Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Which pervert did this come up with?

Yaodong watched Gu Yan drift away, and what he said echoed in his ears.

A flash of drunk red flashed on her cold pretty face.

But I have to admit that…

She was really happy.

And even if there is no treatment for her in the cooperation project, after going through the affairs of Wang Zilong, Yaodong will not hesitate to cooperate with Gu Yan.

Does this make this guy capable?

Yaodong snorted softly, followed, and found Gu Yan playing with his mobile phone.

Seeing the handsome and extraordinary profile of the man, a word came out in her heart inexplicably.

Sure enough, the bad guys have a good skin!

Gu Yan is texting Su Qingyue.

As expected, Su Qingyue asked Gu Yan if she had time today at 8:30.

According to the plan, Gu Yan said that she was at Yaodong’s house, so she could just come over directly, without saying much.

“Gu Gongzi, you said that if I wait and tell sister Qingyue, you teach me the details of training, what will happen?”

An interesting look flashed in Yaodong’s beautiful eyes, looking directly at Gu Yan.

She wanted to see Gu Yan’s panicked expression.

I want to see Gu Yan tell me not to speak out.

In short, she just wants this man to be soft to herself!


Gu Yan just glanced at her faintly, without any reason, and went straight upstairs.

This woman enters the scene very quickly.

He is too late to be satisfied.

“Gu Yan!!”

Yaodong bit his silver teeth and ran after him.

“What did you say?”

“Gu Gongzi, if you are really boring, just wait for me to take a bath, and then we will go to choose vegetables together. It is more meaningful than your question.”

The villa hall.

Yaodong smiled lightly.

She looked at the handsome man sitting in front of her, swaying a red wine glass with his legs crossed, and she was puzzled.

She even couldn’t believe that this question was asked by Gu Yan himself.

Doesn’t he think it is absurd?

“President Yao, don’t be so boring, we just talk casually.”

Gu Yan took a sip of the red wine and smiled faintly, “Tell me your opinion, what do you need to do this?”

Yaodong put her long hair around her left shoulder, and also raised her snow-white neck, and took a sip of wine. The scarlet wine and her charming red lips formed an arc of amorous feelings.

She smiled.

“It’s really ridiculous, well, since it was Mr. Gu asked, then I will talk about my opinion.”

“Integrate more than half of the capital of Demon Capital…”

A little thinking appeared in Yaodong’s beautiful eyes, “If you want to do this, you must need power, powerful power!”

“In this world, no one is a fool. If you want to control capitalists, you must first convince them, and secondly, you must make them profitable, and whether they can get more benefits, it’s up to you. That’s fine!”

“The scope of this matter is too wide. If you really want to do it, then only…”

“Integrating the two hidden families, as well as several other capital groups, in the entire magic capital, only they have the right to monopolize the resources of all walks of life.”

“As long as you can hold all these channels in your hands, this can be done naturally.”

“But… it’s impossible.”

“The two hidden families have the most monopoly channels in their hands, but none of them dare to have similar ideas. Once they do, they will be hit by the other.”

“On the surface, they are family friendships, but they are actually restricting each other to prevent the other party from crossing the boundary to avoid trouble. After all, the water in the magic capital is so deep, what the two hidden families say can’t all count. There are many other capitals watching. ”

“And as far as I know…”

Speaking of this, Yaodong paused for a while and said: “The two hidden families turned out to be four families! It was just that they merged into two afterwards.”

“In other words, the distribution of their rights is very messy, and even mixed with some unknown grievances, so it is a fantasy to want to integrate the two completely.”

Gu Yan looked calm.

But I still have to admire that Yaodong is indeed a smart woman.

Her thoughts are 90% similar to her own.

“Then talk about it, if someone does it, what will happen?” Gu Yan said softly.

Yaodong heard Gu Yan’s question, and a beautiful smile appeared on Qiao’s face.

“One family is the only one in the true sense, and it is completely reasonable and legal.”

“If someone really merges the two hermit families and other elite capital, what he holds in his hand is the capitalist who has the right to speak for the whole demon!”

“The convenience of the channels in hand will not be open to everyone. Club members must be selected based on merit, so the gold content of this is too exaggerated.”

“Even, this is a passport, a network of relationships with all interests, not just the magic capital!”

“At that time, there will be people who can mobilize those who do this no matter where they go, and countless capitalists will want to break their heads to please him, even if they enter the club as a member of the bottom.”

“There is no other reason, because what this person holds in his hands is the lifeblood of capitals to make a fortune!”

“Cut the capitalist’s leeks!”

After Yaodong finished speaking, he took a deep breath.

too exaggerated.

She originally thought she was very ambitious, but in the face of this crazy idea, she felt as naive as a three-year-old.

Which pervert came up with this?

Yaodong looked at Gu Yan subconsciously.

The man sits lazily on the sofa, holding a red wine glass in his right hand, his handsome and extraordinary face is plated with a faint light against the background of backlighting.

There is no wave in Gu Jing’s deep eyes, and no emotion can be seen.

Do not know why……

Yaodong felt an inexplicable chill and got goose bumps on her body.

But she quickly put her absurd speculation behind her head.

It is absolutely impossible.

“Okay, President Yao, let’s talk about cooperation.”

Gu Yan drank the red wine and walked to the reception table in the hall.

The moment he turned around.

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which was fleeting.

No one noticed, not even Yaodong.

Twenty minutes later.

“Okay, I will work with Master Gu on this cosmetics project.”

Yaodong picked up the red wine glass, smiled, and bumped into Gu Yan.

Later, she went out and gave the contract to her subordinates, asking him to send a copy to the Gu Group.

When I come back again.

Yaodong and Gu Yan said that they went to take a shower and then came out to cook, and then went straight back to the bedroom instead of washing in the bathroom in the living room.

After all, she really couldn’t accept it. When she was taking a shower, there was a man outside.

Just the moment Yaodong walked into the bedroom.

Ding Dong…

Doorbell rang.

Gu Yan still sat on the sofa without moving, but interesting emotions appeared in his heart.


The second female lead in this big drama tonight…

Su Qingyue is here! *

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