Chapter 79

Chapter 79: There are beautiful women in the ages, peerless and independent

Chapter 79: There are beautiful women in the ages, peerless and independent

To the north of Jiangcheng, on the edge of Taihu Lake.

In a detached house.

Deep overhangs, raised floors, tatami mats, warm yellowing lights, and independent screens out of the room, it looks like a retro Japanese house design.

The air was filled with a touch of sandalwood, and the neat ground was spotless and well laid out.

The area of ​​the whole house is very large, sometimes there are women wearing simple kimonos, barefoot, coming and going, busy with something.

On the second floor, in the central foreign pavilion of the whole house.

A pair of wooden clogs was placed on the threshold.

If you look up, you can see the entire Taihu Lake through the opened paper window at a glance, as well as the woman sitting in front of the dressing table.

The woman who makes people unable to look away.

She is wearing a black kimono with blossoming cherry blossoms embroidered on it, which is high-class and delicate.

The woman’s posture is lazy, and her kimono is inadvertently tilted to the side, just like revealing a jade shoulder like suet jade.

Her facial features are the kind of beautiful and beautiful without vulgarity. She smiles beautifully and looks forward to her beautiful eyes. The eyebrow pencil in her hand is slightly tango on a pair of willow eyebrows. When the stroke is over, she can see through the makeup mirror. To the pupils under her black willow eyebrows.

Her pupils are very light, like Taihu Lake’s sentiment, but the smoke wave turns slightly, obviously there is no seductiveness, but it is the style that hooks your heart.

In her temperament, there is a little more feminine power that Jiulong women don’t have. You can find any traits from her, but there is only a little, a touch, which can make men lose their minds and chase them.

She has short hair, and when the afterglow of the setting sun is on her bright white face, time seems to freeze here.

Elegant and beautiful, with thousands of styles.

Qianqiu has beautiful women, peerless and independent.

Fanchuan Louxue put down the eyebrow pencil in her hand, and then picked up a sheathed sword from the desk, moistened the white cloth, and wiped it carefully.


The phone at his feet vibrated.

Fanchuan did not pick up the snow, and swept the jade feet hanging next to the phone.

Pick up the phone and turn on the reminder.

That was a text message from Ichiro Fujita.

What catches the eye is a picture of a man, Ying 27 is extraordinary, with unparalleled temperament.

There is also a line of text below, “An employer wants you to kill this person. I have sent you the employer’s information.”

“In addition, the medical team you are treating will be here soon.”

Fanchuan Louxue had no expression on her face, quietly read the information of the employer called “Chen Long” and ignored it.

On the contrary, she gently wiped her finger on the man’s photo, and her red lips made a beautiful curve, “ALLLYCA.

“It’s so handsome…

It has been two years since I came to Kowloon.

Fanchuan Yingxue has been practicing her Chinese, so when she is okay, she will speak Japanese first, and then translate the Japanese meaning in Chinese.

So, the sentence she just said in Japanese and the sentence in Chinese actually mean the same thing.

Fenchuan Yingxue replied with a finger on the screen, “Your Excellency Fujita, I’m not interested in genius doctors or genius doctors.”

“According to the agreed time, you still have the last day.”

“If I don’t see the antidote then, you will die…

Reply finished.

Fanchuan picked up the snow and threw the phone aside, and continued to wipe the sword.

Ten minutes later.


There were two crisp noises under the counter, and Louxue Fenchuan curled his lips a little boringly.

She put away the sword, sat up, took a human skin mask from a mahogany box and put it on. She didn’t forget to pull up her kimono to cover the whiteness of her shoulders.

She is still very beautiful at this time, but not as stunning as before.This face looks very petite.

Fan Chuan Louxue’s temperament also changed at this moment, no longer feeling graceful, but behaved.

The screen was pulled apart.

A woman in a kimono with bare feet lowered her head to Fenchuan Jiexue, and said, “Miss Keiko, the vice chairman said, let you go to the third floor cubicle for medical treatment. The doctors have already come.”

“Arigado, I know.

Fanchuan Louxue smiled sweetly, took a mask of a ghost dancer and put it on her face, put on the wooden clogs at the door, and walked out the door.

On the third floor, in a very modern ward.

Six doctors wearing white coats and masks, with only one pair of eyes leaking out, sit or stand.

On the sofa in the corner.

There is a doctor in a white coat, which is very special.

He was tall and straight, not as short as other doctors, and his exposed eyes were not bottomless and calm.

The sitting posture is also very casual.

This kind of comfort is incompatible with the tense atmosphere in the ward now.

Gu Yan tilted his head, while looking at the beauty of Taihu Lake, while looking up at the time in his heart.

Almost, it’s time to show up.

This Dongying’s trump card killer, the teacher he found for the hostess, Fanchuan Yingxue!

In other words, Keiko Mizushima is fine.

After all, the current Fenchuan Louxue, the true identity in front of everyone, is actually the sister of Fujita Ichiro, Mizushima Keiko.


The last second of the countdown in Gu Yan’s mind.

The screen in front of her was also pulled apart. A woman with a height of about 165 but a fairly well-proportioned figure, not fat or thin, with perfect proportions and a mask on her face, walked in.

I don’t know why.

at this moment.

As if there was any guidance, Gu Yan and Fenchuan Louxue looked at each other for a few seconds before the latter gradually turned their eyes away.

“Miss Keiko!”

The leading middle-aged attending doctor bowed to Fenchuan Yingxue ninety degrees, then picked up the medical record and said, “You have done seven bone marrow transplants before, and the surgery was quite successful.”

“This is the eighth time. After this transplant operation, you will be able to complete the vice-chairman’s target for three days of recuperation with medication.


Fanchuan Jiixue sat on the hospital bed casually. She looked around at the doctors in front of her, and said lightly, “Do you all have lovers?”

Hearing this question, the doctors were stunned, but they all shook their heads in unison.

They are all loyal to the vice chairman and usually help with some shady experiments or work, which is classified as secret work, which is equivalent to an invisible person.

How can there be a lover?

Fanchuan Louxue nodded, then calmly looked at Gu Yan on the sofa, “How about you?”

Gu Yan didn’t speak, and a smile flashed in his eyes, like an audience under the stage, quietly watching the performance on stage.

“All right.

Fanchuan Louxue said nothing, but leaned on the hospital bed.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged doctor in charge waved his hand, and a doctor behind him picked up a blood bag. The other doctors walked towards Fenchuan Yingxue with various instruments with needles in their hands.

“Ms. Keiko, let’s monitor your pulse first.” The middle-aged attending doctor took a professional instrument and was about to wrap the black bands on both sides of Fenchuan Louxue’s wrist.

However, at this moment.


Chuan Louxue suddenly made a move. She drew a short dagger from the waistband of the kimono and pierced the middle-aged attending doctor’s throat.

The blood was sprinkled on her kimono and mask, which made her look more unique.

The audience was silent.

Fanchuan picked up the snow and stood up, first put his hand into the mask, tore off the human skin mask, and threw it on the ground casually.

The short dagger danced between her hurried jade fingers.

“When we first met, my name is Fenchuan Jixue, please take care of me.”

She tilted her head and smiled slightly.

When the other doctors saw this, they all screamed.

But Fanchuan received the snow but moved.

She moved lightly, as if dancing, but she was always accompanied by screams and blossoms of blood.

Accurate and fierce.

See the blood seal the throat!

It’s as if what disappeared in her hands was not a strip of life, but a strip of withered leaves.

three minutes.

It only took three minutes!

In the audience, only Fanchuan Yingxue and Gu Yan are still alive!

“Do you have a lover, sir?”

Fanchuan Louxue walked towards Gu Yan and asked this question again.

Gu Yan cocked his legs, smiled faintly, and gave an answer.

“Then what do you want to say to your lover before you die?

Fenchuan Yingxue did not immediately act on Gu Yan, but stood still and looked at him quietly.

This is her consistent problem over the past few years.

She pretended to be Mizushima Keiko for two years, and she would ask this question every time she walked in, and every time she would do it before the doctor touched her with the instrument.

After Gu Yan heard this question.

Standing up, walking slowly to Fenchuan Yingxue, she said a few words, “Zhan Xue, don’t kill me, your mother’s death has nothing to do with me.”


When Fenchuan Yingxue heard these words, she suddenly shot, and the short dagger in her hand pierced Gu Yan’s throat directly.


Although she is Dongying’s top killer, Gu Yan’s current melee combat level is not what Fanchuan Yingxue can imagine.

With a beautiful grasp, Gu Yan directly overlapped Fenchuan Yingxue’s two arms, locked her back, and then pressed her against the wall.

Then, he chuckled and said, “This sentence is familiar, isn’t it? That was what your stepfather said before you killed him!

“You were originally born in a happy family, but you broke down because your father died of a heart attack.

“Your stepfather is very bad to you and always scolds you, but your grandparents picked you up before he started beating you.”

“Your mother wanted to give you a happy family. That day your stepfather drank and cheated. Your mother came to ask for an explanation, but your stepfather ordered her friends to be beaten to death.

“Since then, your character has begun to change, and you are determined to retaliate against your stepfather through your own means, and then send him to court.

“You have experienced an unknown amount of suffering. One day, you beat your stepfather like a dead dog, and you ask him what you want to say to your lover before you die.”

“What you want to hear is his confession, but he just begs you not to kill him, saying that your mother’s death has nothing to do with him.”

“You only wanted to teach him a lesson, but you resolutely pierced your stepfather’s heart with a knife, and dealt with those who harmed your mother one by one, and there was no turning back.”

“You never kill innocent people, because you never want to take those cheap orders.

“The people you kill are all high-ranking dignitaries, or gangs competing with each other in the Dongying underground market, because you know that only in this way can you quickly get your reputation out.”

“You always ask this question before killing someone. This is your habit.”

“Miss Ying Xue, in fact, to a certain extent, you are not a complete killer. You still can’t forget the past.”

“Why don’t you let me open the knot for you, make you more pure, no longer entangled?”


Gu Yan directly raised his hand and lifted Fenchuan Louxue’s mask.

Looking at the pretty face in front of him, watching the doubts and shallow dullness in those eyes, Gu Yan smiled faintly and took off his mask.

“Are you Gu Yan?”

Fenchuan Yingxue had a meal.

She had seen this handsome face in front of her.

I saw it on the text message Ichiro Fujita sent her just now!This is the person that the genius doctor is going to kill, Gu Yan!

In Fanchuan Louxue’s heart, a touch of danger passed by.

She did not panic, did not shock.

Only danger!

This kind of danger was brought to her by Gu Yan!

It is the first time that Fanchuan Louxue has missed in close-range combat, which shows that Gu Yan’s ability is far above her. This is one of them.

Second, he knows all his secrets!

Who is he?

“What do you want?” Fanchuan Yingxue smiled, “Gu Yan-Sang, you said so much, maybe you didn’t want to kill me.”



Fanchuan caught the snow and lowered her head unintentionally, sniffed Gu Yan’s arm, her eyes flowed, and softly said, “Are you willing to do it directly?”

However, what she saw were Gu Yan’s calm eyes.

Gu Yan certainly won’t fall into Fenchuan Louxue’s plan.

She knew that this woman is a fairy, and that a woman can become Dongying’s trump card killer, in addition to her own strength, there are ways to cover people’s hearts.

I don’t know how many men are going to play in Fanchuan Yingxue, but she hasn’t been touched by anyone.


Gu Yan is the first person to encounter Fanchuan Yingxue.

next moment.

Gu Yan snatched the short dagger in Fenchuan Yingxue’s hand, and the sharp tip of the knife pressed against her throat.

The skin was slightly pierced a few millimeters.

The shallow blood stained the blade red.

“Now, your life is in my hands, it’s time for me to give you a choice.”

“First, go out honestly with me, remember, be honest, otherwise you will die.”

“Second, you are dead now.”

Fanchuan Louxue’s nose hummed like nothing.

She looked at Gu Yan calmly, and also re-examined the man in front of her, “This is the place of the vice president, and I will take you out if you want to go out.

“Vice president?

Gu Yan smiled indifferently, “You just choose, just tell me when you choose.”

“Take me away.

Speaking of this, Fanchuan Jiexue added, “I will be honest.”

Gu Yan was not surprised.

Fan Chuan picks up the snow woman, to a certain extent, even more calm than Zhao Chuning.

She will not easily show any shocking and shocking emotions, but will only use her own inertial thinking to think about things a little bit.

In Fenchuan’s view.

Gu Yan wants to let himself follow him. It must have found some secret way, or the security personnel who bought it. In short, the action will be very cautious and extremely cumbersome.

Then she will do some tricks to let the vice-chairman find out that Gu Yan must be the one who was in the accident at that time, and she just happened to be saved.

Even if it doesn’t help.

Fanchuan Louxue can also create chaos and escape, and then go directly to Fujita Ichiro for the antidote and return to Dongying.

She didn’t know why Gu Yan shot her.

But Fanchuan Yingxue never allowed herself to be in any threat!

However, the next moment.

It happened that all the thoughts in Fanchuan Yingxue’s mind were disconnected, and everything went to naught!

Gu Yan kicked the door of the compartment, walked out grandiosely, and spit out two words to Fenchuan Yingxue.

“Let’s go…

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