Chapter 227 Xiaoyaomen make another move!

Li Mubai shook his body, and then he flew out of the passenger seat.

Li Yinfeng’s movements were also not slow, opened the door, got out of the car, rolled three consecutive times on the ground, then jumped on the ground, and stood up after receiving a backflip in the air.


At this time, a huge rock fell down on the hillside.

Immediately this black business car directly became scrap iron.

Seeing this scene, Li Mubai was not angry at all, he was even in a good mood.

It seems that the patience of the other party is also limited. After waiting so much, these guys can’t wait any longer.

At this moment, Li Yinfeng also saw that in front of them and behind them, at this moment, two warriors had appeared.

After sensing the breath of these two warriors, Li Yinfeng was directly startled.


Although he knows, Li Mubai is very strong.

But this time the other party came, but there are two congenitals!

On their side, he can only be regarded as half a congenital, and in front of a real congenital master.

He is half innate, and he has no right to do it at all.

“Watching the battle from the sidelines.”

When Li Yinfeng drew out a soft sword and prepared to fight side by side with Li Mubai, Li Mubai took off the jacket and tie of his suit and let Li Yinfeng hold it.

Immediately let Li Yinfeng look aside and study hard.

The script this time is undoubtedly a script with a little strength of 670 points!

Not only is the protagonist strong, but even these important supporting roles are not weak!

In addition, the IQ of these important supporting roles is obviously also online.

After observing for so many days in Jing Chu, he finally appeared after making sure that he did not bring any bodyguards.

“Li Mubai, why are you having trouble with us!”

The killing intent in Yan Tiexin’s eyes looked at Li Mubai unabashedly.

Whether it was because Li Mubai killed their third junior brother Wang Yin, or because of the quota to go to Jitian Island.

Since they chose to do it today, Li Mubai absolutely must die!

“Brother! Take it!”

Wen Yutao is very cautious. He knows very well that things should not be delayed, and late will change.

Judging from all the signs, today, they should have completely eaten Li Mubai.

However, there are accidents in everything.

As long as Li Mubai is not beheaded by the two, there will still be accidents.


Yan Tiexin is not an idiot after all.

After Wen Yutao spoke, he immediately understood that many problems were not so important anymore.

After the two of them killed Li Mubai, they could immediately leave Xia State and go to Jitian Island to practice.

After cultivating on Jitian Island for a period of time, the two of them can become strong at the level of their master.

At that time.

The sky is big and the earth is big.

Even Jinghai Li’s family can’t take them anymore.


Yan Tiexin didn’t hesitate for a while, but directly and decisively shot.

After he shot, Wen Yutao also didn’t have the idea of ​​letting Li Mubai and Yan Tiexin one-on-one. At the same time, he directly drew out a Miao knife.

The battle of the three congenital warriors suddenly broke out.

Although Li Yinfeng is very worried about Li Mubai’s safety, he can only watch from the sidelines at this moment and look for opportunities to help.

He can now ask for help from the Jinghai Li family, but the Li family is in the land of Jingchu, he is the strongest.

Even if there are strong Li family in other places, it is too late to come here at this moment.

So Li Yinfeng directly gave up asking for help, but watched nervously from the side.

When he wanted to come and the three of them started, he would definitely find opportunities.

As long as he fights to the death without fear of death, he will surely be able to make a turn for the better.

But soon, Li Yinfeng discovered that his worries were completely unnecessary.

These two congenital martial artists are undoubtedly stronger than the previous congenital martial artists.

But when the two of them joined forces to deal with the young master, they were completely suppressed by the young master from the beginning!

In such a scene, Li Yinfeng was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

At this time, Li Yinfeng finally understood why the young master never brought bodyguards when he went out.

It’s like when Tyson goes out, there is no need to bring bodyguards.


Here, Li Mu (ahcg) Bai burst out with a sword gas, and the terrifying force directly split one of Yan Tiexin’s legs.


The whole leg was directly severed by Li Mubai.

Even Yan Tiexin screamed in an instant.


Seeing this scene, Wen Yutao on the side was also eager to split his eyes.

All the information provided by Long Er is correct, only one information is wrong.

That is the strength of Li Mubai!

According to Long Er, Li Mubai’s strength, conservatively estimated, is also in the mid-innate period.

But now after Li Mubai took the shot, Wen Yutao suddenly understood that Li Mubai’s strength, where is the mid-innate period, this is clearly a master of innate peak!


At this moment, Yan Tiexin, who had only one leg left, let out a loud shout, and then everyone flew towards Li Mubai. He was about to restrain Li Mubai tightly, giving Wen Yutao a chance to escape.

“Just like an ant, you think too much!”

Li Mubai sneered directly when Yan Tiexin flew and pounced.

Immediately in Yan Tiexin’s desperate gaze, Li Mubai burst out with energy, and it fell directly on his temple.

With the huge power gap, Yan Tiexin had no intention of fighting, and after breaking a leg just now, he was already ready to die, giving Wen Yutao a chance to live.

However, the gap between him and Li Mubai is still too big after all.

Even if he wanted to drag Li Mubai to let Wen Yutao escape, he couldn’t do it at all.


After Yan Tiexin’s temple was pointed out by Li Mubai’s huge spiritual power, it burst open instantly.

When Yan Tiexin’s head was completely exploded, Wen Yutao also felt a pain in his heart in the distance!


Although he now looks at Li Mubai’s gaze, it is full of murderous intent and hatred.

However, Wen Yutao did not make any stay. At this time, he left here directly and decisively.

He continues to stay here, and he and Yan Tiexin’s fate must be the same.

Yan Tiexin desperately wants him to escape, obviously not planning to let him stay here, and desperately fighting Li Mubai.


At this moment, Wen Yutao did not hesitate, and directly took out a blood-red pill and took it.

That’s not counting. After taking out this blood-red pill, he took out a dark green pill and took it, after taking these two pills in succession.

He was full of vitality inside his body, directly as if burning.

His limbs and a hundred skeletons and veins around his body are constantly creaking at this time.

If in a normal state, he is a mid-innate warrior, he will definitely not be able to run Li Mubai, but at this moment, his speed has directly skyrocketed by nearly five times. .

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