Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Within three minutes, the Sun family must die!

The words of the middle-aged lady immediately calmed everyone present.

Then, the atmosphere slowly changed.

The dignitaries looked at Xiao Tiance in this way, with scrutiny in their eyes.As time went by, their expressions of Man Tiandi’s identity and suspicion and dullness gradually changed to…

The smile after a sudden realization! And the disgust from the heart!

You know, what kind of occasion is this?

Gu Yan’s dinner, the party of the upper class!

Everyone has a certain purpose and is a person of identity.

Xiao Tiance’s kind of inferiority, this kind of drunkenness, and a wasteful son-in-law who does not have a man’s spine, dare to come this time to speak out?

Hundreds of billions?!

It makes people laugh out loud!

Just then.

Surrounded by the chairman of the Royal Capital Hotel, Gu Yan walked out of the highest-level VIP channel.

With a glass of red wine swaying in his hand, he looked at Xiao Tiance from a distance and smiled softly.

finally come…

This looks, this dress, this temperament, and what he does.

It’s not him…

Nowadays, witnessing Xiao Baiwen’s classic plot, the routine of being ridiculed and then slapped back, is happening in front of my eyes.

Gu Yan only finds it funny.

It’s no wonder that Xiao Tiance was ridiculed. This was clearly a gathering of the upper class. He had to hide his identity and wore ragged clothes. This in itself was a kind of disrespect for the people at the dinner party.

If you are the same as everyone else, if you don’t hide your identity, who will taunt you?

In the final analysis, this is what Man Tiance asked for, and in the end it will make it like someone else has done something wrong.

In terms of current identity, it is like a leader hiding behind the scenes, watching the clown try his best to perform in the script he arranged.

What he has to do is simple.

Let Man Tiance be ridiculed, but not let him slap his face back, and let his mentality become unbalanced!

If Man Tian Ce is not in a hurry, he will not send people from the Dragon King Palace to find Gu Yan.

Gu Yan was all planned.

The value of the No. 188 elite of the Dragon King Palace in his eyes is far more important than that of Man Tian Ce.

“Gu Gongzi, this…

The chairman of the Imperial City Hotel was embarrassed. He looked at Man Tiance and gave a kick in his heart.

How did this man get in?

You know, today is Gu Yan’s dinner, he took the initiative to organize it for Gu Yan, and doesn’t charge a cent!

Isn’t it just to get closer to Gu Yan?

But now that this kind of thing has happened, if it hurts Yan’s view of the Imperial Hotel, what should it be?!

Thinking of this, the chairman of the Imperial Hotel hurriedly said: “Young Master Gu, I will send him out now. By the way, I will investigate the cause of the matter and give you an explanation.”


Gu Yan said faintly: “There is no need to fantasize.”

The chairman is a wise man, nodded and said nothing.

After Gu Yan said this, he didn’t go out, and sent a text message to his subordinates, asking them to watch and control all the subordinates around Mantiance, and then began to watch the show.

“Xiao Tiance? That’s the rubbish son-in-law of the Han family? He laughed at me! He even dared to show up, so I’m not afraid of being ashamed!”

“Is this out of prison? I don’t rush to run after I am released. I dare to return to the emperor. What’s more, I dare to come directly to the door, not afraid of the Sun family’s revenge?”

“Hey, look quickly, Han Yafei is looking here! This woman won’t know what Xiao Tiance is until now, right?!

“No, the Han family is currently owned by Grandpa. How can Han Yafei continue with Man Tiandi under the influence of Han Yafei?

For a while, the nobles all laughed, looking at Xiao Tiance like a monkey.They were still very satisfied with the little overture before the dinner, and regarded it as a joke.

A man with a cartilaginous head, who takes the initiative to become a parent, is also a sinner and wasteful of drunkenness.

No one in the room can afford to look at it!


Man Tiandi looked around the audience, the smile in his expression was very flat.

Tiger, how can he turn his head back because the dog barks?

If he paid attention to these people, wouldn’t he surrender his status?

His purpose today is very simple, one is to make the Sun family kneel and apologize, and the other is to show Gu Yan some color!

Secondly, it is to return to Yafei, take care of her, and return all the debts owed to her in the past few years!

In addition, Mantiance has to ensure that his identity is not revealed!

But all this is very simple in his calculations.

Everything is under control!

Man Tiance ignored the ridicule of the powerful, and turned to look at a position.

It was a woman sitting at the dining table and also looking at herself.

The woman’s beautiful face is beautiful and exquisite, and she is wearing a white velvet noble dress, which outlines a perfect and exquisite curve.

She seems to be the only heroine in the audience, noble and gorgeous, and there is a special charm between purity and maturity, which is extremely charming.

The pretty face of a woman is a bit dull, but it is more complicated in the depths of the eyes.

There are strangers and surprises, but more, it is a kind of escape from the heart, even disgust!

The whole sky looked dumbfounded.

The love in his heart surged, making him almost unable to restrain his feelings.

How many days and nights, how many times in distress, life and death crisis, it was the woman in front of him who supported him step by step to the present!

Today, he has already become famous, with only one hand covering the sky!

Today she is as beautiful as before, but also as stubborn as before.

Consider that Han Yafei has survived all these years by herself, and under the cynicism and oppression of the Sun family and other powerful people, she has resisted the wind and rain alone!

Those fragile shoulders laid down an entire Han family!


Man Tiance’s heart was hurting. The only thing he wanted to do now was to hold Han Yafei into his arms and tell her with the most firm words.

From now on, let me stand in front of you, take all the wind and rain for you, let me promise you prosperity, and protect you for the rest of your life!!

It was this kind of emotion that made Man Tiandi almost ignore Han Yafei’s disgust towards herself in her expression.

He just walked over and stood in front of Han Yafei, his expression full of tenderness, “Yafei, I’m back.”

Man Tiance’s voice was trembling. After speaking, he greeted Father Han and Mother Han affectionately.


Whether it is Han Yafei’s parents.

It’s Han Yafei, her face is not very good now.

Especially Han Yafei!

She felt the gazes of the people around her, and gradually changed due to the appearance of Xiao Tiance.

You know, she just regained some sense of being respected, but now the appearance of Xiao Tiance has made Han Yafei recall all the things that have happened over the years.

It also made her subconsciously born a kind of fear about her future!

She doesn’t want to go back again!

She doesn’t want to live that kind of life again!

This kind of contrast, from a certain perspective, directly caused Han Yafei’s attitude towards Xiao Tiance to deteriorate a bit!

“What are you doing back? Why are you coming back?”

Han Yafei’s tone was a little cold, and she looked at Man Tiance very incomprehensibly, “Xiao Tiance, you like me, but I don’t like you, we are just a marriage contract, a piece of waste paper!”

“Have we ever had anything to do? Do we have any feelings? Even in name, we have none!

Unmarried”, do you know what is unmarried?!”

“What are you…

Han Yafei controlled her voice, her family ugliness remained unremarkable, and she didn’t want others to hear it.

At the end, she pressed her red lips tightly, and there was almost a questioning tone in her tone, “How can we let me go, let the Han family go?”

At this moment, Mother Han was also stern, and scolded Xiao Tiance: “Zuo Jun, you really have eaten Xiongxinbaozigu, don’t you know where it is and what occasion it is?!”

“Gu Gongzi’s dinner! The Han family is now part of the Gu family, and Gu Gongzi is the benefactor of our entire Han family!”

“My Han family has never been sorry for you, but you shouldn’t do too much!”

“No, I would rather tear up the marriage contract and expel you from the Han family!

Xiao Tiance looked at Han Yafei’s cold expression and listened to his mother-in-law’s reprimand.

He wasn’t angry at all, he still smiled softly, and said emotionally to Han Yafei: “Yafei, since I’m back, I won’t let you hurt again.

“This time, I’m telling the truth, what Gu Yan, what Sun family, no one can stop me, no one can hurt you!

Han Yafei smiled bitterly and shook her head, “You are crazy.

Let’s go, “The marriage contract is still one year away, I beg you, in this last year, don’t torture me anymore!”


Just when Man Tiance wanted to continue to say something.

At the door, a young man with handsome facial features and wearing a black jacket walked in.

It is Sun Cheng.

He was still talking with a phone in his hand.

Tell, “All my little brothers, I must do enough for my grandfather Gu in today’s pomp, and then tell Xiao Si, Xiao Wang and the others, drive all the cars over and park downstairs!

“Being a dog? Hey, how do you talk? How fresh, I am happy to give you your improper?”

“Come on, just do it, remember to get things done!”

After speaking, Sun Cheng directly hung up the phone.

He was still worried about how to please Gu Yan, but he soon laughed.

Seeking flowers…

Really laughed.

Because, he saw an old acquaintance!

Xiao Tiance!

Xiao Tiance also smiled, the smile was very flat.

Finally one appeared.

So, he put his hand in his pocket calmly and pressed a key on the phone to inform his subordinates that he had arranged long ago.

At that time, he will not appear on the stage, but will let his little brother appear in the name of his Dragon King to punish the Sun family!

In this way, not only will he not reveal his identity, but on the contrary, it can make Yafei admire himself and put a mysterious halo on himself!

With a smile on his face, Sun Cheng stuck in his pocket and walked to Man Tiandi.

He first greeted Han Yafei respectfully, then looked back at his father and motioned with his eyes.

The meaning is, he is here to make a man of heaven, it doesn’t matter, right?

The head of the Sun family ignored Sun Cheng, which meant it was obvious.


Obtained the consent of the old man.

Sun Cheng no longer had any worries, and raised his head to Man Tiandi: “Grandson, are you back?”

“How have you been in the prison these past few years? I didn’t ask you once or twice, but I didn’t have your letter.”

“You won’t be a criminal, drink some alcohol in the prison, to your inmates…haha!”

“It’s up to you to be virtuous!

When these words continued, the surrounding dignitaries roared with laughter.

Han Yafei sat down again, tilted her head, not looking at Mantiance, her beautiful eyes were reddish.

Unwilling, wronged, tired, countless negative emotions linger in her heart!

Being ridiculed, being scolded by pointing his nose.

Man Tian didn’t get angry at the first point, smiled, and said lightly to Sun Cheng: “A few years ago, you framed me to jail. This is hatred.”

“Now, I will return this hatred to you and let your Sun family perish!

After speaking, he still held up three fingers, “Within three minutes, the Sun family will die.”

After this sentence fell.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and roars of laughter broke out at any time!

“Xiao Tiance, don’t be ashamed, I beg you, okay?!

Han Yafei stood up, with crystal tears in her beautiful eyes, staring at Xiao Tiance.

Father Han and Mother Han even sighed and concealed their faces, and had no face to see people!

Sun Cheng laughed forward and closed back, straightened up.

He pointed to Mantiance and said breathlessly: “Oh, hello…you…I really laughed at him.”

“I framed you in jail, so do you deserve it?”

“No, why is the price so low when talking to you? My grandson’s family will be destroyed within three minutes.”

Smile back to smile.

But Sun Cheng now has a murderous intent towards Xiao Tiance!

Framing Xiao Tiance’s imprisonment is not critical.

The key is the cause and effect!

If Han Yafei knew that the reason he framed Xiao Tiance to imprisonment was that he didn’t want him to tell the secret of his framed Han family, then the nature of the matter would change!

What is the Han family now?

Gu Yan asked for the name and surname!

If this matter is known to Gu Yan, without him, his father can break his leg first!

The more I thought about it, the more Sun Cheng was upset about the strategy.

He walked in front of Man Tiance, raised his hand, and patted the latter’s face one after another, his strength getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time the smile on his face quickly converged!

In Sun Cheng’s voice, he gritted his teeth and said, “Come on, grandson, I will wait for you for three minutes!”

Slap! slap! slap!

The crisp sound echoed in the entire venue!

“you will die.”

Xiao Tiance still smiled, even though he was being beaten in the face by a small fish like Sun Cheng.

Two words, forbearance!!

This is also the experience he has summed up over the years. Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, it is not too late for a gentleman to avenge him for ten years!

Besides, he now only needs three minutes to get revenge!

Sun Cheng will die, he will die miserably, he said!

He is full of plans, remembered!

The tiger will not turn its head back because the dog barks, but will pinch the barking dog to death at will!

The audience was silent.

Time passed by minute by minute, until a crisp sound sounded.

That was the Rolex on Sun Cheng’s wrist, the sound of the end of the time.

However, at this time, a cell phone rang.

The atmosphere is very quiet, so that the owner is subconsciously watching whether his cell phone is ringing.


So many people were present.

But only Man Tiance, in front of everyone, took out a ringing mobile phone from his pocket, connected it, and placed it in his ear!

this moment!

All the hearts.

They all jumped inexplicably! and,

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