Chapter 228 Beheaded!

Li Yinfeng was still shocked, Li Mubai solved a warrior in the mid-innate period so quickly.

Never thought, when he turned around, he saw an incredible scene again.

At this moment, when Wen Yutao fled with all his strength, there was a sound similar to a sonic boom directly beside him!

This kind of sound is the sound that can only be produced when a supersonic aircraft is sailing.

But today, he saw it in Wu-zhe.

“call out–”

Li Mubai didn’t plan to go back to the mountain and let the dragon into the sea at this moment.

Although Wen Yutao’s current speed is very fast, even the speed is so fast that he can’t catch up at all.

But Li Mubai was not in a hurry.

The two pills that Wen Yutao took just now have a duration.

After the duration has passed, Wen Yutao will not say continue to escape, or fight with him.

Wen Yutao, who has thrown all his body potential, is still talking about whether he can stand up and talk.

Half an hour later, Wen Yutao fell directly into a mountain forest.

He looked up with difficulty and saw a cliff in the distance.

With the powerful physique of his innate martial artist, coupled with the body’s last inner strength and zhenqi protection, he jumped off this cliff, and there was no problem at all.

But now, his body seems to be filled with lead, and every step forward is extremely difficult!

Under such circumstances, this extremely short distance seems to be separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.


When Wen Yutao was crawling very hard, a figure appeared directly beside him.

Even though his speed has soared five times and Li Mubai is thrown away, but this distance still can’t let him completely get rid of Li Mubai’s tracking.

Of course, he was almost ten minutes ahead of Li Mubai before and after.

If someone answers him, he has successfully left now.

It’s just a pity that when he broke out to his full potential and escaped, he had already become an abandoned son.

In such a situation, to rescue Wen Yutao, it would not be counted that it would take time, energy and precious materials to treat him.

In addition, Wen Yutao will never have any further opportunities in the future.


After Li Mubai came over, he didn’t have any nonsense with Wen Yutao. He dropped a hand knife and smashed Wen Yutao’s neck very simply and neatly.

Yan Tiexin and Wen Yutao are not weak.

Among the warriors in the same realm, the two are absolutely outstanding.

However, the luck of the two is not very good.

The Li Mubai they met this time was not a warrior in the same realm as them, but an innate pinnacle.

Wen Yutao is dead, he can’t stand his eyes!

His eyes were still open at this moment, obviously, he still didn’t understand.

What part of their action went wrong this time?

Let the two innate martial artists of them die silently like this!

Not to mention a powerful innate martial artist, even the death of a martial arts master can cause waves in the martial arts world.

But now, the two of them innate martial artist died in the hands of Li Mubai, and a blister could not be blown up.

“Ding! You killed Wen Yutao, an important supporting actor, and the villain’s value is +5000!

According to the different strengths of important supporting characters and the relationship with the protagonist, the villains they can provide are also different.

In comparison, the villain value provided by Wen Yutao is already very high.

Provided Li Mubai with a villain value of five thousand at one time.

Of course, this is also directly related to Wen Yutao’s strength. After all, he is an innate martial artist, not a small one.

Half a day after the death of Wen Yutao and Yan Tiexin, Team Dragon also told Xiang Nantian the information gathered from various places.

Xiang Nantian sat quietly in a luxurious and elegant villa.

From childhood to adulthood, he has almost nothing impossible to do.

When initially preparing to shoot against Li Mubai, Xiang Nantian did not regard Li Mubai as his opponent.

In his opinion, dealing with Li Mubai is just the first step to tear open the behemoth of Jinghai Li’s family.

Jinghai Li’s family is the only existence in Xia State.

But once everything is done, the Jinghai Li family can have the status it is today.

Of course, it is inseparable from the hard work on the surface, but it is inevitable to be cruel and secretive.

It can be said that the existence of the Jinghai Li family directly restricted the growth of the martial arts family on the surface and the underground forces in the dark.

“I thought it was only a matter of time to deal with Jinghai Li’s family.”

“After all, the Li family nowadays has long since stopped being green and yellow, and one generation is not as good as one generation.”

“Never thought, now this dude Li Mubai is so tricky.”

In the spacious room, Xiang Nantian muttered to himself while looking at the information.

His tactics these few times are undoubtedly perfect, and almost every time, he seizes the opportunity.

0……Look for flowers……

When the two sides confronted each other, most of the time, he was in a better position.

However, I don’t know why, in the end, it all ended in failure.

Lin Xuan, who had high hopes of him, was like this. Now Long Chen, Wang Yin, Yan Tiexin, and Wen Yutao are also insignificant.

However, what Li Mubai did this time was too much.

There were only a few people in Xiaoyaomen, and now Li Mubai killed three of the four descendants of Xiaoyaomen and abolished one.

Even if Qin Xiaoyao tries his best to restrain himself and fears Jinghai Li’s family, he must make Li Mubai pay the price.


At this moment, a young man wearing a black suit and a dark red blood dragon pattern walked in behind him.


On the cuffs of the youth, there is also the word’Thirteen’.

Members of the Dragon Group, code name 13!

“what’s up?”

After Thirteen came in, Xiang Nantian also asked casually.

“Master, according to the latest information, a strong man entered Yunshan not long ago.

Long Shisan did not hesitate, and directly told this important piece of information.

“Is the strong man in the Li family?”

Xiang Nantian’s eyes moved.

At this time, maybe Jinghai Li’s family had already noticed that the affair between Li Mubai and Xiaoyaomen was too big.

As a last resort, he sent Li Jiaqiang directly to Yunshan, preparing to talk with Qin Xiaoyao.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, the senior leaders of the Li family knew that there was no possibility of peace talks between the Li family and Qin Xiaoyao.

Therefore, at this time, he immediately acted first, and sent a group of strong men to Yunshan to find Qin Xiaoyao’s troubles.

“It’s not the powerhouse of the Li family. The opponent is very strong and his identity is very mysterious. We haven’t investigated it clearly.”

Long Shisan did not dare to hide.

Although as a member of the Dragon Group, I can’t investigate this kind of words clearly, so I shouldn’t say it out of his mouth.

However, the strong man who went to Yunshan this time was too strong.

If they hadn’t had multiple deployment points over there, they wouldn’t even be able to find out that at this time, a strong man had entered Yunshan.

“okay, I get it.”

After Long Shisan said this, Xiang Nantian also nodded.

The news from Qin Xiaoyao said it was important and important, and it was not important either. deficit,

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