Chapter 95 Adorable second heroine (seeking subscription, second more)

Chapter 96: Brain Pain

Looking at Liu Feifei in front of me, if this is replaced by someone else, if this is said, it means picking up the matter, but it is only Liu Feifei that is okay.

This woman is born dumb and belongs to the kind of lucky person.

The most classic one was at the wine board. A big guy was interested in this girl and wanted unspoken rules. As a result, he had an accident and was caught by his wife.

Examples like this are everywhere, and Cao Zijin believes that this woman seems to have the lucky attribute of the book.

No matter what you do, it is full of luck.

Cao Zijin’s heart is very tired, and this woman can do nothing but this woman. ,

She really can’t deal with her.

Just feel. To deal with this woman, you can’t rely on tactics, you need to rely on metaphysics.

Alas, there is nothing written in the diary, does this woman have any plot?

It’s really weird.

“Sister, why are you not talking? Isn’t our relationship very good?”

Cao Zijin sighed and said, “I just thought about things too much. Director, you are really amazing. You have found such a lady. Are you planning to let me have a rivalry with her?”

The director said: “That’s natural, I think you two should be very interesting in a movie.

Liu Feifei looked at Ye Aotian and said, “Wow, director, this actor is so handsome.”

Ye Aotian hurriedly sat up straight and said, “It’s okay, okay, thank you for the compliment, hello, my name is Ye Aotian.”

Stretched out and prepared to shake hands, Liu Feifei ignored him as a result.

Instead, he looked at Ye Aotian and said, “Are you uncomfortable?”

“Uh, it’s not uncomfortable, it seems to be hemorrhoids. This is a bit embarrassing, but rest assured, it will not affect the shooting. I am a martial artist.”

“Oh, can you fly?”

“Uh, no.”

“A bullet hit you, will you not die?”

“Uh, it will die.”

“Oh, then you are not good at martial arts. In the movies I watch, those who practice martial arts are so good, you can’t.”

Puff, hahahahahaha.

Cao Zijin smiled presumptuously.

Ye Aotian also laughed helplessly for twelve. Suddenly at that moment, Ye Aotian felt that this girl was so funny and so fun, just like a pistachio.

A girl like this would be very good if she marries home.

At this moment, Ye Aotian felt that she should be the woman she needed in her dream.

Such a girl is really worth protecting for a lifetime.

And here, Cao Zijin looked at Ye Aotian’s eyes. She was so familiar with these eyes. Sure enough, this woman was the heroine.

It’s a pity that I am a villain, alas.

The director got up and said, “Someone will come later. Look, isn’t this coming?”

At this time, a man surrounded by people walked in.

It is Xiao Feng, a handsome guy recognized in the entertainment industry.

It’s just that Ye Aotian looked at this guy’s thin and weak appearance, and he started to feel sick.

Fresh meat is the most annoying.

“The director is good, I still think who the main actor is, I didn’t expect that he is a newcomer.”

Ye Aotian got up, looked at Xiao Feng, and said, “What? Newcomers can’t?”

“Oh, don’t you know how to respect the predecessors? You are an amateur, do you speak so aggressively?”You fucking, disgusting.

In Ye Aotian’s cognition, a sissy like Feifei is still acceptable to him. After all, they are like this and they like boys.

But the man in front of me, don’t say whether it’s a man or a woman, even disgusting.

This makes him very disgusted.

The director hurriedly persuaded and said: “Okay, when the crew is almost there, I need to start filming, and they are all good, give me a face.”

Everyone shut up.

The time came to 8:30 in the morning, and the film was officially ready to start filming. The director chose staged filming. At the beginning of the game, it was necessary to describe the wedding and so on.

Then there is war.

But the war will be described later, these are Ye Aotian’s own scenes.

Amateurs are a little bit better, one is enough time, and the other is obedient.

And for big-name celebrities like Cao Zijin and Liu Feifei, the roles of these two people are very precious, after all, the price is there.

It is impossible for the two to stay here more.

However, there are not many women in this movie. In fact, there can be many, but that is, I can’t afford it.

After all, the existence of Cao Zijin needs time to deal with.

On the other hand, Liu Feifei leaned on Cao Zijin and said, “Sister, do you know the bad guys?”

“Why the bad guy?”

“I want to find someone to beat Ye Aotian. I think this person is so Damn it.

Sure enough, in some cases, this woman probably also has a diary.

“Why Damn it?”

‘I don’t know, it’s so strange, sometimes you can’t hear what I say.

Damn, can this sentence be said?

Cao Zijin was dumbfounded. This is too good. Cao Zijin himself was catching a bug, but this woman, who was so stupid, told her directly.

The most important thing is that if it has passed, it is outrageous.

At this time, the diary was updated. Cao Zijin opened the diary. She wanted to know what role Liu Feifei was in front of her.

[The second heroine, Liu Feifei, alas, sure enough, this guy has an idea for Xiaolongnv. 】

[Well, I probably know who the prototype of the woman he described is, but this cute girl is very cute. 】

[It seems that I kidnapped her and asked for a ransom, but this woman actually said that she wanted too little and was insulting her, hahaha, very cute girl. 】

[Seriously, no matter who saw this girl, she was very cute. This is the only woman who has nothing to do with her. It belongs to the villain and will be pitiful when she sees it. 】

[With its own cuteness, the most important thing is that I am very kind, but unfortunately, I have some problems with my eyes, and I like the protagonist. 】

[The reason why I was attracted by the protagonist was entirely because of the egg fried rice made by the protagonist. She thought it was delicious. 】

I am his meow.

Are you fucking a person?

Cao Zijin looked at Ye Aotian in the distance, fucking, in Cao Zijin’s cognition, there is no man in the world worthy of Liu Feifei.

A meal of egg fried rice will be fooled? How could this be possible, it is very outrageous. ,

[It seems that in this world, women like tattoos and scars. They feel that they are so cool, so masculine. Well, I thought, Ye Aotian took off his clothes and showed the scars. Liu Feifei felt that this boy must have a lot of stories. Ah, poor girl. 】

Ah ah ah ah ah.

Liu Feifei cried directly.

Cao Zijin looked at Liu Feifei who was crying, and quickly comforted, and said: “Don’t cry, why are you stupid? You have some, I have it, why are you crying?”

“Um, what did my sister say? What do you mean by me, ah, could it be, sister?

Damn, it’s really a stupid girl who just reacted to it?

It really hurts the brain. ,

“I don’t like tattoos, I don’t like scars, I think they are so ugly, why am I, why am I, I am so pitiful.”

Cao Zijin was amused and laughed, and said, “Then what are you going to do?”

“Or, find someone to beat him up, I think it’s very reliable, I’m so annoying, really annoying, sister, do you think I am such a stupid person? How could I be given a simple meal? I was fooled away.”

Cao Zijin felt that it was estimated that the rules could not help this little girl. The existence of this girl was itself the biggest bug. ,

“I didn’t hear, does Xiao Feng like you too?”

Liu Feifei said: “But I don’t like him. I heard that he was taken care of by a rich woman. I checked it out in particular and it was really scary.

Poppy, hahahaha.

Cao Zijin said: “Then what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, I asked my sister, many people said, sister you are the most harmful.”

You fucking, if you weren’t familiar with you, the old lady would just hit you directly.

However, being the second heroine is indeed a bit level.

Don’t tell me, the second heroine, is it just because of this girl that she is very popular?

“In fact, the rumors from the outside world are all false.

“I’ll just say, how can a sister who is such a good person harm people?”

You are stupid, what the old lady said is a lie.

Cao Zijin quickly moved his brain and said, “Actually, it is not difficult for you to retaliate against Ye Aotian. Let me ask you this. If Xiao Feng likes you, what would you do?”

“I don’t care, stay away from him, I don’t want to be misunderstood by him because I have a good impression of him or something.

“This is not understood in this way. Think about it another way. If Ye Aotian also likes you, will it be easy to deal with then?”

Liu Feifei’s brain capacity tells him that there is no way to choose so many things.

Seeing the girl’s silly expression, Cao Zijin started to feel pain in his head, and said, “Let’s put it this way, you only need to talk to Xiao Feng, and then talk to Ye Aotian. The individual started fighting.

Wow, is it that simple?

Liu Feifei said: “Does it really work?”

“It definitely works, don’t worry, when will I miss it when I speak?”

Liu Feifei nodded.

Then I found two apples in my RV.

One was given to Xiao Feng and the other was given to Ye Aotian.

Without saying anything, he ran away.

However, for this action, men will fantasize.

Xiao Feng looked proud at this time, hahaha, sure enough, she likes herself and feels about herself. After pursuing it for so long, she finally has a result.

At this time, Ye Aotian looked at Apple and fell into deep thought.

She should like me? She is really a lovely girl.

Interesting, very interesting, this girl is more fun than Lin Qingyue.

For Ye Aotian, liking someone is actually very simple, not that complicated, and not so difficult to deal with.

Just need what you like, then this woman will like herself in the end, it’s that simple.

Even those who hate themselves will like themselves in the end.

And what is Chen Fan doing at this time?

At this time Chen Fan was yawning, holding a fishing rod, and fishing in his own fish soup.

Because he has nothing to do, he can only fish at home to relieve his boredom.

The special fish soup is not very big, and they are all koi fish. It is fine to catch one or two, and then put it back.

Zhu Yeqing stood beside Chen Fan and said, “Master, there is a new person named Liu Feifei. It seems that he is also a big star. Will something happen?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“I mean, if Liu Feifei goes to endorse Ye Aotian’s products, it should also have an impact on our company.”

Chen Fan said, “Really? Then you need to watch Cao Zijin. If she can’t handle a simple actor, then there is no need to be the wife of our Chen family.”Zhu Yeqing sighed, what about myself? I am not qualified to be the wife of the Chen family?

It’s really a little expectation, alas, forget it, I don’t want to, these are just extravagant dreams.

“Master, how are you feeling today?”

Laozi is in a good mood, he doesn’t know Blacken, you fucking, you should be a person, you, you heroine, why bother?

What should I do if you are like this?

I should be the one who brought it up on the initiative, not you telling me, know? The primary and secondary relationship should be clarified.

Also, what is so-so?

In fact, it’s really not normal. It’s just that when facing Cao Zijin, she doesn’t want to be inferior. They are all heroines, who is used to who.

It must be a challenge.

That’s why I said subconsciously.

But Zhu Yeqing is very clear about the strength of the young master.

She is very satisfied and happy, because she really feels that her strength is advancing rapidly by 280.

Although it was only once, she really felt that the strength in her body was increasing.

No wonder the young master would say that he only needs to talk to him to increase his strength.

“Oh, Master, do you still need me to accompany you at night?”

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry. I have thought about it. I shouldn’t have a position.”

“Just remember and place yourself clearly.”

At this time the phone rang, Chen Fan picked it up and said helplessly: “Mom, what are you calling me for?”

“How about the blind date? Cao Zijin, have you taken care of it?”

“It’s okay, mom, I’m such a big person. I can handle the blind date by myself.

“Remember, if it’s okay, go and see her more, if you know, don’t be silly, just thinking about Lin Qingyue, fate is something you can’t force, right, recently, is security okay? I heard before that Chen Changsheng came out ?”

“It’s okay, basically it’s okay to protect yourself. o”

“Well, that’s good, remember to visit Cao Zijin more.”

“But mom, you know, they are big stars, and they are endorsing the company now. If you wear a scandal, it will not be good for the company.

“The company threw it away, but I don’t want our Chen family to be ashamed. Didn’t you watch the news?

Nonsense, of course I watched it. Many netizens started to dig cp by themselves, saying that Cao Zijin and Ye Aotian match well.

Of course I know this, because this is definitely something that will happen.

If this doesn’t happen, how could Laozi beat this woman?

How do you highlight that Laozi is the protagonist? Is it violent?

“I looked at it a bit and thought that these were just made up by netizens.”

“Making up is not making up, but this is a face. If the company’s stock falls, it will fall. If it is gone, it will be gone. It doesn’t matter. A small company doesn’t need to be in the eye, you know?”

Chen Fan nodded and said, “Well, I know, I will do it.

“Well, just know it.”

When the phone was hung up, Chen Fan put away the fishing rod and said, “Zhuyeqing, go to prepare food and make a soup. We will visit the studio later, remember.”

“Well, well, that, master, can I, can I sit in the car for a while?

“If you want to rest, take a break, tell me what to do?”

“Oh, master, it’s not because I can’t tell, master master.”

Chen Fan is in a good mood, and sure enough, this woman is lying, what is so-so?

This is fair to say.

Damn it, let’s just say so, Laozi will take care of you and get used to you.

ps: Please subscribe, thank you all, and ask for further reading.

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