Chapter 75 Sure enough, she was also crooked (seeking subscription, sixth more)

Chapter 76: Sure enough, she is also crooked (seeking subscription, sixth more)

Mu Jinli, a girl who is like a red koi, in Chen Fan’s cognition, the whole novel belongs to the three most correct views, and what she does is also the greatest woman.

Although her mother is a killer, she has always been determined to do her own good deeds.

At night, I will help fight criminals, and the money I earn is all the money I get in exchange for helping the police catch some fugitives.

And when she got the money, the girl never spent it, but donated it to the children in the mountainous area.

But a girl who set up so well, turned out to like Ye Aotian.

In fact, Chen Fan even wondered if the author had just made a whim when it was set at the time, but the circle didn’t come back later, so he forcibly wrote it together.

After all, people who write novels often like this.

The ponytail swayed from side to side as the little girl walked, watching Chen Fan’s heart whispered, this woman is most normal now.

If you don’t chat with yourself too much, your brain nerves are normal, and you don’t even get too close.

However, it is precisely because it is normal that Chen Fan feels abnormal.

“[Is it an illusion?][It shouldn’t be, in Mu Jinli’s impression, it is difficult to chat with strangers for more than three sentences. How can I chat with myself, so active?][The strangest thing is that she still follows her own words?” Did she read the script? How did she know that I must go to the cafeteria?][Forget it, the reason why this plot is so brilliant is entirely because Lang Qingfeng met Mu Jinli by chance at the time, in the cafeteria, and then took the initiative to help her go to dinner, and then, Mu Jinli was accosted by the protagonist. 】

[Seriously, the setting here is outrageous. Obviously, a man and a woman walked into the canteen together, and the protagonist owed it to strike up a conversation. Most importantly, everyone seemed to ignore the existence of Lang Qingfeng and directly chose to shock and shock the protagonist. His courage and fullness. 】

[If this is in reality, if we strike up a conversation like this, shouldn’t we be beaten to death? Really. 】

[Forget it, it has nothing to do with me, anyway, as long as the protagonist pretends to be forced. ,】

The diary updates are almost the first time the heroines see it.

[But the most outrageous is always this Mu Jinli’s answer. The reason for setting such a high-cold woman is only 12 because no one has ever dared to pursue yourself, and you take the initiative to ask for WeChat with yourself, so I gave it. 】

[Fuck, if you change to a second fool, do you have to fall in love with the second fool too? 】

Poppy, hahahahahaha.

Killing me.

Lin Qingyue, who was eating, smiled with a stomachache. Seeing Chen Fan’s complaints, she couldn’t help but laugh.

Lin Qingyue has been bored recently and will indeed watch some movies or novels, and she has indeed seen such discussions.

Because no one dared to confess, and the protagonist confessed, the result was missed.

Then the heroine tolerated all the shortcomings of the protagonist.

Movies and TV series are okay. After all, I don’t dare to be too messy, the novel is outrageous, and the setting of girlfriends must appear in the school.

And this girlfriend must be a rich man, and I don’t know if it’s true.

If it does appear, then the novel is boring and the format is too small.

Lin Qingyue was wondering whether she should also come and pick up her. It should be fun. At present, her company is stable.

There is also time to mess around and target Ye Aotian, the protagonist.

And here, Chen Fan followed Mu Jinli to the door.

Not far away, Ye Aotian and a few new friends in the bedroom got together.

“Who is that woman?”

“That’s the school flower of our school, Mu Jinli, let me tell you, don’t think about it, this woman is really cold and outrageous, no one can say hello at all.”

“Is it that outrageous? No one has the courage.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard any gossip stories about her anyway, but who is the person next to her? I feel I have seen it.”

“Chen Fan, a well-known rich second generation in Qincheng, but they should not be a couple, I can probably guess.”

Ye Aotian got a bad news through the Ling family, and Yasha came back out of the arena and became Chen Fan’s bodyguard.

Therefore, there is no way for the elderly to make a move. If they make a move, the rules are broken, and Yasha will also make a move.

Ye Aotian doesn’t know Yasha, but he firmly believes that Chen Fan’s side is definitely the arrangement of the family, and he is protected by the forces of the family.To put it bluntly, it depends on the family.

Maybe this is the protagonist. If the protagonist relies on the family, it doesn’t count. If the villain relies on it, it’s counted.

And Mu Jinli should be protecting Chen Fan in school.

He never thought that this woman would like Chen Fan. If she likes Chen Fan, how bad her eyes are.

But I didn’t think too much, and went to the cafeteria with my roommate.

There are not many people in the cafeteria in the morning, so it does not take long to line up for food.

“Generally, breakfast is settled in the cafeteria, and the price is not expensive. This is your meal card. May I help you with the meal?”

“Uh, this is not necessary, let me do it, you just sit down.

Mu Jinli nodded and said with a smile: “Thank you, remember to help me beat a few more eggs. I recently practiced and I need to add more nutritional protein.”

Chen Fan nodded.


The protagonist arrives.

There are coaxing roommates around.

The goddess school flower sits alone.

Brother, my game has been sorted out. If you don’t strike up a conversation, you are sorry for Laozi’s hard work.

In order to smooth the plot and make it reasonable, Chen Fan simply racked his brains.

After all, it is not the plot that I played many times before, I am afraid that I will play abnormally or something.

Lined up cautiously, Chen Fan was not in a hurry, waiting quietly, waiting for Ye Aotian to brew feelings or something.

So that I play a good role, a good citizen, and give back his position to others.

“you first.

“Uh, thank you, aren’t you in a hurry?”

“I’m not in a hurry, I’m not in a hurry.

Damn, Chen Fan can’t wait for a dinner plate to be smashed directly on Ye Aotian’s forehead. What the hell are you fucking, can you hurry up?

Hurry up, there is a beautiful girl over there, a fresh, beautiful heroine.

College students, female students.

Onee-san Fan, who knows martial arts.

Your right-hand man in the future.

Ye Aotian was eating breakfast comfortably, while several people around him were thinking.

“Or, let’s bet it, Ye Aotian, I bet, you will never get the phone number of the goddess. If you are going to arrive, we will invite you to dinner. If you don’t want to arrive, how about you invite us to dinner?”

Ye Aotian Xiemei smiled, and said: “A call from a mere mere call, can’t trouble me, wait and see me.”

Here Ye Aotian got up, Chen Fan grabbed the melon seeds in the hands of the little girl next to him, and ate them.

Staring seriously.

It’s started, it’s started. It’s been a long time since I watched the plot story up close. It’s really exciting. The people who eat melon are online.

The little girl didn’t understand too much, and followed Chen Fan’s eyes and looked at it.

Many people began to watch.

Ye Aotian sat in front of Mu Jinli generously and said, “Hello.”


The smile on Mu Jinli’s face disappeared instantly, replaced by an icy cold.

“Um, I just made a bet with someone that you can get your phone number, that, you can save face.”

“Oh, it’s good.

“Then what do you think?”

After speaking, Ye Aotian took out the phone directly, and Mu Jinli grabbed the phone and smashed it directly on the ground.

He stood up, waved his hand and said, “Husband, someone is harassing me.”

Me fucking.

Chen Fan looked around, there were no boys for a few meters around.

only myself.

I’m f*ck, you woman, you can’t scream, you are like this, how can I follow the plot.

Wait, shit, are you a genius?

Chen Fan was actually worried that he didn’t have enough hatred points with Ye Aotian at school, and there was no way to cause the protagonist to act aggressively.

Then I rushed over now, and then the protagonist taught himself a lesson, wouldn’t it, just let the protagonist pretend to be forced?

He is a rich second-generation evil-doer, and he certainly doesn’t know how to martial arts.

Because of a woman, Ye Aotian taught himself, isn’t it perfect?

Damn it, Mu Jinli, you are really a genius.

Sure enough, those who can be the heroine are born with a kind of buff, which can easily arouse the hatred of the protagonist.

Chen Fan put down the dinner plate, without a word, rushed over and said, “Ye Aotian, what do you mean? There is no bottom line? Can’t you see, I came with her?”

Ye Aotian sneered, and said, “Just you are the second generation of a waste and rich, will she look at you?”

Mu Jinli played with Chen Fan’s arm and said, “Husband, he harassed me, and also frightened me. I dropped his phone, but I don’t have money, what should I do.”

“It’s okay, my husband has money.

Chen Fan took out his wallet, directly took it out to check the money, and smashed it directly on Ye Aotian’s face.

That’s cool.

I haven’t done this story myself, but it feels so damn good.

Really comfortable, this opportunity is rare.

Ye Aotian said, “You fucking, what do you mean?”

“My wife lost your phone and lost you money, what’s wrong?”

“Fuck you, this is the school, not outside. I might be afraid of it outside, but the school, you should know.”

“You fucking move me, you really move me, Laozi wants you and the family behind you to be wiped out.

Who is Ye Aotian? That’s the protagonist. If he’s afraid of threats, then he’s not the protagonist.

If you choose to be very persuasive in the face of threats, this book will have to be scolded to death. You are the abuser.

Ye Aotian stretched out his hand without saying a word, and slapped him over.

As a result, Chen Fan took the first step.

He slapped it directly.

I couldn’t hold back, I used a little bit of strength.

“You are looking for death, it is you who forced me.

In the next second, Chen Fan was about to be beaten.

No matter what, I have to let the protagonist force this to pretend to be. People are the protagonist. If you don’t pretend to be the protagonist, how can you be the protagonist.

As a result, Mu Jinli stretched out his hand and directly stopped Ye Aotian.

Ye Aotian wanted to continue exerting force, but it still didn’t work.

Mu Jinli slammed Ye Aotian’s stomach with a quick fist.

Ye Aotian himself hadn’t healed from his injuries, and his combat effectiveness was average. After being hit like this, he directly half-kneeled on the ground.

Then, under everyone’s stunned mouth, Mu Jinli kicked Ye Aotian and lay on the ground directly.

Then, he stepped on it.


All the men on the scene covered their lower body subconsciously.

This is definitely not your flirtation, this is a ruthless hand.

Whoops, the protagonist, can’t be an eunuch.

“From now on, don’t be okay to ask someone to call without knowing you. Don’t you know that you are disgusting like this? Where are the cats and dogs, it is really disgusting.

“It’s okay to take care of your lower body. Don’t be like a Teddy. Only Dese is going around. One day you get sick.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, playing with Chen Fan’s arm, and said: “Husband, he was going to hit you just now. It was really too much. He doesn’t know, am I your bodyguard?””I don’t know, is he always brave?”

Chen Fan wanted to cry.

I have all the desire to die in my heart, and it’s over.

Broken, this pretend is completely broken.

The plot is crooked, and I can’t go back for the rest of my life.

Ah, the result of my own hard work.

Ye Aotian got up with difficulty, and said, “Chen Fan, wait for me. Don’t think that you have a few stinky money in your family and you can do whatever you want.”

Just finished speaking, 247 at this time a girl fell directly to the ground.

This scene is a bit familiar.

Then Ye Aotian quickly rushed over and checked.

“The heart attack has recurred, who has medicine?”

The students in the four weeks started to pay for it out of their own pockets. Obviously, no.

Ye Aotian took out the silver needle and directly started the treatment. ,

Flying needles are flying.

Mu Jinli looked at it earnestly, but he was a little dumbfounded. ,

Chen Fan noticed Mu Jinli’s expression.

Hahahaha, God really opened his eyes, isn’t this God helping me?

In fact, Chen Fan can understand the plot just now. After all, he is not familiar with it. With some words from Tao Xiaotian, Chen Fan is worried that Mu Jinli will be crooked.

But when someone fell down and saw the protagonist who was so desperate to save others, at this moment, Chen Fan felt that his plot was correct and he was saved.

The protagonist did not misunderstand Mu Jinli, after all, she is the duty.

But Mu Jinli’s motto is to help others.

Seeing the protagonist who has worked so hard and earnestly, look at her eyes again, I am sure, my heart is moved, and the story begins, hahahaha.

Act hard, the protagonist acted hard.

As for the heroine, the heart is touched, so this story is considered complete.

As for why, who cares?

Is it important? Anyway, I only need to follow the plot down.

At this time, the most incomprehensible thing was Mu Jinli, she had tried her best to avoid it, but it still happened after all.

She is a rebellious woman. She chooses to help people because her mother has been hurting others.

Every time a mother hurts someone, she wants to help someone.

And when you know that you are someone else’s character.

She decided that she could not become someone else’s control.

She decided to go the other way.

However, what happened before her was beyond her expectation, and her instinct told her that after all, this episode happened.

The protagonist pretended to succeed.

Forget it, don’t care, let it be.

“How long do you have to stand, husband? I’m a little hungry, you have to help me cook.”

Are you still acting with Laozi?

I have seen through everything, you duplicity woman.

From now on, I will not believe every punctuation mark you say.

Chen Fan also secretly thought, is it possible that there is such a loss, this woman has actually changed her personality and started to like herself.

As a result, when this happened, she looked in a daze, he knew that the protagonist was the protagonist.

This also strengthened Chen Fan’s idea of ​​continuing to go down the plot.

No need to act, Double Gun has already given me the answer.

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