Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Farewell, Lord Yamamoto

Fanchuan blinked when receiving Xuexue.

Did she read it right?

Gu Yan is going to take him out so grandly?

You must know that she is not afraid of being discovered by the vice president.

After two years of disguise, her image of Keiko Mizushima has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And counting the time, Fujita Ichiro sent to replace these doctors’ doubles he killed, and they are coming soon.

I can let those people tell the vice president that Keiko Mizushima was kidnapped during the treatment.

The vice chairman was furious and naturally gave in to Gu Yan.

And avoid the limelight by yourself, just continue to come back and pretend to be, nothing will happen.

But Gu Yan is different…

No matter how Gu Yan appeared in front of the vice president, there was only one end, and that was to be caught and tortured to question the true purpose here.

Even if Gu Yan resists, it is not impossible to be solved directly on the spot.

Fanchuan Louxue doesn’t believe that Gu Yan can’t see this.

She also doesn’t believe that Gu Yan is a lunatic.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this disbelief.

She really doesn’t know what Gu Yan wants to do now!

Can’t see through this man!

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but looked at Fenchuan Yingxue calmly.

Fanchuan Louxue smiled beautifully, did not say anything, and did not remind Gu Yan to deal with the corpse in this room, put on the mask again, and followed Gu Yan.

Gu Yan walked out with Fenchuan Yingxue.

When they left the house, they were immediately seen by people patrolling nearby and surveillance cameras covering all aspects.

Two guards of short stature chased up, and stopped by the treatment room at the same time.

Turn your head to look.

On the faces of these two Dongying guards, there were extremely shocking expressions, as if they had seen a ghost!!

“No! Someone was kidnapped! Miss Keiko is gone!”

“Look at the one in front, is that Miss Keiko?”

The two Dongying guards looked at the backs of Gu Yan and Fenchuan Yingxue who were walking in front, staring at them with big eyes, and they were all stupid.

what’s the situation?

Robbers, just walk in front of them?

One of the guards saw the situation far beyond what he intended. He asked the other person to stop him. He first called to gather the staff, and then directly hit the vice chairman.

“Vice President, Ms. Keiko has been kidnapped! And all the doctors in charge of bone marrow transplantation are also dead!


A middle-aged man’s voice with an extremely high decibel was heard over the phone.

“Hurry up and gather people to seal off the entire house, and I will come here!”

“Tell other people, on the premise of ensuring the safety of Keiko Mizushima, don’t talk about killing the robbers!

“Where is the robber? Where is the robber now?!”

Broken pieces!

However, at this moment.

The guard who had just gone up to stop Gu Yan was directly kicked by Gu Yan and lost consciousness.

The calling guard swallowed.

He took a picture and sent it to the vice president, “Vice president, the robber is right in front of us.”



The phone was quiet for ten seconds, and then hung up.

Gu Yan took Fenchuan Yingxue and strolled in the courtyard of the house, passing through one compartment after another, down to the second floor.


Gu Yan kicked again at random, kicking over a guard who rushed out of the side door.

Fanchuan nearly got hit by Xuexue, so he dodges and dodges, tilting his head to look at Gu Yan.

“Yan Sang, you can shoot one, but you can’t shoot dozens, and the vice-chairman has guns.

“Actually, if we use other methods to run now, it is not without a chance. How about we make a deal?”Speaking of which.

Fanchuan Louxue went back directly, picked up a notebook and a pen from the table, and caught up with Gu Yan.

While she was writing somewhat laboriously, she followed Gu Yan at the same time.

Fenchuan Louxue stopped writing until the two reached the exit on the second floor and were about to reach the lobby on the first floor.

She squeezed the notebook into Gu Yan’s hand and said, “Yan Sang, don’t be impulsive, the vice chairman must have concentrated all his hands in the lobby now.”

“I think you should think about it.

Gu Yan glanced at Fenchuan Yingxue, then glanced at the notebook in his hand.

It is written in crooked and crooked Chinese, with various escape plans, possible consequences, and…

“Man, I’ll take it away.”

“For specific things, someone will call you later.”

Gu Yan didn’t even look at the vice-chairman, just gave Fen Chuan Tuixue a look, and then walked out.

When Yamamotokawa heard Gu Yan say this, his face became more and more ugly.

He hesitated and wanted to say something, but he just couldn’t say it!

Magic City, Gu Yan!

He knows what the name represents!

Keiko Mizushima is certainly his root. He has meticulously planned for several years to do eight bone marrow transplants for Keiko Mizushima. Seeing that he will succeed, it is a foregone conclusion to take over the Chikusa Association!

But, Gu Yan, he also can’t afford to offend!

Yamamotokawa didn’t know what Gu Yan was doing to rob Mizushima Keiko, but he really didn’t dare to stop it!

Don’t say that you only hold half of the right now, even if you have the entire Thousand Grass Club under your hand, Gu Yan said that if you press him to death, you can press him to death!

Just a word from Gu Yan, Qiancao will be in all channels in Jiangcheng, so convenience, all business will be vanished overnight.

Gu Yan has this strength!

This is not a question of future.

It’s a matter of life and death!

How dare he stop?!

The only thing that Yamamotogawa hopes for now is the phone call Gu Yan said, to see if the matter is still saved!

“Mr. Yamamoto?”Fanchuan Sakura Snow learned the voice of Mizushima Keiko.

Although she didn’t wear Keiko Mizushima’s human skin mask, she didn’t show her true appearance either. She wore a ghost dancer mask.


Her voice, dress, height, and other details will make Yamamotogawa think that she is the kidnapped Mizushima Keiko.

“Miss Keiko, I will do everything possible to save you.” Yamamotokawa smiled bitterly, and said to Fenchuan Yingxue: “Gu Gongzi has any request, please try to satisfy me, I…

Speaking of last.

Yamamotokawa sighed, his tone became weak, “I can’t help it, Ms. Keiko, you’d better follow Master Gu.”

Fanchuan took the pretty face under the snow mask, and a deep surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes.

The scene before her was really far beyond her imagination!

at the same time!

All her escape plans, from the beginning at this moment, declared failure!

Taking a deep breath, Fenchuan Yingxue looked at Gu Yan from behind, bit her red lip lightly, and followed.

And Gu Yan didn’t even turn his head from beginning to end.

To be precise, he spent the rest of the time walking along the way, except for a few small fishes and shrimps.

It’s like walking around in the back garden of your own house…

Silence soon fell into the villa hall.

Jingle Bell!

at this time.

Yamamotogawa’s phone rang, he quickly picked it up, put it to his ear, and said in an anxious tone: “Moximosi?”

After a few seconds of silence on the phone.

A middle-aged man’s laughter sounded, “Ah, Yamamotokawa, don’t you know me?”

“Master Gu asked me to call you.”

“I just want to inform you about one thing. The legal department of the Magic Gu Group has already brought people from the notary office to your office.”

“The drafting of the Qiancaohui rights transfer contract has been completed. It is up to you whether you sign the word or not.

“I don’t force you, I just remind you that if you don’t sign, someone will sign for you.”

“Yamamotokawa, the Thousand Grass Meeting is over, it’s all over, I’ll blame you for everything!!!”

“If it weren’t for you and me, why would Qiancao come to Jiangcheng, why have this day!!”

This is the voice of Fujita Ichiro.

At the end, his voice had become full of anger, almost roaring. (Good money)

Yamamotokawa was stunned.

After a full minute, he laughed too, coldly, “Ichiro Fujita, I want to give you these words too.”

“My hard work in the past few years has also been ruined by you. The Thousand Grass Meeting is over? So what, our hatred has already been forged.”

Fujita Ichiro laughed strangely, and then said: “Your efforts? You are just a clown controlled by me. You don’t really think that Keiko Mizushima is really Keiko Mizushima, do you?”


Fujita Ichiro has said all his calculations for Yamamotogawa over the years!

Yamamotogawa’s face also turned blue and white. He also confessed that he had used a bone marrow transplant privately to Fujita Ichiro’s father.

“Fujita Ichiro, do you think you can still live? Calculate me, haha!”

Yamamotokawa seems to be crazy now, and all his hard work for so many years has been exhausted, and his mood can be imagined, “If I guessed well, you have to give Master Gu the antidote to Fenchuan Yingxue, right?”

“You are such a beast, you damn it! Fenchuan Yingxue will definitely kill you!!

“And I will go abroad to kill your sister, haha!”

Hearing this, Fujita Ichiro sneered twice, “Yamamotokawa, I will always be smarter than you. I have now contacted the ship going abroad tomorrow night.”

In addition, “I also secretly asked Chen Long to make two antidote, and Chen Long will go with me then!

“I will get rid of this damn strange disease, and then start a new life, with Chen Long’s help, my development speed is faster than you can imagine.”

“Sorry, I won in the end.”

“Gu Gongzi will know the news soon.” Yamamotokawa smiled.

“Do not..

“Farewell, Lord Yamamoto…

At the end of the talk, Fujita Ichiro directly hung up the phone.

next moment.

A guard who was sweeping the floor suddenly violently violently pulled out a dagger from his waist, rushed towards Yamamoto River, and stabbed the knife fiercely into his throat!


Blood is like a note!!!

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