Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Gu Yan, eat my chicken drumsticks too!

Boom boom boom!


Husband”, you come back…

“Mr. Tian?

Although Tian Dong had been mentally prepared for a long time, she was still stunned when she saw the scene before her clearly.

It was a woman who opened the door.

She has noble temperament, beautiful facial features and exquisite vulgarity, and she is thrilling without makeup but still beautiful. The whole person has a kind of classical beauty with a scholarly fragrance, which is Zhou Xiu, a beautiful and intelligent person.

At this time, she was wearing loose men’s pajamas, men’s slippers, and long hair casually on her shoulders. This kind of little woman’s posture appeared on her body, and there was a deadly charm brought by contrast.

It is Su Qingyue.

Tiandong saw it all and heard it.

At the beginning, Su Qingyue didn’t look at herself with a polite and doubtful smile like the one in front of her.

Her smile at the beginning was the kind of joy and happiness from the heart!

Moreover, the two words she said made Tiandong feel uncomfortable.


Tian Dong even felt that he was wrong, is this woman Su Qingyue?

Tens of billions of gold, a talented woman in the magic city, the dream goddess of countless men, can only look at Su Qingyue who can not be desecrated from a distance, now she is calling a man’s husband?

And she is also wearing men’s pajamas…

Are these two people at this point?!


Although Tiandong had guessed about this possibility, when she saw it with her own eyes, she would still be shocked!

When did Gu Yan and Su Qingyue determine the relationship, so fast?!

When the imagination of the winter became a reality.

I don’t know why, she was panicked and uncomfortable, as if her heart was held by a big hand, she was struggling to breathe.

But Tiandong quickly adjusted his state, resisting the discomfort, and smiled at Su Qingyue: “Miss Su, I’m here to find Gu Yan, is he home?”

“No, when I got up in the afternoon, Gu Yan was gone.”

“Ms. Tian, ​​do you have anything to do? I can tell him for you.” Su Qingyue smiled lightly.

Tiandong heard that, there was nothing on the surface, and his heart began to be confused again.

Su Qingyue lives by the rules, has good habits, and never sleeps late.

But she only got up this afternoon and can only explain one thing.

She and Gu Yan were so tired yesterday…

He looked at the men’s pajamas on Su Qingyue again.

How to look, how to violate!

Isn’t this all obvious?!

Miss Su, “Can’t I go in and wait for Gu Yan?”

“Today is too late. If you have anything urgent, Tianzong, I can help you tell him. If Gu Yan comes back, we will have a rest.

Su Qingyue’s words both inside and outside have the same meaning.

They are going to live in a two-person world!

According to common sense, Tiandong absolutely turned around and left when he encountered this situation.

But now, she hasn’t left.

I don’t know if it is really urgent to talk to Gu Yan, or subconsciously not wanting them to live in a two-person world.

Only Tiandong knows this.

“Should I wait for Gu Yan?” The smile on Tian Dongqiao’s face still doesn’t show up.

This time.

Su Qingyue also felt something was wrong.

Is there anything urgent that I have to say at night?

Since that meal, Su Qingyue did not want Gu Yan to contact Tiandong.

Now that Su Qingyue and Gu Yan have confirmed their relationship, they don’t even want to!

But this sense of crisis only existed for a few seconds before it disappeared.Su Qingyue changed her mind, and that’s right, she and Gu Yan are already like this, why are you panicking?

On the contrary, she should show the generosity of a hostess!

“Come in, Mr. Tian.”

Su Qingyue thought of this, but didn’t say anything more, and walked away.

Tiandong entered the house directly, and the reaction speed was super fast.

She closed the door easily.

After entering the door.

Tiandong looked around subconsciously.

The luxurious presidential suite is spotless, clean and tidy, with beds, sofas, and even no wrinkles.

Tiandong sat on the sofa, casually opened a bottle of cocktail and drank it casually.

After Su Qingyue entered the house, she walked directly into the bathroom.

There is no one in the hall.

Tiandong’s eyes slowly began to drift.

She was normal at first, just looking at the layout and structure of the hall, but later, the place she noticed was on the bedside table and the trash can.

She even stood up seemingly casually and went to sleep on her side for a stroll.

And when the bathroom door was pushed open, it made a crisp sound.

Tian Dong sat back on the sofa like an okay person.

“Miss Su, you are still very virtuous, even if you stay in a hotel, you are tidy up.”

“If I were Gu Yan, I

Tian Dong was just about to say something casually, and ease his mind.

However, when Su Qingyue appeared in the living room, she was beaten back into the stomach without finishing her words.

Su Qingyue walked out with several hangers.

When passing the trash can, she even threw away a torn black stocking.

Look at that hanger again, it’s all men’s clothes!

Casual wear, casual pants, lining, socks.

The washing is clean!

Su Qingyue hung these clothes on the balcony, and a faint scent of lavender wafted in the air.

“Tian, ​​what are you talking about?

Su Qingyue poked her head out from behind her coat and smiled at Tiandong.

“It’s okay, I said that if I were Gu Yan, I would be very happy.

Tiandong smiled indifferently, then took out his phone and found Gu Yan’s number!

She can’t help it!

Su Qingyue’s appearance as a little woman really shocked her too much, and at the same time…

It also makes Tiandong feel like sitting on pins and needles, and feel uncomfortable everywhere!


Just when Tiandong was just about to dial Gu Yan’s number!

There were two crisp noises outside the door, and then the door was directly pushed open!

A tall and handsome man walked in slowly.

It is Gu Yan.

this moment!

Su Qingyue and Tiandong looked over in an instant, and the two behaved differently!

Su Qingyue Qiao had a look of surprise on her face. With a knowing smile on her mouth, she ran towards Gu Yan and hugged him at once.

“Husband, why did you come back, huh… okay, come back early to accompany me?”

With that said, Su Qingyue wiped her small fist and slapped Gu Yan lightly on the shoulder.

Tiandong is different!

She is quite entangled now!

It’s not like saying hello to Gu Yan, nor is it not saying hello.

Say hello, people are now living in a two-person world, it’s a bit redundant to speak for themselves.

Don’t say hello, look stingy. After all, I just asked to come in and talk to Gu Yan. If you didn’t speak, what would Su Qingyue think, and what would Gu Yan think of herself?

“Master Gu.”

Tiandong finally chose to nod and smile at Gu Yan, which was considered hello.

Gu Yan hugged Su Qingyue and looked at Tiandong.

After capturing the latter’s micro expression, he smiled inexplicably.

This woman is really Tsundere’s disease, who is guilty of being upright.

Husband “Husband, have you eaten?”

Su Qingyue smiled at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan shook his head.

“There are no more dishes in the refrigerator. Add a chicken leg to the egg fried rice, okay?”


Gu Yan smiled and stroked Su Qingyue’s long hair.

Su Qingyue thought of this, she turned her head and glanced at Tiandong, “Tianzong, you didn’t have a meal right after you got off the plane? Let’s have a meal together.”

Tiandong originally wanted to refuse.

But in the end she didn’t say anything, because once she refused, there would be no reason to stay here.

She still has no business to talk to Gu Yan!

Su Qingyue saw this and went straight into the kitchen.

There was the sound of a gas stove inside.

For a while, Yan and Gu Tiandong were left in the hall.

“Gu Yan, what’s the situation?” Tiandong didn’t hold back, walked to Gu Yan’s side, and asked in a seemingly calm tone.

“What’s the situation?

Gu Yan glanced at Tiandong, then sat on the sofa and said calmly: “As you can see.

“Tian, ​​you are here this time, is it just for a simple meal?”

“of course not.”

Tian Dong’s face became more serious, as if he was working.

She said to Gu Yan: “I’m asking you to talk about the distribution of benefits for the conference.”

“I have written the draft. The electronic contract is on your mobile phone. You can sign it. Regarding the profit sharing, it is still six and four.

Gu Yan turned on the phone and randomly signed the electronic contract.

“Nothing else?”

“Not for the time being.

“Tian, ​​you can just make a phone call for this kind of thing in the future, there is no need to come to your door.

“You can go back after you have eaten. You should still be able to buy air tickets at this point in time.

Gu Yan’s tone was flat.

Tiandong has a beautiful eye.

Gu Yan is right, tens of billions of projects are now in front of him, it is really not worth talking about.

He came to him on the initiative, and after signing this electronic agreement, it was reasonable to return to the demons.

But Tiandong is feeling uncomfortable, especially when Gu Yan just hugged Su Qingyue sweetly on the front foot, and the back foot calmed down to himself, and he “rushed” to go by himself!


“Didn’t you ask me to come? For…for that bet.”

Tiandong gritted his teeth, his voice was extremely low, and his pretty face blushed.

“Tian, ​​are you serious? I don’t need someone to take care of me, and what will you do? It’s not bad if you don’t add chaos.”

“But if you really want to work for me, I’ll send you my address, and you can help with the cleaning.

As Gu Yan said, while operating his mobile phone, he really sent the address directly to Tiandong.

Now, Tian Dong couldn’t say a word anymore!

I don’t know why!

Gu Yan personally admitted that the bet was voided, she should have been happy, but now she can’t be happy anyhow!

Look at Tiandong this way.

Gu Yan smiled in his heart.

If you just want to leave, you want to get rid of it, and treat a woman like Tiandong, you have to make her always find no reason to avoid her true self in front of you, and “press” her with reason and evidence!

ten minutes later.”Mr. Tian, ​​let’s eat.”

Su Qingyue put a bowl of egg fried rice in front of Tiandong, “There is not enough.”

After speaking, she took a bowl of rice and sat on the other side of Gu Yan.

“Enough, thank you.” Tian Dong’s tone now obviously became a little trance and sluggish, and his thoughts were confused.

After eating this meal, do you really want to leave like this?

Are you really leaving Jiangcheng?

Then when will Gu Yan go back, can he go back?

Countless questions emerged in my heart, but Tiandong didn’t want to say a single question, so he ate quietly.

“Husband, try it quickly, do you agree?”

As Su Qingyue said, she put all her eggs in Gu Yan’s bowl.

Gu Yan took a sip and smiled softly, “Well, that’s good.”

“Where is Tianzong? How is it, is it delicious?”

Su Qingyue poked her head out and glanced at Tiandong.

“Well, yes, Miss Su is really good at craftsmanship.”

Tian Dong’s response was a bit vague, and at the same time when Su Qingyue asked so actively, she took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

“By the way, Miss Su, when did you and Gu Gongzi get along? How did you get along?”

Tiandong finally asked this question.

“Just recently, not long ago, I took the initiative to pursue it.”

Su Qingyue looked at Gu Yan’s profile, her tone was full of love, “Love doesn’t need to be reasonable, I like him, he likes me, that’s enough.”

We “can be happy together, just be happy. I have Gu Yan and I am really happy.”


Tiandong didn’t believe it!

Su Qingyue hasn’t seen anything, hasn’t experienced anything?

With the Su Group alone, she has held 20% of the original shares through her own efforts.

Su Qingyue is not silly and sweet!

There must be something in it that she doesn’t know yet!

“It turns out that it is so, then I wish you happiness.” Tiandong eats food, it is tasteless!

Su Qingyue’s craftsmanship is very good.

But the more she eats, the more tasteless!

In my mind, the thoughts that had just been suppressed, now appeared again.

Own, do you want to leave Jiangcheng?

And just when she was thinking about it alone.

Su Qingyue was still putting the eggs in her bowl and the only chicken leg in Gu Yan’s bowl.

“Why don’t you eat more, you are usually so tired, how about eating only a little bit?”

“My husband, I will test you. Do you like your chicken drumsticks or the chicken drumsticks in my bowl?”

“If you eat mine, then I will eat yours too, huh!”

Husband “What are you talking about? Oh, I hate you so much. I’m talking about eating chicken thighs, not that. Where are you thinking about it!”

Su Qingyue really completely relieved her burden. She was suppressed by the family in her early years. It was too extreme. Now she is completely let go, and she is completely immersed in the interaction with Gu Yan.

Tian Dong listened and watched.

Tired and crooked, really crooked

She was about to die by Su Qingyue and Gu Yan!

But don’t know why, she feels that she is a superfluous now.

It was this feeling that caused an inexplicable emotion to rise in her heart, a bit like dissatisfaction, and a bit sour.

In short, she also picked up the chicken leg in her bowl and put it into Gu Yan’s bowl.

“Gu Yan, eat my chicken drumsticks too!”

Su Qingyue is still eating Gu Yan’s “drumsticks”, but now she has stopped all movements, blinked, and looked at Tiandong very suspiciously.

Gu Yan also turned his head and glanced at Tian Dong.

At this moment!

The air seemed to be silent,

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