Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Does this kind of man really exist?

Magic City, Gu Yan!

Han Yafei has heard of this name, especially today.

Even if she didn’t go out much and stayed at home, she still heard Gu Yan’s name from all angles.

The CEO of the Modu Gu Group, who merged the two hidden families, now holds the elite capitalists owned by the Modu. There are many channels, the network of interests is huge, and the market value is immeasurable!

This is authority!

In this world, no one wants to make themselves richer and more powerful.

As a prosperous city with a super economy, the magic capital actually generates more value than the imperial capital in terms of trade!

No matter it is the four great families of the imperial capital, or the big bosses of other levels, they are all in the demon trade, and they don’t want to give up this big cake!

And as long as they dabble in the Devil City, no matter where they are in any industry, they have to deal with Gu Yan “One Seven Way!”

With Gu Yan’s words, they will be full.

On the contrary, they can’t eat anything!

If you want to move Gu Yan, there are too many interests involved. Gu Yan can drive the stable development of the capital’s economy, and his interests are naturally linked to many big-time figures.

Countless people stood behind Gu Yan, and Gu Yan fell down, and they would also suffer profit damage!


Han Yafei can finally understand why even Sun’s projects are reorganized and merged. It’s very simple, because Gu Yan is the one who acquired their projects!

The two parties are not people of the same class at all!

Naturally, the Sun family can’t resist!

The strong dragon does not crush the ground snake, it is because the dragon is not strong enough, it is a simple truth.

Han Yafei was naturally clear, so that her pretty face was dull, and her mood became nervous.

With that said, the Han family will be merged into the Gu family in the future, and the fate of the family will be handed over to Gu Yan…

Not only that.

Han Yafei also heard that Gu Yan’s age is younger than himself.

It’s too exaggerated, how did he do all this?

Don’t know why, Han Yafei glanced at Sun Cheng when he thought of here.

The same is the younger generation, but the gap between Sun Cheng and Gu Yan can be described as heaven and earth.

Han Yafei’s mood also began to become complicated.

Become cramped, become nervous, become at a loss, and even have a slight expectation, looking forward to seeing this legendary figure of the magic city with his own eyes.

She knew that the Han family was a vassal.

But this is what makes Han Yafei at least not so flustered.

She didn’t want to accept favors, favors from anyone.

Because she knows a truth, if you have to give up, you have to get something, and if you get something, you will give something.

Similar to Sun Cheng.

As long as Han Yafei is willing to confirm the relationship with Sun Cheng, the Han family can immediately be listed as the big tree of the Sun family, soaring into the sky!

But Han Yafei is not willing!

What she believes in is free love, she will not betray herself because of anything!

And this way of Gu Yan makes Han Yafei very comfortable.

One party contributes money, one party contributes, fair and just!

Han Yafei relied on her own efforts to eat!


Sun Cheng’s tone is very urgent, he is really anxious now!

“Wait for me a few minutes.

After Han Yafei said these words, regardless of Sun Chengtong’s disagreement, she turned around and walked into the bedroom.

After a while, she changed into a new outfit and came out.

Han Yafei wore a black lace skirt with a hem that stretched to the knees, and a pair of perfect white and snowy legs were exposed to the air.

The makeup on her face is extremely delicate, glamorous and beautiful, but at the same time a little seductive.

Appears dignified and elegant.

Han Yafei has been under too much pressure in recent years, and she doesn’t like makeup and dressing herself up.

But today, she dressed herself well, just because she wanted to see Gu Yan!

Meet this man who will master the fate of the Han family in the future.

She is also looking forward to meeting Gu Yan.

At the same time, she was a little nervous, because she couldn’t guarantee what the future of herself and the Han family would be!

Sun Cheng also looked at him directly.

But he could only bury this jealousy of envy and jealousy deeply in his heart, and he didn’t dare to show it at all.

He heard what Sun Detian just said to him.

If you have an affair with Han Yafei again, you will really have a big problem!

Unwilling? unwilling?

No use at all!

In the face of absolute power, it is in vain!

Imperial Capital, Gu Group Branch

Gu Yan sits on the office chair and puts the phone to his ear.

“Gu Gongzi, I am the person in charge of the Imperial Hotel, my surname is Chen.”

“Knowing that you have come to the imperial capital, I quickly cancelled the meeting and came to tell you.

“Our Royal Capital Hotel has two top-level meeting rooms, all of the world’s first-class scale. In order to catch you up with the dust, I made the decision without authorization and issued an invitation letter.

“So the meaning of this call is to invite you, do you think you have time?”

On the other side of the phone, a respectful voice rang from a middle-aged man.

Gu Yan smiled inexplicably after hearing these words.

Royal Capital Hotel?

Isn’t this the place where Man Tiandi attended the dinner tonight and pretended to be slapped in the face?

If he didn’t expect it, one of the two top parlors of the Imperial Capital Hotel had already been booked by Mantiance.

“Arrange for you.”

Gu Yan said, and after a few greetings with the person in charge of the Imperial Capital Hotel, he hung up the phone.

Of course, Gu Yan will not miss this kind of opportunity to be full of strategies for the show.

He will not avoid Mantiance!

He even wanted to let Man Tiandi see himself!

Because I definitely won’t go to the Imperial Capital Hotel alone tonight, but will go with Han Yafei!

Calculating the time, it should be almost here.

3.5 at this moment.

The phone on the desk rang, and Gu Yan pressed the connect button.

“Gu Gongzi, Miss Han Yafei and Young Master Sun Cheng have already arrived.”

“Let them come straight up.

After speaking, Gu Yan hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, the office door was pushed open, Han Yafei and Sun Cheng walked in one after another.

The sights of both sides are intertwined in the air.

Gu Yan didn’t respond much, but Sun Cheng and Han Yafei were different!

The corners of Sun Cheng’s mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and a feeling of self-sufficiency rose in his heart.

And Han Yafei was stunned!

There was a word in her mind now!

In this world…

Does such a man really exist!?

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