Chapter 249 Qinglingmen, Xue Jing!

When Li Mubai broke the large formation of the medicinal planting base, Li Yinfeng also called.

“What’s the matter?” Li Mubai asked casually.

“Master, we found a group of suspicious persons in Qingniu Mountain in Jiangyuan.”

“These people are well-trained and not weak.

After Li Mubai inquired, Li Yinfeng also directly stated their findings.

“I know, and then observe and observe, if it is really suspicious, just grab it.

Li Mubai found that it seemed that it was not so easy to let the sky and the earth be alone.

Take Li Yinfeng as an example, his personal strength is very strong.

But now, Li Yinfeng has to consult him for most things.

This obviously won’t work. What he needs is always the best result that is useful to him.

As long as does things from this point, it will do.

After thinking about “Sixty Seven Zero”, Li Mubai gave this order to Li Yinfeng, Tie Jun and Langya respectively.

Act by chance, as long as the final result is the best result that is beneficial to him!

After receiving Li Mubai’s order, the trio of Tiejun also relaxed a lot.

Otherwise, you have to report to Li Mubai every time you find something.

Especially sometimes, the warplanes are fleeting.

Now that Li Mubai has said so, it will be easier for them to do things in the future.

The villas of Jiangyuan Li’s branch are far inferior to Tianyahaige.

The villa here was built very early, and the name is very simple, called Ting Yu Shui Pavilion.

At this moment, Li Jiangyuan and other high-level officials of the Jiangyuan Li family branch are all concentrated in this place, waiting for Li Mubai to make a job.

“How is the situation now?”

Li Mubai took a look at Li Jiangyuan now.

When he came before, although Li Jiangyuan was calm, he was frowning.

Now there was a little more joy on his face.

“Master, now that the large formations of Yaoshan and Yaotian are destroyed by you, the medicinal material planting base has basically returned to normal.”

“Wait at most sixty days for a complete recovery.”

“Many pill production equipment and production materials, nearly 80% were rescued, and the remaining 20% ​​were damaged. We are still actively trying to find a way.”

“The last is the pill. This time I probably lost about 50% of the pill.”

“However, with regard to the pill, it is a bit strange. 50% of the pill is lost, but the traces left by the damaged pill are at most 10%.”

“I suspect that there are 40% pill, which should have been taken away and created the illusion of burning.

Jiangyuan’s medicinal medicinal production base is large in scale, and the medicinal medicinal products produced every year account for almost one-third of the market in Xiaguo.

Now the opponent has snatched nearly 40% of the pill, which is definitely not a small amount.

“Any clue?”

Li Jiangyuan’s suspicion is not unreasonable. At this moment, Li Mubai also asked directly.

“It’s possible that Qinglingmen did it.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Jiangyuan said.

“Qinglingmen is a sect that cooperated with Jiangyuan Danyao production base in the early years.”

“At that time, some of the top elixirs were all refined by the alchemists of the Qinglingmen.”

“Of course, we also need to give the alchemist of Qinglingmen four times or even eight times the medicinal materials needed to refine the pill, as the cost of refining medicine.”

“After the pill is refined, the alchemist will give priority to choosing half of it.

“In the beginning, the alchemists of the Qinglingmen were all top alchemists and they couldn’t help it.”

“But now, the Qinglingmen has long since turned green and yellow.”

“Those top pill, their alchemist can’t make it either.”

“As for the ordinary elixirs, we can already mass-produce them with modern technology and equipment.”

“Moreover, the pill that is mass-produced like this is not inferior to the pill that is refined by Master Qinglingmen.”

“With the continuous update and iteration of production machines, the quality of the pill is getting less and less.”

When Li Jiangyuan said this, Li Mubai had already understood.

Since Qinglingmen could not adapt to the development of the times, it has now been eliminated.

However, Qinglingmen obviously couldn’t accept the fact that it was eliminated, and then this time it made chaos with outsiders.

“I know about this. You will solve the current difficulties first, and you will talk about other things in the future.”

After talking with Li Jiangyuan and others, Li Mubai also signaled them to retreat.

After Li Jiangyuan and others retreated, Li Yinfeng also appeared in front of Li Mubai carrying a warrior in Tsing Yi.

“Master, all these people are from Qinglingmen.”

“Qinglingmen is one of the ancient martial arts of Xia State. It is good at medicine and alchemy, but its own strength is also very powerful.”

Having said this, Li Yinfeng continued to speak 0.

“Master, this person is now the master of Qinglingmen, Xue Jing.”

Xue Jing’s strength has been abolished at this moment, he is just a great master.

Facing Li Yinfeng, Tie Jun, and Langya at the same time, there was no room for resistance at all.

“What instigated you to oppose our Li family?”

Li Mubai knew that if only Xue Jing was alone, even Qinglingmen.

So no matter how courage they were, they would not dare to be an enemy of Jinghai Li’s family.


“Since it has fallen into your hands, hurry up if you want to do it, why bother?”

Xue Jing had no idea of ​​cooperating at all at this moment. He knew very well that with the things he did, ten deaths were more than enough.

That being the case, why should he cooperate?


When Xue Jing’s voice fell, Li Mubai directly moved his pupils, and immediately two green lights appeared in his eyes!

Intriguing, Qin Xiaoyao’s unique knowledge.

Back then, Qin Xiaoyao relied on this skill to tortured the blood maple stabbed in blood to death.

“Who instructed you to take action against the Li family?”

When Li Mubai asked again this time, Xue Jing seemed to have become a marionette.

“It’s Lord Shan, it’s Lord Shan who asked us to do this.”

Xue Jing didn’t know what was going on right now, and he could only say what Li Mubai asked.

“Who is Shan Ye?”

Li Mubai asked a little curiously about 2.6 now.

“It’s Li Sanshan.

When Xue Jing said the name, Li Yinfeng’s complexion was slightly ugly.

Li Sanshan is just one of the elders of the Li family, and he is quite famous in the Li family.

Never thought, this old guy is also a person who eats inside and out.

“Except for Li Sanshan, no one else is involved?”

Of course Li Mubai would not believe that Li Sanshan had nothing to do when he was full.

“Yes, but Lord Shan is very respectful to those people. I don’t know who they are.”

Xue Jing hesitated for a moment, and then continued to speak.


After Xue Jing said this, Li Mubai directly crushed his throat.

“Li Sanshan is in Jiangyuan?”

Li Mubai looked at Li Yinfeng at this moment, Li family Ding Xingwang, many members, he did not know. .

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