Chapter 242 Taiyi Profound Needle!

In a moment, Old Qin finished the injection.

However, what surprised Old Qin was that the middle-aged man threw his body very hard.

Even at this level, he did not wake up.

As a last resort, Mr. Qin could only give the needle a second time.

This time, the middle-aged man’s complexion improved a lot, and his breathing became stable, but he was unconscious.

“The genius doctor, the genius doctor!”

“It’s really old Luo Qin in the living room!”

“This… how is this possible?”

At this moment, many people around were amazed, and they were all overwhelmed by the magical skills of Old Qin.

Of course, like the doctors and nurses just now, they looked at Old Qin incredulously at this moment.

They couldn’t believe that they didn’t need to use drugs or advanced medical equipment, Qin actually saved this person to life!

However, Old Qin himself was very dissatisfied.

Now that this person is saved, he is half dead at all!

As a last resort, Mr. Qin directly administered the injection for the third time.

The apprentice beside him was stunned when he saw this scene.

what’s the situation?

When the master used to save people, he would give the injection twice at most, most of the time once.

It was the first time that he saw the master giving needles three times.

The people beside him looked at 670 and didn’t understand. They thought that if Old Qin pricked a few more times, this person would be completely healed.

At this time, Chu Yi sighed leisurely.

“Oh, if you save it like this, this person will be saved to death by you.”

After Chu Yiyun spoke lightly, Concubine Luo Xue was not well.

At this time, can’t Chu Yi just shut up?

After all, this is a matter of life and death!

“Shut up! Old Qin is here to save people, how can you speak?”

Although Old Qin’s disciple didn’t understand, how it is so complicated for the master to save people today.

But now he heard that a little boy dare to question Empress Qin, he suddenly became furious.

“I don’t know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, can you save people better than Qin?”

“Young and vigorous

“Don’t pay attention to him, who will treat the disease and save people, this is not something that is clear at a glance?”

At this time, many people on the train sneered at Chu Yi again and again.

Seeing the gazes, Chu Yiyun looked calm, while Concubine Luo Xue was very embarrassed.

After all, in this place, only he and Chu Yi were sitting here.

She really wants to leave here right now.

However, after Chu Yi spoke, (ahcg) Qin did not dare to continue the needle.

His previous thought was that the first two injections were too soft. This time, give this person a bit of strong medicine.

It’s just that the body of this middle-aged man is too weak, and he continues to do acupuncture at this time…

In the end, there are only two results, either the person wakes up safe and sound, or after waking up, he is also very weak.

Before long, he will be completely dead.

Thinking of this, Old Qin really hesitated.

He treats illnesses and saves people.

Saving someone now, although it can wake up the person, it is equivalent to saving the person to death.

“Go away, you can’t save this person, I’ll try.”

Chu Yi said, taking a step forward.

Hearing this and seeing his sloppy appearance, everyone on the train was completely dumbfounded.

Under what circumstances, who the hell is this person? He is so rampant?

Many people around who had heard of Qin’s name were very surprised at this moment.

Someone just said that Chu Yi could save people better than Qin Lao. That was actually a mockery.

But where everyone could think of it, Chu Yi really said at the moment that he was better at saving people than Old Qin.

Elder Qin hesitated for a moment, and still backed away!

Just now Chu Yi was able to stop him in time. Obviously, he has some ability.

However, Old Qin also wanted to see how Chu Yi saved people!

If this kid dares to play with him, see how he concocts Chu Yi!

However, in the next scene, Old Qin almost made him kneel down.

Directly after Chu Yi took out a silver needle from the needle box, the silver needle was directly suspended in his palm, and then trembling constantly.

“Too Taiyi Xuanzhen!”

“Taiyi Sect, Outer Sect disciple Qin Jian, pay homage to the little uncle!”

Old Qin was stunned right now.

Now Taiyimen is dying so badly that he is the only one left at the outer gate, and at the inner gate of Taiyimen, there is only one young uncle with a very high seniority.

However, his status is low, and he is not qualified to see Xiao Shishu, so he has not seen Chu Yi before.

At this moment, Qin Jian is very sure that the person in front of him is the little uncle of Taiyimen!

“Uncle Master?”

Seeing Old Qin kneeling on one knee and looking at Chu Yi respectfully, everyone around him was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, Chu Yi naturally raised his mouth frantically, showing a wicked smile.

Concubine Luo Xue looked at the scene in front of her as if she was looking at a fairy tale. Together with this Chu Yi, is she really a genius doctor?

His medical skills are still better than the living Yan Luo Qin Lao?

After Chu Yi shot, the middle-aged man was naturally rescued back easily.

After Chu Yi rescued the middle-aged man, the train slowly drove into Jingchu Station.

“Is this Jingchu? It seems to be very lively.”

After Concubine Luo Xue came out of the station, Chu Yi returned to his cynical appearance.

Jingchu is very lively now, after he comes, Jingchu will only be more lively.

The first villa of Jingchu, in the Tianyahai Pavilion.

Li Mubai also heard about the genius medical incident on the train not long ago.

However, he didn’t care.

Whether it is a warrior or some strange people, they have some magical methods.

Of course, this is only in the eyes of ordinary people, and in the eyes of cultivators, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The genius doctor incident on this train must have been a martial artist who had mastered the internal energy and saved a person.

After a brief look, Li Mubai did not continue to pay attention.

In the past few days, it seems that a distinguished guest is coming to Rosie’s home, even if Rosie has already returned to the family.

After Luo Xixi went back, Li Mubai naturally pampered Chu Yuyan wholeheartedly.

Chu Yuyan’s love for Li Mubai has always been very complicated.

She has no love for Li Mubai, but no hate, as if everything is just a deal with the flow.

After being held in her arms by Li Mubai at this moment, although she was a little nervous on her face, she did not show too much.

Especially, after gradually accepting Li Mubai, Chu Yuyan has discovered that Li Mubai is actually very handsome and excellent.

The family background is against the sky, the appearance is against the sky, the talent is against the sky, and the strength is strong and terrifying.

Now the whole Jingchu is looking forward to Li Mubai’s head.

In Jingchu, Jingnan, and all parts of Xia Country, I don’t know how many excellent girls want to fall Li Mu Mubai’s arms without this opportunity.

If Li Mubai is the only woman, even if she doesn’t like Li Mubai, she will try to like Li Mubai, but that’s not the case.

Li Mubai’s women are probably too many to count.

As the bedroom door closed, Chu Yuyan closed his eyes slightly. .

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