Chapter 244 Overseas trip!

Chu Yi’s words can be regarded as surprising and endless.

It is still a special period, and Luo Binhe’s identity is extremely high, as the helm of the Luo family, there can be no mistakes!

Luo Binhe’s gaze towards Chu Yi also showed some worry.

“It’s okay, I will prescribe you two pills, and you will be fine after taking them.”

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he walked forward on his own.

In Luo’s villa, Chu Yi was surrounded by people like stars and rods.

Concubine Luo Xue and Luo Xixi were a little confused.

“Cousin, this is the genius doctor Chu Yi?”

Luo Xixi stuck out her tongue at this moment, she only felt that she could not see the slightest genius doctor on Chu Yi.

“Yes, this is the genius doctor Chu Yi, but our Luo family is disease-free and painless. Even if he is a genius doctor, we don’t have to be so fond of him.”

Luo “Sixty Seven Zero” Xue Fei shook her head.

Compared with Chu Yi’s genius doctor, she is still more interested in Jingchuwu Academy.

The goal of Jingchu Wu Academy is to cultivate ten innate martial artists within twenty years.

In other words, as long as you can enter Jingchu Wu Academy, and can be ranked in the top ten.

Then in twenty years, with a high probability, you can become an innate martial artist!

The eight giants of Jingchu, sitting on the land of Jingchu, have been for hundreds of years, even hundreds of years.

As a result, no innate has been cultivated up to now.

Therefore, the allure of Jingchu Wu Academy is definitely very big.

When most people were preparing to enter Jingchu Wu Academy to practice, Li Mubai was already arranging overseas trips.

Now among the people on Jingchu’s side, Li Ling and Shang Jianfeng are in charge of things on the bright side.

The remaining Li Yinfeng and Tie Jun are members of

On this overseas trip, Li Mubai is going to leave Li Ling in Jingchu and continue to prepare for the rest.

At the same time, he took Shang Jianfeng, Tie Jun, and Li Yinfeng to a small island in the Pacific Ocean to bring Langya back.

Although now has two masters, if he can get Langya again, it will immediately be even more powerful.

After all, the one or two forces that were secretly opposing him were all well-trained.

After bringing Langya back, his net of heaven and earth can also grow up quickly.

After everything was ready, Li Mubai and his party set off directly.

“Go and return quickly this time, and try to get things done in three days.”

There are secrets under the Jingchu Mausoleum.

Although the eight tokens are on him, they haven’t revealed the secret before.

Li Mubai didn’t want to leave Xia for too long.

This time he went to rescue Langya on an unnamed island in the Pacific Ocean. In fact, he wanted to send only three people, Shang Jianfeng.

But I was worried that the three of them were not strong enough. Not only did they fail to rescue them, they also lost themselves.

Therefore, after weighing it up, Li Mubai still felt that he would go there in person.

On the endless Pacific Ocean, a speedboat approached an unnamed island in the night.

However, the speedboat was spotted by radar before it approached.

When several missiles came over, the speedboat was turned into fragments on the sea.

At the same time, in the other direction of the unnamed island, the four figures have passed through the forest on the island and headed to the no-man’s land prison on the island.

The no-man’s land prison is synonymous with America’s prison, and many prisons like this are placed on islands or in the desert.

They are all called no-man’s land prisons.

The reason why it is called a no-man’s land prison is to remind the guards that the criminals detained in it are not humans.

Be very careful day and night, and never let these criminals escape.

When the four Li Mubai approached, they found that the number of this no-man’s land prison was 17. Obviously, they did not come to the wrong place.

The Langya that Li Mubai wanted to take away this time was detained in this place.

“I’ll go in and take a look.”

After arriving outside the prison, Tie Jun took the initiative to ask.


Li Mubai’s forehead slightly.

Immediately, Tie Jun also moved and entered the prison directly.

The defense in the prison is very tight, but in front of Tiejun, a warrior in the mid-innate period.

These defenses are useless.

Of course, in no-man’s land prisons, there are also congenital sittings.

However, when there is no abnormality, innate warriors rarely appear in no man’s land prisons.

Tie Jun quickly found the place where Langya was imprisoned based on the information he had obtained before.

Langya is a burly young man. Through the bulletproof glass window, Tie Jun can see. At this moment, Langya is sitting on the bed.

He seems to be participating in Zen, and he seems to be practicing, or resting.

When Tiejun appeared outside, Langya didn’t react.

However, after Tie Jun left, his eyes closed slightly and opened slightly.

‘This is here to kill me?

Langya was a little curious in her heart, and she couldn’t help showing a smile on her face.

It seems that he is not dead, and those guys really have trouble sleeping and eating.

Even if he was put in a no-man’s land prison, those guys still couldn’t rest assured.

Perhaps, in the concept of those people, only dead people are absolutely safe.

After Tie Jun found out about Langya, he quickly left the prison unimpeded.

“Shao Li, found it, there is no problem with intelligence, Langya is indeed detained in this place.

“Not enough. There are very strong alloy walls all around. The most fragile is a huge bulletproof glass about one meter thick.”

In a few words, Tiejun explained all the situation he saw.

“How is Langya’s condition?”

Li Mubai continued to inquire now.

“It looks like it should be good, but it will definitely not be in peak state.”

Tie Jun recalled it for a moment, and then said.


“In this case, let’s do it.”

Things shouldn’t be late, and late will change.

Everyone went overseas this time to take Langya away. Now that they are here, naturally, 2.6 can not delay their efforts.

Although no man’s land prisons are heavily guarded, they even have built-in various early warning systems and defense systems.

But in front of the four congenital warriors, it was completely useless.

However, the four of Li Mubai are not completely transparent.

Even when Tie Jun entered the no man’s land prison for the first time, the innate warriors guarding here had already been discovered.

Douglas admired and welcomed these prison robbers very much.

Because he has been in a no-man’s land prison since he has been in a no-man’s land prison.

From the moment they broke into the no man’s land prison without authorization, there will be a few more criminals in the no man’s land prison.

Li Mubai and his group of four soon came outside Langya’s cell again and saw Langya in the cell. .

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