Chapter 68 Vaguely feel that the protagonist is going to be green (seeking subscription, fifth more)

Chapter 69 This plot is also reasonable (seeking subscription, fifth more)

“I’m not stupid enough to tell what’s going on. If Anna doesn’t want to come back, I have arrangements, but I will trouble you and take care of me instead.”

Waking up early in the morning, Chen Fan recalled the words of the Grand Duke, and for a time began to doubt his life.

This world has changed, it has really changed, this plot is not right~.

[On July 15th, the weather was fine and the mood was very bad. A shameless-woman came to the house. 】

[Last night, Anna and I confessed that I was fucking panic. I was worried that the plot would be messed up. Fortunately, the Grand Duke thought that Anna was to protect Ye Aotian and said he liked me. 】

[It turns out that the Grand Duke actually doesn’t like Anna, but it’s right to think about it. How could the protagonist go to sleep in second-hand? No, this guy has broken his shoes and sprayed, and the protagonist is 80% abandoned. 】

[I don’t know if this neuropathy will go or not, I’m so annoying, this girl. 】

When Anna was awake, looking at the contents of the diary, her whole person changed from sadness to ecstasy.

Turns out, it turns out that I still have such stories. Damn Chen Fan, why didn’t you say it earlier, said it earlier, did you feel so confused?

That said, everything went smoothly. In other words, if you didn’t know the diary, you would indeed marry the Grand Duke according to the family arrangement.

But the two will not have a substantial relationship, but when he is with Ye Aotian afterwards, it should be the Grand Duke looking for another woman, and he has become a laughingstock before going to retaliate.

Well, it’s like doing something by herself. Anna knows herself very well. She knows that sometimes she will do a lot of stupid things impulsively.

Anna blushed at the thought of being drunk last night and shouting like Chen Fan.

Damn it, why don’t you talk nonsense.

【Nothing big today, but Zhu Yeqing has to celebrate his birthday. 】

[This paragraph can not be regarded as the plot in the novel. According to the development of the plot, today Ye Aotian is recuperating. It belongs to my free time, so he gushes and is happy. 】

[Probably the one who accompanies me the most is Zhuye Qingba. Although I know I shouldn’t like her, I still have to take care of it. It feels like a relative, this woman and myself. 】

[Ming woo woo woo, if it wasn’t for me to be the villain, Laozi would have gotten married on the spot. 】

[But there seems to be an episode. I need to get in touch with Zheng Shaoyang. Zheng Qiang’s son happens to have his birthday, so let’s hold it there. 】

After simply writing the diary, Chen Fan is contentedly waiting for the reward.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, upload the diary successfully, and get the master level of Xingyiquan. 】

Yes, there is another set of martial arts, which is still at the master level.

However, Chen Fan felt the power in his body, and he understood that his strength had improved.

The very tall one.

If the Big Bear comes to attack Chen Fan again, Chen Fan can reach out and crush him easily.

This is great.

It’s a pity that it can’t be used, and there are a lot of things given by the system.

After reading the diary, Zhu Yeqing blushed and took a bite.

It’s really, this guy, how to say such nasty words, and confession, it’s really too much.

How could people like you?

Chen Fan opened the door and saw two women sitting in the living room, and said, “Are you eating?”

Zhu Yeqing said, “Master, your breakfast.

Chen Fan sat at the dining table and said, “The Grand Duke told me something and hoped that I would tell you that he actually has a woman he likes, but that woman’s status is very low.”

“Well, really?”

Anna was surprised.

Zhu Yeqing scratched her head helplessly. This woman’s acting skills are really good. Go and exercise again, and then go out of the mountains. This is really bad acting.

Chen Fan looked at Anna’s expression of pretending to be surprised, with a look of helplessness. You really are, and there is a problem with his head.Or is it that foreigners’ heads are not normal?

“The Grand Duke asked me to ask you if you would like to go back and get married later, or wait a minute.”

“I will call the Grand Duke. If he tells me about this publicly, I will accept it. After all, this is a good thing for both families.”

Chen Fan nodded and said, “That’s good, the Grand Duke said, if you don’t want to go back, you can stay here for a while, and you can talk to him about what you want.

“No, I have money myself. I don’t need to lower my head to ask him for help. By the way, yesterday, I heard that you were assassinated? Do you need a bodyguard?”

Chen Fan said: “That’s not necessary. What happened that time will not happen again. I think you need bodyguards even more. 1”


Anna turned her head.

The knot was untied, and Anna now felt as if she had come back alive, no longer depressed and sad, more like rebirth.

“I’m going to enjoy life, after all, after getting married, I will be busy and have to go to many occasions.”

“I advise you, don’t walk too close to Ye Aotian. It is not good for you and the reputation of the Grand Duke.

“Then I have to go very close to him?”

“The anger of the Grand Duke is not something you can bear. The Grand Duke respects you, and I hope that you also respect him. After all, he recognized my younger brother.”

“Hehe, isn’t it, if I contact Ye Aotian, the Grand Duke will target him?”

Yes, for sure, you can get in touch quickly.

“Well, I will consider it.”

Humph, it turns out that the dog and the man have one leg.

Chen Fan now firmly believes that this woman is lying to herself, she is indeed the protagonist, and she has embarrassed under her nose.

I didn’t find it at all, but after all, what the protagonist did was very unexpected.

“Zhuyeqing, after having breakfast, I will take you to buy new clothes to wear. By the way, you lack too many things. Yesterday you protected me with merit. I can’t treat the woman who followed me badly.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded hard.

Anna said, “I want to go too.”

“Without you.”

“No, Zhu Yeqing took care of me these past two days. Since she is celebrating her birthday, I will also attend and I will prepare gifts for her.”

The brain hurts, forget it, today’s plot is very general, it doesn’t matter.

At this time, Ye Aotian had slowly opened his eyes. In the end, it was the protagonist’s physique. Such a serious injury had almost recovered.

Xiaolan looked after and said, “Are you okay?”

“It’s okay. Fortunately, I can stand it. Chen Fan, what’s the situation?”

“It is said that to celebrate Zhu Yeqing’s birthday, it seems that he chose to go to Zheng Qiang’s night market.”

Damn it.

Ye Aotian slowly got up, but the pain on his body made him unable to do it.

“You can’t let this guy seize the opportunity. Zheng Qiang is not terrible. The terrible thing is Zheng Shaoyang. This person has his own unique insights in finance and stocks.”

“What do I need to do?”

“Take someone there, you contact Zheng Shaoyang in my name, he should be able to save face, and I will tell you what to do.”

Xiao Lan nodded.

-In the morning, Chen Fan deeply realized what it means to be uncomfortable. During normal reincarnation, on this day, Chen Fan called it his own daily life.

It belongs to the gap period of the plot, and you can enjoy life with peace of mind.

After all, throughout the novel, the woman who loves herself to the end is Zhu Yeqing, and Chen Fan still takes care of her.

It’s just that, buying clothes does not take much time.

However, these two women are like crazy, they want everything and take everything.

, Don’t think of yourself as an outsider at all.

“Zhuyeqing, take a look at this one, I think it matches you well, try it, try it.”,

Zhu Yeqing looked at the dress and said, “This is too presumptuous. I can’t. The most I can do is to accept the cheongsam split.”

“What are you afraid of, this is Chen Fan’s store, you just wear it, Chen Fan likes it too, right?”

Chen Fan said: “Well, it’s great, but let me wear it in private.

“Do you really like it?” Chen Fan?”

Should I like it or not?

I’m a villain, what do you care about my opinion?

In fact, Chen Fan just followed his lips and answered according to the thinking of the villain. How did you know that Zhu Yeqing was so excited? This woman has a problem.

“Well, I like it.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded and packed up the clothes contentedly.

After buying clothes, what is left is shoes and so on. I have to say that Anna is indeed a woman of aristocratic background, and she is absolutely top-notch in fashion control.

And Zhu Yeqing is like an elf one day, so happy and happy.

She felt that for a long time, she hadn’t laughed like this for a long time.

Just like what Chen Fan wrote in his diary, in fact, she was as lonely as Chen Fan.

Perhaps, the only family she can choose is Chen Fan.

Of course, she didn’t care about revenge, she just didn’t want to admit it.

When Chen Fan decided to celebrate Zhu Yeqing’s birthday, Zhu Yeqing completely let go of his hatred.

His revenge is over, and it doesn’t make any sense to continue his revenge.

But if Chen Fan needs to betray him by herself, she will still betray him.

Just thinking of the final outcome, he would die, Zhu Yeqing hated his inability.

Perhaps, I still need to become stronger. At that time, when the real story ends, Chen Fan won’t have to die.

…Seeking flowers 0……

“Master, thank you, today is my happiest day.”

Chen Fan said: “No, you have followed me. It is impossible for you to suffer, and if you are not married, I will be your family in the future.”


Anna watched from the side with a look of envy.

Zhu Yeqing’s life is really good. In Anna’s cognition, Zhu Yeqing has always been with Chen Fan.

There are really not many opportunities for this.

“I booked a table and called some people to celebrate your birthday in the evening. Stop by and go see Zheng Qiang. Maybe I should do something I should do.

Receiving, or rather, looking for capable people.

This is the theme of Ye Aotian and Chen Fan’s next stage.

Because there are no masters around, Chen Fan needs to find a master, which is also a test for himself at home.

Zheng Shaoyang is on the list.

Zheng Shaoyang is a rare genius who is proficient in stock operations, financial processing, and company finance.

However, what is interesting is that although this person is Ye Aotian’s right-hand man, but this person is actually one of the villains.

But it was halfway, and gradually surrendered to Ye Aotian.

Zheng Shaoyang also had ambitions, and wanted to gradually accumulate his own strength through Ye Aotian’s forces.

Finally, he successfully replaced Ye Aotian.

However, under the influence of the protagonist’s halo, Zheng Shaoyang went to help the protagonist wholeheartedly.

Chen Fan is not very familiar with this story, because it has nothing to do with Chen Fan. After all, it is a story of the protagonist and others.

He just came out, looked for Zheng Shaoyang, threatened him, let Zheng Shaoyang join his camp, and then, the protagonist got it done and slapped Chen Fan in the face.

To put it bluntly, the plot is easy, but at the core, Chen Fan still wants to celebrate her birthday for the woman who accompanies him to the end.

However, Chen Fan was curious and didn’t know who Ye Aotian would send over today. In the impression, two of the five masters under the protagonist’s hands had died.

There are three beauties left, and these three beauties are also one of the protagonists.

This time it seemed that a woman came.

Who it is, Chen Fan can’t remember.

Forget it, no matter what, whoever loves to come and whoever comes, it is enough to play the role by yourself.

In the afternoon, several people came to the box on the second floor of the bar.

Greeting Zheng Qiang directly, preparing food and staff.

Chen Fan called a lot of people, and it still had to be lively for birthdays. As for what these people did, Chen Fan didn’t bother to think about it.

At this time, Ye Aotian’s team also set off on the other side.

Ling Xiaoyun followed behind Xiaolan.

Ling Xiaoyun likes Gu Wu, is a very old-fashioned person, and will follow orders most of the time.

But this time, the order turned out to be to follow Xiaolan to the bar to find Zheng Shaoyang.

However, Ling Xiaoyun doesn’t matter just for protection.

“I remember, didn’t Ye Aotian still have three subordinates? Why, choose me?”

| “The three of them seem to have something to do. They were pushed away. The only person close to them is you, so naturally you will be chosen.”

|”Will Chen Fan see me?”

“Don’t worry, I’m here, he doesn’t dare to do anything good.’

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, then thought about it, and said: “I want to ask you one thing, am I inferior to Lin Qingyue?”

Ling Xiaoyun looked at this poor woman.

More than bad, you are a substitute.

And, forget it, he didn’t bother to think too much about Ye Aotian.

“I can’t give you an answer to this, but if you really need an answer, I think you will know after working hard. If you have been living in the shadow of Lin Qingyue, you may be a substitute for the rest of your life.

After talking about Ling Xiaoyun, he regretted it. He was really bad at talking round and round things.

Xiaolan said, “If I take Zheng Shaoyang, won’t he, he will look at me high?”


“Then will he love me?”

Ling Xiaoyun didn’t want to answer this question, because the answer was obvious.

What Ye Aotian cares about is Lin Qingyue, you, a secretary.

Who cares about you?

Xiaolan sighed and said: ‘I know the answer, you don’t need to answer, I will let him understand my purpose.

What is Xiaolan’s only weapon?

Xiao Lan didn’t know, but she knew she had a weapon, and that was herself.

ps; Please support, thank you all, please read more.


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