Villains Template

Chapter 283: illegal time traveler

"Also, we need you to get rid of someone."

A document was sent to Yue Si. At that time, it was about the founder of a company called Umbrella. The other party was Reed Wayne. He was the eldest son of an ordinary middle-class family. Although his studies were excellent, But it's not the top-notch kind. It can be said that it is nothing unusual for a person like him to grab a lot.

When he was eighteen years old, he seemed to have changed his personality. He didn't know where he got the first capital and founded Umbrella, which involved real estate, electronic communications, high-tech, materials, high-tech prosthetics, games, and life sciences. And so on, and have achieved good results in just a few years, but the sources of these technologies are all a mystery, as if they were created out of nothing like the funds of the other party.

As for Umbrella (protective umbrella), as soon as he heard the name, Yue Si knew that it was the handwriting of the traveler.

Although there are not necessarily so many people who have played the Resident Evil game, but with the promotion of film and television works, Umbrella's popularity is still there. Even compared to games, many people only know about movies, even cloud players. no.

If they are all from the villain consortium in the game, when it comes to Abstergo or Shinra, many people don't know what works they come from.

Like so many Marvel fanfiction works, its writers do not necessarily have read Marvel comics, but more of them have only seen a few film and television works, such as stepping on a handful of movies and writing them as shit, Batman is portrayed as a harlequin with no brains and only know how to rely on equipment.

"Is he a mutant?" Yue Si looked at the information about Reed Wayne and found that this had been confirmed, he was not a mutant.

After this guy with a high probability of being a mutant suddenly emerged, these old men secretly investigated Reed Wayne, took his medical data, and conducted DNA analysis on things such as blood samples. No mutant genes were found in the activated state, and he was completely an ordinary person.

However, in the follow-up data, it was found that although this Reed Wayne is not a mutant, he also has super powers, but the specific powers have not been investigated clearly. The only manifestations are-body strengthening, teleportation, and release of shock waves.

Closing the file, Yue Si said, "I'm only in charge of mutants, and my power only works in that base, we all know where Professor X and his Xavier Academy for Gifted Teens are, but we There is no way to strike there unless authorized by the president."

"We'll make arrangements, and in a month's time, there will be a mutant in your hands, and you'll control him to attack the president, but he's doomed to fail. By that time, what you want The authorization will be passed," an old man said.

It seemed that before William Stryker arrived, they had already decided everything, and Yue Si just had to listen to their decision and carry it out according to their plan.

"Also, Umbrella Corporation is privately providing financial assistance to Magneto. It is not only us who study mutants, but also the mutants themselves."

"As for the prison where Magneto is being held, it's time to start building a polyethylene prison. Although his ability is to control electromagnetic forces, he can only control the metal, which is the most vulnerable substance to electromagnetic influence."

In a few words, a conspiracy against pacifists and activists among mutants was formed.

After returning to the secret base, Yue Si immediately arranged it, and the mutant thugs controlled by Master Illusion's brain fluid quickly mobilized, ready to attack Professor X.

To be honest, it is not difficult to deal with Professor X. Although he has powerful psionic powers, he is not willing to spy on other people's brains at will; and as a "good person", he has a bottom line in what he does. can threaten him.

The most important thing is that Professor X is mentally strong, but has a weak body. He can't even walk normally. He can only move around in a wheelchair, isolate him from the X-Men, and then try to avoid his heart. With the interference of psychic powers, Professor X can easily be taken down.

William Stryker of this world line has specially conducted tactical research on those famous mutants. The abilities of those powerful mutants are registered, and tactical experts and scientists are called together to target each other's mutant abilities. Tactics based on the characteristics of the individual and the weaknesses of their own character and abilities.

Just because of various issues such as funding, manpower, authority, and social influence, these programs can only be programs and cannot be formally implemented.

"It's a pity that Bolivar's mutant detection device didn't stay because of the change of the world line." For that kind of small and sensitive device, Yue Si still thinks it is very useful, at least Mystique's sneaking ability will Great discount.

When Yue Si went to see the group of old men, he simulated the mutant gene of the black emperor Sebastian Shaw in his body, but there was no alarm, and the other party did not doubt Yue Si's version of William Stryker. In fact, it is a transformation of Mystique.

"Umbrella, it seems that we need to find a way to meet the illegal time and space traveler, and explore the other party's roots."

Reed Wayne is a transmigrator who transmigrated into a white boy eighteen years and took root in this world, just like the hero of other soul-piercing novels, and soon abandoned himself The original name, very simply and neatly accepted the new parents and identity.

Humans are different from the infants of other animals. Animals such as deer, cows, and horses can stand up and act autonomously by their own strength after birth. Human infants have various physical functions within a period of time after birth. The function still needs to be developed further, so Reed Wayne, who has an adult soul in the body of a young child, wondered if there was something wrong with his body in the first few years, and became a disabled person until he went to bed. After kindergarten, Reed Wayne breathed a sigh of relief.

Reed Wayne had already started planning his entire life when other children were still frolicking and playing, and that was to be an honorable copywriter, copying novels, songs, and movie scripts, just like countless As the seniors of the transmigrators did, they used literary and artistic works that were not available in this world to make a fortune for themselves.

In the capitalist world, as long as you have money, you are God.

It's really not possible, you can also rely on your "dual native language" talent to be a real-time translator, which is also quite profitable.

It's just that as time went on, Reed Wayne learned more about the world and felt sad about his own life.

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