Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Han Yafei’s shock, his destiny is controlled by a mysterious man!

He raised his hand and looked at his watch.

The current time was still in the afternoon, and it was still a while before Man Tiance returned to the imperial capital at night.

Gu Yan’s plan is very simple.

At the same time, playing with him drives him crazy, making him lose all his confidence every time.

Therefore, in order to implement this concept.

The Han family where Xiao Tiance is located.

The Han family he cares about, Gu Yan must intervene.


Han Yafei, this woman is very tough.

That’s right, she is stout, her personality is different from that of the heroine around Gu Yan.

Han Yafei’s appearance does not match her heart at all.

When Tiandong and Zhao Chuning are in a difficult situation, they will forbear, think of ways, and get everything by unscrupulous means, so that they can regain authority in their hands.

But Han Yafei is different.

She would rather just stay poor and be defeated forever, than compromise and bow down!

This is also the reason why Young Master Sun’s scheme failed. Even if the Han family was lonely, he still couldn’t touch Han Yafei’s half of his hair.

At the same time, it may also be the basis for the author in the original book to pretend to be forced to slap in the face.

after all.….

A stout woman would not allow her man to be a trash, so she was impatient with Man Tiandi, and the two were always unmarried couples, all of which was reasonable and reasonable.

On the other hand, Man Tiance is trash on the surface, but behind his back he is the Dragon King, possessing monstrous power.

Just to use the contrast of this identity, a little bit of side bursts, shocked Han Yafei, and let Han Yafei discover that his man not only loves his family, but is also a hero.

Gu Yan must have control of the Han family.

The identity he wants to package himself is the benefactor of the Han family.


All of this should not be too deliberate, too obvious, and reveal too much purpose, otherwise Han Yafei will absolutely refuse, this is not the problem of Gu Yan having money and no money!

I have to say that this is indeed a difficult point.

In the past, Gu Yan may not be able to deal with this problem, but now it is different.

The reason that could not be dealt with before was because he was not strong enough!

Now, Gu Yan can handle this problem casually, he can bypass the Han family directly and go to the Sun family!

Thought of this.

Gu Yan called her secretary and asked her to bring all the friendly letters received by the group today.

There are more than 100 paper envelopes alone.

The number of e-mails is also huge.

After screening, Gu Yan took out a letter and got through one of the numbers on it.

The imperial capital, the mansion of the Han family.

In the luxuriously decorated lobby, a man and a woman sat opposite each other on the reception table.

The woman is wearing loose gold silk lace pajamas with a casual posture. Her pretty face without makeup is beautiful and moving.

The age seems to be around 25 years old, between youth and maturity, with a different kind of charm.

Her temperament is a bit cold and aloof, her beautiful eyes are full of plainness, she wraps her arms around her chest, and calmly looks at the man sitting opposite.

She is the daughter of the Han family.

It is also the pillar of the Han family, Han Yafei.

Compared to Han Yafei.

The man sitting across from her looked a little dazzling.

At the age of about twenty, he looks handsome, and there is a kind of scorn in it.

Oblique bangs, melon-seeded face, straight nose and thin lips, all-in-one fashion brand, coat is a world limited edition black jacket.

Behind him stood two bodyguards in black, one on the left and the other on the right.Son of the Sun family, Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng glanced at Han Yafei.

He seemed to chuckle, then took out a pack of Chinese cigarettes from his pocket, unpacked it, and hummed one in his mouth.

The bodyguard behind him stepped forward to set the fire.

Sun Cheng took a breath and exhaled light blue smoke.

Through the smoke, he could vaguely see the heat and admiration in his eyes, which was revealed when he looked at Han Yafei!

Sun Cheng missed Han Yafei too much!

This woman really has an appetite for him, he just likes the feeling of conquering little by little.

It is hard to imagine what kind of picture it would look like when such a staunch Han Yafei showed the attitude of a little woman in front of him?

“Yafee, about that matter, are you sure you don’t think about it anymore?”

Sun Chen said while playing with Lamborghini’s car keys.

“Don’t call me Yafei, you are not worthy.”

Han Yafei had a cold tone, looked at the cigarette in Sun Cheng’s hand, directly picked up the water glass, and washed it over!

This water still has temperature!

Not only did he extinguish the cigarette butt in Sun Cheng’s hand, he also grinned his teeth.

When the two bodyguards saw this, they wanted to go forward, but Sun Cheng stopped them.

He picked up the paper on the table and wiped his hands. He didn’t get angry. He just chuckled, “Ya Fei, I like your little look.”

“You are so disgusting!” Han Yafei answered without evasiveness.

“In my house, you have to abide by the rules of my house. You can’t smoke here.

Han Yafei is almost annoying Sun Cheng!

In recent years, Sun Cheng has been bothering her and harassing her in various ways.

Although Han Yafei used various methods to beat and scold Sun Cheng every time.

But he still sticks to himself like a bug, and he can’t get rid of it!

Han Yafei even thought that if Sun Chengzhen pushed her into a hurry, she wanted to secretly abolish Sun Cheng!

But no way, really no way.

The Han family is lonely and inferior to others, and she has been living very hard in the past few years!

But she really didn’t know who to complain to.

“I will start timing now, you can’t do all this in ten minutes, ah…

After speaking, Sun Detian hung up the phone directly.

Sun Cheng looked at the dimming cell phone screen, and the name echoed in his mind.

Magic City, Gu Yan!

He always felt like he had heard it, but he couldn’t remember it for a while, no way, he started calling and asking people!

Two minutes later.

Sun Cheng’s face was pale, and his expression was full of despair. He had already inquired who Gu Yan was.

Horror and horror!

This is really a master!

Even if it is the Dragon King, the one in front of this Young Master Gu must be one level lower!

What my father said is right.

If you offend Gu Yan, even if their Sun family is the four largest family in the imperial capital, even if this is not the magic capital, they still can’t eat it!

too exaggerated!

Sun Cheng is naive, but he is not stupid, he knows what he should do when it comes to women and life and death choices!

“Han Ya, follow me.

Sun Cheng walked directly to Han Yafei and said in a trembling tone.

Han Yafei didn’t speak, completely treating Sun Cheng as air.

“I said, why do you follow me!”

Sun Cheng went straight into a loss, blushing, and his neck was thick. While shouting, he took out a contract from his bodyguard’s backpack and patted it in front of Han Yafei.

“Look, Laozi has more than half of the original shares of your Han family.”

“A project of the Sun family was reorganized and merged. According to the treaty, you are among them!”

“You have to go today. If you don’t go, Laozi will call someone from the court to come and escort you to go!

Han Yafei had a pretty face when he saw Sun Cheng’s appearance, saw the obvious trembling and panic in his expression.

She knows that half of the Han family’s shares are in Sun Cheng’s hands, but…

Restructuring and mergers?!

Sun’s project was reorganized and merged? Who has such great skills?!

You know, the Sun family is the fourth largest family in the imperial capital!

Moreover, according to the treaty, the Han family is now an affiliated company of the Sun family, and it is also a “product” that can be thrown away!

Sun Cheng is not wrong!

Han Yafei began to feel a little at a loss.

This also means that the future destiny of the Han family will be transferred to one person. Whether the Han family is prosperous or declining, it is he who has the final say!

“Who bought it?” Han Yafei stood up and stared at Sun Cheng.


The next name Sun Cheng uttered made Han Yafei’s beautiful eyes a little dull.


“Gu Yan!” and,

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