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Chapter 231: return to origin


Ye Liangchen has a high degree of control over himself. He can fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes. He has no worries about insomnia at all, and he is still in a state of deep sleep. Two or three hours of sleep is comparable to the eight hours of adequate sleep for others.

Even when he fell asleep, Ye Liangchen's body was still vigilant against the outside world. He could hear those who were hostile to him, even the sound of breathing from dozens of meters away; The rolling thunder exploded, and it would not disturb him in the slightest.

This is the understanding of the mind and the nature of the mind, which is achieved after the martial arts has been practiced to a very high level, and avoids danger without hearing it or seeing it.

But when Ye Liangchen sensed the danger, the man had already sneaked into his room.

"In a world where there are Taoist, magic, and monsters, there is indeed a restraint in the martial arts. Using spells, spells, etc., can interfere with my feelings."

From falling asleep to the violent attack, Ye Liangchen used a very short time, not even blinking an eye, he had already jumped into the air, his bones were shaking, he made the sound of tiger and leopard thunder, and his fierce iron fist slammed into the sneak. The man in his room.

This fist was heavy, and the fist surface broke through the air and pulled out a screaming sound, like a ghost crying, which made people tremble with fear.

When Ye Liangchen's punch was hit, even a person who was hit by iron couldn't stand it. The reinforced concrete wall could be smashed, and a fist mark could be left on the steel plate.

It was just that the man couldn't dodge and waved his hand like a fly, and Ye Liangchen was slapped to the ground.

Ye Liangchen was shocked. The strength of this enemy was unimaginable. He hurriedly communicated with the divine tree of time and space rooted in his consciousness, and wanted to teleport himself away from this world. As for Alice and Jill, he could only be sorry.

But the power of time and space was activated, Ye Liangchen's body was in a trance for a while, and finally he stayed in the world of "Mr. Zombie".

"Time and Space Divine Tree, what's going on, why didn't I leave this world."

Then, a thought came out from the divine tree of time and space, which made Ye Liangchen look surprised.

"It's actually a great magical power that isolates time and space, and even the power of the time and space divine tree can't shake its power!"

Yue Si said: "It is the Buddha country in the palm of the same name as the Tathagata's palm. After Sun Wukong made a big disturbance in the Tiangong, he made a bet with the Tathagata that he couldn't escape his Wuzhi Mountain. The Tathagata used this trick."

"Within one palm, the spatial dimension is completely under my control. Unless you are strong enough to kill me instantly, or surpass the Tathagata in your understanding of space, you will not be able to escape!"

It was only at this moment that Jill and Alice reacted. Their mental powers generated by the T-virus mixed together and charged towards Yue Si, but as if they had hit a mountain, the whole person was attacked by the power of thought and flew upside down. He went out, and when he landed, he fainted with blood oozing from his nose and mouth.

Yue Si continued: "I am the law enforcer of the Multiverse Administration. Your private crossing has destroyed the balance of the multiverse. Now you will be punished by depriving you of the ability to cross and returning to your origin!"

After all, in Ye Liangchen's begging for mercy, Yue Si grabbed the Space-Time Sacred Tree from the depths of his consciousness.

It was just a small sapling that was more than one meter long. After it was stripped from Ye Liangchen's body, its countless roots were rolled up by Yue Si, trying to use Yue Si as its next host.

Although it can bring ordinary people the power to traverse the world, this so-called time-space **** tree is nothing more than a parasitic creature, manipulating the host to travel through the world, stealing the source of that world to supply its growth.

It seems to be a story of ordinary people getting the golden finger and growing up, but in fact it is just a marriage for others. It seems that the protagonist earns it, but the time-space **** tree earns more.

Yue Si snorted coldly, the power of the "Tathagata" character card made the Space-Time Sacred Tree not dare to make mistakes, the roots of the tree curled up, and with a roll of mana, this small sapling was refined into a magic weapon.

"Give me back my space-time divine tree!"

Ye Liangchen's eyes were bloodshot, and he stretched out his hand towards the sapling in Yue Si's hands, howling very unwillingly.

Yue Si raised his hand and slapped Ye Liangchen on the face, and said angrily: "Idiot, you are just a host, a slave, a poor person who will be eaten and wiped away sooner or later, your fate and fortune are continuing. The ground is absorbed by this divine tree of time and space, and within a few worlds, you will be completely transformed into its puppet, and everything you have will become its."

Although it looks like Yue Si used the name of the Multiverse Authority to rob others of their golden fingers, he was telling the truth. At that time, the sky **** tree really relied on the way of parasitic hosts to grow continuously. Ye Liangchen himself It's been ripped apart.

In the popular science given to him by the person who introduced him to the Multiverse Administration, the Divine Tree of Time and Space is one of the many goals that need to be dealt with.

Although it is harmful to one party, the time-space divine tree in the parasitic stage itself is a very good material for refining, but it belongs to the high-level ones that cannot be looked down upon, and the low-level ones that can’t be handled—it meets the needs of Yue Si today.

Holding the trunk of the Space-Time Sacred Tree, Yue Si injected mana into it, found out the coordinates of Ye Liangchen's own world, and sent Ye Liangchen back with a swipe of his hand. Although the golden finger was dug away, his strength was still there. Now, in his world, he already belongs to the superman-level existence. Even if he does piece-rate labor, he can still make a lot of money.

It was the same with Alice and Jill, who were sent back to the world they were supposed to go to by Yue Si.

After confirmation by the system, Yue Si used a blank card to put away the divine tree of time and space, and then restored the "Tathagata" character card to a card and put it in the card box turned his head and flew towards Yizhuang.

Although it was getting late, Yizhuang still had the door open. Uncle Ninth and his two apprentices still didn't sleep, and they seemed to be waiting for Yue Si.

"Fellow Daoist, I've opened a new jar of good old wine here. Would you like to try it?" After seeing Yue Si's return, Jiu Shu said to Yue Si that there was no mention of Yue Si going out to "send" the four eyes. Why does it take so long.

"Don't beat around the bush, I'm going to take a look at that Young Master Ye, Ye Liangchen, to see what his aptitude is," Yue Si said.

Ninth Uncle asked, "Oh, fellow Daoist is so magnanimous, but I was sitting on wax, what was the result?"

"I haven't seen anyone. He and his two foreign wives and concubines have all disappeared. I calculated their numerology, but I only found nothing, as if they had never appeared in this world." Yue Stan said sternly. arrive.

The ninth uncle had a surprised look on his face when he heard the words, and then pinched his fingers. Sure enough, he didn't count everything about that Young Master Ye. He and his two wives and concubines have no antecedents and no consequences in this world. Everything about them is only recently. things these days.

"Strange thing, weird thing!"

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