Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Someone Wants to Kill Gu Yan!

Tiandong was stunned and soon became sober.

But she didn’t regret it. Instead, she put the bowl down very naturally, and smiled at Gu Yan and Su Qingyue: “I’m full and I won’t waste food.

She looked at Su Qingyue with a dull expression.

Even if Tiandong knew that his behavior was quite wrong from some perspectives, even a little green tea.

Doing this on my own also means a bit deliberately to cling to and please Gu Yan, and to fight for favor with Su Qingyue.


I don’t know why, Tiandong is really happy now!

Su Qingyue looked at Tiandong, a trace of unhappiness flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a sense of crisis appeared in her heart!

What is she trying to do?

Do you still want to grab Gu Yan with yourself?

But Su Qingyue did not express this kind of emotion, which affected Gu Yan.

The two women just have their own minds.

A meal is finished quickly.

Gu Yan saw that it was almost time, touched Su Qingyue’s head, and said, “Then you two sit here for a while, I’ll go out.”

Next, it’s time for Fanchuan Louxue to play.

Su Qingyue asked Gu Yan to come back early.

Tian Dong didn’t say anything, it was obvious that he was still thinking about something.

Gu Yan left.

The hall fell silent for a while.

ten minutes later.


The door of the house was pushed open.

The two women thought it was Gu Yan who came back, but when they looked at the door, there was a dullness on Qiao’s face coincidentally.

It was not Gu Yan who walked in.

It’s a woman who wears a kimono and is extremely beautiful. Her temperament is faint, unlike Tiandong and Su Qingyue’s distinctive temperament, but there is a charm that neither woman has in it.

Fanchuan Louxue saw the two women in the living room, and there was a flash of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Then, she smiled “Nine-Eight-Three”.

Gu Yan, really liked by many girls…

“This lady, are you?” Su Qingyue smiled, her voice very polite.

Tian Dong raised his eyebrows, and said in a tone that he could only hear, “Listen? Dongying people?”

“My name is Fenchuan Yingxue, and I am Gu Yan’s subordinate. It is the first time I met, so please take care of me.”

Fanchuan Louxue smiled charmingly, then looked around, as if looking for someone, “Is Gu Yan there?”

“What are you looking for Gu Yan?”

Su Qingyue and Tian Dong almost spoke in unison.

After speaking, they still glanced at each other, but soon put their eyes on Fenchuan Yingxue again.

Their inner thoughts were surprisingly consistent at this time.

Why is there another woman looking for Gu Yan?!

Moreover, this woman is not much worse than herself in terms of appearance or temperament!

“Where is Gu Yan?”

Fanchuan’s tone of receiving the snow became anxious, and at the same time a solemn and panicked mood appeared in his beautiful eyes, “I am looking for him in a real emergency.”

She started acting.

I have to say that in terms of acting, only Gu Yan can tell whether Fanchuan Louxue is true or not.

Not to mention Tiandong and Su Qingyue who met Fenchuan Yingxue for the first time.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Su Qingyue walked forward with a look of love.

Tian Dong also stood up, his tone was slightly cold, and he said sharply and decisively: “Just say anything!”


Fanchuan Louxue looked a little hesitant, “Who are you all Gu Yan?”

“I am his lover.” Su Qingyue returned quickly without any hesitation.After hearing Su Qingyue’s answer, Tiandong was stunned, and then said: “I am his partner, a very important partner.

The air was quiet for a few more minutes.

Fanchuan Louxue sighed softly and said, “Okay, since you are all trustworthy people of Gu Yan, I will tell you about this.”

“Look, can you think of a way.


“Want to kill Gu Yan!”


The words of Fanchuan picking up the snow are like a huge boulder thrown in the calm lake, which has set off a stormy sea in the heart of the second woman!

“What did you say?!”

Su Qingyue and Tian Dong said in unison again.

Su Qingyue’s pretty face was a little pale, and worried emotions and anger emerged in her beautiful eyes!

Tian Dong raised her eyes. At this time, she seemed to have regained the appearance of a strong woman who was in the upper-class society of the vertical and horizontal demons and made countless powerful and powerful people panic.

Her temperament became cold and dangerous!

Someone wants to kill Gu Yan!!

“Show you this.

Fanchuan picked up Xuexue and stepped forward, took out his mobile phone, and handed it to the second daughter.

Su Qingyue was the first to pick up the phone. She looked at the content on it, her beautiful eyes became more and more cold.

Tian Dong sneered twice after reading it, “Hehe, Chen Long? Where did this ant crawl out, and dare you have an idea about Gu Yan?”

“Gu Yan can kill him with just one finger, it’s ridiculous!”

Fanchuan picked up the snow and took back the phone, and sighed quietly, “Actually, to Mr. Gu Yan, Chen Long is nothing at all, but he is busy with a major event recently. If he is distracted, it is likely to cause a certain loss. .”

“I am Jun Gu Yan’s subordinate, and I should solve this matter for him, but Chen Long is proficient in medicine and has many tricks. He is a very cunning person. If you want to cut him off the roots, you must never startle the snake.”

“I came to Mr. Gu Yan this time because I wanted him to find some helpers for me to deal with this matter together.

Fanchuan Louxue said exactly one word according to the lines Gu Yan gave her.

What I said is justified and well-founded.

After all, neither Tiandong nor Su Qingyue know how terrifying Gu Yan’s real power is, nor do they know what Gu Yan’s purpose is to come to Jiangcheng this time.

Of course they don’t know, even if Gu Yan is busy, they can press Chen Long to death with a single word.

Fanchuan Louxue also pouted without a trace.

This guy Gu Yan is really bad.

“Helper? Then I’ll come.”

Su Qingyue’s pretty face was calm, and she said firmly, “I am his lover, and someone wants to move Gu Yan, how can I watch it at home?”

She was telling the truth!

In fact, she has been thinking about, besides daily life, in what way can she help Gu Yan?

She had never had a clue before, because Gu Yan’s current status and status had long surpassed her, and even crushed the Su Group!

but now!

Since Gu Yan can’t be distracted by this matter, then she will do her duty as a wife!

Start from the Golden Pavilion.

Su Qingyue has already regarded Gu Yan as a man she can rely on for a lifetime!

Someone wants to move his own man?


“I’m coming too.

This sentence was said by Tian Dong.

Su Qingyue heard the words and looked at it subconsciously.

Tiandong did not shy away from Su Qingyue’s eyes and said: “Miss Su, you are Gu Yan’s lover, and I am a partner of Gu Yan’s cooperation. Someone wants to move Gu Yan, which is infringing on our rights.”

“I can’t stand idly by.

Tian Dong is laughing.

Part of this smile is an angry one.

She really did not expect that there is still such a short-eyed person now, dare to move Gu Yan, dare to move her partner of Tiandong!

what is this?

It’s a provocation!

Tiandong must be intolerable. For so many years, she hasn’t met such an iron person for a long time.

As for the other half of the smile.

Is it the joy of finding a reason to stay in Jiangcheng?

Or can you take this opportunity to compete with Su Qingyue?

Even Tiandong didn’t know what it was, or both.

Fanchuan Louxue’s eyes became suspicious, and she looked at the two girls.

next moment.

She quickly drew two daggers from the waistband of the kimono.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the two daggers flew over the second woman’s head and went straight into the wall.

“You two, are you sure?”

Fanchuan received Xuexue with a calm expression.

Su Qingyue and Tian Dong both looked back at the same time.

Tiandong is okay. She has been able to come over the past two years, and the methods are not clean. She can’t use Fenchuan Yingxue’s hand, but if she wants to surprise her, it is obviously not qualified.

Su Qingyue will not work.

She grew up with rigorous elite education, not to mention flying knives, she has never even used a flying car.

Looked at the two daggers deep into the wall.

A trace of panic flashed across Su Qingyue Qiao’s face, but it quickly dissipated and became firm.

“No, I can learn!”

“Where is this lady?” Fanchuan picked up the snow and looked at Tiandong.

“Of course I am fine, but you still have to weigh it. Miss Su is Gu’s lover. Are you sure you want her to carry out such a dangerous plan?”

Tiandong glanced at Su Qingyue inadvertently, and said faintly: “From my point of view, Miss Su should forget it. I can do this by myself and Miss Dongying.”

“Tian, ​​if you can’t work, you can quit, but don’t bring me.

Su Qingyue was not polite this time.

Just now Tiandong served Gu Yan with vegetables in front of her. She can see Gu Yan’s face without saying anything.

But now this matter involves Gu Yan!

She won’t let it go!

No one can come!

Seeing this, Fanchuan Louxue blinked.

I sighed again in my heart.

Gu Yan’s charm is really so great?

As for what Tiandong said about safety and danger, there is no such thing.

According to the arrangement that Gu Yan told her just now, let alone Chen Long tomorrow night, even if there are ten Chen Longs, they can’t hurt Tiandong and Su Qingyue at all.

The simplest concept.

Gu Yan has already packaged the cruise ship that Chen Long will take tomorrow night and expelled all the tourists!

The passengers, staff, and even the sweepers are all Gu Yan’s people!

This is a net of heaven and earth!

Chen Long will die, and there is no chance of struggling…

Still dangerous?

This matter has to be exchanged with the two women, just go on vacation

“Then Miss Su, we’ll compare it with you. Don’t worry, you are Young Master Gu’s woman, and I won’t let you suffer any harm at that time.” Tiandong will not give way either.

“Okay.” Su Qingyue smiled beautifully, “Then we will compare.

The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, the two women put their eyes on Fenchuan Yingxue together.

The behavior and reaction of Tiandong and Su Qingyue are exactly the same as what Gu Yan just said.

Fanchuan can’t help thinking about picking up the snow.

If you lose to Gu Yan, it doesn’t seem to be wronged?

Subsequently, Fenchuan Yingxue, according to Gu Yan told her, made a plan for tomorrow night with Tiandong and Su Qingyue, and agreed to conduct high-intensity training from six in the morning to five in the afternoon. .

Fanchuan Tuxue served as the teacher.

Give special training to Su Qingyue and Tiandong!

Including a series of necessary skills such as self-defense, spear and fighting.Su Qingyue and Tian Dong didn’t hesitate at all, they agreed directly!


At the moment when Fanchuan received the snow and finished the plan.

She glanced at her mobile phone, then raised her head and said to the two women: “Gu Yan will be back soon, so I’ll leave first, and we will meet at the address I gave you at six o’clock tomorrow morning.

After speaking, Fenchuan Yingxue left directly.

“Tian, ​​thank you for helping my husband. Su Qingyue remembers this kindness.”

After Fanchuan picked up the snow and left.

Su Qingyue looked at Tiandong earnestly, her voice full of sincerity.

One yard owned by a yard.

Tiandong also worked hard on this matter, and she should say thank you to Tiandong because of feelings and reasons.

Miss Su “There is no need to be polite with me, and there is no need to say thank you to me, I’m just for my partner.”

Tiandong’s tone was dull.

But after she said this, she turned her head and looked at the night view outside the window, her pretty face blushed: “But I just picked Gu Yan with vegetables, I’m sorry to you, it made you uncomfortable.”

“Tomorrow, I will protect you.”

Su Qingyue smiled sweetly, “I will definitely not lose to you, Mr. Tian.”

“I know you like Gu Yan, don’t you? I won’t just share him with you so easily, unless you can make me recognize him.”

Heard this.

The crimson on Tiandong’s face disappeared, she looked at Su Qingyue and said in surprise: “Miss Su, I like Gu Yan? Are you right?”

“Don’t think too much.

“But since Miss Su likes to compare so much, then let’s compare. I hope you won’t let me protect you by then.”

In the first two sentences, Tiandong speaks very quickly, almost in one stroke.

But in the last sentence, she said it very seriously.

She really wants to compare with Su Qingyue!

Su Qingyue smiled, did not say anything, and sat 3.4 aside.

After a few minutes.

The door was pushed open and Gu Yan walked in.

Saw Gu Yan coming back.

Tian Dong stood up for the first time this time and walked to Gu Yan, “Do you know someone named Fanchuan Yingxue?”

Gu Yan replied.

Learned the news.

Tiandong confirmed that Fanchuan’s picking of the snow was not a spy sent by someone, but Gu Yan’s.

Then she must be telling the truth.

There is nothing to say about this.

“I am leaving.

Tian Dong said, he was going out.

“Return to the magic capital?” Gu Yan glanced at Tian Dong.

“Not going back, I’m going to play in Jiangcheng for two days, can’t it?”

Tian Dong said with confidence, she smiled, and then walked past Gu Yan, leaving a scent of fragrance.

Gu Yan didn’t say anything and closed the door.

He walked up to Su Qingyue and gently embraced it in his arms, “What’s the matter? It looks like you have something on your mind.”

Su Qingyue shook her head, then raised a pair of beautiful eyes, looked at Gu Yan, and said firmly: “My husband, I will not let anyone bully or hurt you, never.”


She actually kissed Gu Yan somewhat domineeringly and hugged him tightly.

Gu Yan didn’t say anything, just couldn’t help laughing.

It seems that Tiandong and Su Qingyue will take their first steps tomorrow.

This first step is to train, let the two women take action in person, change their mentality, and at the same time confront an enemy at the level of the son of luck.

After that, Gu Yan will assign them professional power and let them use their wisdom and strategies to fight against.

What kind of changes will they have?

Gu Yan looked forward to it.

Then he raised his hand and turned off the light in the living room…

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