Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Excuse me, which table should I sit for?

When Man Tiandi heard the name again, the anger in his heart was burning!

He was originally prepared to go directly to the Demon Capital to find Gu Yan after dealing with these matters in the Imperial Capital.

He even wondered whether he should give Gu Yan a chance, a chance to surrender to himself!

I have to say is.

What Gu Yan did was indeed far beyond his expectations, which made him feel shocked and incredible.

At the same time, this is also the only person of the same age that Mantiance has admitted to be able to compare to his own age in the past so many years.

Therefore, he is still very willing to let him surrender to himself after giving Gu Yan a lesson!

but now!

Xiao Tiance simply couldn’t accept and tolerate everything that his opponent told him.

Not only did Gu Yan not hide, but on the contrary, he came to the imperial capital grandiosely, and also bought the Han family? He even snatched Han Yafei?

How dare he do something to his own woman?!

Man Tiance didn’t believe it, Gu Yan didn’t know that Han Yafei had something to do with him, but he still did it.What does this mean?

It means that Gu Yan never put himself in the eyes from beginning to end!

“Presumptuous, too presumptuous!”

Xiao Tiance shook his head and sneered, the corners of his mouth evoked an arc of evil charm, but his face became more and more flat.

This also made the subordinates around Man Tiance silent, afraid to take a mouthful of the atmosphere.

Because they understand that the master has never shown his emotions on the surface, and now Man Tiance’s tone and demeanor can only explain one thing, he is angry, really angry!

The Dragon King was angry and turned the world upside down!!

They are all aware of their master’s tactics!

“Next thing.

Man Tiandi’s tone was extremely solemn, now that something happened, he asked for a solution, meaningless anger was meaningless.

After a few years in prison, and a few years of wind and rain, Xiao Tiance’s temperament has long been as tough as a rock, and he will not lose his mind easily!

Only at this time, in his heart, the hatred of Gu Yan has risen to a higher level, rising to the same status as the Sun family.

Although it is obvious that Han Yafei is his fiancée, let alone the substantive relationship between the two, there is no nominal relationship.

But in Man Tiance’s mind, Han Yafei was already his own woman.

And what Gu Yan did was to grab his own woman!

The hatred of seizing a wife is nothing to do with the heavens!!

He heard the master let himself go on, stepped forward, and respectfully said: “Master, the second thing is about your dinner at the Imperial Hotel.”

“According to our investigation, the rich and powerful people who originally planned to come to the dinner party have not saved one at present, and the number has dropped sharply. Even the Han family and Miss Han Yafei are not coming.”

If we say, the first news is to make Man Tiance angry.

The second piece of news was to make Xiao Tian 017 confused and confused!

What’s the meaning?

How can it be?

He knows his strength and knows how much convenience he can bring to the rich and powerful. How can they not come to the dinner party and give up this opportunity to please themselves and get close to themselves?!

The most important thing is that Xiao Tiance needs this party!

He had decided long ago that he wanted to make the Han family look at him with admiration at this evening party, and at the same time, he would take back the anger he had suffered in the past from the hands of other powerful and powerful people.

And, in front of everyone, he will make the Sun family embarrassed, make them embarrassed, and then destroy them!

Everything is planned!

But now…

Say no, no?!

“what happened?!”

Man Tiandi looked at his subordinates and said in a deep voice, “Could it be that what happened to the Imperial Capital today?”Hearing this, his face was embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he still said, “Lord Dragon King, nothing major happened in the Imperial City today, it’s just.”

“The dignitaries who were originally scheduled to attend your dinner, now most of them ran away and went to attend the dinner about Gu Yan of the Gu Group.

“Gu Yan’s dinner is also in the Imperial Hotel, directly opposite the venue you reserved)

After these words of my subordinates are finished.

Man Tiance’s voice did not continue to sound, but his face was visible to the naked eye, a little bit green.

five minutes later.

Man Tian made a big wave of his hand and walked independently to the outside of the airport, leaving only a few words that were extremely cold.

“Don’t follow me, I’m going to the meeting alone.

“In addition, summon the 188th elite of the Dragon King Palace for me, let them all come to the periphery of the imperial capital, waiting for my orders at any time!”

“Furthermore, at all costs, give me the business of the Gu Family Group!”

The subordinates respectfully said yes.

What they couldn’t see was that at the moment when Xiao Tiance turned his head, an uncontrollable anger appeared in his eyes!

And… a trace of sorrow!

That’s right, it’s just aggrieved!

Even if Man Tiance is unwilling to admit it, what he has to say now is that after Gu Yan merged with the capital of the magic capital and the two hidden families, he is in a higher position than himself!

The reason is simple, because in the eyes of the imperial capital, Gu Yan can bring benefits to them, but he can’t!

For many years, Xiao Tiance hasn’t experienced this feeling of being crushed by hard power?

But he didn’t worry at all!

In terms of fame, Gu Yan may be slightly better than himself, but he has a killer bronze and hole cards that Gu Yan will never be able to match.

Dragon King Palace!

This is also the fundamental reason why Man Tiance ordered his subordinates to summon the members of the Dragon King Palace.

If it really reaches that point, Xiao Tiance will use his hole cards to crush Gu Yan!

As well as the business of the Gu Group is profitable, he will also intervene!

Thought of this.

Man Tiance raised his head, looked at the brilliant lights of the imperial capital, and smiled evilly.

“Gu Yan

“I hope you are acquainted. You still have the right to surrender and beg to me.

“And when I tear off my mask, when I am really angry, remember that you will never even have the opportunity to beg!!”

These words sounded extraordinarily ambitious.

But the next moment, Xiao Tiance remembered his purpose of returning to the imperial capital.He couldn’t reveal his identity in front of Han Yafei, so he left countless luxury cars and didn’t ride. Instead, he took out his change from his pocket and squeezed directly onto the bus. Long away.

As for Han Yafei

Man Tiance is only angry with Gu Yan, but he is not worried at all.

Yafei loves herself too!

I must love myself!

Imperial Capital Hotel, the living room of Tiantest.

The splendid decoration highlights the ultimate luxury and paper fandom, but it is not tacky in the style. On the contrary, it is grand and magnificent. Everyone who enters here will subconsciously immerse in this environment and become Get formalized.

Classical and elegant jazz lingers around the beam, and the powerful and powerful in formal attire come and go, and even the waiters use young people with good conditions.

A casual waiter here picks it out, regardless of male or female, as a small internet celebrity, there is no problem at all.

As one of the symbolic meeting rooms of the Royal Capital Hotel, all adopt the world’s top standards, which is quite extraordinary.

The people gathered here are all the emperors who have a head and a face, and they all have a characteristic, that is, they never do meaningless things, which can also be said to be a kind of maverick and arrogance!

It is different from the careful calculation and intrigue of the powerful and powerful people in the magic capital.

Here, it is more a contest of hard power. Whoever has high status and who holds the authority in his hand, then listen to whoever, who is the master!

But if you can’t, you can’t bring me benefit.

I’m sorry, you are just a worthless ant in my eyes, let alone talk, you don’t even have the qualification to let me take a look, just ignore it as air.

It’s that simple.

And today!

They gathered together, even willing to bend down here and wait for someone to appear.

Magic City, Gu Yan!

This name, in the upper-class society of the imperial capital today, appears too frequently, and countless imperial capitals have the power to investigate and find out.

But when they knew what the name Gu Yan represented, and at the same time knew that Gu Yan would be hosting a dinner today, they immediately pushed away all the affairs in their hands and rushed in personally!

The dinner banquet for the return of the Emperor Dragon King is on the opposite side?

not going!

Shareholders’ meeting, lover’s invitation, or to enjoy the nightlife after a busy day?

If you don’t play anymore, don’t go anymore!

Just here, wait quietly for Gu Yan!

Curiosity is one aspect. After hearing Gu Yan’s deeds, admiration and appreciation are another aspect, but more, it is admiration and flattery!

In Gu Yan’s hands, he monopolized all the channels of the upper-class society of the magic capital. What is this concept?!

Bai Huahua’s silver, this is all benefits!

Modu is on the economic plate, far bigger than the emperor, and it has gathered many domestic and overseas enterprises.

The emperor (chdf) has been in the upper class for a long time, but they have not been able to reach out their hands. After all, they are far apart, and the strong dragon does not crush the snake!

But now, the opportunity lies ahead!

Please Gu Yan!

With just a word from Gu Yan, they can earn a lot of money in the magic city, on the contrary, they don’t want to eat them all!

The deeper reason is Gu Yan’s authority.

The rich and powerful are all smart people. They know that they are planning ahead. Gu Yan now has so many profit networks. If they offend Gu Yan because of a trivial matter in the future, wouldn’t they be finished?

But if you have a good relationship with Gu Yan in advance, even if you unintentionally offend in the future, there is still room for maneuver!

In short, they have countless reasons to put aside their arrogance, put down all the affairs in their hands, come here, and meet this miraculous noble son, a charity entrepreneur, and the real master…

Gu Yan!

Somewhere in the living room.

Han Yafei wore a noble and elegant white goose feather dress with delicate makeup on her pretty face, which made her look like a fairy walking out of the painting.

Sitting opposite Han Yafei were father Han Zekun and Han Mu.

Han Yafei just brought her parents to the scene, just ready to take a seat.

However, at this moment, two middle-aged men came over with a red wine glass in each hand.

They are the Patriarch of the Sun Family!

And the chairman of the Imperial Capital Tianhua Wood Industry!

Seeing these two people, whether it was Han Yafei or Han father and mother, both frowned.

Needless to say, the Patriarch of the Sun family has been tolerating Sun Cheng’s harassment by Han Yafei.

The chairman of Tianhua Wood Industry also offered certain conditions to Han Yafei, and his ultimate goal was also indiscriminately.

Han Yafei didn’t catch a cold at all to these two people, and said faintly: “What’s the matter with you two?”

Father and Mother Han looked a little ugly, but it was hard to say anything.

These two people in front of them, they can’t afford to offend!

At the same time, because of Xiao Tiance’s affairs and the current loneliness of the Han family, they couldn’t lift their heads at all when they came to this venue!

However, what happened next left Han father and Han mother speechless.

Even Han Yafei was shocked!

The Patriarch Sun and the chairman of Tianhua Wood leaned slightly towards Han Yafei. They spoke one after another, and their voices were full of sincerity and apology.

“Miss Han, my son’s thing is that I did something wrong. I didn’t take care of him. I am here to apologize to you and your parents. I promise that similar situations will not happen in the future. Don’t let Gu Gongzi misunderstand. NS.””Miss Han, I was also a bastard before. Don’t pay attention to what you said. I will apologize to you first. When I see Master Gu, I hope that Miss Han will say a few words for me. , Thank you so much!”

After speaking, the Patriarch of the Sun family took out a gold card and lay it flat on the table, and said sincerely: “Miss Han, this is a little compensation from the two of us to the Han family. You must put it away!

Han Yafei didn’t know, but the two of them knew!

Gu Gongzi reorganized and merged a project of the Sun family today, in fact, for the Han family, for Han Yafei!

The two of them don’t care what Gu Yan thinks about Han Yafei.

But Gu Yan came for Han Yafei, they had to get rid of Han Yafei, admit their mistakes in the past, and let Han Yafei forgive them!

Otherwise, if Gu Yan is disgusted with them because of this little thing, then they can really regret their intestines!

Han Yafei didn’t accept it because she understood that all this was because of Gu Yan!

At this time, there was a sense of relief in her heart for some reason, and bursts of warm current rushed through.

A sense of security and respect.

She’s really, really, haven’t experienced this feeling for a long time.

In the past, let alone respect, she couldn’t even achieve the most basic equality, it was because of Xiao Tiance and the loneliness of the Han family!


Without comparison, there is no harm!

At this moment, that handsome and gentle man appeared in Han Yafei’s mind again.

The Patriarch Sun and the chairman of Tianhua Wood, left after putting down the gold card.

Han’s father and mother were excited, and hurriedly asked Han Yafei and Gu Yan what the relationship is now, and inquired about everything about Gu Yan!

They are also excited!

The Han family has been lonely for so many years, even though it is now acquired by Gu Yan, it is just a vassal.

But isn’t it because Gu Yan helped them and saved their lives?


Gu Yan is the great benefactor of the Han family!

And at this moment.

From the doorway, there was a faint sound.

But Han Yafei didn’t pay attention.She was stunned when a conversation sounded. The negative emotions that had accumulated in her heart for a long time seemed to have been mobilized by that voice at this moment, and then quickly looked back!

At the entrance of the meeting room.

A young man who looked like he was only in his twenties, stood there with his hands down.

The youth is wearing a black windbreaker and black leather shoes.

He has handsome features, tough lines, sword eyebrows and star eyes. He is obviously young, but he has a majestic and solemn temperament that makes people look extraordinary!

In front of him, stood the general manager of the venue.

“Sir, please show me the invitation letter. We will designate a seat according to your identity and status.” The general manager said with a smile.

But the young man smiled evilly, looked around, and finally put his eyes on the general manager, and said indifferently: “That’s it.”

“Excuse me, what table should I sit at for a hundred billion?”

The words fell, and the audience was silent.

Afterwards, the surrounding dignitaries were dumbfounded and looked at the young man in amazement.

In the imperial capital, when did such an eye-catching figure appear? Hundreds of billions?


At the same time, a dignified lady raised her hand to cover her red lips.She stared at the black-clothed young man with a hint of wonder and deep disgust in her eyes.

It even took two steps back.


“He is the wasteful son-in-law of the Han family. He is a scumbag who has been drunk and sentenced to jail, Xiao Tiance!!!”

“Have you forgotten him!?”

ps: There are a lot of things recently. I can only temporarily update one chapter and five thousand words every day. Forgive me, I won’t be an eunuch. .

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