Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Tonight, Collect Net Leaf Liuli in Various Meanings

“It’s because of your elder brother, your biological elder brother, Yang Yuanhong!”

“That accident changed the pattern of the hidden family, but no one expected that you Yang Chen would become a victim in silence.

“It’s your incompetence and weakness that created all of this. Do you need me to help you recall your memories?”

There was a touch of playfulness in Gu Yan’s expression.

“No, you can’t know, you can’t know this..

Yang Chen’s expression is extremely complicated now, and the whole person is in a deep pain and entanglement, muttering like a dream.

Gu Yan poured a glass of red wine unhurriedly.

The man’s low and magnetic voice resounded like magic in the entire abandoned warehouse.

“Five years ago, the four major families of Li, Yang, Wang, Zhao, and the magic capital were separated. They controlled the channels of all walks of life and stood on top of the upper class. They were the top-level capital in the true sense.

“Among them, the Li family and the Yang family have a good relationship, and the Wang family and the Zhao family have a good relationship. Although there have been frictions between the four major families, they are generally harmonious. Neither party dares to really hurt the interests of any other party.”

It wasn’t until “one summer night three years ago that a message from the high seas changed this pattern.”

“The news was originally obtained by the Zhao family. The cargo ship carrying crude oil ran aground on the high seas. The staff took the small boat with the cargo ship as the center and began to scatter for help.”

“But at this moment, a staff member saw a bull’s head cup with seaweed floating on the surface. After he handed the bull’s head cup to the captain, he immediately attracted attention.”

“It took only three hours for Zhao’s freighter to be overhauled, but they stayed in that area for a long time before leaving.

“It’s because they have mobilized countless civilian submarines, mobilized countless manpower, and salvaged a total of 86 cultural relics in a sea area of ​​fifty miles in a radius of water at different depths!”

“After investigation, these cultural relics are all from Greece. The ancient Romans were in the ships that were killed on the sea line of communication in the morning.

“If anyone obtains these cultural relics and gives them to a specific person, then that hidden family will get huge profits and benefits, and instantly overtake the other three, and one family will be the only one!”

“This is power, not wealth!”

“But paper can’t contain fire. The Zhao family didn’t know that there was such a big secret in the sea floor. The action was not private, and it was soon discovered by the other three.”

“Under the world, there is no eternal 830 friendship, only eternal benefits.

“From here, the hidden family said that it is also the beginning of the turmoil, and you are also…

“Yang Chen, the beginning of suffering!”

When Yang Chen heard this, he stared at Gu Yan’s deep and calm fat man and shook his head foolishly, “No, how could you know this, who are you? Who are you?!”

Gu Yan smiled.

Ignoring Yang Chen’s shock, he spoke slowly.

“When I learned about this, the heads of the four major families immediately gathered together and discussed solutions, because these things are all unowned, a good fortune given by God.

“So, the result of the discussions at that time was that the four major families of these cultural relics were divided, the Zhao family monopolized 40%, and the remaining three shared 60% equally, and strictly kept this matter strictly confidential, and there must be no leaks.”

“But people’s hearts are separated by the belly, and in the face of such a huge benefit, who wouldn’t want to take it all? Especially the Zhao family, who first discovered the treasure, felt that this matter was unfair.”

“In the beginning, the methods of the four houses were fairly peaceful. They only used the means of private transactions to exchange assets, cash, and projects with other houses for more cultural relics.”

“If there is a transaction, there will be contradictions, and no one is willing to give up this benefit. Therefore, even if it is a transaction, the selling party will have an extremely exaggerated asking price, and the buyer is naturally unwilling.”

“In addition, some people on the side of the line are pushing behind the scenes. This cooperation and transaction, which was originally planned to be evenly divided, eventually turned into a steal! It turned into a robbery!”

“Even using tactics to harm the other party and suppress the other party!”

“Because as long as which one falls, then the winning one will not only be able to swallow the other side, but also get all the cultural relics in the other side’s hands!”

“And in this battle.

“You Yang family, and Li family are the first to do it. Zhao family and Wang family became the victims. They noticed it was too late. When they reacted, the situation was already on one side and the general situation was gone.”

“This is also the reason why the four big families later became two big families, because you, the Li family and the Yang family, each annexed one family!!

Gu Yan said here, he paused, took a sip of red wine, and smiled inexplicably, “I have to say, the methods of your two families are indeed wolves. If you can learn half of your father’s fierceness, the next thing will not happen. happened.””Your Yang family has two children, one is you and the other is your brother Yang Yuanhong. Your brothers are very close, (chee) each is very good.”

“But because of your brother’s fierceness, your father liked your brother more, and you didn’t care about it at the time.”

“But in this battle between the four major families, your brother once conspired with you to poison the Patriarch of the Zhao family. If you didn’t agree, your brother did it alone.”

“Your brother is stupid. He was killed, but he was discovered by the Zhao family. This incident is on the bright side. It is a loss to your father and the whole family.”

“It was your brother’s resistance. He should have spent his entire life in prison, but…

“However, he put his sight on your younger brother. He said for no reason that you instigated this incident. He also poisoned the medicine bottle of the Zhao Family Patriarch and put it into your bedroom after it was used up.

“At the same time, he coerced you, even abused you, threatening you to take it down!”

“The affection you cherish so much in your heart has become the grave that will bury you for the rest of your life! You are timid and afraid of things, so you don’t dare to resist, you bear this black pot!”

“After the family bought you from the prison, they lost all trust in you, and instead regarded your brother as a key training object!”

“After annexing the Zhao family, the scale of the Yang family skyrocketed, and your brother has countless family resources in his hands. He is the future leader of the Yang family in the true sense!”

“And you, you have become a waste that countless people spurned, even the old servants in the family look down on it, the black sheep!”

Gu Yan smiled.

He looked at Yang Chen, who collapsed on the ground and looked like crazy.

“In order to avoid fighting, the two parties signed a friendly agreement and became the so-called world friendship. In fact, they signed a gambling agreement in private. If the scale is stronger and the power is stronger, whoever owns the other cultural relics.”

“According to the current situation, the Yang family is indeed an advantage, and your brother is indispensable.”

“You look at your brother’s magnificent scenery, and the resentment and hatred in your heart accumulate. This family affection is useless to you. You even want to kill your brother!”

“But you are still a bag in your bones. It is also because you have no ability and strength to do all this.

“Am I right?”

Yang Chen was completely sluggish.

His face was uncertain and looked a little scary, and the past scenes resurfaced in his mind through Gu Yan’s description!

“No! I must kill him, I must kill him!!”


Gu Yan slapped forcefully, interrupting Yang Chen’s crazy roar, and then spoke lightly.

“Remember, people who are truly strong in heart will not let themselves fall into a state of unconsciousness and expose their purpose.”

“Yang Chen, in this world, all unfavorable factors are caused by the lack of ability of the person involved. Your gaffe will only make you look more pathetic.”

“More pitiful! More cowardly!”

Yang Chen was slapped by Gu Yan, bleeding in his mouth and nose, and a few teeth were lost.

Now he does not look like the noble son of the hermit family, but like a beggar under an overpass.

He covered his face and just collapsed to the ground quietly, without screaming or screaming.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Until a cold wind blew, it hurt Yang Chen’s wound and dried his blood.

He looked up.

Lifting his head, looking at Gu Yan, there seems to be something burning in his eyes at this moment!

“Gu Yan, help me, help me kill my brother, I will give you everything you want!”

In fact, he has never been stupid, just cowardly.

But too many things happened today.

Just like Gu Yan said, he was originally a victim today, but because of the family’s partiality, even if he returns to the family, he will be treated coldly and even imprisoned!

He just thought about dying!

This was the last straw that overwhelmed him!

Gu Yan woke him up, really woke him up!

Yang Chen is smart, he can see that this mysterious man in front of him has a means that he can’t imagine!

So, he wants Gu Yan to help himself!

He just needs revenge…

It doesn’t matter anymore!

“It doesn’t matter even if you kill your own brother and plunder everything your own father has?”

“Even if you help me rob the Yang family step by step, and eventually become a puppet under my hand, doesn’t it matter?”

Gu Yan smiled softly, his voice seemed to have some magical power.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!

Yang Chen didn’t roar any more this time, but stopped, staring at Gu Yan and said, his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat.

“very good.”

Gu Yan was very satisfied with Yang Chen’s performance.He didn’t kill Yang Chen, he just wanted to keep him as his own dog!

Even in the Yang family, Yang Chen has no resources.

But after all, he is still the noble son of the Yang family, and he has a blood relationship with the head of the Yang family. Just this is enough.

Another point is that he admires Yang Chen.

When a cowardly person tears off his mask, he will burst out of unprecedented potential.

“Then from today, Yang Chen will die and evaporate from this world.

“I will provide you with funds, and you need to pay your hard work and connections to build a private team dedicated to me.”

“Killers, doctors, and even scientists, covering all aspects, need you to do it.

“It’s not easy to kill your brother. I need your cooperation. You have to take orders from me. Is there a problem?”

Gu Yan said gently.

This is also his initial plan, which is to build a team that belongs exclusively to him and can be trusted.

Yang Chen has lost everything now, he has no backing except for relying on himself.

He also has a network of connections, and he can use his contacts, so he is a perfect candidate.

Even if he is “dead”, he can still use the Internet, which is nothing more than a little trouble and a few more turns.

Let Yang Chen “die”!

Gu Yan can still use this to catch the fourth heroine of the original book!

It was also the daughter of the Patriarch of the Zhao family who was killed by Yang Hongyuan at that time!

She is similar to Yang Chen, but she is fundamentally different from Yang Chen.

This is a woman who is shrewd to the extreme and cruel to the extreme, but her appearance is contrary to all of this, and she also put on a layer of disguise for herself, for up to three years!

In the eyes of everyone, she is a “lunatic”, a “lunatic” who can’t help being beaten after losing her father.

The most special heroine, there is no one.

When Yang Chen heard what Gu Yan said, he nodded mechanically.

Seeing this, Gu Yan stood up and put the half bottle of red wine that had not been finished on the table.

A knife was also placed next to it.

“The Yang family is not a fool. If you want to fake the illusion of your death, you have to leave something.”

“Yang Chen, it depends on your determination.

“If you are willing to continue to be cowardly, then I will come back and kill you, otherwise, if you are willing to change

“Tomorrow at nine o’clock in the evening, you and I will meet in the suburbs of Magic City.”

The faint tone made Yang Chen fall into silence.

Gu Yan left without looking back.

In the abandoned warehouse, there was a rancid smell of corpses, but Yang Chen didn’t care at all.

He picked up the half bottle of red wine on the table and poured it all into his stomach!


He threw the wine bottle to the ground, placed his other hand on the wooden table, picked up the short knife left by Gu Yan, and raised it high!

Senran knife light.

Reflected his calm expression at this time.

But the corner of his mouth evoked a cruel smile at this moment.

“Brother, wait for me

Hand up the knife and drop!

Gu Yan walked out of the abandoned warehouse and smiled satisfied listening to the screams coming from behind.

So far.

The last insider also evaporated in this world in a special way.

At the end, only Gu Yan!

No one can imagine that a pusher hidden behind the scenes is changing everything in the dark, and gradually mastering everything!


That’s right, it’s like an art!

In other words, it is the artist who deceives sentient beings and covers the sky with only one hand!

He wants to merge the two hidden families, merge the elite capital of the magic capital, and eventually dominate the family and become the real behind-the-scenes boss!

As for Ye Tian?

And other children of luck in the future?

They are all ants, the tools needed by the play.

Gu Yan got in the car.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. The time now was one hour after he arrived in the warehouse.

He looked calm and drove away from here.

Next, he is going to find Ye Liuli!

Don’t forget the text message he just sent to Ye Liuli using Ye Tian’s mobile phone.

This was also the last straw that crushed her, making her completely hate Ye Tian!

So much foreshadowing.


It’s time to reap the results!!

Gains in various senses!!

ps: Let’s talk about the update.

The number of words in each chapter of the author is 4000-5000 words, so the number of words is large for the coherence of the plot.

There are three chapters a day, and about 15,000 words are updated. This update is really a lot. If it is divided into two chapters, it will be more than seven times a day.

Everyone, don’t say that the author is updated and less spicy. I am very aggrieved, OK?

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