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Chapter 230: "Protagonist" Past

At night, after Ye Liangchen punched once, he fell asleep with Alice and Jill from the world of the movie version of "Resident Evil". I don't know if anything happened to the three of them.

Although it is necessary to practice hard every day to keep his kung fu from going backwards, Ye Liangchen has already sat on his crotch with Dan in his arms, and he has no worries about this, but he still uses two punches every day, which is his long-standing habit.

Originally, he was just an ordinary person. He couldn’t keep up with his studies, and he dropped out of school early to work hard in the society. However, he had low education and lack of education, and there were not many jobs that he could find. Lift the steel bars, go to the factory to give people the anti-package unloading and so on.

How could the young Ye Liangchen endure this hardship, and finally found a job in the back kitchen of a hot pot restaurant. Although it was still hard, at least he could endure it, and he could learn a few skills from the chef and live a good life. In a few years he can also be in charge.

On the night of a salary payment in a certain month, he went drinking with his colleagues, and when he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar park. The place was in winter, and it was still snowing. Ye Liangchen was wearing thin clothes. The coat almost didn't freeze to death.

But that also made Ye Liangchen understand that he was not being pranked by his colleagues after being drunk, but had a real adventure - after all, his colleagues are a group of people who want to live, how can they have the ability to send themselves from early autumn to late winter .

Then Ye Liangchen discovered his golden finger in his body - it was a small tree of unknown species, rooted in his consciousness.

After sympathizing with Xiaoshu, Ye Liangchen learned about the origin of his golden finger.

It is a peculiar existence called the "space-time **** tree", and it is born with the peculiar power of traversing the time-space dimension. His talent sprouted and grew, and he finally awakened his racial talent last night.

And the world that Ye Liangchen lives in is the first world that he unintentionally activates his ability to travel through - "The Romance of the Dragon and Snake".

In this world, Ye Liangchen followed Wang Chao to learn from Tang Zichen in a small park and learned the introduction of Chinese martial arts.

Then the time and space **** tree took him to the world of "Flying Eagle Project", followed the flying eagle Jackie to the Sahara desert, and then relied on the mighty power of the time and space **** tree to take away the third empire in the desert secret base from Europe Ninety-nine percent of the tens of thousands of tons of gold plundered.

This time Ye Liangchen became rich overnight, and he no longer had to worry about the future. He didn't have to worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

Then Ye Liangchen was silent for a while, studying hard, working hard to hone his qi and blood, hone his skills, and made rapid progress. According to the information fed back by the divine tree of time and space, the world he first traveled through was actually very weak. As he grows, the world behind him will become stronger and stronger. Ye Liangchen needs to make rapid progress to adapt to the promotion of different world levels.

The third world Ye Liangchen went to was "Disaster of the Wild Python". Although his martial arts had already entered the realm at that time, he did not have the experience of survival in the rainforest. The elusive giant python and anaconda fought against the greed and ignorance, except for the protagonist group who knew nothing about cheating teammates.

Relying on the blood orchid, which can break the biological and physiological limits, Ye Liangchen broke through the limits of martial arts and sat on the crotch with Dan.

The fourth world, the time-space **** tree took Ye Liangchen to the "Resident Evil" movie world, which is the Raccoon City where the first two plots are located. After sneaking into the underground base of the Umbrella Company, Ye Liangchen found the T-virus stock solution He also injected himself. Under the protection of the protagonist Guangbao, he did not mutate, but ushered in the evolution of life and awakened his mind power.

It is also in this world that the divine tree of time and space has grown to a certain extent, awakening a new ability - Ye Liangchen can take other people to travel through the world together.

Then Ye Liangchen chose the director's wife, Alice, and the real heroine, Jill Valentine, who had cultivated feelings in the process of escaping from the Umbrella Company and escaping from the zombie group.

The fifth world is the world of "Mr. Zombie".

Putting himself a "returned student" skin, Ye Liangchen made a golden path, put down the posture of settling down in this Renjia Town, established a relationship with the largest local director, and then invited Jiu Shu to take a look for himself The feng shui of the new house, including the decoration after that.

After getting acquainted with him for a while, Ye Liangchen also revealed the fact that he "has been interested in Taoism for a long time", and then took advantage of the situation to learn from the ninth uncle and learned the Xuanmen Taoism.

According to the divine tree of time and space, after traveling through the world many times, Ye Liangchen's aptitude has improved to a very high level. If Ninth Uncle is a discerning person, he will definitely be accepted.

It's just that Ye Liangchen didn't expect that the variable Yue Si, and his words and deeds, had inadvertently offended Aunt Zhang, the tooth man, and made Jiu Shu a layer of vigilance against him. His methods not only prevented him from staying with Jiu Shu. What a good impression, it made Ninth Uncle even more disgusted with his upstart-like behavior.

Later, what Uncle Ninth took out shocked Ye Liangchen even more. The classic double-helix container shape proved that it was undoubtedly a T-virus, which Alice, Ye Liangchen and Jill Valentine had all injected. T-virus strengthens the body, even if there is a leak, it will not be infected and become a zombie, but it is a disaster for this world.

Ye Liangchen, who had lingering fears about that thing, asked about the origin of this Uncle Ninth said that it was picked up from the mountains and forests, but this made Ye Liangchen suspicious.

When I asked about the divine tree of time and space, the answer I got was that the seeds sown by the mother plant of the divine tree of time and space are all over the heavens and the world. Maybe the owner of the divine tree of time and space encountered some amazing powerhouse and was blown up. , the T-virus stored in the divine tree of time and space is left here.

After receiving this reply, Ye Liangchen breathed a sigh of relief - the most fearful thing for traversers is the same traversers as himself.

As for the handling of the T-virus, Ye Liangchen and Ninth Uncle had a disagreement. One of them thought he had dealt with this matter and had experience, so he never ran away.

But Ninth Uncle said that he had a solution. Ye Liangchen understood why after thinking about it. After all, he was an outsider and did not gain Ninth Uncle's trust. In addition, he said that T-virus was a big killer. , Ninth Uncle is even more unlikely to hand it over easily.

I will only talk about it after I have a good relationship with Uncle Ninth and learn spells after being apprenticed to him.

According to the nature of the "love disciples" of the two ninth uncles, Chinese Cai and Qiu Sheng, the T-virus will definitely go wrong in their hands.

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