Chapter 250 Winners and losers are like this in ancient times!


Li Yinfeng nodded, then said.

“Before Li Jiangyuan, the person in charge of the Jiangyuan Li family branch was Li Sanshan.”

“So, Li Jiangyuan squeezed Li Sanshan down?”

A look of curiosity appeared on Li Mubai’s face. If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, Li Jiangyuan seized the power of Li Sanshan, and Li Sanshan held a grudge. After many years, when the right opportunity was encountered, Li Sanshan did not hesitate and directly stumbled Li Jiangyuan.

“it’s not true.

“Li Sanshan is Li Jiangyuan’s uncle”

“It was Li Sanshan who tried his best to recommend Li Jiangyuan to be the speaker of Jiangyuan Li’s family.”

Having said this, Li Yinfeng was also a little emotional.

Judging from Li Jiangyuan’s performance, there is no problem with Li Sanshan recommending him.

At the beginning, Li Sanshan took the initiative to retreat and let Li Jiangyuan take the place. It can be seen that Li Sanshan still faces the Li family in his heart.

It’s just that when people are confused, now Li Sanshan is undoubtedly old and confused, and will do such a thing.

“Let’s go, let’s go and see this Li Sanshan.

There are many villas in Jiangyuan, and there are also very top 07 villas.

Although it cannot reach the scale of Tianya Haige, there are still many high-end villas.

However, Li Sanshan, the former head of the Jiangyuan Li family, now only lives in a small courtyard.

Without this incident, outsiders would really think that Li Sanshan was ready to enjoy his old age.

“Master, please come in.”

When Li Mubai and Li Yinfeng appeared outside the courtyard, an elderly man with the appearance of a housekeeper had already taken the initiative to welcome them.

“Do you know that I am coming?

A smile appeared on Li Mubai’s face. It seems that Li Sanshan really has no plans to retreat.

Xue Jing had an accident over there, and even if the two of them would come on his side.

However, Li Mubai didn’t care.

He and Li Yinfeng are both congenitals, even if this small courtyard is Longtan Tiger Cave, they can’t help them.

In the small courtyard, Li Sanshan has prepared food and drinks.

Seeing Li Mubai coming in, he didn’t get up either. He just sat for himself, drinking and eating.

After sweeping the spiritual sense, Li Mubai knew why Li Sanshan was so calm.

This old guy clearly understood the truth of success and failure.

The alcohol he drank and the vegetables he ate were very poisonous, and within a moment, he was about to die.

“Master, just ask if you have something to say, time for the old is running out.”

Hearing Li Sanshan’s words, Li Yinfeng became angry. This old dog didn’t even know it was about to die.

However, Li Mubai arbitrarily raised his hand at this moment, signaling Li Yinfeng not to care.

“Who was the one who shot the Li family secretly?”

Li Mubai asked straightforwardly now.

“Jinghai Xiangjia.”

“Accurately speaking, it is an elite of the Xiang family’s dragon group.”

Li Sanshan is also a big fish in Li’s house in Jinghai. Others don’t know the identity of Dragon Group, but he still knows.

“no surprise.”

“However, you are half-footed into the Li family’s core circle. Why do you want to harm the Li family’s interests?”

Li Mubai had long guessed that it was Jinghai Xiang’s family that was secretly against him and even the entire Jinghai Li family.

Of course, the Xiang family may be just the vanguard, but behind the Xiang family, there are still a large number of forces supporting the Xiang family.

Otherwise, although the Jinghai Xiang family is strong, it is by no means an opponent of the Li family, and it will not do any good for him to oppose the Li family.

“Master, you don’t need to ask about these topics.

When Li Sanshan finished saying these words, the corners of his mouth were already bleeding, and he was obviously about to be completely poisoned and killed.

“Any last wish?”

Li Sanshan did not expect that at this time, Li Mubai did not choose to continue interrogating him, but instead asked him what his last wish was.

Li Sanshan has been running for the Li family for most of his life without any credit or hard work.

Although he did a foolish thing on his deathbed, there was no need to beat him to death.

“My granddaughter’s family has absolutely nothing to do with or implicated in this matter.”

Li Sanshan said in general, and stared at Li Mubai closely. His meaning was obvious, that is, he hoped that Li Mubai could let his granddaughter’s family go.

“If it is exactly what you said, I am not killing innocent people indiscriminately.”

“Anything else to say?”

Li Mubai nodded now, and then continued to ask.

“Things must be reversed, just over and easy to break.”

“The existence of the Jinghai Li family has harmed the interests of most families.”

After saying these two sentences, Li Sanshan didn’t continue to say, and he couldn’t say any more.

When Li Sanshan fell down, the old butler on the side was also straight to the ground.

Obviously, the old housekeeper was just like Li Sanshan, and had taken poison early.

“Bury these two people and investigate the others thoroughly.”

Li Mubai was actually very dissatisfied at the moment, and now the clue to Li Sanshan is broken again.

The Dragon Group was good at hiding, but after Li Sanshan’s accident, the Dragon Group hid again.

Although the Tianluodi Nets trained by Langya are also elite, they are compared with the dragon group and blood spurs that have been developed for many years.

The net of heaven and earth under Li Mubai’s devil is undoubtedly a bit immature.

Now the dragon group and the blood stab can’t help Li Mubai, but Li Mubai’s man 687 can’t help the dragon group and the blood stab for the time being.’s work efficiency is also very fast. Half a day after Li Mubai left Li Sanshan’s courtyard, everything has been completely resolved.

“Master, this time Li Sanshan and Long Zu are involved, and no one else knows it.

“Although they are also beneficiaries, Li Sanshan did not let these people participate.

“Li Sanshan’s heirs, as well as grandsons, granddaughters, etc., are all like this.”

After Li Yinfeng finished speaking, he also waited for Li Mubai to make a decision.

“Is there a way to find the dragon group now?”

At this moment, Li Mubai wanted to get the Dragon Group out and kill him. This is not the first time the Dragon Group has confronted him.

The members of these dragon groups, one by one, looked like ghosts, and if they missed a hit, they were immediately hidden in the darkness, and they couldn’t be found at all.

“Master, now the members of the Dragon Group seem to have all evacuated from Jiangyuan. We haven’t found anything in Jiangyuan.

“I don’t know if the Dragon Group is cautious, or if there is something that needs to be handled elsewhere.

After Li Yinfeng said it this time, Li Mubai also fell into thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, he found that chasing the members of the dragon group in this way was too passive. .

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