Chapter 90 Let the protagonist play a dog (seeking subscription, third update)

Chapter 91 This plot makes my old lady sick and vomiting (seeking subscription, third more)

At noon, I simply had lunch. Here, there is a special driver who took Cao Zijin to a special shooting location.

This new movie is from the Republic of China series, and Qincheng still retains some streets and lanes, which can be said to be the closest place to the Republic of China.

Tao Xiaotian in the car was really wrestling with the game in his hand at this time.

“Tao Xiaotian, Yasha, sister, why are you willing to be Chen Fan’s bodyguard?”

Tao Xiaotian didn’t look at Cao Zijin, and said, “People should do something. When their daughter is older, they must prepare some dowry for their daughter. If this is to be married in the future, it will be unavoidable to fight with her mother-in-law. Therefore, I Still have to be stronger.”

“In my memory, there were many people in the team that we were with back then, and you are the daughter who adopted the deceased. If my memory is correct, Ye Aotian’s grandfather seems to be your deceased.

“You want to say, why not help Ye Aotian, but come here to help Chen Fan, right?”

This is what Cao Zijin couldn’t understand.

The story of the mother and daughter was clearly written in the diary. Obviously, the appearance of this episode, let alone the parties involved, even if it was Cao Zijin, after seeing it, he was very uncomfortable.

She didn’t think that the woman in front of her might not be the heroine, basically as long as the woman mentioned in the diary, Bacheng is.

Therefore, Tao Xiaotian’s decision, to a large extent, requires Cao Zijin to think about it.

Like Chen Fan? No, Cao Zijin has never liked anyone, past, present, and future.

She is just curious, or she thinks it is fun, nothing to tease Chen Fan, she thinks these are very interesting.

If you really become a husband and wife in the future, Cao Zijin doesn’t mind marrying Chen Fan.

Because she needs the power of the Chen family, in the future, she needs these to let herself control the Cao family.

This is something carved into her bones. From the time she was born, her mother had taught herself this way, telling herself that in the entire Cao family, no one loved her.

“Helping or not helping is a matter for the younger generation. The younger generation naturally has the destiny of the younger generation. Where they go in the future, what path they take, and how they go, it is all up to them. We, the 12 elderly people, can’t control it. ,

After speaking, I regretted it.

He quickly touched his face and said, “Oh, how come it reminds me that I am an old man? She is still a little girl, so young.”

“Haha, if my sister becomes a star, she must follow the Loli route.,

“That’s for sure, I’m still very big, of course, if the endorsement of Chen Fan company let me come, I think it is appropriate, but I am a little curious, why are you looking for you, yours is not so scary. ”

Cao Zijin smiled, turned around and unbuttoned two buttons.

Tao Xiaotian glanced at it and said, “You have won. I’m not going to compare with you. You are really amazing.”

Cao Zijin nodded and asked, “Then in the future, if Ye Aotian begs you to kill Chen Fan, will you kill him?”

“Killing, the price is appropriate enough, I will naturally do it, you don’t want to ask if I would like the topic of Chen Fan, figure out, I have killed more men than he has seen. How can I like it.”

Tao Xiaotian actually understands well. Knowing the diary does not mean that he needs to have a good impression of Chen Fan.

I don’t know the plot, maybe there may be a story, but when I know, Tao Xiaotian still decides to do his own thing.

It is the first to go to contact Ye Aotian, Tao Xiaotian is very sure that she will not like Ye Aotian in the future.

But like Chen Fan? There are no characters in the horoscope, and the only familiarity is the information. Who knows what a real Chen Fan looks like?

So far, Cao Zijin and Jin Lan are the smartest. Well, Zheng Shaoyang is one of them. This person has a very bright head, but unfortunately he can’t control his lower body.

As for Ye Aotian, he was just a reckless man. If it weren’t for the protagonist, it is estimated that he would be pinched to death in minutes.

As for Chen Fan”

Tao Xiaotian believes that among these people, Chen Fan is the smartest.

When the car reached the destination, the two got off.

Cao Zijin took Tao Xiaotian to the scene and greeted the director.

“I have to say that the entire Qin City is really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful city.”

Cao Zijin said: “Director Zhao, how is the selection of the protagonist?””Slowly find someone who is not in a hurry, but Feifei called me today and said that he knows a handsome guy, and he thinks that handsome guy is the most suitable for the shooting of this movie.”

Cao Zijin said, “Oh, what about other female characters?”

“I’m also screening, let’s take a look, I will tell you when the screening is over, but do you want to watch this screening of the leading actor?”

“Yes you can.

Tao Xiaotian raised her head and looked at Cao Zijin. She was a little surprised. This woman knew the plot, so she went to contact the protagonist?

This is really interesting.

I really did not expect that this woman chose not to escape the plot, but to direct the hard steel plot, which is powerful, powerful.

In fact, other heroines can’t escape, it’s just that when Ye Aotian feels more disgusting, these women choose not to see and not to be annoying.

I have to admire it, no wonder it’s a female villain, it’s ruthless enough.

After entering the scene, the rest is the selection of personnel.

Tao Xiaotian is still very happy watching the appearance of handsome young men, just like men like to see beautiful women, and beautiful women like to see handsome men.

But, it’s more just for fun.

: “Sister, how do you like it? If you really like it, I will introduce someone to you.”

“No, I’m still a big girl, not that interested.”

Oh my god.

Are you the devil?

No, the author of the novel, are you the devil? Are you also a big girl? Are you really, is this reasonable?

Reasonable or unreasonable, people are just big girls, don’t ask, if you ask too much, that’s the author’s decision.

“I look at these guys are very good, why not choose?”

Cao Zijin said: “This is a drama in the Republic of China. It is about a warlord’s story. The male protagonist must not be too sissy. If it is really too sissy, it is not suitable, but you know the circle. Everyone is like that. It’s a gentle route, and I have rarely seen a macho.”

Tao Xiaotian nodded and said, “This is the truth. The small arms and legs are boring. The small arms are thin, not as powerful as Chen Fan.”

I suspect that you are driving, really, sister, don’t be like this, you can’t just put the car’s roller on my face.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Feifei walked in with a boy. As soon as he entered the room, he went to greet the director.

“Director Zhao, look at who I brought. I told you that this person will become a superstar in the future.


Tao Xiaotian and Cao Zijin looked at Ye Aotian at the same time, and Ye Aotian also looked at these two women.

One is Chen Fan’s bodyguard and the other is Chen Fan’s engaged woman.

Interesting, really interesting.

Director Zhao looked at Ye Aotian and said, “This is really good. This young man is a little bit like that. It’s like that. It’s not a soft boy, but only looks bad, young man, what will you do?”

“I can learn acting, and I learn things very quickly.


Director Zhao looked at Feifei, and said, “Is this suitable? Amateur, Feifei. Although everyone believes in your vision, acting is not something that exists.”

“I know, but he is worth training, Director Zhao, don’t you want to bring out a new star?”

“Well, this idea is really bold, let’s talk, young man, what will it?”

Ye Aotian said, “Does martial arts count?”

Martial arts?

Several people looked at Ye Aotian, and Ye Aotian directly punched a set of punches in front of everyone.

Tigers and tigers are majestic, and the shocking style of fist can even be heard at the scene.

The director looked silly directly. This is really kung fu.

This is amazing.

And here, Cao Zijin said: “Martial arts stars are indeed worth training, but if you don’t have any acting skills, this won’t work, so you need to act.”

Ye Aotian looked at Cao Zijin and said, “What are you acting?”

“There is no physical performance. It is a required course for actors. This way, animals know how to do it. Play as an animal and see if you can perform well.”

animal show?”

Ye Aotian looked at Feifei, Feifei looked expectant, Ye Aotian was relieved, thinking that the person opposite was bullying him.

It turns out that actors have this course. In fact, Ye Aotian has heard about it. There is no physical performance, flowers and trees, etc., which are all in it.

“So what do I need to act?”

“Play as a dog, isn’t this difficult? 0”

Ye Aotian nodded, then lay down on the ground and began to crawl forward.

Then he called twice.

“Dog pee.”

Ye Aotian raised a leg tangledly.

The director applauded here.

It’s great, and I really have a talent for acting.

“By the way, you saw the bitch.”

I f*ck.

Ye Aotian looked at Cao Zijin with a simple meaning, you want me?

The director was also stupid and said, “How do you perform this?”

Ye Aotian pondered it for a while, and then learned that the dog is hot and vomiting shetou or something.

The director nodded and said: “Awesome, amazing, and you performed very well. You do have the talent for acting and liberating nature. It is indeed possible, amazing.

Cao Zijin got up and said, “Congratulations, after passing the screening, you can become the leading actor.”

Tao Xiaotian couldn’t understand more and more.

What is Cao Zijin thinking about?” Isn’t he wondering, would he like Ye Aotian’s things?

Normally, if you know the plot, you should find a way to prevent the protagonist from acting here.

Or, she waited, Tao Xiaotian thought of a terrible thing, this woman, just took a picture.

Cao Zijin doesn’t care about Ye Aotian, but cares very much, but what she cares about is how to play Ye Aotian.

This woman doesn’t really like him at all, but is squeezing him and playing with him.

Sure enough, it is not good to be a heroine, and this woman is also the villain of the heroine.

“Do you think it’s a good fit?”

Cao Zijin said: “Yes, I really think it is very suitable. What’s wrong, can’t the director?”

“If you think it is suitable, it should be no problem. Everyone thinks it is suitable. Then it is basically passed. Feifei, I will post you a copy of the script. Then, about the script, you will supervise it, don’t you?”

“Don’t worry, Director, you will definitely see a star in the future, who will take off.”]

Ye Aotian looked at Cao Zijin, and Cao Zijin smiled at him. The smile on his face was very strange, not really showing good, as if this smile was very formulaic.

“Do we know each other?”

“I don’t know, I’ve heard of you, you and my future husband have mortal enemies, so I came here to take a look, what’s wrong?”

The director is dumbfounded, how is this development?

The director looked at Cao Zijin in disbelief.

Cao Zijin continued with a smile and said, “What’s wrong? You are not planning to kill me with me? Ah, ah, ah, so scary eyes, will you hit someone?”

Ye Aotian said: “I’m not so boring. I still understand the rules of my family.

“Well, thank you then.”Ye Aotian smiled, and sure enough, instinct told her that this woman is not a good person.

“Don’t stare at me, I will suspect that you are in love with me, I am a man with a husband, and you have a girlfriend.”

Ye Aotian froze for a moment, and said, “Girlfriend, it seems that you are investigating me a lot.”

“Yes, I have not only investigated you, but also investigated your diet and daily life. I know what you like to eat at each meal. Look, I care a lot about you.

This is a threat, a very direct threat.

Ye Aotian knew very well that this woman was telling herself that if she poisoned you, you would die quietly.

“I went to see Lin Qingyue, Lin Qingyue is really good-looking, no wonder you two like her.

“What did you do to Lin Qingyue?”

280 Cao Zijin said: “I didn’t do anything, I just got along well with her, after all, when I get married in the future, I will definitely be a big one, so she will just be a second room.”

“You Lin Qingyue can’t like Chen Fan.

Cao Zijin said: “Who can tell about feelings? By the way, do you know that Xiaolan has an ex-boyfriend?”

“So what, specifically to disgust me? Or what do you want to say:? Xiaolan is very good, if you insult her, I will be rude to you.”

Cao Zijin said: “That can’t be like this. I am a fairy. How can I say bad things about other women? By the way, I heard that her ex is in prison. It seems that she was arrested for stealing something, and that person is okay. Ugly, there is no money, it’s illegal, it’s very.”

Very successful, Ye Aotian was indeed disgusted.

Sometimes a man can not mind a woman’s ex, but what matters is that the woman’s ex is a waste.

“It’s enough.”

Cao Zijin sighed and said, “You have a really bad temper, Feifei, you have to talk to him well, if you have a bad temper, you will be bullied in the circle. This is not good.”

‘Yeah, I know, I’ll talk to him.

Feifei quickly pulled Ye Aotian away.

At this time, Cao Zijin picked up the phone and made a video to Chen Fan. ,

“Husband, do you miss me?”

“I have something to say.”

“I’m sending you a video. It’s a video of Ye Aotian playing a dog. It laughs so hard at me. When this guy is playing a dog, it seems like, look at it.

Chen Fan glanced, f*ck, good fellow, is the plot so crooked?》

You’re ruthless enough.

But if you are angry because the plot is not right, then it definitely won’t work.

He must laugh arrogantly.

“Hahahahaha, Ye Aotian didn’t expect that there will be another day. This is really like him, really like a dog that nobody wants.”

“Husband, I told Ye Aotian about his Xiaolan, his predecessor. Do you think Ye Aotian would find someone to kill me? You have to send someone to protect me.

Fuck me.

You are a genius, really, you should be the villain in this novel.

f*ck, the protagonist, you are definitely a master.

The kind that no one can beat.

It’s just that Chen Fan is curious, is the plot crooked?

Normally, the protagonist needs to show off his acting skills, which is shocking.

As long as this goal is achieved, it will be fine.

“Then he became the leading actor?”

‘Yes, I have become it. The performance is too similar. I definitely have acting skills. I brought it in, so it must be the actor.

Fortunately, fortunately, Laozi was scared to death. Damn, I almost thought I was going to start over again.

ps: Please subscribe, follow up, thank you all.

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