Chapter 69 I can’t go along with this plot (seeking subscription, sixth update)

Chapter 70 This plot, I can’t go on anymore (seeking subscription, sixth more)

Ye Aotian’s fortune caused the entire Qin City to fall into a strange circle. It was strange that everyone consciously began to approach Ye Aotian.

Especially knowing that Ye Aotian led people and directly broke into Chen Fan’s home, and he admired Ye Aotian even more.

I have to say that now, on Qin Cheng’s side, many people treat Ye Aotian as the male god in his dreams.

With a handsome face and the momentum of starting from scratch, who can refuse such potential stocks?

The declining Chen Fan seems to have become the sharpest contrast. Of course, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and many people are afraid of Chen Fan.

So when Chen Fan came, Zheng Qiang naturally greeted the people around him and started to prepare.

Zheng Shaoyang also came.

Zheng Qiang is already very old, and Zheng Shaoyang now belongs to half of the family power that takes over his own family.

In the room, luxurious cakes, with a group of girls on the sidelines, Zhu Yeqing, it was the first time for a decent birthday.

Chen Fan was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, watching some people take care of Zhuyeqing.

, Today he rests, whoever his mother comes to disturb from, the family will die.

Damn, I’ve been following the plot these days, and I’m exhausted.

Here, Zheng Shaoyang sat next to Chen Fan and took the initiative to toast and said: “Chen Shao, I didn’t expect you to come.”

“Last time in the salon, you lost face, don’t you care?’

“No, no, no matter what happened, Shao Chen remembered it wrong, didn’t you have something at the time?”

Look at this person. Only this kind of person can make great things and make a fortune.

In fact, Zheng Shaoyang also approached Ye Aotian at the time, but Ye Aotian ignored him either.

This made Zheng Shaoyang very disappointed.

Suddenly I felt that I was like a clown since “Twenty Four Seven”.

But now, Chen Fan took the initiative to come, and heard that Ye Aotian’s representatives would also come, Zheng Shaoyang felt that he suddenly seemed very popular.

However, both of them seemed to just want to accept themselves as subordinates, and never treated themselves as equal personnel.

Chen Fan said: “At present, the death of Li Long has caused the power of the entire Qincheng to become unbalanced. I think, you should understand how the team worked?”

Zheng Shaoyang looked at Chen Fan.

With the latest news, Zheng Shaoyang has to make a choice.

In the two matches against Ye Aotian, Chen Fan lost. In other words, the current Chen Fan is no longer so aggressive.

No longer is Qin Cheng’s figure covering the sky with only one hand.

Now there are two influential figures in Qincheng.

Suddenly Ye Aotian, everyone liked this self-made man more.

As for Chen Fan, the big guys still think that it is the rich second-generation waste.

Zheng Shaoyang looked at Chen Fan and said, “I think, let me think about it, and I will give you an answer.”

Chen Fan said: “Don’t worry, I am here this time, the main purpose is to spend my birthday with Zhuyeqing, not to come to you. If you are willing to follow me, follow me. If you don’t want to, I think, even if you and Ye Aotian didn’t have any problems together.”

“You have to be ready to meet my anger when the time comes.


Chen Fan feels that his current acting skills are absolutely top notch.

Niang Xipi, who has Laozi acting well?

If you go back, maybe it’s a good choice to be an actor.

“Understood, I’ll think it over carefully, so I won’t disturb you here.

Zheng Shaoyang closed the door and left the private room.

Seeing Zheng Shaoyang leave, Chen Fan smiled unconsciously, rejecting himself is inevitable, and this person would choose Ye Aotian no matter how he looked at it.

There is no way for an ambitious person to choose a rich second generation, because his identity carries the color of the Chen family.

Even if he worked hard all his life, he couldn’t replace himself.

But Ye Aotian was different, he felt very hopeful.In fact, all the help Ye Aotian currently received was left by his grandfather and belonged to the older generation’s friendship.

Starting overseas, coupled with the care of domestic Ling family.

Naturally everything went smoothly, but unfortunately, everyone chose to ignore it. After all, it was the protagonist.

Zhu Yeqing sat next to Chen Fan and leaned over.

Chen Fan reached out and put his arms around her shoulders. This time, Zhu Yeqing did not refuse.

“Master, what’s the matter? Does this person know good and bad?”

“I’m probably not interested in me, I’m more curious, will he go to Ye Aotian’s side.

“Do you want me to kill him.”

“What to kill, it really is. Your hands should be here to serve me, not to kill people. It’s not good to always say killing people.”

Zhu Ye blushed and kissed directly.

The little girls who were watching the play followed suit.

This time, Chen Fan couldn’t do it anymore.

Don’t bring it like this.

What’s wrong, why did you take the initiative? Don’t be like this.

I can’t do you like this.

What is the normal bamboo leaf green? Most of the time, it is just doing things or protecting oneself.

Only when Chen Fan was beaten or abused and vented his anger, would he go to Zhu Yeqing.

In many cases, the novel describes that after one night, there is only a crying Zhuyeqing.

But if you take the initiative to act like this now, you are shameless, bah.

You bad woman, you are really good at it.

Zhu Yeqing looked at Chen Fan, with a flirtatious expression in his eyes.

Chen Fan persuaded, and said:’Goodbye, I’ll go out to get some air first, and you can play slowly by yourself. ”


The people in the entire private room laughed. Unexpectedly, Chen Fan still has such a side.

It’s really fun.

Anna called a few girls over and said, “Tell you one thing, and remember to tell me when that happens, do you understand?”

The girls didn’t understand, they looked at Anna.

“I’m telling you a secret. Actually, Chen Fan is a virgin.”


The whole room was quiet, and Zhu Yeqing was also quiet. She knew about it, but she couldn’t tell about it.

No, you said, isn’t Chen Fan just collapsed?

Oops, how can he be a villain?

“Just kidding, how could it be possible, Master Chen, where is the lack of women?”

Anna said: “It’s all women, you’ve also touched men, don’t you think virgins can’t tell? You still need me to teach you?”

The girls recalled it, as if, really.

Oops, this is big news.

“Then Chen Fan is really passionate about Lin Qingyue.”

Anna took out some cash and said, “Tomorrow, I hope everyone in Qincheng will know about this, do you understand?”

Several girls cheered presumptuously, expressing their promise to complete the task.

Chen Fan was in the bathroom, yawned, lit a cigarette at random, stood, ready to pee.

It’s really hilarious to play, one by one, and there is no main storyline. It’s really noisy. ,

Forcibly add drama to yourself.

At this time, a person leaned over, stood beside Chen Fan, and looked at him quietly.

Chen Fan turned his head and looked at the woman in the red trench coat.

With a confused face, why doesn’t this girl look like a good person?

This is the south side, is it really good for a woman to appear?

However, Chen Fan didn’t think much about it. After the pissing ended, he turned and left.

Too much neurosis, he really doesn’t bother to touch it.

While washing her hands, the woman was eating a lollipop and looked at Chen Fan with a smile in her eyes.

Chen Fan wiped his hands, and the woman looked at herself closely.

Chen Fan lit a cigarette, and the woman got closer.

“You fucking sick, you’re looking at me, Laozi will kill you, believe it or not?”

“I’m so scared, you look at me, I’m so scared.”

You fucking.

Wait, Chen Fan suddenly remembered something, my god, old fairy.

This girl is Loli’s killer, no, this woman is not a good person.

The appearance is very high, it belongs to the kind of Loli appearance that kills, but he has a ponytail and likes to wear a red windbreaker.

The greatest pleasure is to ride a motorcycle without turning on the lights at night.

The strength is very strong and the strength is very high.

But the age is also very big.

This girl, forty, can’t tell at all.

Bigger than Jinlan.

This woman, are you here to kill yourself?

“Who are you?”

“Tao Xiaotian, a killer, someone spends money to buy me to kill you, I refuse.”

At this time, I saw the woman’s number seven, and almost didn’t spray a mouthful of old blood, good fellow, where did this woman jump out?

Isn’t this guy still working as a dormitory aunt at school?

The woman is not young, but on record, this woman is a killer, she used to be.

But she has retired.

It is said that this woman became famous twenty years ago, and the most eye-catching is to use a third-floor army assassin to kill a family member.

Some people call this woman Shura, and some call this woman a fairy from the mysterious East.

But for now, this woman is indeed more fairies.

And it’s not an old fairy.

Tao Xiaotian.

So much information can be found on the 7th.

If she really came to assassinate Chen Fan, then Chen Fan really has no way to escape.

Chen Fan naturally knew that this woman had been hurt by this woman several times.

Almost died.

At first, she just took the task, but later because her daughter was with Ye Aotian, she stood on Ye Aotian’s side.

I have had a story with Ye Aotian, and there are many more, because Ye Aotian has a copy of the campus copy.

In fact, the essential reason is the medical qualification certificate. Ye Aotian needs to go to the school to register for a certificate, so that he can open his own pharmaceutical company.

You can go to treat illnesses and save people.

This story is very simple, it is to spit out the protagonist, how to pretend, Chen Fan’s identity in it, belongs to the identity of the share strike.

To put it bluntly, this story began a few days later, when his company’s shares fell, and the methods he used against Ye Aotian began.

She came out, can’t say it is early, but what does she come to ask for?

“You killer? Are you going to shoot me?”

Pretend, you just pretend to be you, it’s really shameless to you, I can’t help it after watching the scene for so long, so I plan to come out to meet, I didn’t expect you to be so calm.

She is 1.73 meters tall, but Tao Xiaotian is proud of her personal looks.

Loli looks good, but he is very old and very big.

Red, the woman who loves red only.

“I said, I refused.

“Oh, who sent you to kill me?”

“Nie family, you killed someone’s son. People are afraid that your Chen family can’t do it yourself, so they can only ask me to go out of the mountain.”

Are you professional?

Hey, you are too much, I rely on.

Damn, you are poisonous, you.

At this time, watching the lively No.7, the laughing stomach hurts.

This woman is 80% the heroine, and she also has a diary.

Because, according to the information, men who chatted with Tao Xiaotian a lot were killed by Tao Xiaotian.

If this woman can calmly chat with a man, it is a strange existence.

Yasha, her nickname.

“Interesting, but I remember that the killer can’t reveal his own job.”

“That’s natural, but I am special because I am in a semi-retired state. Little brother, do you have any ideas to become the master of your sister? My sister is very good.”

Damn, you have a problem with your head, go to hell.

Turning around, Chen Fan was about to leave.

And here, Tao Xiaotian said: “Oh, little brother, if you go away, my sister will be uncomfortable. My heart hurts so much.

“Why don’t you die in pain? You’d better have a heart attack and die by the side of the road. Not only will I not save you, I will vomit and smear it.”

A knife flew directly towards Chen Fan’s door.

Chen Fan frowned.

Thinking for a moment, then lowered his head.

“You dare to shoot at me, you wait for me, I will kill you.”

Tao Xiaotian smiled and said, “Even if it is your father, you will be afraid of me by three points. Are you sure you want to kill me?”

“Don’t go too far, I’ll tell you.

“Call you.”

Tao Xiaotian threw the phone to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan connected.

“Xiao Fan, are people here yet?”

0.5 “Dad, are you talking about Tao Xiaotian?”

“How do you call Master Yasha, don’t call her name directly, she is specially sent by me to protect you, and the other party has the help of Ling’s family. You can’t have no helper by your side.”

“Father, I think, I can deal with Ye Aotian’s affairs by myself.”

“I know that in general, she will not take action, unless the other party’s old and undead hands, she will act. It is a means of checks and balances, and treats it well, but I paid a big price for it.”

Chen Fan looked at Tao Xiaotian in front of him, wishing to choke her to death now.

Damn, the plot is completely messed up now.

At this time, Tao Xiaotian waved Chen Fan and said, “There is something nice, do you want to take a look?”


Tao Xiaotian turned on the phone and read out a video.

“Let’s take a look, it happened by chance.”

Chen Fan opened the video. When he saw the two people in the video, Chen Fan was completely shocked.

What a fuck, what a fuck, what a fuck, what a big dj.

Chen Fan suddenly began to sympathize with the protagonist now, damn, he felt a little bit of love for him.

This book should be renamed at this time. It should not be called Return of the God of War, but it should be called Return of the God of War, and found that his wife was sold to the brothel. In angrily, three thousand dead men gave her the performance.

He, the protagonist, Ye Aotian, was cuckolded.

This book shouldn’t be a wireless cool article, it should be regarded as a green hat article, I rely on, why is the plot crooked like this?

ps: Please support, thank you all, please follow along.

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