Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Are you happy? Go upstairs happily!

Although Yaodong looked like a young girl in her early twenties, she was in her youth.

But in fact, she is already thirty years old.

A woman’s thirty years old is a very special age. She possesses the mature charm, experience and style and sophistication that a girl does not have, but her heart is often empty and unsatisfied.

Not to mention Yaodong, a woman with quirks and heart problems.

No matter how cold or elegant she is in front of outsiders.

But when she is alone, she will feel extremely bored.

Therefore, she will look for some entertainment activities that can make herself not boring, exciting entertainment activities, to distract attention and pass the time.

This is why Yaodong would go to the bar below for a drink before attending the Tianding rally.

She can race horses, skydive, bungee jumping…

But so many entertainment activities.

But only the racing car wins Yaodong’s heart.

The roar of the engine, the feeling of pushing back, and even the suffocation when the car accelerates to the limit, can make her forget any worries for a short time and immerse her in it.

Yaodong has money, and she doesn’t save anything in this respect. She simply built a racing track behind her villa, buying a car is even more lavish and undaunted.

If it’s fast, just buy it. If you don’t know how to open it, just open it by yourself. If it crashes, you can buy it again!

She doesn’t want others to teach.

Because racing is her private affair, she doesn’t want anyone to walk into her world and see who she is.

Gu Yan watched Yaodong when his seat belt was being unfastened in the car.

I have to say that Yaodong and Su Qingyue are somewhat similar, but they are fundamentally different.

I also want to pursue excitement.

Su Qingyue, however, bottomed out after being disciplined by her family. She was rebellious and didn’t want to stick to the rules and pursue what she wanted to pursue.

It is possible to stimulate once, catharsis is enough.

A love, a person who really understands herself, and a shoulder that can be leaned on are what she needs.

But Yaodong…

It’s all for excitement and excitement!

After Yaodong got off the car, she also saw Gu Yan on the balcony, but she didn’t say anything, walked back to the starting point on foot, and drove another car.

If someone interferes with her private life, she will either find someone to beat you up and throw it out.

Either as if nothing happened, allowing you to watch by default, and she will continue to be her own.

Shy after being discovered?


Even Yaodong smiled at Gu Yan, took out the phone and operated it, and then motioned to Gu Yan to look at the phone.

Gu Yan received a text message soon.

“Gu Gongzi, you gave me another surprise.”

“Come down and have a fun? Or I ask the servant to get you something to drink, you wait for me, I haven’t enjoyed it yet.”

Although Yaodong just called Gu Yan and told him not to come.

But if Gu Yan arrives, she won’t drive Gu Yan away.

For this man, Yaodong’s heart is now full of curiosity and admiration.

Gu Yan looked at the table below, and it was almost eight o’clock.

Presumably Su Qingyue will message him soon.

He came to Yaodong in advance, not to watch Yaodong play racing, but to talk about cooperation with her, and by the way, from her point of view, look at his plan to integrate Magic Capital and what conditions are needed.

Even if Gu Yan already has a preliminary plan.But it is also good to be able to listen to Yaodong’s views.

“Come up, talk about cooperation.” Gu Yan typed a line.

“Ms. Su hasn’t come yet, I’ll talk about cooperation later, I’ll be soon.” Yaodong replied.

Gu Yan: “Mr. Yao, you have to listen to me regarding business matters.”

Yaodong: “But it’s not cooperation now. My working time will not be until half an hour later.”

“Gu Gongzi, I got in the car first. There is food and drink in the refrigerator. You can take it yourself.”

After sending this text message, Yaodong got in the car directly.


Gu Yan glanced at the brand new Lamborghini that had started the engine.

He looked calm, locked his phone, then walked straight down the stairs, entered the racing track through the entrance, walked to the side of the Yaodong car, and opened the door.


Gu Yan closed the door and got directly into the co-pilot.

The air in the car is very fragrant, which is the smell of Yaodong.

She drag racing is her private life. She never thought that Gu Yan would come, so she didn’t pay attention to dressing.

Slightly curled long hair curled up on his left shoulder, without makeup, with a beautiful face full of mature and cold charm.

She was wearing a lace nightdress, two long legs with perfect proportions like mutton jade were exposed to the air, and Yuzu was wearing flat shoes, stepping on the brakes and the accelerator respectively.

“Gu Gongzi, sit firmly.”

Yaodong glanced at Gu Yan, didn’t say much, set the light, and stepped on the accelerator!

In the beginning, Yaodong had no problems.

But before ten seconds passed, the body began to sway again, and her whole body was tense, looking at the front with all her concentration, not paying attention to her hands holding the steering wheel, and even her legs were shaking, even The speed is uncontrollable.

“System, see how many villains I have.”

Gu Yan called the system in his heart.

[Villain Points Balance: 15000]

Seeing this number, Gu Yan didn’t have any surprises. Recently, he has made frequent layouts, and his financial resources and rights are also growing. It is normal that there are so many.

He left five thousand, and the remaining ten thousand were all exchanged for skills.

Such as spear, stealth, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, a bunch of miscellaneous skills.

Anyway, I have to learn it sooner or later, so I bought it together.

In particular, Gu Yan also spent an extra 1,000 villain points to upgrade his low-level driving skills to an intermediate level.

It was also when he exchanged skills.

Yaodong drove the car and came to the bend again.

She panicked and started to slap the steering wheel, and the car started spinning around.

If she just keep driving like this.

That Lamborghini, I’m afraid it’s the same consequence as the Ferrari just now…

at this time.

Gu Yan stretched out his hand, clasped Yaodong’s hand, and then turned the steering wheel.


The tires made a harsh rubbing sound, but in the end they got back on track and passed the corner with ease.

Yaodong withdrew his hand without a trace, braked, and looked at Gu Yan with a pair of beautiful eyes in surprise.

Although she can’t drive by herself, she still knows the car.

In the situation just now, I was still stepping on the accelerator under my feet, and the direction of the car was originally crooked, so it was difficult to control.

To get the car back on track requires considerable technical content. Generally, people who can drive can’t face this situation at all, but need professional methods.

In other words…

Gu Yan…

Still racing?

“Gu Gongzi, why don’t you teach me?” Yaodong smiled.

She didn’t let others teach because she didn’t want to share her life with strangers.

But Gu Yan is different.

Yaodong does not reject this man.

“you sure?”

Gu Yan looked at Yaodong calmly.

Yaodong nodded naturally. Gu Yan can teach himself to drive. It’s great. What can I refuse?

“Look straight ahead, hold the steering wheel straight, relax your legs, and drive forward.” Gu Yan started.

Yaodong followed Gu Yan’s instructions step by step to get into position, and then stepped on the accelerator to drive forward.

At the beginning, Gu Yan only reminded me a little, and Yao Dong listened to it.

But in the middle, Yaodong started chaos again.

“Relax, relax! What are you doing? Does anyone tie you with a rope?”

“Bend your elbows, don’t stretch your legs straight, go down!”

Gu Yan’s voice also began to become severe, and there was some reprimand.

“What is fierce?” Yaodong gave Gu Yan a white look and snorted.

But I don’t know why.

Being so fierce by Gu Yan, on the contrary, she can hear the conversation, and her posture is no longer stiff and exaggerated.

But when it comes to the corner…

Yaodong started to mess around again.

“Brake!” Gu Yan said lightly.

Yaodong braked the car, and before she could say anything, she felt a cold in her thighs.


Gu Yan slapped Yaodong’s thigh, and Bai Zhe’s skin turned crimson, which was really alluring.

“Can’t you let go of this leg?”


Yaodong Qiao blushed and stared at Gu Yan, the fiery pain in her thigh made her feel embarrassed and angry.

“What are you? Rewind the car to continue and practice the corners.” Gu Yan calmly and Yaodong stared at each other. Seeing her motionless, he scolded harshly: “Hurry up!”

Yaodong looked at the man’s eyes, and felt a breath of anger in his heart, but he couldn’t make it out anyway.

If this is replaced by other people, I am afraid they are already on the road now.

The heart is pounding.

Yaodong and Gu Yan looked at each other for more than ten seconds, but they were defeated and reversed.

One minute later…


“What car are you driving? Why do you keep turning the steering wheel?”

Three minutes later…


“Half a circle, a half circle, and then make up the direction according to the situation, can’t you hear it? You can’t turn at this speed, and you want to increase it?”

five minutes later……


“How many times do I have to hit you before you can put your legs down?”

Every time Yaodong makes a bend, he has to be beaten by Gu Yan, either by the arm or the leg.

The strength is not great, but it can make her feel pain.

Yaodong was frantic for a while and wanted to fight Gu Yan, but every time she faced the man’s cold expression, she couldn’t get angry.

In this way, after more than ten cycles…

Yaodong didn’t even resist, and let Gu Yan “fist together” and “sternly” at her.

The thirteenth time…


“Don’t know what’s wrong?” Gu Yan looked at Yaodong lightly.

“Know… I know, pay attention next time.” Yaodong glanced at Gu Yan with a blushing pretty face.



The Lamborghini sports car at a speed far exceeding the normal speed, smoothly through the corners, and even a little drifting.

After the corner, Yaodong inside the car slammed his foot on the brake.

There was an uncontrollable joy in her beautiful eyes.


I don’t know why, this time is really enjoyable!

It’s cooler than any time before!

Gu Yan pushed the door and got off.

Yaodong was overjoyed for a while and got out of the car.

The evening breeze blew.

Bai Zhe’s skin was faintly red on her thighs and arms.

She was also awake a lot. After the addiction, she broke away from that state and caught up with Gu Yan.

Yaodong suddenly remembered something, and gritted his silver teeth, his voice was ashamed and angry.

“Gu Yan, is this the way you treat me?”


Gu Yan heard the words.

Looking back, his expression was no longer stern and rigid, but filled with a handsome and gentle smile.

“Is this important?”

“Mr Yao, are you happy?”

“Go upstairs when you’re happy, and Miss Su will come after the business talks.”


Gu Yan didn’t care about Yaodong standing still, and walked forward without looking back.

To deal with a woman like Yaodong, one has to implement a method.


Then get cured!

Of course, the premise is that you are in Yaodong’s heart and must be approved by her.

This recognition can be admiration, or worship and admiration.

If there is nothing, if you dare to do this…

Then wait for death.

For Yaodong, Gu Yan was the only man she admired. He really gave her too many surprises and did things that made her feel ashamed!

It’s Wang Zilong!

Yaodong is still curious about how Gu Yan solved Wang Zilong.

But what she didn’t know was.

Gu Yan, already calculated all this.

Even including everything she did when teaching her to learn to drive today, just acted in advance…*

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