Villains Template

Chapter 423: Who can help me

Listening to the meaning of the two people's words, they don't care about this matter.

If they were in the general plot world, they would intervene, not for anything else, but because the reincarnator's interference in the main plot of the plot would trigger the quest in the main **** space, and then turn it into a reincarnation point in their pockets.

But now it is a world of team battles, and it is the main thing to solve the rest of the reincarnators to earn points, and the rest have nothing to do with them.

What's more, the stadium is outside the scope of their activities today.

"Haven't they finished the work in their hands yet?" said the reincarnator carrying the samurai sword.

They are all strong. According to the standard of the main **** space, the required points need to be obtained from reincarnators with similar strength, or a large number of reincarnations of the next level.

Therefore, in a team, only the two of them can get enough points to climb high here and play games with robots, and the rest of them will hurry up and earn points.

They passed by the location where Yue Si and Mu Zuishan were before. Why did the reincarnation who strengthened the Saiyan bloodline play a turtle qigong, just to accumulate points.

"There's another robot coming up," said the Superman Reincarnator.

A group of robots clinged to the outer wall of the building and climbed up towards the roof, rushing towards the two reincarnators one after another, cooperating with various tactics, long-range sniping, medium and short-range firepower coverage, and then using high-frequency electric knife or high-frequency ion shock after getting close. Knife attacked them.

But the power gap is too big. Even if Superman stands still, the robots' weapons can't cause any damage at all. Just take a breath, and the strong wind can blow away the robots, and the ultra-low temperature can freeze the robots. in ice cubes.

The reincarnator holding the samurai sword unsheathed the long sword, and with a wave of his hand, the sword light filled the sky, forming a large net and cutting a piece of robot into metal pieces of uniform size.

The light of the sword can even cut open the electromagnetic energy beam, and nothing can penetrate within ten feet of him.

The robots controlled by Wiki are very difficult problems for a considerable number of reincarnators. The armed robot army needs reincarnations of the same size to deal with it, but after a certain level of strength, it will not become a problem, but become these two. This is a small game for reincarnators to kill time, and it has the same nature as Xiaoxiaole and Tetris.

"Artificial intelligence is just artificial intelligence after all. It only understands the programmed and mechanized way of thinking, and it will not be flexible at all." The reincarnation person holding a samurai sword used the knife light to clear out a piece of robots, and said calmly: "If it is a human, see When we are this strong, and we lose so much in our hands, it will definitely avoid us, instead of trying again and again, trying to find our weaknesses in a brute force way."

"Isn't it good to warm up while you're waiting?" said the superhuman reincarnator. There is still a large area left for the reincarnator. Shrink the circle, at that time, they will face reincarnations of the same level.

They have earned enough points, but whether the other party has it or not, it is not certain.

Moreover, the other party doesn't know if they have enough points. Even if they state the truth, the other party may not believe it if their hearts are separated.

The opposite is also true, the other party claimed to have obtained enough points, and the Superman Reincarnation did not necessarily believe it.

Therefore, a war is inevitable, and before that, it is very necessary to adjust your state.

"There is no strong opponent... Even if I can make two moves under my hands and not die, these rigid robots will be scrapped with one strike. It's so boring to cut them!" It split into two halves. Electricity came out of the robot, and then there was a violent explosion. It seemed that he was cut into a place like the energy core.

"Ahem, what a big cigarette!" After spitting out the straw he had been holding, the Samurai Swordsman coughed twice.

The shock wave generated by the explosion was just a breeze for him, and the smoke from the burning didn't hinder his breathing, but the process of hitting the robot was too boring, and he wanted to find some fun for himself.

The death of the same kind did not touch the robot, and it did not feel afraid because of it, but continued to attack the two reincarnators one after another.

The samurai sword reincarnation continued to wave the sword carelessly, but found that his hands were weak and weak, and his strength and speed had dropped to the level of ordinary human beings. Can't even hold it with one hand.

"what happened!"

The calm Samurai Samurai could no longer maintain his arrogance, his expression became flustered, and when he saw the robot rushing towards him, he subconsciously wanted to use the knife, but he completely forgot the sword technique. The body that has been strengthened into reinforced iron bones has become like an ordinary person in a sub-health state, and the power originally filled in the body has disappeared without a trace.

Just as before the robots wouldn't give up the charge because the enemy was too strong, now the katana reincarnation has become weaker, and they still attack.

"No, who will save me!"

The samurai sword reincarnation threw the sword in his hand to the wanted to escape in horror, but he was stunned to find that he was on the roof of the building, with nowhere to retreat, nowhere to hide.

The only escape junction, in the direction of the door leading to the building, stood densely packed with robots.

And his teammate, the reincarnator who strengthened the superman template, disappeared without knowing when. On the entire roof, only him and a group of killing robots were helpless.

This reminds the katana reincarnation of his novice world - the world of Terminator 2, where their mission is to keep Sarah Connor and John Connor alive until the end of the story, and to destroy R&D Skynet The Cybertron Corporation.

As long as you follow the main line of the plot, it is basically easy to complete the two tasks. Even when you enter the world of "Terminator 2", some experienced people go to get a tank of liquid nitrogen and find the location of the surrounding smelters. Ready to learn from the movie, freeze the T-1000 into blocks and throw it into the steel furnace.

However, the liquid metal robot T-1000 sent by Skynet in that world was strengthened, and the front was going very smoothly. Under the high temperature of thousands of degrees, they hunted and killed a group of them.

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