Chapter 241 The genius doctor on the train!

After such a long time, Qin Xiaoyao was finally eliminated.

Now I have not only killed Qin Xiaoyao, but I also know what dragon group and blood spurs are targeting him in secret!

In the Xiang family villa, Xiang Nantian has been a little restless these days.

He always felt that somewhere, he didn’t seem to be doing a good job.

“Master, the corpses of the others have been found, but the corpse of Xuefeng is still not found.

At this time, a blood-stabbed warrior entered Xiang Nantian’s study and reported the incident to him.

Hearing the words of this warrior, an electric current flashed through Xiang Nantian’s mind.

They thought that Xuefeng, like other warriors, was killed by Qin Xiaoyao!

Now Xiang Nantian was suddenly shocked, and even got into a cold sweat.

Blood Maple may have been killed by Qin Daoyao, or it may have been controlled by Qin Xiaoyao!

Especially after so many days have passed, he has not found Xue Feng’s body in Yunshan, he should think of this.

“Let’s pass on the order. In the future, without my order, members of the Dragon Group will not be allowed to contact any member of the Xiang family.”

“The blood stab members returned to the headquarters completely. Without my order, they are not allowed to leave the headquarters.”

Xiang Nantian knew that he was careless this time.

Although no one can find anything useful from Xuefeng.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

I just don’t know, he took measures as soon as he thought of this, and whether he had time to remedy it.

“Yes, master.”

The members of the blood spur did not ask Xiang Nantian why, what Xiang Nantian confessed, and what they did. This is the purpose of the blood spur.

Regardless of right or wrong pros and cons, always listen to Xiang Nantian’s orders.

Because Jingchu Wu Academy is about to open, the martial artists who are now admitted from various places also go to Jingchu.

On a train bound for Jingchu, there was a cynical young man sitting.

Beside this young man, there was a beautiful girl with a look of disgust sitting.

Concubine Luo Xue didn’t understand at this moment, why the family asked her to pick up this kid named Chu Yi.

He also said what kind of genius doctor this man is.

But in the eyes of Concubine Luo Xue, what kind of genius doctor is this?

On the way, she was going to take the plane and the high-speed rail, and Chu Yi just disagreed with her life and death.

No way, she, Miss Luo, directly accompanied Chu Yi on the train for several days and nights.

Moreover, those eyes of Chu Yi hadn’t left her at all in the past few days.


Seeing Concubine Luo Xue’s disgusting eyes, Chu Yi had no intention of seeing her in general.

The reason why Chu Yi insisted on taking the train was that he could only arrive in Jingchu a few days later by taking the train.

Soon after he broke through the foundation building, before he had time to consolidate his cultivation, he was called by Miss Luo.

Although in the eyes of cultivators like Chu Yi, secular martial artists like Jing Chu are not worth mentioning.

However, he also heard that the land of Jingchu was not peaceful recently, and he rushed into Jingchu without thoroughly consolidating his cultivation base.

Even if it is him, I am afraid that he will be in trouble.

After these few days of cultivation, his cultivation has now been completely consolidated.

Chu Yi didn’t have any interest in what Jingchu Wu Academy of Jingchu.

He came to Jingchu just for the inheritance under the Jingchu Mausoleum.

According to his master, their supreme inheritance is under the Jingchu Mausoleum.

As long as he gets the inheritance, he will leave immediately.

A cultivator of his and these secular warriors mingled in the metropolis, it is simply a drop in shares and a price drop!

Concubine Luo Xue was completely speechless at this moment, she didn’t say anything, but the fellow Chu Yi, Gang sneered unexpectedly.

Such a bastard, Concubine Luo Xue really didn’t understand why the family took it so seriously.

When she knew that Chu Yi was coming to Jingchu Wu Academy, she was sent to pick up Chu Yi not far away.


At this time, the train seemed to be too sultry. A middle-aged man shook his body twice, not knowing whether he was suffering from heatstroke or illness.

Then the whole person fell straight to the ground.

After seeing the middle-aged man fell to the ground, two medical staff in white clothes came to check the situation on the train.

A little nurse who came first gave a brief check and was immediately taken aback.

Because this person has completely lost his breath and all his vital signs.

After seeing the scared face of the little nurse, the middle-aged doctor with glasses quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

“This is poisoned”

After a brief examination, the middle-aged doctor suddenly shook his head regretfully.

This person didn’t know if he was poisoned by someone or he took the poison himself.

He has now been poisoned and died.

If there are life-sustaining equipment, it can be rescued at this time.

But now, there are no shops in front of the village, let alone big hospitals and life support equipment.

“Doctor, what happened to my husband?

At this moment a woman was scared and pale.

The pillar of the family suddenly fell, and her brain was blank.


The middle-aged doctor said nothing, but shook his head regretfully.

But at this moment, an old man wearing a Tang suit suddenly stepped forward.

Then we will check the situation of this person.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged doctor immediately stopped.

“The deceased is big, and if you do this, it will only create difficulties for follow-up investigations and evidence collection.”

After the middle-aged doctor finished speaking, a young man beside him yelled at him before the old man in Tang suit had spoken.

“Scare your dog’s eyes!”

“This is Elder Luo Qin in the living room!”

Huo Yan Luo is definitely not a good name, but the five characters of Huo Yan Luo and Qin Lao add up, it is extraordinary.

Living Yan Luo Qin Lao, the genius doctor of the Jingchu generation.

He treats illnesses and saves people. It all depends on fate. When he meets and is in a good mood, he will save people.

Otherwise, no matter how much money someone pays, no matter how big the price is.

As long as he is unwilling to make a move to save people, no one can let him make a move.

Therefore, Living Yama Qin Lao has another nickname, (Wang Zhao’s) is called seeing death without saving!

“It’s Old Qin!”

“I didn’t expect to meet Old Qin on the train!”

“Lord Qin, living Yama, it’s saved now!”

At this moment, many people stood up and watched.

What is called Living Yama? That is, if he doesn’t let you die, you can’t die. This is the living room.

At this moment, Mr. Qin went back and forth and snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with the two western doctors.

Before this has begun to save people, what do you say that the dead are bigger? Is this the dead?

In front of him living Yama, as long as he doesn’t let others die, others can’t die!

“Take the needle box!”

After checking the condition of the middle-aged man, Qin also spoke to his disciple.

“Yes, Master.”

Seeing that Qin Lao was going to save people, the apprentice beside him was very excited.

Soon, a box of silver needles also appeared in Qin’s hands.

Afterwards, everyone on the train saw that Old Qin was beginning to use his skills with dexterity.

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