Chapter 245 Leave the island prison!

“His inner strength has been completely imprisoned, and if he wants to recover, he can only bring it back to Xia Guo to find a way.”

After Li Mubai took a look, he immediately understood that Langya’s inner strength was banned from copper.

Otherwise, such a place would really not be able to imprison a powerful Innate Martial Artist.

“Introduce myself. My name is Douglas. I’m the warden here.

“Who are you?”

“If you are willing to confess, I can’t consider reducing your sentence.”

Douglas appeared not far from Li Mubai.

He was blond, tall and burly, full of explosive power.

“I’ll play with him.

After seeing Douglas, Shang Jianfeng immediately became interested.

Now that his strength has skyrocketed, he hasn’t actually done anything seriously with others. Obviously, this warrior named Douglas is a very good opponent.


Li Mubai nodded, and Shang Jianfeng also instantly faced Douglas.

On the side of the three of Li Mubai, they started to save people.



After Tie Jun and Li Yinfeng shot, the one-meter-thick bullet-proof glass began to shatter continuously.

But 07, even if the two are innate warriors, this meter-thick bullet-proof glass is obviously not that easy and can be shattered.

“True Wushen Fist!”

When the two shot consecutively, Li Mubai also shot at this time.

This time he shot Lin Xuan’s Zhenwu Shenquan.

Although this punch was fierce and unforgiving, and powerful, it only made a crack in the bulletproof glass.

However, Li Mubai is not in a hurry, this will make him punch directly and continuously.

Not long after, a huge crack appeared in the glass in front of him.

The location of Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun also had a crack.

Because the crack played by Li Mubai was too big, the three cracks were directly connected together.

“It’s almost there, I’ll try it.”

At this time, Tie Jun didn’t say a word, he jumped up suddenly, and then he flew up and kicked.


This kick is strong!

These glasses shattered badly just now, and after Tie Jun suddenly kicked, a large piece of glass flew out.

Seeing such a scene, Langya in the cell also showed doubts.

It seems that the other party is the warrior of Xia Country.

In addition, he did not feel any murderous aura on these people.

In that case, what are these people going to do here?

After the bulletproof glass collapsed, Li Mubai burst out several palms, and then the huge bulletproof glass shattered completely.

At this time, Li Mubai also shook his body, and then appeared in the cell.

“Go, we will take you out of here.”

After Li Mubai finished speaking, he grabbed Langya and then escaped from the prison.

Numerous guards from the prison kept coming over at this moment.

But where are they the opponents of the two innate masters, Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun?

Not long after, Li Mubai took Langya to the edge of the island, where a speedboat had been moored long ago.

Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun fought and retreated, constantly retreating.

On Shang Jianfeng’s side, he ran into a little trouble.

The strength of this Douglas is really not weak, when Shang Jianfeng wants to retreat, Douglas still drags Shang Jianfeng hard.

Immediately Li Mubai discovered that Shang Jianfeng and Douglas had been beaten from the prison all the way to the outside of the prison.

“Shao Li, can I help?”

Seeing that Shang Jianfeng would not be able to get away for a while, Tie Jun spoke immediately.

“No, I will go personally.”

After taking a look at the battle over there, Li Mubai asked Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun to wait on the speedboat, and then drove back to the island.

Douglas can be arranged to guard Langya in this no-man’s land prison, so it can be seen that he is not an ordinary person.


After playing with Douglas for a while, Shang Jianfeng shot out a bloody arrow.

This Douglas is too strong, the opponent’s strength is above him.


After hitting Shang Jianfeng with vomiting blood with a palm, Douglas appeared directly in front of Shang Jianfeng like a ghost.

His very terrifying palm patted Shang Jianfeng’s head directly.

It’s just that when his palm was normal, his body was suddenly drained of strength.

Douglas looked back hard, and saw that, I don’t know when, Li Mubai has appeared behind him!

The moment Li Mubai appeared behind him, the opponent shattered his heart with one palm.

All his attention just now was on Shang Jianfeng.

He wanted to defeat them one by one, and eventually left Li Mubai in this place.

However, Douglas clearly miscalculated.

His strength is not weak, but Li Mubai’s strength is undoubtedly stronger.

At this moment, when Li Mubai attacked him, he didn’t even notice it!


After a palm smashed Douglas’s heart, Li Mubai did not stop and took Shang Jianfeng to leave.

At the same time, many powerful figures appeared in all directions and rushed towards this place.

These people have obviously received help from this no man’s land prison.

After Li Mubai arrived on the speedboat, the speedboat quickly moved towards an uninhabited island in the distance.

As a result, the speedboat was halfway and there was a missile attack.

When the speedboat was blown to pieces by the missile, a group of five people also appeared directly on an uninhabited desert island.

In this place, a 670 supersonic fighter jet had already been parked.

After a few people boarded the plane quickly, the supersonic fighter flew directly in the direction of Southeast Asia.

On the supersonic fighter, Langya looked at the few people in front of him with interest.

“Your Excellency is using the kung fu of the Bagua Sect. Among the Bagua Sects, those who can practice to this level are probably the only Bagua Sect master, and Shang Jianfeng is now in charge.”

“I have seen your boxing skills. We played against Tiejun, who is known as the first person in the Qianlong list in a century.

“But I don’t know these two.”

Langya spoke very calmly. He was also very curious about the identity of Li Yinfeng and Li Mubai.

“Jinghai Li Mubai.

Li Mubai did not hesitate, and directly reported his name.

When you declare your home, you can know a lot by saying the place name and surname.

Before Langya was an elite of the Xia State Military Department, he certainly didn’t know about the famous Jinghai Li Family.

He not only knows the Li family, but also Li Mubai.

However, this time Langya was rather surprised.

He really didn’t expect that Young Master Li Mu Mubai of Jinghai Li’s family would be such a powerful innate master!

It seems that the existence of these super family members is not unreasonable.

Even Li Mubai, who is widely rumored to be a child of Na-Rong, is innate, so what is the level of the elites that the Li family secretly cultivated?.

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