Chapter 83 Is the protagonist green on the scene? (seeking subscription, second update)

Chapter 84 Live Green? (for subscription, second more)

When listening to the whole story, let alone Chen Fan, Mu Jinli and Ye Aotian on the scene were also stupid.

Oh shit, are you a genius?

The president said: “Don’t you know the plot?”

The three shook their heads at the same time.

You know what a fart, you know.

Who would have thought that this story is like this, Snow White is actually a pair with the Queen, and then due to secular advice, there is no way to go on.

Helpless, Snow White left.

Then I met seven gourds~babies in the forest.

Yes, it is seven gourd children.

Then the queen asked Snow White again why she was not with herself, and then found out that Snow White and the prince had already lived-up.

Every day is full of sweetness.

Then, the queen gave Snow White a poisonous apple, as a witch.

Finally, Snow White fell.

The prince kissed Snow White, and Snow White missed the witch and went back.

This f*ck, this plot, if you don’t have a scorpion, Lailai, or a spider spirit, I’m sorry for your brainstorming, okay?

Chen Fan is extremely disappointed in this world.

You fucking, isn’t this telling the protagonist that Laozi is going to be green for him?

The scene is still green.

No wonder so many people want to be a prince, damn it, this f*ck, this is a cost-effective fairy tale.

You Niu, if this time is seen by the pure love fighters, it is estimated that the mentality will explode directly.

Didn’t take you like this, this plot really went smoothly?

In fact, Chen Fan was very worried before he came, and even wondered whether or not to call the protagonist and tell him, you are coming soon, I am dating your girlfriend, your girlfriend is so awesome.

But still gave up.This is not the change telling him, in fact, that he is a traverser?

But if you don’t say it, is this story gone?

In fact, Chen Fan has two plans. Even if the plot is really gone, beating people still needs to continue. In short, the protagonist must be forced to act. If this is not to be forced, where is the protagonist.

But now, the plot has gone smoothly.At first, Chen Fan felt that if he really played the role of a prince, wouldn’t this be his plot?

But when I learned that Ye Aotian and Mu Jinli were together, they also understood.

This way, it can even more arouse the protagonist’s hatred. Sure enough, the revision of the world is perfect, absolutely, this hatred is definitely a leverage.

“Well, now that everyone is familiar with the lines, you can start performing on stage, remember to perform well.

Dogs don’t sing this play.

Mu Jinli had no choice but to bite the bullet and agreed.

Everyone changed their clothes. Then, Chen Fan sat backstage. The first half of the performance was basically nothing to do with himself. It was more interesting to watch the show.

The narration began.

“In the forest, there are seven lively dwarfs,”

Then the familiar Huluwa’s music rang, and many students laughed directly at the scene, and everyone laughed presumptuously.

Interesting, didn’t you expect the drama club to be so awesome?

As the narration continued, the two heroines appeared, and Ye Aotian and Mu Jinli walked onto the stage one after another.

“We can’t be together.”

When Ye Aotian, dressed as a witch, appeared, the audience was boiling.

Everyone yelled in an instant, squirting, unexpectedly it was the love story between Snow White and the witch.

“But I love you very much.Ye Aotian said it very seriously. Chen Fan looked at the backstage, and the whole person was laughing, f*ck, is this a world revision? Just for the protagonist to confess?

It’s really hard for you.

Ling Yuyan in the audience was all wrong, and then she tried to think about it, but she felt that she might not be very smart.

This is actually an internal live broadcast. Not many people have seen it. Most of them are passed between students.

But several heroines still found the live broadcast room.

Lin Xinyue watched the performance, looked at Ye Aotian dressed as a witch, and muttered to herself.

“No, is this all possible?”

While observing the diary, Lin Qingyue felt that the plot had changed when he saw the grouping, not when the two people were together.

Lin Qingyue was too familiar with the heroines who saw the diary.

If you see the diary and Mu Jinli still chooses to be with Ye Aotian, then it is really a big problem in his head.

But unexpectedly, the plot will develop in this direction.

If this is to open the reward channel, I will give a reward much higher and lower.

But business still needs to be done.

“Have anyone found?”

The new secretary nodded and said, “It has already been arranged, and it has been arranged for two people who are good at hitting.

“Well, that’s okay. Remember to be tough. It’s best to get the disability directly. As long as you don’t die, you can.”

“Understood, um, boss, I want to ask, please don’t dislike me for talking too much.


“Well, why do you hate Ye Aotian so much? Haven’t you always hated Chen Fan before?”

You thinking.

Lin Qingyue said: “You give me a reason not to like Chen Fan.”

“He has been relying on the rich second-generation family, why are you?”

“The same is true for me. If I don’t have the conditions at home, what am I? I can achieve what I have now. Why should I be looked down upon at home? I ask you, has Chen Fan done anything wrong?”

“It really doesn’t seem to be.

“Has he ever harmed people? Or has he taken the initiative to find someone to beat someone? Or has he targeted our company?”


“Did you force me? No, let me ask you again, that virgin news, have you heard it, like me, pursue me, and self-disciplined self-love, you think, I am a woman, why don’t I like him?”

Damn, looking at it this way, it seems that this is really the case.

This is absolutely amazing, isn’t this a good man like a peerless man?

In fact, a novel is a novel, and reality is reality, just like what is described in many TV shows. The villain is the rich second generation, but the villain, except for the heroine, has nothing to do. Then such a person, what is there? Wrong?

Is it just because of the villain?

“Relatively, Ye Aotian and Xiaolan will both go to sleep. If a boy who pursues you, suddenly you know, he slept with a girl who might have a relationship with anyone, what do you think?”

“I will be disgusting and can’t stand it. I will feel that it is my shame that he pursues me, he is repenting and insulting me.”

“Now that the answer is out, go and do something, remember my order.”

The secretary nodded, walked out of the room, and picked up the phone.

“The boss said, Ye Aotian must be crippled and his legs removed. This is necessary.”

The live performance here directly refreshed countless people’s three views, mother’s, many people felt that their own worldview was impacted.

The love and hatred between Snow White and the old witch, obviously, this has begun to anti-humanity.

But the next story is even more outrageous. ,

Snow White ran away, and then went to find her love.

Later, during a break, they met the prince, and the two hit it off.

“Oh, my dear princess, you must be the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Damn translation question, this style.

“Oh, Your Royal Highness, you are also very handsome.”

Girl, your line is not as cool as mine?

Why did you think of it inexplicably, brother, your armor is not as good as mine?

Chen Fan threw away the chaotic emotions in his head and said, “Oh, can I be your knight?”


After speaking, Chen Fan kissed the back of Mu Jinli’s hand;.

Well, that’s right.

Then Mu Jinli held Chen Fan’s face and kissed Chen Fan’s face.

This scared Chen Fan.

You take advantage of me, you shameless woman, you are shameless, you are shameless.

The president who was watching backstage was dumbfounded, fucking, I’m just talking about the plot, are you real?

Then the two walked to the position of a bed on the stage.

The curtains were closed, and then the bed was shaking.


The teachers who watched in the audience were all cheering up. This group of children are really killing their lives. They are really crazy enough.

Ling Yuyan applauded the president, you are a real cow, you are a real cow.

This makes you think about it. Do you want the protagonist to die? It feels like you are the real heroine.

Then something fun happened, because the props, after all, were prepared by the club and could not be done so well.

As a result, this simple prop collapsed directly.

Puppy, countless people laughed presumptuously in the audience.

Everyone naturally thought of something.

Chen Fan pressed on Mu Jinli’s body with a look of embarrassment, and held his hands.

Mu Jinli blushed in an instant. In fact, in this period, the two of them just did a little bit, but in fact they wouldn’t do much more at all.

But where did you think that it would be such a result.

Garbage production, if you have no money, you can find me, I will give you the money, you can change it to a better one.

Chen Fan quickly got up, pulled Mu Jinli up, bowed quickly, and then the two ran away.

It’s time for the next scene.

Ye Aotian watched this scene, gritted his teeth. He was still thinking before that he was actually with Mu Jinli in the end, and he was relieved.

But this process made him a little bit unbearable, and he always felt inexplicably that his head was green.

But still have to bite the bullet and play.

Ye Aotian was full of grief and indignation, roaring on the stage, telling that he liked the princess, but at the same time he also knew the scene.

Good guy, the audience is silly to watch directly, this president is not a bit of a special hobby, right.

…Seeking flowers 0……

Backstage here, Chen Fan and Mu Jinli are sitting, drinking water, and waiting for the final work.

“Hahaha, I’m so ridiculous, why is the bed broken? Is this an extraordinary performance?”

“I don’t know, I guess I didn’t calculate the weight. We are not a professional engineering school. It would be pretty good if we can figure it out.|”

“Yeah, but this paragraph is so fun. If I were a witch, I guess I would cry at this time.

On the stage, Ye Aotian was half kneeling, looking at the sky, crying.

Good guy, isn’t this guy brought in, right?

At this time, artificial snow fell from the roof.

Chen Fan is full of energy, he is very familiar with this paragraph, really familiar.

f*ck, this paragraph. Is this going to cut plums? Why, music started to ring in my ears.

At this time, a housekeeper ran to the stage and gently covered Ye Aotian with a sheet.

Absolutely, absolutely, all the elements are complete, Chen Fan looks at the president, I rely on, won’t you also be a traverser?

The people below the stage are laughing crazy.However, the follow-up plot still has to begin. The reason why the butler came up is to remind Ye Aotian that you are not acting as a goddess, and it ends here quickly so that you can move on to the next one.

The next game is easy.

After eating an apple, the princess fainted, and then, the prince played by Chen Fan was rescued.

After that, the princess left the prince, went to find the queen, and lived with the queen.

It’s just that this ending gives the audience a feeling, how does it feel like a forced ending?

However, at the end of the scene, when I saw Mu Jinli and Chen Fan meet again in the forest.

Everyone understood in an instant.

This paragraph was temporarily added by the president. He thinks that it is better to be with the prince, but not to be with the witch.

The story is finally over.

Chen Fan is also relieved here, good guy, it’s messed up, it’s really messed up, but it’s quite fun.

However, Chen Fan still has to make trouble.

Don’t stimulate the protagonist, how can the protagonist quarrel with himself?》

Chen Fan hugged Mu Jinli directly and generously, and said, “Ye Aotian, you performed really well.”

Ye Aotian looked at Chen Fan and said, “Why, is it all right now?”

“Yes, why, do you still dare to move me?”

Ye Aotian smiled and said: “With you, I am too lazy to do it, I am worried about my hand.

Chen Fan despised, and then approached Ye Aotian, and whispered in Ye Aotian’s ear: “Actually, behind the curtain just now, I touched it quietly, well, I have to say, Mu Jinli has a really good figure and is awesome.”

Ah ah ah ah ah.

What is the protagonist, the protagonist is, as long as the woman you like, then you think it is your own woman.

Whether you touch it or not, you must be your own woman.

“you wanna die.

After speaking, Ye Aotian rushed up without hesitation, ready to fight Chen Fan.

Chen Fan leaned over, hit Laozi quickly, quickly, please.

As a result, Mu Jinli reached out and stopped Ye Aotian.

“I have said many times, Chen Fan is my protection, you are picking me up? The rule is that old people shouldn’t take action, but young people can take action, don’t force me.

“He insulted you.”

“That’s my business, and, how can you be sure that I don’t like Chen Fan insulting me?”

This may be the dirtiest word that Mu Jinli thinks of, but obviously, it is very useful.

Ye Aotian stunned Chen Fan and said, “You will be careful in the future, there will always be times when you are alone.

Ha ha.

Place an order?

Chen Fan said: “You threaten me? Then you pay attention, you should be careful, don’t walk the night by yourself, accidentally broke your arms, legs, or something.”

“Hehe, you should be careful of yourself.”

The two of them were not used to each other. At this time, the president came and eased a little.

After expressing their gratitude, the few people separated.

Chen Fan took the time to send a message to a few people.

“Have you found someone? Tell me a lesson about Ye Aotian. Today, I want to see that Ye Aotian can’t get up completely.”


Chen Fan recalled the location and said, “By the way, how about going to the grove for a stroll? Take a walk?”

Mu Jinli was stunned for a long time, and said: “Xiaoshulin, are you talking about Lovers Forest?

The grove I fucking said is not a cannon forest. You heroine, what’s going on, you think, why is it so dirty.

I just want you to be there when the protagonist pretends to be forced.

What do you want?

ps: Seeking subscription, seeking follow-up reading, thank you all.

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