Chapter 84 Too miserable, change the protagonist (seeking subscription, third update)

Chapter 85 is too miserable, let’s change the protagonist (seeking subscription, third more)

The School of Medicine is still very good, the scenery is very beautiful, of course, the small forest that Chen Fan said is actually just one, the so-called couple forest.

After all, students don’t have much money in their pockets, and there are not many stories that actually happened.

Mu Jinli’s personality is not very compatible with this side, it is really unrealistic that the story happened in the grove.

Most of them are novel authors, who simply describe them simply. After all, every school has such a place.

Chen Fan and Mu Jinli walked side by side. In the following story, Mu Jinli knew very well that in fact, the protagonist was about to pretend to be forced.

Chen Fan brought himself here, so he wanted to watch the protagonist pretend, right?

Alas, it’s really a bit difficult for Chen Fan. In order to smooth the plot, I insist on it.

“Chen Fan, I want to ask you something.

“you say.”

“If you know that something must happen, but you can’t change it, what should you do?”

What should I do? How do I know that I am a villain and not a philosopher. What do you ask me to do?

Chen Fan said: “Let’s go with the flow. There are many things that can’t be changed. You are studying medicine. There will definitely be people who cannot be saved in the future, but, what about, will not continue to save people from now on?”

Mu Jinli suddenly felt relieved and said, “It seems that what you said is quite reasonable. It seems that things that cannot be changed can not be forced.,

Talking too much, hey, girl, you are like this, I’m easy to fall in love with you, you don’t play cards according to the routine.

But forget it, the plot still needs to continue.

When a group of people appeared in front of Ye Aotian, the good show began.

Chen Fan watched quietly from a distance.

The eyes are full of sight.

At this moment, Chen Fan needs to be brought into the role.

Although it may be a lesson for a while.

Alas, another day of beatings.

“Two, four, seven,” Ye Aotian scorned Chen Fan’s middle finger, and rushed directly. ,

A group of people greeted directly.

Then Chen Fan found that something was not quite right.

It seems that there are more and more people.

This seems to have found more than a dozen people.

These should be enough for the protagonist to deal with, but looking at it now, there are still more than a dozen people in this f*ck, this is already 50 or 60 people.

Even Chen Fan saw a familiar figure, Ling Yuyan, wearing a mask, mixing in it, and hitting people together.

Damn, you are too fucking too much, you Ling Yuyan come to join in the fun.

Just like Ling Yuyan’s motto, if Mu Jinli gets sick, I will come to help, because I don’t like this woman.

But if you are talking about beating the protagonist, no matter what it is, my 358 group will help the field.

However, the addition of Ling Yuyan really made things unbalanced. This f*ck was a bit too much. Ling Yuyan directly knocked the protagonist out.

Chen Fan had good eyesight and could see clearly, Ye Aotian directly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Then it seemed that someone took out an axe.

Obviously, f*ck, this is the rhythm to kill the protagonist.

Don’t, brother, don’t be like this.

You are my damn looking for students, when students are so cruel.

At this time, the heroines watching the scene were also dumbfounded, what’s the situation?

Where did this come from?

This is too scary.

When did the protagonist provoke so many people?

Chen Fan couldn’t stop it, now to stop it, it’s completely messed up.

He is a little worried, the protagonist will not die, right?

At this time, a man directly joined the battlefield and began to help protect Ye Aotian.Seeing Ling Xiaoyun, Chen Fan probably understood it. Fortunately, fortunately, Ling Xiaoyun appeared.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

But Chen Fan still miscalculated Ling Xiaoyun’s strength.

The younger generation, Ling Xiaoyun is indeed very fierce, but he is too decent, and he is not good at hitting people, but the helpers that these heroines look for are real murderers.

Ruthless people who dare to do anything for money.

One by one, they all started at key points.

Ling Xiaoyun is fine, but the person lying on the ground is not necessarily so.

Ye Aotian had already been chopped off several axes.

Lin Qingyue watched the live video and said, “Who did you look for? What order did you give?”

‘I mean, let people take off Ye Aotian’s legs. ”

Lin Qingyue was speechless and said, “You are too ruthless.,

“Boss, didn’t you say that you want someone to deal with Ye Aotian? It must be cruel, oops, when I think that my previous job was Xiaolan, I will get angry, then, you will not be angry, right? .”

What I am angry about, it’s too late for me to be happy, but Lin Qingyue is a little worried, if the protagonist is really dead, what can I do.

And Ye Aotian on the ground suddenly jumped up, like a god of war.

Breathing out of breath.

This breath can only be seen clearly by a few masters.

Chen Fan almost set off firecrackers. Look, what is the protagonist? This f*ck is the protagonist. This is the real protagonist.

Growing up in adversity, f*ck has also been upgraded.

Sure enough, awesome.

He should have one percent of his own strength now?

There should be, after all, isn’t it the protagonist?

“You all die for me, ahhhh.”

Ye Aotian was like a demon.

At this moment, Ye Aotian felt that his whole body was full of power, and for a while, there was a feeling of being the only one in the world.

At this moment, Ye Aotian felt that he was the master of the heaven and earth. He vowed that he would never be bullied again in his life.

In this life, no one will be trampled under the feet.

As a result, a sap, Ye Aotian was directly knocked to the ground.

Ling Xiaoyun was dealing with a few ruthless people. He was shocked when he saw this scene, damn it, his old girl.

It’s definitely Ling Yuyan and she again.

Ling Yuyan’s thinking is very simple, fight as soon as you fight. What do you pretend to be a force, the most annoying thing is that someone pretends to be forceful during a fight.


Then a group of people gathered around and attacked directly.

The axe flies around, that’s cruel.

Chen Fan muttered in his heart, hurry up, come, hurry up and save the protagonist, this protagonist is about to die, if there is no one to save it, the protagonist will not be able to live completely, shit, this book The protagonist will be changed soon, do you know?

Laozi doesn’t want to reincarnate anymore, at least now, Chen Fan likes these people very much, likes Huanzhuyeqing, and likes the feeling that Zhuyeqing now gives him.

I like the characters of the heroines who have changed a bit.

Damn, do you want Laozi to shoot?”

At this time, an old man appeared on the scene and beat a few people out.

Chen Fan couldn’t help applauding directly, good fellow, finally came to help.

The people who came here were wearing a shirt with a numbered musical notation, something that the old men who practice Tai Chi in the park in the morning often wear.

But between raising his hands, he was surprisingly strong.

“Forgive others and forgive others, why bother, cruel?”

Chen Fan stared at the old man fiercely, trying to remember who this man was.

Suddenly, Chen Fan remembered. This person was also named Chen and was from the Chen family. He was called Chen Changsheng. He was a terrifying existence.

But although he is a member of the Chen family, he has a hostile relationship with his father.

It’s just that this person appeared later, and only after a long time, when the protagonist started to target the Chen family, he began to appear to help the protagonist.

To put it bluntly, Chen Changsheng and the Chen family also have hatred.

This hatred is not shallow, belonging to the earliest two branches of the Chen family.

This plot is wrong, this campus copy, won’t you all come out, the normal campus copy, that is, the protagonist’s unilateral crush.

Named Changsheng, this person is naturally an old and immortal existence.

But now that you are playing, the force value is out of balance, okay, it’s obviously a bit too much.

You broke the rules.

Several people looked at it and understood that the old man in front of them couldn’t afford to provoke them, but the goal had been achieved. Several people just dispersed and fled.

It’s okay to make money, but it doesn’t matter if you sell your life.

Ling Yuyan ran very fast, and immediately felt the strength of this person. Without a word, she just slipped away.

And here, Ling Xiaoyun dragged his body and said, “Thank you senior for helping me.

“Not a senior, it’s just a simple security guard. I didn’t expect that there will be another day to meet such an interesting young man. Is this the Emperor Heart Art?”

“Yes, senior, the Emperor Heart Jue, so far, only he has practiced it.”

Chen Changsheng nodded and said, “Well, it’s not bad, it’s a good seed, but I seem to have seen some people who shouldn’t exist.”

Chen Changsheng noticed Chen Fan in the distance.

Chen Fan stuck him tightly, and obviously, the old guy found himself.

Chen Fan doesn’t think Chen Changsheng doesn’t know himself.

Chen Changsheng dropped Ye Aotian directly and rushed over quickly.

A step of three meters is probably the description.

The strength is still very strong.

Mu Jinli stood directly in front of Chen Fan as if he was facing a big enemy, stretched out his hand, and prepared to fight without hesitation. The order she received was to protect Chen Fan.

This is the task given to her by her mother, and she needs to do it well.

Moreover, the old man in front of him is obviously illegal.

“Seniors are not allowed to interfere, this is a matter for the younger generation.”

Mu Jinli yelled quickly, but Chen Changsheng directly patted Mu Jinli’s shoulder slightly, and Mu Jinli fainted directly.

“The girl has a good attitude, she is a good girl, but unfortunately, the hired person is not a good person.”

Chen Fan looked at the distance, then looked at Chen Changsheng in front of him, and made sure that there were no people around.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Isn’t it the rules? Isn’t the elders allowed to take action?”

“I don’t belong to Ye Aotian’s side, nor do I belong to your side. Then, do you think I need to be affected when I make a move?”

Chen Fan sighed and said: “Why bother? You didn’t appear on the stage again, you really are, forget it, anyway, in the later stage, you are also an insignificant character and will not have a big impact on the plot.”


What is this guy talking about?

But the hatred told Chen Changsheng that he must take action.

A punch hit Chen Fan’s chest directly.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, looked at it, and said, “Have you eaten yet? Are you exhausted?”

Chen Changsheng looked at Chen Fan in disbelief. The scene before him had surpassed his cognition.

Chen Fan directly slapped his right hand and knocked Chen Changsheng to the ground.

This tremendous power made him a little uncomfortable.

This is impossible, this guy, very young, how can he reach that level of strength.

“By the way, you appeared early, and you said that if you were alive, it would definitely not work. You already know the secret. If you die, it seems that it will not have a big impact. You should die.

Chen Changsheng looked at Chen Fan in horror, and subconsciously made him understand that the strength of the person in front of him had crushed him too much.

Instinctive fear prompted him to run away.

It is not a level, definitely not a level of people.

However, as soon as Chen Changsheng ran away, Chen Fan stood in front of him.

“Since I gained strength, I have rarely used it. I hope you can play with me.”

A fist came over.

Chen Changsheng blocked it with both hands. As a result, his arm with his breastbone broke directly.”You are not beaten, really, boring, boring.”

Chen Fan squatted down and stretched out his hand to crush Chen Changsheng’s neck.


Afterwards, I looked around and sat on the ground, wailing.

“Ah, ah, help, dead, dead, dead.”

Ling Xueyun, who was showing Ye Aotian alleviating his injuries, looked over.

Because he didn’t pay much attention, he didn’t know what happened between the electric sparkle and flint just now.

But he was seriously injured, and he couldn’t see the distance so far. He just saw an old man lying on the ground while Chen Fan was wailing.

Senior is dead?

How is it possible, this is impossible, how did the predecessor die so tough?”

Those thugs were already very difficult to deal with two or three people by themselves, but the seniors easily dealt with dozens of them.

But how could such a strong senior fall so fast?

And a woman appeared next to Ling Xiaoyun and said, “It’s a violation, it’s a violation, don’t you know?”

Ling Xiaoyun looked at Tao Xiaotian and said, “It’s you

“What is me? What are you talking about?”

“Violation and non-violation is Chen Fan’s first violation. Having found so many masters to target Ye Aotian, this is no longer in compliance with the rules.”

“That’s better than the old man’s shot, hey, it’s dead, it’s okay.

After taking a bite of lollipop, Tao Xiaotian ignored Ling Xiaoyun.

Is this kid stupid?

What’s going on, what to say, you are yours.

Of course it is me?

Isn’t it still Xiao Nezha’s failure?

Came to 0.5 Chen Fan, looked at Mu Jinli who had passed out, and said, “Who killed him?”

“I don’t know that I don’t know anything, I saw a dark shadow, and then he died, he wanted to kill me, this person wanted to kill me, I want Ye Aotian to die, they broke the rules, they broke the rules. , I am looking for my father, I am looking for someone to kill him.”

You can stop acting.

Forget it, Tao Xiaotian doesn’t bother to take care of it.

He lowered his head and carefully inspected Chen Changsheng’s wound.

Tao Xiaotian couldn’t help falling into thought.

Chen Changsheng and Tao Xiaotian fought against each other.

There is no difference between the two.

Tao Xiaotian knows this very well.

But the scene before him made Tao Xiaotian couldn’t believe it.

The horrified eyes before death, the bones on his body shattered.

It seems that he watched others crush his neck and gave up resistance?

How could it be possible? Even a first-class strong person can’t do it.

Could it be said that a person who is sick is not an expert in the world?

Unrealistic, there are so many masters in the school.

Could it be Chen Fan in front of him?

This guy is so powerful?

“You send my daughter to the infirmary. I will take Chen Changsheng’s body and treat it.”

“I want them to die.

“Don’t call, hurry up

Chen Fan screamed, knowing that his acting was about to end, and left with Mu Jinli in his arms.

In fact, Chen Fan is very worried now, this protagonist is still alive, Ye Aotian should be alive, right?


ps: Please support, thank you all, please read more.

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