Villains Template

Chapter 282: conspiracy

As Yoss had guessed before, the illegal time traveler showed up in the tampered timeline - just hope the current Phoenix Girl is Famke Janssen's version, not Sophie Turner .

"The ability to time travel to modify the past is amazing!"

Yue Si complained, and then said helplessly: "I'm sorry, the ability to time travel is amazing."

"The time travel device, it's not that I don't have it!"

In the "Terminator" world, in addition to packing a bunch of combat robots as inventory, Yue Si also packed the time machine that contributed to the entire story, and even took it out for Bolivar to refer to.

It's just that, after all, it is not produced by the system, it can ignore the differences between the basic physical laws between worlds, and it can be used in any world. Good thing, Bolivar looked at the time machine inside and out, and in "The End" The black technology in the world that can break the linear flow of time is just a large-scale magnetic field generator, the kind that is basically useless except to consume the excess power of the US imperialists.

Before Yue Si went online to investigate the deviation of the world line from the one he had before, the US imperial executives asked him to participate in a demonstration meeting on the rights of mutants.

The mutants are represented by Jean Grey. She has enough education to talk about it. It is an irreversible trend that the emergence of mutants is an inevitable phenomenon produced by the evolution of life on earth.

So humans should not be hostile to mutants, because mutants are also human, a branch of human beings.

But as we all know, being the US President does not require brains, and being a politician does not require any scientific literacy, nor does he need to know any biological evolution, as long as he knows how to speak and agitate the people who have been raised by happy education. , as long as they can come up with a plan that can make them feel that their interests are protected.

A congressman named Robert stood up as an early bird. First, he mocked Jean Grey's previous remarks with a very mindless sentence. The ugly face made the Phoenix woman take off her glasses and use mutant abilities to repair it properly. The other party's impulse.

However, she still remembered that she was fighting for the rights and interests of the mutant group, rather than appearing at this meeting on behalf of herself, and what she did would affect the direction of the subsequent bills on the rights of mutants.

And the famous Professor X was in the meeting room. He used his spiritual ability to comfort the Phoenix girl, so that she would not be angry with this little thing.

But then Robert Hospital proposed a plan, the "Mutant Registration Act", which requires mutants to register their names, abilities, addresses and other information and strictly control them.

The abilities of mutants are strong or weak, but they are far more destructive than a pistol. In order to protect the rights and interests of ordinary people, guns must be graded registered, so the same is true for mutants.

To be honest, this is indeed a very feasible solution, and it is very effective for maintaining social stability. Although it cannot fundamentally solve the contradiction between mutants and ordinary people, it can at least temporarily ease the conflict between mutants and ordinary humans. contradiction.

However, no matter how good the plan is, it also depends on who implements it.

The Avengers next door fought a civil war because of the "Superhero Registration Act". Why did Captain America, created by the US imperial government, stand on the side of the anti-registration faction? That is, he understands what the US imperial government is, and he knows the "Superhero Registration Act" for sure. It will be played badly by politicians and become a prop for the other party to use power for personal gain.

From elementary school to university graduation, the identity information of students is a profit-making tool for the school, which is packaged and sold in batches to contribute to the school’s income generation. This is the case with the principal in charge of thousands of people, not to mention the number of mutants is more than a thousand. Tens of thousands, there are so many super criminals who hate superheroes in secret, and there are many rich people among them.

Because of his status as a capitalist, it is difficult for the U.S. imperial government to control him, and it is difficult for ordinary super criminals to attack his family, so he has no empathy and cannot view the problem from the perspective of his teammates.

And in the style of "freedom or death", the American imperialists lost some of the "freedom" in exchange for peaceful coexistence. This is absolutely unbearable. Mutants are also human, so what's the matter with strict supervision!

It is conceivable that once the "Mutant Registration Act" is implemented, riots caused by mutants will definitely appear.

Even though Jean Grey strongly opposed it, believing that it harmed the rights and interests of mutants, the bill was passed - whoever made the members seated were ordinary people, sacrificing the rights and interests of mutants without compromising their freedom and freedom. Benefit.

After the meeting, Yue Si was invited to a secret room.

The building materials of this room are completely non-metallic, which is obviously aimed at the famous Magneto; and there is also a protective shield generated by the electromagnetic generating device covering this area, which can effectively interfere with psionic powers. It's Professor X.

Here, a group of old men with a rotten smell like walking corpses sit on high stools. Most of them can be numbered with the few in Yue Si's memory, and some are unfamiliar faces. On the tampered timeline, there are some people who have not survived the passage of time and died Some people are not qualified to sit in this position again and are replaced by others.

And Yue Si as William Stryker to attend the meeting was arranged by them, and the Mutant Registration Act was also promoted by them, in order to make the mutants riot, and then there is a reason to put They grabbed them for slice research, and no longer needed to be secretive as before, or they would be backlashed by public opinion.

And this bill is not only promoted within the territory of the US Empire. Under their instigation, the US Empire is preparing to hold an international summit through the United Nations and invite countries around the world to discuss the issue of mutants and the "Mutant Registration Act".

Of course, the words they used, who claimed to be the masters of the world, were not "invitation", but "calling".

As a radical among mutants, Magneto will definitely come out to sabotage this international summit. At that time, the threat of mutants will be taken seriously by all countries in the world, and the world will develop as they envisioned.

The reason they brought William Stryker here was: "Professor X is a threat, and we need you to deal with him."

As an old friend who has loved and killed each other for many years, the only one who can stop Magneto is Professor X, so Professor X must be dealt with.

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