Chapter 96 Slap the heroine in front of the protagonist (seeking subscription, third update)

Chapter 97: Sorry, I have to slap you on the face (seeking subscription, third more)

Cao Zijin hummed a little tune and watched the development of things in front of her. This was what she could do.

She might have guessed the follow-up plot, although Chen Fan did not write it, but it is about the same. After all, the plots of many cities’ wireless texts are similar.

Encountering a star, and then becoming a star, aroused shock, shocked by countless people, and then embraced the beauty, and slapped the villain in the face.

As for yourself?

It can be analyzed from Chen Fan’s attitude that she belongs to the woman who just had a crush. As a result, she didn’t get the love of the actor in the end.

Revenge the protagonist.

As for this woman, Liu Feifei and Cao Zijin should be working against her.

But it seems that the novel overemphasizes the hatred of the two women.

Sure enough, the author of the novel doesn’t understand women at all.

There has always been hatred between women, because women have no friends.

They are all proud fairies, but hostility will not be so hostile.

Just like, Cao Zijin can chat with Zhu Yeqing calmly, as if he is a good girlfriend, but if he encounters something special, he will still turn his face.

This is the case among women.

But Zhu Yeqing’s sentence was so general, he didn’t laugh to Cao Zijin;

This woman, don’t you know what she looks like? The old lady is still yawning. In the morning, when you are cooking, women know women best.

It’s just a stiff mouth.

Liu Feifei also changed into a cheongsam here, squatting next to Cao Zijin, and said, “Sister, does this really work?”

“That’s natural, don’t worry, the man understands it very well, you only need to say a few words, he guesses where you will be buried after death, he has thought about it.”

This question is too profound for Liu Feifei.

Liu Feifei actually has her own troubles, her troubles are so simple, why is she the heroine?》

When she read the diary, she foolishly thought at first that she would be the protagonist.

The so-called protagonist in Liu Feifei’s cognition is actually a traverser like female essays.

She still feels stupidly that she will soon become the master of this world.

As a result, when she learned about the follow-up, she felt very uncomfortable and always felt that she should be a good role.

But Chen Fan is so annoying, saying that he is a big fool.

How can she stand it? Although many people say that she is a big fool, she still doesn’t like to hear such words.

I just feel very uncomfortable.

But for Chen Fan’s dislike, I just think this guy likes to complain, but Ye Aotian, she feels so disgusting.

This guy, through Chen Fan’s description, she knows that this person just builds one love one.

This one is called Teddy in the circle.

It’s disgusting, it belongs to the kind of little star who has just debuted, and thinks that he is a hot topic, so he starts various relationships with fans.

Finally ruined myself.

The villain dezhi, four words, used to describe Ye Aotian, is the most suitable.

Somehow, Chen Fan has always liked Lin Qingyue from the beginning, even after the end.

Although it has a relationship with Zhuyeqing, this is nothing. People have never loved anyone.

She hates that kind of relationship with others in the name of love.

To put it bluntly, Liu Feifei can still accept the words of a really scumbag. At least, he knows what this person is thinking.

What I hate is that. Obviously, I am nothing. I rely on others for everything. I don’t want to admit it. Then I scold others for relying on external factors.

Isn’t this just what Cao Zijin’s sister used to scold others? Is there a mouth to talk about others, but no mouth to talk about herself?

Such people are really Damn it.

Just as Liu Feifei thought about it, Chen Fan came to the scene with his soup.I found Cao Ziying directly.

“How did you come?”

Cao Zijin was also very surprised. Chen Fan said: “My mother asked me to come and said that I would not take care of you. Did you make a small report with my mother?”

“I’m not so bored. Let me introduce you to Liu Feifei, the second heroine of this movie.

Chen Fan looked at Liu Feifei and said, “Hello.”

Liu Feifei froze for a long time, and then hiccuped in shock, and said, “Hello, my name is Liu Feifei. I am a good person. I don’t like Ye Aotian and w.”


Laozi just knew it.

Chen Fan has always suspected that there must be something wrong with the plot, but he just couldn’t think of what went wrong. ,

All the women act like that, but only one person can’t lie, this Liu Feifei just can’t lie.

This girl doesn’t have that brain cell at all.

What the girl said, many times, you can just listen to it as the truth.

But the villain himself still needs to play.

“What does it have to do with me? Whether you like Ye Aotian or not has nothing to do with me, but if you help Ye Aotian and endorse his company, then you are an enemy with me, think about it, and prepare for an enemy with me? ?”

Chen Fan directly threatened, and sure enough, this is what the villain should do.

At this time, Ye Aotian stood directly in front of Chen Fan and said, “What is your ability to bully a little girl?”

Because Ye Aotian saw Liu Feifei crying, there were tears in his eyes.

Actually, in fact, Liu Feifei is not like that at all. She just saw this diary writer suddenly and was a little scared.

If he knew that I could read the diary, would he be ashamed of wanting to commit suicide?

But what outsiders see is that Chen Fan is bullying.

“What a cat or a dog, it’s so hilarious when you become a male protagonist?”

Ye Aotian said, “What are you talking about? Are you looking for death? It’s not in school now. Some rules are still okay.”

“You mean, you want to kill me now? Very well, I’m right here, come, take the knife, and stab at my neck. I’m waiting for you. Don’t dare.”

You fucking.

Here Feifei hurriedly pulled Ye Aotian, Ye Aotian was relieved, it’s not in a hurry, it’s not in a hurry, let you sip first, you will wait for me, sooner or later, you will let your Chen family be completely destroyed. Lose.

Don’t you know, your future wife is actually a teammate with me.

Chen Fan smiled and said, “Liu Feifei, right? Do you have any ideas, join me? I remember, the entertainment industry seems to be very messy, let’s talk about it, how much money, accompany me to sleep.”

When I say this, Chen Fan has to clap his hands. I really am suitable to be a villain. Look at this line, it’s really amazing. What I thought of it, how perfect it is.

“Can you say that again?”

Ye Aotian was very annoyed. He didn’t allow Chen Fan to say that about Liu Feifei. He didn’t know what was going on. He just felt that Liu Feifei should be his own.

Chen Fan said, “Isn’t the entertainment industry like this? It’s a plaything of capital, why, you are more real? Sure enough, Ye Aotian, Ye Aotian, I thought you were my opponent? Unexpectedly, it was like this. I am very disappointed with the pattern.”

Depend on. ,

Ye Aotian couldn’t bear it anymore. Just about to take a shot, Tao Xiaotian reached out and stopped him.

“If you dare to move again, I can kill you now.

Ye Aotian didn’t continue to do it, and chose Yin Ren.

On the other hand, Xiao Feng asked, “Who is that Chen Fan?”

The assistant said: “Shao Chen, the only heir of the Chen family.”

“The only heir? Chen family Which Chen family, I just know one Chen family, Chen Tianqiang.”

“It’s that family.”

Damn it.

Xiao Feng was stunned, and for a while, he also gave Ye Aotian a thumbs-up. This guy is really awesome, and the Chen family dared to provoke them, and at present, it seems that the two are indeed in a hostile relationship.

“It shouldn’t be. With the Chen family’s temper, such a small role will cut the roots in minutes.

“There are rumors that the Chen family seems to be planning to use Ye Aotian to train Chen Fan, which is nothing more than finding an opponent for Chen Fan.

This is very interesting.

To be honest, Xiao Feng was also very angry in the conversation just now.

Because he still understands the situation in the circle, chaos does exist, but there are also clean people.

It’s just that outsiders like to see some dirty spots.

“You come with me, where’s your RV?”

Cao Zijin nodded and followed Chen Fan into the car.

Chen Fan took out his phone, still on the table, and said; “Let’s talk, what’s the matter?”

Watching the scandal, Cao Zijin sighed helplessly, and said, “I don’t know, but the media can’t control it?”

“Don’t you know that you represent the face of our Chen family? You don’t understand this, or do you need me to explain to you more?”

“But I really don’t know, I have tried very hard to avoid it.

This is the truth, Cao Zijin did try very hard to avoid it, but there were still scandals.

Chen Fan raised his hand and slapped when he was about to hit it.

Cao Zijin woke up instantly, he knew that this was Chen Fan’s unreasonable trouble.

He needs to hit me.

Only by hitting me can I gradually become a villain. It can even be said that it can highlight the identity of Chen Fan’s villain.

In this way, the protagonist hits the face and the villain can bring the audience a very refreshing feeling.

But you can’t really hit yourself, right?

To Cao Zijin’s surprise, Chen Fan beat him for the first time.

I didn’t use too much force, just a little meaning, but Cao Zijin still felt very uncomfortable.

“You dare to hit me? You really hit me.”

“I will teach you a lesson and let you know who has the final say.”


Cao Zijin grabbed Chen Fan’s hair directly, and worked against Chen Fan.

His mother, my mother has never been slapped in the face in her life.

You dare to slap me in the face. Although it doesn’t hurt, you still slapped me, didn’t you?

You fucking, are you looking for death?

Ahhhhh. Go to your mother’s diary and there are villains, I don’t care about them.

“You let me go, if you don’t let me go, I’m going crazy.”

“I care about you, who asked you to beat me, I didn’t do anything wrong, I target Ye Aotian every day, you don’t praise me, you still beat me, why, you have to revolve around you, you are the sun .”

Your uncle’s.

Laozi is following the plot. Whatever you are angry at, I control it. If I don’t control it, your head will fly, okay?

Don’t know what is good or bad, crazy woman.

However, she just ignored it.

At this time the door was opened, and Liu Feifei looked at the two men carefully and said, “You guys, is this fighting?”

At this time, Chen Fan’s hair was caught by Cao Zijin and flew around.

Cao Zijin is not so good, Chen Fan is also holding her hair.

The two didn’t seem to be accustomed to each other.

Obviously, this is a cruel move.

Go to the damn story, go to the damn diary, now both of them are getting angry.

*. “I want you to manage”?”

The two scolded Liu Feifei at the same time, which scared Liu Feifei.

Cao Zijin said: “She hit me and gave me a slap in the face.

“I didn’t work hard, I just increased your memory a little bit, you know, don’t you know?””That also hurts, Feifei Liu, you come to judge, for you, does the slap hurt or not?”

“But, elder sister, elder brother shouldn’t beat you so cruelly, right? My brother is so infatuated with Lin Qingyue, how could he be such a violent person? You are right.

Right for a fart.

Cao Zijin let go, and Chen Fan let go.

He arranged his clothes and said, “Crazy woman, if you enter the door of our Chen’s house, you won’t be able to shake the sky.”

“Um, then you xunfu me, come here, aren’t you very good? Chen Dashao, Chen licks the dog, why, aren’t you very proud?”

Chen Fan looked at Cao Zijin in front of him, this girl, is this crazy dog?

Why suddenly went crazy.

Actually, I don’t blame Cao Zijin for being angry, although the plot requires Chen Fan to beat himself.

But Cao Zijin is already doing her best to deal with this matter. She doesn’t want to be okay with being beaten, after all, it is herself who hurts.

But it was still beaten.

She is very upset, I have helped you so much, you still find a reason to beat my old lady, I am easy to me.

I am so to you, although I don’t like you so much, but at any rate I am also a queen-level existence.

Do I just have to beat you up like that? I’m a silly writer, like to abuse my elder mother.

Liu Feifei said, “Well, I think my brother really didn’t mean it.”

Liu Feifei probably knows that this is the plot, but Liu Feifei’s instinct tells her that Chen Fan is really not that intentional.

People can actually abuse Zhuyeqing, but when Zhuyeqing is written in the diary, they are so gentle.

How could such a gentle elder brother really hit a woman? It must be acting.

Chen Fan said: “Yes, but this woman doesn’t understand human touch.”

Cao Zijin said: “Liu Feifei, come here, come here, Chen Fan, just the strength just now, hit her to see if it hurts.”

“I don’t know her, I have nothing to do with her.”

Now Chen Fan is a little messed up, f*ck, has been disturbed by this crazy woman.

What is acting, what is still acting now, no one is watching, and there is no protagonist.

All I need to do is to slap, and this section is over, and Laozi will have a holiday.

Liu Feifei said: “Well, I think, yes, I really think my brother is useless.

After speaking, Liu Feifei leaned her face over and said: “My brother hit me, I think it must be my sister who has misunderstood.”

Chen Fan stretched out his hand and looked at his palm.

“I really hit?”

Liu Feifei closed his eyes, Chen Fan raised his hand and fell slowly.

Before he hit it, Cao Zijin dragged his hand and hit it hard.

In an instant, Liu Feifei’s face turned red, and a huge palm print appeared on her face.

Chen Fan was dumbfounded, looking at Cao Zijin beside him.

Cao Zijin turned his head and whistled. What does it have to do with me? You reached out and beat him.

“No, no pain, no pain at all.

Liu Feifei endured it and said with a grin: “Don’t quarrel anymore, I really don’t hurt.”

Wow wooh it.

Liu Feifei directly covered her face and started crying.

Trot all the way.

Leaving the RV.

At this time, this scene happened to be seen by many people.

Ye Aotian looked seriously.

You fucking, Chen Fan, you want to die, you hit such a cute girl in front of Laozi?

ps: Please subscribe, follow up, thank you all.

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