Chapter 91 Husband, what should I do if I love you so much (for subscription, fourth update)

Chapter 92 The book is for you, you can write it (seeking subscription, fourth more)

After watching the video, Chen Fan’s whole person is not very good. Funny is indeed quite funny, but right, brother, you are the protagonist, aren’t you jumping in the pit?

This is very bad, right?

However, when Chen Fan knew that the plot was actually correct and Ye Aotian was still the protagonist, Chen Fan was relieved.

As long as it’s still the protagonist, it doesn’t matter much.

Damn, what happened over there, damn it, I started to be curious.

This idea is not very good. You shouldn’t have the idea of ​​wanting to go. You have to get up, and when you need it, you have to calm down and wait to be beaten.

If you don’t need time, Laozi goes to listen to the music, isn’t it fragrant?

However, I have to say that Cao Zijin is really outrageous. A simple makeup photo can easily pull all the stocks back, and even grow a lot.

In fact, this paragraph is what Chen Fan thinks is the most outrageous. People who are familiar with capital operations understand that there is no way for a star to have such a large energy.

But as described in the novel, that’s it.

Before Chen Fan actually thought about what would happen if the product is not matched, but the impact is really small.

There is an increase, not much.

But this time, Chen Fan slightly added a product, which can be regarded as protecting the development of this plot. Chen Fan does not want to develop and develop, and the plot is crooked or something.

I’ve been here again, it’s really too bad.

When noon is over, Cao Zijin will directly kill Chen Fan’s villa.

The script is given. In the afternoon, if you need to take a makeup photo, the director needs to see what route is more appropriate.

And Cao Zijin doesn’t need to worry, but Ye Aotian is something worth worrying about. After all, he is a newcomer. If the response is bad, the audience can’t accept it, and these are not good enough.

“Husband, where are you? Are you not at home?”

At this time, Chen Fan, who was hiding in the house, naturally heard Cao Zijin’s words, and the whole person was not good. Originally, he really didn’t have much role in today. Today is the protagonist unilaterally pretending to be time.

But Cao Zijin, who came back, looked like a ghost, and Chen Fan wanted to die.

Why is it so lingering?

Sister, please, don’t show, if you show again, I won’t be able to stand it anymore.

“Oh, it’s so uncomfortable. My husband is not at home. I don’t know who to show what cheongsam I want to wear.”

Next second.

On the second floor, Chen Fan looked at Cao Zijin and said, “What are you looking for?”

Chen Fan is absolutely just because this woman annoys herself, Chen Fan is a bit unbearable, cheongsam or something, who is so boring to look at it?

It’s just a woman, cut it, let’s take a sample, it’s not unusual.

“Wow, husband, why did you go? I called you many times.”

“Take a nap, let’s talk, what’s the matter?”

“I want to buy things. I have no money. You have to give me money.”

Yes, ask for money, cut, it’s really disappointing.

“For things like money, you can just ask the housekeeper. What are you going to do with me?”

Cao Zijin smiled, ignoring Chen Fan’s words, went straight upstairs, and said, “I’m funny. Raise you, you treat me as a little boy.”

Fart, Laozi will definitely have no money to go bankrupt in the future. Little white face is also Laozi’s final destination.

But it can’t show it.

Chen Fan stretched out his hand, pinched Cao Zijin’s chin, and said, “This kind of thing means to tell me, I can’t beat Ye Ao Jitian, right? Why, you just saw Ye Aotian, do you start to like him too? ?”

I should be able to judge my acting skills. I call an unconfident licking dog a professional and enter the play.

Cao Zijin looked at Chen Fan with a smile and said, “No, how could it be? I don’t want to know him.

“Really? Then why, he will become the leading actor, a star of yours, can’t you deal with this person?”Oops, my goodness.

Can you find a reason to bully me?

In fact, the reason why Cao Zijin did this is to avoid being beaten. After all, no one wants to be beaten.

She just hopes that when Chen Fan hits herself in the future, she can be lighter.

But she found a detail. When Chen Fan pinched her neck, she didn’t exert too much effort, that is to say, he was controlling his strength.

Regarding school matters, she can naturally figure out something.

Mysterious person does not exist, Chen family does not exist such a person, beyond the existence of Yipin, you can’t get it if you have money.

This is unrealistic. The only answer is that Chen Fan directly killed Chen Changsheng.

And it’s an instant kill. The so-called instant kill is an infinite crush.

Chen Changsheng had no strength to fight back in front of Chen Fan.

There are also bodyguards at home. The bodyguards and Cao Zijin said that if Gu Wu reaches a certain level, he can hear sounds from far away.

The reason why she called Chen Fan and talked about cheongsam was to make sure one thing.

, Chen Fan, although you want to follow the plot, you want to follow the plot, and you want to leave the world.

But you have to tell me Cao Zijin, do you like me or not?

With the appearance of Chen Fan, she was sure that Chen Fan liked herself.

Just because of the plot, I didn’t show it.

And this time pinching himself.

She didn’t feel any pain.

Then, all reasoning exists and is reasonable.

He must like himself, why is so confident, because she is Cao Zijin, this is the most fundamental reason.

Cao Zijin broke away from Chen Fan’s hand, looked at Chen Fan, and said: “If I marry you in the future, will you help me deal with the Cao family?”

Chen Fan sighed and said, “If we are together in the future, I will naturally help you. You are my wife. It is me who can only bully you, but it is still uncertain whether it is my wife.

After speaking, Chen Fan went back to the bedroom.

Cao Zijin remained a little puzzled.

[If you retaliate against the Cao family, really, if you really want to retaliate against the Cao family, then Cao Zijin is really pitiful. 】

[Yes, the whole world is telling her that she is actually a child born in the third year, but even in the end, the Cao family did not choose to harm her. 】

[Don’t you think about it? If a woman in the palace really hates her, will she raise her up with great pains?][Why? In the end, the Cao family took the initiative to manage her. From the beginning, the Cao family used her as an heir to train her, but the method was changed. 】

At the end of the diary, Chen Fan sighed. Actually, there are some small problems in the setting of this plot.

In the novel, only the protagonist will be described, and the plot of others will not be described. Even if there is, it is just a simple mention.

For example, after the protagonist has been upgraded all the way, after returning to China, he was shocked when he discovered that Chen Fan had disappeared.

It was learned from outsiders that Chen Fan’s company was vacated by Cao Zijin.

Tucao said, wicked people have their own wicked grind.

Yes, Cao Zijin’s setting is a villain, a villain who is very vengeful.

But this story describes the Cao family, only to say one thing, the remaining children of Xiaosan.

After Xiaosan died, he told Cao Zijin that the Cao family was not a good person.

However, Cao Zijin was still raised in Cao’s family.

There is no shortage of food, drink, housing and transportation, and even said that some people spend money to protect her and lead her to grow up.

Later, when Cao Zijin took back the Cao family, it went smoothly.

If you don’t care, how can you take it back so easily?

[It may be that I did not write clearly enough, or I thought it wrong, but I always feel that the story should be like this, forget it, it has nothing to do with myself, I really don’t know too much, it’s okay to understand other people’s family affairs? 】

After reading all this, Cao Zijin thought of many, many things in his head.

Bit by bit, many subtle details are connected in series.

[By the way, come to think of it, Cao Zijin’s elder brother had beaten Chen Fan, and he was very heavy, because Cao Zijin was bullied, and when his elder brother brought someone to find a place to retaliate. ][This paragraph is quite interesting. Although I don’t understand why the author wrote it like this, it should mean that the Cao family is actually very concerned about the growth of this girl. 】

At this moment, Cao Zijin’s tears couldn’t hold back a bit.

She seemed to have never heard of the fact that her brother said she was a bastard.

I’ve never heard the aunt say.

The aunt is the most annoying to see that she is annoying, but she has never missed what she should give.

Is the knife mouth tofu heart?

Cao Zijin is very smart. It is not the kind of simple hatred that can make her uncomfortable.

Loss of reason or something.

At this moment, she seemed to understand what Chen Fan meant. In fact, everyone in the family loved him.

Just like Chen Fan was talking to himself, he was so rubbish, the Chen family still raised himself and didn’t have a second child.


Still worried about the boss’s idea.

As the second child, Cao Zijin would think of his strict father. Maybe this is the balance. ,

There seemed to be a slight relief.

Not so tired as if.

But it seemed very tired, but Cao Zijin planned to face the Cao family by himself.

“Husband, thank you.

Cao Zijin shouted loudly.

Chen Fan can hear it naturally, but it feels weird. Is she moving? Moved, will she protect her if she speaks it herself?

Can’t she know the diary she wrote, can’t she.

What the dog system told himself, there is only a diary, no one knows.

[However, I should take a makeup photo in the afternoon, when the protagonist will be pretending to be forced again, hahahaha, I’m looking forward to it. ][No, God is starting to help the protagonist, the drizzle is continuous, plus holding the oil-paper umbrella, hahahaha, the protagonist is about to read a poem, so I am so ridiculous. 】

[Beauty is like Xi, beautiful Xi, Moshang jade, accompanied by beautiful women, it has a special flavor. 】

[Sorry, I couldn’t help it, I shouldn’t laugh, but, I feel, this passage should be a poem that is closer to the Republic of China. 】

[Holding the oil-paper umbrella, wandering alone in the long, long and lonely rain alley,

I hope to meet a girl who is sorrowful like a lilac.

She has the same color as lilac, and the fragrance of lilac,

The sadness like lilac, lamenting in the rain, lamenting and hesitating;

She wandered in this lonely rain alley, holding a paper umbrella like me,

Just like me silently, indifferent, desolate, and sorrowful.

She quietly approached, and then shot

With eyes like Taixi, she drifted past like a dream,

Sad and confused like a dream. Like a lilac floating in a dream,

The girl floated by my side; she was far away silently, far away,

When you arrive at the slumped fence, walk through this rainy alley. 】

[Forget it, I’m too lazy to write, it’s meaningless, kidding, if Laozi is messing around, he will be a great writer in minutes. 】

Silence, everyone is silent.I have to say that the passage that Ye Aotian said that imitated the Book of Songs is indeed very flavorful and a bit compelling, but this is a part of the Republic of China.

You don’t match this thing.

However, this thing that Chen Fan wrote at random feels more beautiful.

For a moment, I thought this thing was very interesting.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan has such a side.

This guy is very literate.

Zhu Yeqing looked happy, holding the diary, feeling that his heart was about to melt, the young master is amazing, and he can surprise people at any time.

Lin Qingyue smiled, and slowly copied this passage down, and then hid it with peace of mind.

This paragraph is really interesting and interesting, a girl like lilac, is it me?

Jin Lan smiled, this kid really has him.

Mu Jinli took a look and put down the diary. She decided that she still had to work harder and must become the bodyguard next to Chen Fan.

I don’t like it. I just think that someone like Chen Fan should become the protagonist. If he dies in the end, he can’t accept it.

Because of the difference between good people and bad people, Mu Jinli believes that Chen Fan is a good person and Ye Aotian is a bad person.

Ling Yuyan smiled, holding an umbrella. It should be fun for two people to play outdoors on a rainy day.

[However, this time, I always have to do something. It seems that the makeup photo shoot is over, I should Blacken once, get angry, um, it’s almost done. 】


Zhu Yeqing almost jumped up without excitement, is this her turn?

This is not good, people are not ready yet.

It’s so embarrassing to be shy.

Wearing a cheongsam, Cao Zijin pushed open the door of Chen Fan’s room.

“. “What are you doing? You don’t know, do you need to knock on the door before entering the room?”

“I know, but we will all become husbands and wives in the future. It won’t be affected if we knock on the door or not, right?”

“Hehe, let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?”

Cao Zijin turned around in front of Chen Fan and said, “How about my cheongsam? If it looks good or not, I will change it.”

“Well, it’s very good-looking, perform well, and quickly start filming the movie, then you can bring the company’s stock once again.

“Well, I will work hard, don’t worry, you can look good. I will show you every day in the future, okay.”

“Cao Zijin, don’t you think that you are a bit too proactive? Normally, I am not a fool. I have not yet reached the point where I can’t walk when I see a woman. I want to get the help of our Chen family. Will help you.

“Oh, I see, okay, husband, your wife must be listening to your orders all the time.

“Fuck off.”

Cao Zijin ran directly in front of Chen Fan. Before Chen Fan could react, Cao Zijin kissed Chen Fan directly.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly pushed him away.

Weichao, Cao Zijin took out his phone and took a photo.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy? Do you think men want to be crazy?”

“People like you, I like you so much, husband, I suddenly found out, you are so talented, I really love you, how to do it.”

Fuck me.

Don’t force Laozi, I tell you, if you force Laozi again, Laozi jumps from here, believe it or not, I rely on it.

Laozi really did it.

“Husband, how about I help you deal with Ye Aotian?”

“My own business, I do it myself, don’t you need to worry about it, or do you look down on me?”

“Don’t worry, I will give you an interesting gift, hahahahaha.

ps: Please support, thank you all, please follow along.

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