Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Gu Yan, as terrifying as an abyss!

“Let him speak again.”

Ye Tian frowned, his smile almost frozen, and said in a deep voice.

“Hehe, I said I remembered you, don’t worry.

This time, Yang Chen took the initiative to speak, and there was an almost madness in his expression.

It seems to be…

Rebound after extreme depression!

Ye Tian listened to Yang Chen’s voice, this time he heard clearly, and his brain went blank.

What’s the meaning?

what’s the situation?!

He can be 100% sure that the one in front of him is Yang Chen, because his subordinates are looking for people based on any news and photos about Yang Chen in the past ten years.

There is no way to fake it.

Since Yang Chen himself is right in front of him, why is the voice different?

There is only one possibility!

Ye Tian is not a fool!

That is, talking on the phone with myself that day, killing my own people, it was not Yang Chen at all!

Who is that?!

An inexplicable chill instantly enveloped Ye Tian’s body.He only felt that things seemed to be out of his grasp in an instant!

It’s as if my every move is controlled by a mysterious person, being stared at!!

My heart is hairy!!

This is the first time he feels horror in so many years!

Who did it?!

I don’t know why, at this moment, Ye Tian’s mind unexpectedly appeared inexplicably what Ye Liuli said when he was talking on the phone with Ye Liuli yesterday.

“Brother, you must not hurt him


Ye Tian now feels that the ins and outs of the whole thing are likely to have something to do with him!!

“Brother Ye?” The young man looked at the expression on Ye Tian’s face, and the shock in his heart couldn’t be concealed.

He has been with Ye Tian for four years, and this is the first time that Ye Tian’s expression fluctuates.

There is even a little fear!

On the computer screen, Ye Tian took a deep breath. He rubbed his eyebrows vigorously. When he was about to say something, the phone on the table rang.

When he picked it up, his face suddenly changed!

“Quick! Don’t worry about Yang Chen, I’ll give you an address, go there!”

“My sister was tied up, and it is Yang Chen who controls everything and offends me over there!”

Ye Tian’s tone was hurried, cold sweat oozing out of his back.

The content of the text message is simple.

“Ye Tian, ​​this is Yang Chen, and your sister is in my hand now, so she can exchange it for two hundred million, otherwise you will never see your sister in your life.”

Therefore, Ye Tian must understand the cause and effect!

In fact, he has no hatred with the Yang Chen in front of him, but with the control of everything, that mysterious fake Yang Chen has hatred!

“How did the Yang family reply?” Ye Tian asked again quickly.

He hasn’t forgotten about antiques, and antiques must be obtained first.

“The Yang family replied that the things have been sent out and asked us how we can release people.” The young man replied.

Ye Tian patted the table, “Tell them, don’t need anything, after getting the antiques, let them come and pick them up by themselves!””We found the wrong person! After you reply, immediately leave here and go to the address I gave you!”

The young man heard that he was in estrus, but he still did.


The moment he walked to the laptop screen.

Broken pieces!

Two small gunshots sounded.

The laptop was hit directly, and a red dot appeared on the center of the young man’s eyebrows. His eyes rolled up and he fell softly to the ground.

Kill with one blow!

For a time, only Yang Chen was left in the abandoned warehouse.

Yang Chen froze.

But when he looked at the side door of the warehouse subconsciously, he felt as if he had seen a ghost, his face was pale, and he got goose bumps!

That is a man.

A man dressed in Zegna’s customized casual clothes, tall, handsome, with extraordinary features, and elegant manners.

He turned a silenced pistol in his right hand, and carried a black briefcase in his left hand, and walked slowly towards here.

There is always a gentle smile on his face, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

After the young man fell to the ground, blood flowed out like a small snake.

The man stepped on the blood stains and walked in a proper manner.

Gu Yan!!

Yang Chen felt a little unable to breathe.

This man, he has seen it!

That day was a gathering in Tianding. After Yang Chen saw the east bathroom with his own eyes, Wang Zilong followed Gu Yan like a dog!

He felt that all of this was fake, and it was Gu Yan’s play.

But when the next day, Wang Zilong, Tiandong, and Yang Xuming handed over their benefits at the same time, he remembered the name Gu Yan, and remembered this mysterious man!

He also thought that one day he might meet Gu Yan in the mall, or even compete with each other.

But he never thought about it!

I never thought that I would see Gu Yan on this occasion today!!

“Young Master, we meet again~~.”

Gu Yan smiled at Yang Chen, “We will talk about our affairs later, you will stay for a while.


With that said, Gu Yan also took out a bottle of red wine and two goblets from the briefcase, and motioned to Yang Chen.

This kind of casual, even cozy!

It’s like vacationing by the sea.

It’s like a corpse lying under his feet, it has nothing to do with him!

Yang Chen didn’t speak, his body was trembling constantly, his eyes fixed on Gu Yan!

He is scared!

He admitted that he was scared!

The fear comes from the unknown. He was kidnapped by a young man just now, and he was not afraid of being beaten up.

But this time, he was really scared!

“Well, then drink later.”

Gu Yan poured himself a glass, then kicked the corpse away at will, pulled the stool away and sat down.

He first took out the mobile phone from the young man, and watched Ye Tian call here frantically, without any surprise.

Presumably, Ye Tian has found something wrong now

very good.

What Gu Yan wants is this kind of effect.

This is brilliant…

Hang up Ye Tian’s phone directly, and Gu Yan directly used Ye Tian’s cell phone to send a text message to Ye Liuli’s cell phone.

“Miss Ye, I’m sorry, I can’t save you now, Brother Ye has ordered me, everything is first to find antiques!”

Mention the word antique.

Gu Yan couldn’t help laughing.

I don’t know, when Ye Tian was framed by himself against the Yang family and parted ways with Ye Liuli. After paying so much, he ended up getting an antique without copper, or an imitation of the antique.

Will he be so angry that he vomits blood?

After sending this text message, Gu Yan sent another text message to the third day of the junior high school, “Take the phone in, let Ye Liuli see this text message, and then take out the phone.”

“If you see someone called Ye Tian calling in, just turn off the phone.”

Finish it all.

Gu Yan took a sip of red wine first, and then took out a laptop from the briefcase and started to operate.

five minutes later.

The screen displayed on the laptop is somewhat similar to the laptop that was punctured.

The similar is the call record with the Yang family.

What’s not similar is that there is no Ye Tian’s face in Gu Yan’s picture now.

When Gu Yan saw that the conversation record with the Yang family on the computer was still asking for antiques, he smiled.

He was stuck just now and killed him and destroyed the computer before the youth sent a message to the Yang family.

In other words.

In the eyes of the Yang family, Yang Chen is not really safe now, and they don’t know what the robbers still want!

Gu Yan, on the other hand, has inherited the identity of “robber” in a very reasonable and reasonable way!

Now, he can ask the Yang family for anything without having to bear the consequences.

Because Yang Chen was kidnapped by Ye Tian’s men.

What does it have to do with yourself?

“Just an antique… too kind.”

Gu Yan smiled, and then sent a message to the Yang family on the computer.

In addition to “antiques, I also want 50 billion in cash, yes, 50 billion.”

“You can consider whether 50 billion is important, or Yang Chen’s life is important.”

“This is my overseas virtual account, and the money goes here.

Gu Yan did not ask for assets and did not ask the Yang family to do things.

The Yang family will definitely check afterwards, even if the money is placed in an overseas virtual account, it is not safe.

But don’t forget someone…

Yang Xuming!

Yang Xuming has been in the industry for more than ten years. He has countless ways to launder this money and then inject it into Gu Yan’s hands.

The Yang family will not tell others about this.

Gu Yan was right.

Compared with Yang Chen, 50 billion is indeed more important than Yang Chen.

But maybe it’s a bit more…

Gu Yan knew the secrets of the Yang family, knew Yang Chen’s position in the Yang family’s mind, and directly gave a reasonable price.

After a few minutes.

Gu Yan browsed the virtual account without trace, and saw the remittance information from countless overseas underground banks at a glance.

In China, even if it is a transfer of 100 million yuan, it has to go through layers of approval.

But for forces like the Yang family, they usually do some deceptive things. Their own banks, overseas holding companies, and securities know better than anyone else.

But the amount of 50 billion is too large, and the entire transfer process will take at least half a month.

However, once the money is remitted, the Yang family cannot withdraw it. They can only transfer the funds in a deceptive way, but they cannot completely control the funds. They do not have this right.

“The money has been transferred out. You should know that once the transfer is initiated, it cannot be withdrawn.”

At this time.

On the computer screen, a reply from the Yang family appeared, but you have to return Yang Chen to us. ”

Your Excellency “I don’t know why you did this, why you offended us, I hope to get an explanation.”

Gu Yan saw the Yang family’s reply and smiled: “Because you took my things.”

“Actually, money is not important to me, I just want to teach you parents Yang a lesson.”

“Wait and collect Yang Chen’s body!”

Send this message!

Gu Yan directly slammed the computer to the ground, then shot and punched the computer through!

The Yang family must be angry.

They will investigate, and they will come here later.They would not find anything, only the corpse lying on the ground, under Ye Tian, ​​and the wolf head emblem on his body that symbolized his identity.

The Yang family will investigate everything frantically and investigate all the details.

They will even investigate the imitation antiques that Ye Tianyao!

But in the end, they could only find one person, and that was Ye Tian!

Ye Tian carried the scapegoat, but he couldn’t argue, he could only watch as he was framed, and under the control of Gu Yan, he fell into the abyss!

For the Yang family, it was a conspiracy.

To Ye Tian, ​​it was Yang Mou!

Planting and framing, stealing the sky and changing the day, one after another, Gu Yan made a big lie and fabricated a perfect scam!

Even Ye Liuli, who is on the other side of the magic city, is part of Gu Yan’s plan!

Ye Tian is now being kept in the dark. When the information is not equal, he will eagerly want to return to China, investigate all this clearly, and catch the fake Yang Chen for revenge.

But what he couldn’t think of was.

The day he returned to China was when he became disabled.

The Yang Family will launch endless revenge against him!

If the Li family dares to stop, then the Li family will also be implicated!

And Gu Yan, sit back and relax, and while destroying Ye Tian, ​​continue to lay out for greater interests, and even manipulate the entire hidden family!

No one will find all this.

Except for one person.

Yang Chen…

Thought of this.

Gu Yan poured a glass of red wine into his goblet and poured some into another empty glass.

Holding two bottles of red wine, he stood up and walked to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen never looked away from Gu Yan, he took the goblet tremblingly, and took a step back.

“Young Master Yang, I have to say, you helped me a lot, cheers?”

Gu Yan touched Yang Chen with a cup and drank it in one fell swoop.

“What are you…

“What did you say to the Yang family?!” Yang Chen paused, breathing heavily, “The person you just killed, who is behind him? What did you do (for money?!

“I told the Yang family that you were dead, and asked the Yang family for 50 billion.

Gu Yan smiled faintly, “As for other things, you will know later, don’t worry.”

“Who are you?”

Yang Chen continued to back up, he tilted the goblet and poured out the red wine.

He faced Gu Yan.

As if facing a bottomless abyss.

This kind of unknown, this kind of powerlessness, almost swallowed his whole person.


Almost in an instant!

He retreated to the corner, and all the negative emotions in his heart broke out.He smashed the goblet on the iron frame next to him, pointed it at Gu Yan with the sharp end, and pierced it straight up!



Gu Yan had expected it a long time ago and kicked Yang Chen in the stomach.

Yang Chen was severely injured. He coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked up at Gu Yan, and a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Aah, you killed me.”

“Young Master, I know you don’t want to live for a day or two.

“Because you know that even if you can survive, you can’t tell the Yang family everything in the treasury, because no one will believe your nonsense. Entrap the Yang family!”

“You are even to blame for the short 50 billion of the Yang family!”

“The Yang family used the money to redeem you only because of a little blood relationship.”

“After this incident is over, the days after you return to Yang’s house can also be described as imprisonment. You will not be trusted by anyone.

“The Yang family has no affection for you, and you have no affection for the Yang family.

“And all this

When Gu Yan said this, he paused, then chuckled a few words.

Yang Chen’s expression, also because of Gu Yan’s words, completely solidified, and the contempt and anger just disappeared completely, becoming dull and dull…

There is even an unforgettable bitterness that seems to be hidden for many years!!!.

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