Villains Template

Chapter 422: Humans are so delicious!

After finding a safe place, Yues contacted Wiki and obtained several addresses from it.

The army of robots did not kill everyone in the city. Most of them were captured and held in relatively open and easy-to-guard places, such as large factories, stadiums, and schools. Robots set up machine guns and heavily guarded them.

And these people are the resources that Yue Si has prepared for him. The fear they exude all the time will make him stronger as an alien beast, and the concept of their existence as a living body will enhance Yue Si's stand-in, sweet death force.

Those millions of human beings must be able to make Yue Si strong.

Yue Si first came to a gymnasium. The battlefield area of ​​the reincarnators became more and more serious, forcing them to go to the city center. Yue Si doesn't have to worry about being disturbed by the samsara when he is "feasting".

This stadium was designed to accommodate up to 200,000 people, but now more than 400,000 people have been stuffed into it by Wiki It's really crowded, crowded, crowded.

The passages in and out of the stadium were blocked by Wikipedia with cars and the like. A group of robots held firearms to maintain order, prohibiting human beings from walking around randomly, and stampede phenomenon occurred. Disturbing the order will result in immediate execution.

But these people didn't feel well. When a writer Xiang was in high school, the standard dormitory of eight people was stuffed into twelve people by the school, and the standard high-low bunk beds of the general school dormitory were directly replaced with three-storey, and The dormitory building is still an old building of the last century that is older than his father, the kind that can seep through the floor when spitting on the ground.

The experience in this kind of living environment is not to mention bad. Even if it has been several years since graduating from college, a certain midnight dream, and the dream of returning to the high school years will be awakened immediately. It is a lingering nightmare.

And the situation of these people is even worse. After being locked in, they lack food and clothing, even the most basic drinking water.

After all, it is food waiting to be "eaten", and Vicki won't consider their living environment, as long as they are guaranteed to be alive before Yue Si arrives.

People can live for four days without drinking water and seven days without food. This world is enough.

In this environment, people's emotions have been suppressed to a certain limit. If it wasn't for the restless people who were sentenced to the canon by robots and torn apart with Gaussian weapons, there would have been turmoil now. .

After arriving at the gymnasium through the sound-explosion channel, Yue Si instantly felt a lot of fear, despair, resentment and other negative emotions rushing towards him, and he quickly increased his strength.

Vicki temporarily controlled a robot to hand over to Yue Si, then took out the projection equipment and took action.

Yue Si showed the true appearance of the alien beast. A robot following him photographed his image with its eyes, and then sent the signal out through the virtual projection device to magnify the appearance of a 50-meter-tall ferocious monster.

Seeing Yue Si's true appearance, there was another terrified shout from the crowd. The shouts of hundreds of thousands of people gathered together, making the stadium tremble and the clouds in the sky were scattered.

And this provided Yue Si with a wave of fear energy.

If Yue Si was at 2:00, he would have learned the same way as a character in the royal way, with fists in his hands, energy fluctuations covering his body, his hair rushing upward, his muscles bulging, and then shouting: "It's coming! The power is pouring in continuously!"

"Good evening, everyone!" Yue Si said aloud, his voice echoed in the stadium through the broadcasting system, and instantly overwhelmed the noisy voices: "I am Dark Lucifer, the mastermind behind the robot rebellion, An alien life form."

"I imprisoned you here for nothing but to collect you as food, and I have never seen food as delicious as human beings."

With that said, Yue Si entered the VIP box of a gymnasium, and the sweet death quickly shot, and all the people who were stuffed into the box turned into a pool of compounds.

The robot behind Yue Si faithfully recorded the picture and projected it over the stadium so that everyone could see the tragic picture.

People don't understand how Yue Si did it, but it was an unquestionable fact that the people in the box were "eaten".

"It's delicious!"

"The human taste."

Yue Si looked at the robot, and the projected picture was of him looking at everyone in the gym: "With so much food here, how can you hold on!"

Desperate people began to panic, and the order that could be maintained under the suppression of robots completely collapsed, screaming and crying endlessly.


The reincarnator, who had strengthened his superhuman abilities, stood on the roof of a building, suddenly sensed something, and turned his head to look in the direction of the gymnasium.

At his feet were the wreckage of a droid that had been dismantled into parts, and it was clear that the droid that was ambush above the tall building as a sniper met him and was easily defeated.

"What did you find?" asked the teammate who was carrying a samurai sword and sat on a seat piled with robot Fear, screaming, death. ' said Superman Reincarnator.

What he strengthens is the template of Superman, but it is not the full version of Superman. The main **** space is not so generous. Superman's abilities are subdivided into items, which need to be strengthened one by one.

Among Superman's powers, he strengthened the initial Kryptonian template as the basis, and focused on strengthening defense, strength, speed, flight, thermal sight, freezing breathing, etc., which can come in handy in battle. Superman's super hearing Although the super vision has also been strengthened to a certain extent, but he does not have so much spare money to waste in this place, and it is enough to use with several other abilities, as if it has not reached the same level as other abilities.

So although he could vaguely sense what was going on in the gym, he didn't know what was going on.

"It seems that robots have cleaned humans." The reincarnation man carrying the samurai sword grabbed the head of a robot, put it in front of his face and observed it carefully, saying: "The plot world has been changed by magic, which has increased the difficulty. It's just that the artificial intelligence that imprisoned human beings will now start to exterminate human beings like its predecessors..."

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