to meet. Although none of them are leaders except Alexander Pierce, they are all the ones who can talk in their respective branches.

It stands to reason that Alexander Pierce, the leader of the Serpent Shield branch, came forward, and these branches should also be their respective leaders to participate in this meeting, but those leaders are now high-ranking people, and they rushed to Alexander Pierce's site. You will be hacked by the other party, and then take over your own manpower and territory, so just send some henchmen to come.

This is the shortcoming of Hydra as a villain organization. When the villain is always calculating, in the absence of a clear relationship between superiors and subordinates, lest others have any conspiracy against them, of course, they themselves Others also have plans to eat the power of the other party.

However, Alexander Pierce is quite special here. First, he is still famous in the World Security Council. He is a prominent figure. Most of the people under his command also have an identity in S.H.I.E.L.D. It's not a little bit affected, it can be said that there is no fear.

The meeting was held at a secret base of SHIELD. Of course, this meeting will not appear in any records. The SHIELD operatives affiliated with Hydra will strictly control the place and prohibit anyone from approaching. .

In the depths of the nuclear explosion-proof base, the senior Hydra executives who came to see the meeting sat around the meeting round table. The table was clean and there were no office facilities such as laptops, folders, pen and paper. Obviously, The content of this meeting cannot be recorded on paper. It can only be seen with the eyes, listened with the ears, thought with the brain, and remembered.

"What's the matter with you asking us to come here? Although you are a disciple of Red Skull and inherited the power directly belonging to him, you are not affiliated with us. We are just partners of Hydra." One person said. Speaking of which, you made your position clear as soon as you came up. Your Snake Shield team is powerful, but it does not mean that we will be slaughtered by you.

This time, I came to this meeting at your invitation to see that you are old, to give you face, and if you want to do anything else, don't even think about it.

Another person echoed: "What age is it now, if you really want to talk to us about something, you can use video communication, if you really can't send emails, this is not decades ago... The dignified Hydra, It’s not like you can’t even afford an MPhone.”

This person is the young Zhuang faction in the Hydra faction. The young Zhuang faction means that they were born or grew up after the most dangerous period of the Hydra, and they are accustomed to the current power and energy of the Hydra, and take it for granted. As it should be, this fosters their arrogant, arrogant behavior.

In their eyes, the group of people represented by Alexander Pierce is the kind of rotten old man who eats vegetarian food. , to suppress their new generation, in order to consolidate their power.

Video communications, etc., are mocking Alexander Pierce, using the metaphor of an elderly person abandoned by the times who can't get used to smartphones to describe the initiator of the conference.

Alexander Pierce developed and expanded his Hydra, and once controlled the huge organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. during the day as a good person to maintain the stability of the world, and as a bad person at night to develop the evil organization Hydra. Shen, of course, will not be stimulated by the three or two sentences of the young Zhuang faction.

Following Alexander Pierce's Snake Shield agent and his confidant, the sixth-level agent Sylvester put the suitcase in his hand on the table and opened it, and took out a stack of photos.

Several of these photos were distributed to everyone present at the meeting, and the content of the photos was the wall that Coulson and Nick Fury had seen together and had been graffitied by Yue Si, the bodies of several agents, There are also photos of cartridge casings left at the scene.

"We're in trouble, big... Well, big trouble." Alexander Pierce sorted out his words and said, "There's a hydra force rising up, and they're showing their existence."

Now, even the young Zhuang faction is aware of the seriousness of the problem. In the eyes of the world, the Hydra has been completely eliminated. These people do not exist at all, an enemy that does not exist. How can you eliminate it? , so they can gradually grow and become the overlord of a party, or the king of the underground world.

However, someone exposed the existence of Hydra, blatantly painted Hydra's famous words and emblems on the wall, and provocatively used the words 'We will return', which is equivalent to living in The hydra that grows secretly in the dark place is brought to the sun, which is equivalent to throwing a tortoise into the water and keeping a fish in a cardboard box.

"The people who were killed were my people, the nominal SHIELD agents, and the current SHIELD director Nick Fury already knew about it."

Alexander Pierce said: "I want to know who is responsible for this incident."

Although the tone was very flat, like a normal conversation, everyone could hear the hidden anger of Alexander Pierce. It was a small matter to kill a few Hydra agents, but it was a big deal to expose one's existence.

Especially now that Nick Fury is in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. He is an excellent and terrifying guy. He is eyeing him. Hydra don’t want to live in peace, especially in the line of Alexander Pierce, who is lurking and parasitic in S.H.I.E.L.D. , is even more dangerous.

So Alexander Pierce was so angry, and it was right, because it was his hard work that was lost.

"You know, our territory and power are basically in Eastern Europe, and in North America, we have no manpower at all."

"You know, our line is the original line of Hydra, and everything is to welcome back the **** of our Hydra."

The various branches of the Hydra who attended the meeting said that this matter had nothing to do with them, and they took themselves out of this matter. Under the wrath of Alexander Pierce, they were in trouble. This meeting also knew the priorities of the matter.

"Since you have nothing to do with this matter, then we have to consider another possibility." Alexander Pierce said with a photo of the cartridge case: "According to the analysis results of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Center Science Department, the alloy of this cartridge case is The material performance is very superior, and it is very wasteful to make consumables such as bullets. Its alloy ratio is also being studied and cracked; the gunpowder combustion residue extracted from the bullet casing is reversely analyzed, and it is found that the bullet contains 's propellant is a compound we've seen for this."

"Cut off one head, and grow two heads." Alexander Pierce said: "This is the maxim and dogma of Hydra, it is also the truth we pursue and practice, and it is the foundation of our existence. It was developed by the disciples of Red Skull John Schmidt, but the whereabouts of Red Skull John Schmidt are unknown."

"Didn't it say that he died in the battle with Captain America?" said a Hydra executive.

Alexander Pierce said: "No, I found the records of the year in the archives, and found the records of the calls between Captain America and the Science and Strategy Forces. There is no mention of Captain America killing the Red Skull. His whereabouts are Disappeared."

"Then let's think about it. The Hydra had a head cut off back then, and then our head grew out. The Red Skull who disappeared into the eyes of the world also formed another Hydra's power."

"Now, the Red Skull's team has appeared, taking revenge on S.H.I.E.L.D., the successor of the scientific strategic force, and taking back what he lost."

A senior member of the Hydra branch said: "That's impossible, you're just guessing out of thin air, without any basis!"

"Yes, this is just a guess, but a reasonable guess." Alexander Pierce said: "Sixty years ago, Hydra under the leadership of the Red Skull had mastered energy weapons, but after the war, The development of energy weapons will have no success, even S.H.I.E.L.D., which has taken over the biggest legacy of Hydra, has achieved nothing."

Speaking, Alexander Pierce took out a photo of the body of a Snake Shield agent: "The autopsy report shows that he died in the hands of a mature energy weapon, if anyone in this world can do it, then It's the Red Skull."

"And this gear skull mark alongside the Hydra emblem is hard not to associate with him."

Some young warriors said: "Isn't that very good? Since the Red Skull is still alive and has formed a Hydra force, let's unite and continue the unfinished business of the Third Reich and bring the whole world into the Hydra's control."

" If Red Skull really comes back, in his eyes, we are a group of traitors. He will first choose to destroy us, absorb our power, and then complete his cause!" Another Hydra The high-level officials came forward and scolded him. He came from the Red Skull era and knew the nature of the Red Skull.

The killed Snake Shield agents, the Red Skull didn't know their true identities, but they did it anyway, and that's why.

"So, let's unite, for our own sake."

"What we need to solve is not only S.H.I.E.L.D., but Hydra."

Several were happy and some were sad. When the two directors of S.H.I.E.L.D. were worried about the 'Hydra' created by Yue Si's graffiti, they sent a message from the Middle East that could ease Nick Fury's brows. .

"People from the military just sent a message saying that they found Tony Stark and a doctor Stark rescued from the terrorist's lair in the desert. After doing the necessary medical examinations , you can take the military plane back in two days."

- Thanks to this, the stock of Stark Industries finally did not fall, and gradually showed a trend of recovery.

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