Chapter 74 I beg you, don’t show up (seeking support, fifth more)

Chapter 75 I beg you, don’t show up (seeking support, fifth more)

Chen Fan fell into bad memories, because Chen Fan worked overtime before, but that time he worked overtime completely because of his boredom.

The city is not big and it is normal to meet some villains.

At that time, not long after the beginning of the plot, Chen Fan and Jin Lan went to sing. Then they met a villain and fell in love with Jin Lan.

Chen Fan didn’t think much about it and killed him directly.

Then things got messed up, forced to revise the world line, but Chen Fan had no choice but to bite the bullet and smooth the plot.

In addition, if the villain is dead, you can only play the role of the villain. When appropriate, you can pose problems for the protagonist, let the protagonist pretend to be forced, and upgrade.

Forcing Chen Fan to work overtime is a painful thing, and now he has to work overtime again.

[Damn, why, you are sick, you don’t know, Lang Qingfeng is dead, Laozi needs to go up. 】

[I need to walk through the related plots of Lang Qingfeng, the brain hurts, and the brain hurts. Didn’t I say that Tao Xiaotian’s girl is a hero?]

what’s the situation?

Why does my daughter still have this attribute?

[Because I was named a school girl, I had to go to laugh and laugh every day, but secretly, she is a city hero, every night she chooses to fight against criminals, damn, that kind of woman with a sense of justice, herself Villain, how do you get in touch? ]

Pupi, hahahahaha.

Tao Xiaotian almost didn’t laugh to death. No wonder, at night, her daughter always ran out secretly. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a city hero.

Seeing a few girls here, I feel that this book is a bit outrageous.

How can I write everything when I’m in a novel? This author who doesn’t have a “two-four-seven” line is on the street. How can I know how to write women? Damn, look at how many teenage protagonists are coming out now.

The heart is very tired, forget it.

Chen Fan said helplessly: “Zhuyeqing, clean up, change into younger clothes, we are going to school.”

Tao Xiaotian said: “Actually, if I dress up, I am also very young.”

“Farewell, Auntie, you can lie to others, you can lie to me, or forget it. In one, aren’t you the aunt of the girl? Who doesn’t know you at school?”

“But everyone just knows that I am 18 years old. I said I am 18 years old. Who knows?


Chen Fan wanted to feel sick.

Forget it, you are awesome.

Laozi doesn’t care about you.

An old witch like you can’t handle it according to normal people’s thinking.

I have to say that the author of this novel is really good at writing characters. At least the women who write are all weird, and there is only one normal woman.

Lin Qingyue, for now, Chen Fan feels that Lin Qingyue is the most normal existence.

Jin Lan, this female leader can be considered relatively normal, except that she likes to squeeze the human nature of others, she has no other superfluous shortcomings.

Preparing something roughly, Chen Fan stepped into the school helplessly.

The death of Lang Qingfeng still caused quite a stir in the school. The death of such a tyrant made the school serious, and the investigation has already begun.

It turns out that he just jumped into the car and fell to his death, which made the school very helpless.

Why did such a student do such a thing, but the ending is this ending, the school can only regret it.

But today, two freshmen have come to enroll in the school.

One is Chen Fan and the other is Ye Aotian.The plot of the school is actually a transitional plot, and it will be used in urban novels.

Play a series role, so that the upgrade of the protagonist will not appear so abrupt, and it can be regarded as satisfying certain readers’ ideas.

Most urban novels will involve these.

Moreover, in this plot, things in the arena are downplayed, and more of the plot is about the pretense of clubs, stadiums and so on.

Of course, Ye Aotian came here to reduce dimensionality.

With Ye Aotian’s strength, no matter what major he is, he can easily handle it.

Don’t ask, ask is the protagonist’s greatness, it is the protagonist’s talents.

Chen Fan is thinking about the plot here. It seems that on the first day of school, there is not much happening, just simple freshmen reports.

Ye Aotian lived here in a dormitory, which was specially arranged.

Say hello to a few brothers in the dormitory, and then talk about the related school flowers in the school.

Then I had a chance encounter with the schoolgirl, and then took the initiative to ask for a phone number or something, everyone bet.

This plot is old and terrible, but Chen Fan needs to walk the plot of Lang Qingfeng, that is to say, he needs to be present when he is slapped.

Damn it.

This damn brain hurts, I don’t even know that woman.

“Master, where am I going to wait for you?”

“Go to the special dormitory and wait for me. If you are bored, you can go to the school to read a book, and I will go to the school to report.”

All the way to the Academic Affairs Office, Chen Fan unexpectedly met acquaintances at the door, one was Ye Aotian and the other was Jinlan.

Chen Fan had a very satisfied expression, just say, Jin Lan must be with Ye Aotian, these two people must be secretly behind.

In the original work, the relationship between the two is not cryptic, but in everyone’s eyes, it is very cryptic.

After all, the identity is there, it is impossible to show too much intimacy in public.

Jin Lan also saw Chen Fan. In fact, she also read the diary and decided to come over and take a look. She came as her leader.

Moreover, Chen Fan enrolled, and it was also a matchmaking process on his own side. As for Ye Aotian, he just happened to ran into him near the door.

“Hehe, sure enough, you are on the same boat, Jinlan, you have a good abacus.

Jin Lan stared at Chen Fan, sighed helplessly, forget it, too lazy to explain, she was already tired.

Mother, I slept in the unit for a few days, is it okay? Why am I so bored? Let’s take care of Ye Aotian’s affairs.

Now that I know the plot, I’m going to take care of it. Go and meet a man who met me for the first time and said he was lonely?

How cheap and boring I am.

“I’ll explain these things to you later. You go in together first. Unexpectedly, the transfer students are actually two.

Chen Fan and Ye Aotian walked into the office at the same time. The principal was drinking tea at this time and looking at the two guys, his brains hurt.

One is from the Chen family, who entrusted the relationship, and sent a student gilded in.

One is Ling’s family, who went through the channel of Chinese medicine, and asked this medical genius to get a certificate.

No matter how you look at them, the principal is not easy to deal with these two people, and they are still hostile.

It is estimated that this school will not stop.

Chen Fan recalled the list. The principal, Li Zhong was a simple principal. His Chinese medicine skills were only average. However, under his management, the medical school has also improved a lot. Now the medical school has such achievements, most of them are It is the principal’s credit.

“I am probably clear about your two purposes. First of all, make it clear that this is a school, and those outside methods are not allowed.”

Chen Fan and Ye Aotian nodded at the same time.

“In addition, if you want to get what you need, you have to work hard for me. Ye Aotian, you are talented. You can really save people in Chinese medicine, but systematic learning is a must.

“Chen Fan, your father said that your academic performance is very good?”

Chen Fan nodded.

You know, I am a high-achieving student at any rate, although there is not much description in the novel, but the setting is placed over there.

This is inevitable.

“You want to go through the program to get your certificate, but I need to see the results of your hard work during this period of time. Although you will not practice medicine in the future, don’t be ashamed of basic disciplines. Otherwise, I won’t allow you to name it.

Chen Fan nodded.

I probably understand what the principal means. Both of them can study at school and take exams. The exams are not the same as everyone else.

After all, both of them have a company to deal with, they just came for gilding.

The school is also happy to show his name on the two companies’ company.

But it has to be about the same, so the two have to go about the situation.

The principal said: “Okay, that’s all for you, Chen Fan, let’s go first, I have something to say with Ye Aotian.”

Chen Fan left the office and glanced at Jin Lan stubbornly. Jin Lan rubbed his temples.

It’s just that the work has been relatively busy recently, not busy, you wait for my old lady, my old lady tells you not to believe me, one day you will tidy up and obey.

[The brain hurts, my brain hurts, my brain really hurts, what can I do? 】

[Oh, I want to act in this story, but I need to contact that woman, but my name has been forgotten, oh. 】

[The protagonist is going to the cafeteria to pick up the school flower, and then I have a rival play, the damn Tao Xiaotian, Lang Qingfeng is dead, I need to pick it up for this play, how can my fucking pick it up now, you tell me?][Your daughter, I am not familiar with it at all. 】

Just after Chen Fan finished writing, the phone rang.

“What’s the matter? You murdered again?”

“Is that right? Didn’t you come to the school? You will be introduced to you by the way. You are not familiar with the school. I will let you take a stroll around the school.”

“Are you very free?”

“My daughter took your school for a stroll. If you don’t want to, just forget it, when I didn’t say it.”

Whoops fucking, isn’t this a coincidence?

Isn’t this here?

God finally opened his eyes.

“Are you sure to introduce your daughter to me?”

“In school, it is not convenient for me to protect you. My daughter is the most suitable to protect you. Why do you think my daughter is ugly?”

“That’s not true. It’s just that you are suddenly so kind and a little uncomfortable. You don’t want to hurt me.

“Don’t forget it, goodbye.

“Don’t don’t, Aunt Tao, I was wrong.

“You said something wrong, call it again.

“Sister Tao.


Chen Fan said with a black face and said, “Tao Xiaotian, you want to make a face. You are very good, but it doesn’t mean you can pinch me.”

“Forget it.”

“Sister Tao.”

“My brother is really nice, come on now, my daughter looks good.

Chen Fan sometimes wonders if people who practice ancient martial arts are all insane. It seems that in the novel, as long as people with high military value, most of them are children’s xinxing.

But after thinking about it, it seems that only such a character can go on. Gu Wu can’t go further for people who are too scheming.

Chen Fan eagerly killed him directly downstairs in the girls’ dormitory.

Among other things, Chen Fan’s appearance is actually good enough. ,

Coupled with the temperament of a natural noble boy, it definitely attracts a lot of little girls, but Chen Fan has no interest at all.

I just want to follow up the story that was wrong.

Although Lang Qingfeng’s plots are not many, they are also quite a few. It is estimated that some of them have gone to work on their own.

After watching for a long time, Chen Fan didn’t see Tao Xiaotian. Chen Fan felt that he had been cheated again.

Then a girl patted Chen Fan on the shoulder and said, “Hello, my name is Mu Jinli. Welcome to the University of Pharmaceutical Sciences.”

The height of 1.7 meters, plus the perfect figure of long-term training Guwu, without too much makeup, a simple sportswear. ,

Coupled with the lore ponytail, I have to say that school flowers are school flowers, no matter how they are dressed, they are very beautiful. ,

It looks like this, it is obvious that the morning exercise has just ended.

Slight traces of sweat can also be seen on the forehead.

“Where’s your mom?”

“Said I went to play, I don’t know, but she told me to protect you and entertain you. You are Chen Fan of the Chen family, right?”

“Well, it’s me. I didn’t expect to be able to travel with beautiful women.

Mu Jinli laughed and said, “Well, you are really humorous. You should be like girls.”

I am not humorous. I fart and grind my teeth while I sleep. Really, I have a bad temper.

Is it an illusion? Or this woman is a high-end player.

Chen Fan always feels that 0.5 is not very suitable for him.

In my impression, there is indeed no part of Chen Fan and Mu Jinli, but as described in the original work, Mu Jinli’s character is very cold.

It really means that if you can’t say three sentences together, you just leave, it’s inhumane at all.

But the girl in front of her not only smiled at herself, but even took the initiative to tease herself.

It should be because of the mother at home.

Maybe it’s because of my own thoughts, where are the heroines and the villains?

It should be that I am too self-confident, and that’s right, I am very hard to set in the novel world, and there are not many women who like it.

Everyone liked Ye Aotian at first glance.

Even a simple fast food for ten yuan, many people think Ye Aotian is extraordinary.

“Mother said you came to school for the first time, let me show you around.”

“Well, thank you. By the way, I’m a little hungry. Or, let’s go eat something?”

Say go to the cafeteria quickly, say go to the cafeteria, I beg you, girl, you must say go to the cafeteria.

“Um, at this time of school, there is no restaurant open. Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat. The food in the cafeteria is delicious.”

yes, success.

The plot is right, so far, everything is in peace and everything is pretty good.

Well, I hope there won’t be any changes.

There is something wrong, every time I have such an idea, things start to develop in a wrong direction.

ps: Please support, thank you, thank you all, please read more.

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